Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope
with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul

George Harrison
26/Apr/12 10:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Hope to hear good news from you soon.
26/Apr/12 10:30 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Gail, I'm sending all my best wishes to you for Bill and your brother.
26/Apr/12 10:44 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gail, hugs to you. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
26/Apr/12 10:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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healing thouights and prayers for your dad, your brother and huge hugs for you. I will keep you close in my thoughts today. do keep us informed as you hear more information.
26/Apr/12 11:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Gail, my thoughts are with you and your family! My grandfather had plastic veins or arteries (I don't remember which) put in his legs to improve circulation. He was a lot younger than Bill though. Big hugs to go along with the thoughts!

Heidi and MizT, I hope you are feeling better very soon. MizT, I don't think we're allowed to build right to the property line here, has to be 3 feet away or something like that. Not that anyone pays attention when it comes to sheds...

I'm off to do some shopping. I haven't done any in weeks. We've been pretty much buying things as we need them. A few distractions...

And I have an empty house!!!! Loving it!!!

26/Apr/12 11:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, great topp.
26/Apr/12 11:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, Cyber vibes going to you, Bill and your brother. Hope you all get through this time OK.
Sucky lady has been so floors are clean. Yesterday I got up and washed down some of the high parts of the sunroom (Queensland room to the Aussies). The ceiling needs doing but I cannot reach that high, even on the ladder. I was only using three steps yesterday but only got about half of it done. With all the rain and moisture it was looking a a bit black in places.(It is made of cream colorbond aluminum)
26/Apr/12 11:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail... I'm sending my best SA vibes and mojo to Bill, your brother, and everybody who's worried about them both. Both problems sound scary. ((((( HUGS )))))
26/Apr/12 11:32 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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News from my brother, he is home and will have a follow up with his gp. He is sore but in good spirits. Will give proper info when I am back home.
Now waiting on news for Bill...
26/Apr/12 1:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lions Club meeting at 11 am tomorrow, and Dentist appointment at noon the following day. I would dearly love a few days without having to even start my truck. I want to fool around with the horses for awhile.
26/Apr/12 3:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I hope all are well!

Brenda, thanks for the word strimmer! My guess is that MizT has correctly figured out its derivation.

Tami, so sorry you had to drive Mitchell and his friends to school. At least you had the peace of mind that he arrived safely and wasn't left standing for 30 or more minutes waiting for the replacement bus and driver. It just makes for a longer and rushed school day for you.

Theresa, you're right; it was a quiet night. I hope you slept well.

MizT, is it common for building to be build right on the lot line? I could envision problems developing with your neighbor's new building/shed/storage facility being built right on the line. Luckily, it sounds like there is a working relationship between you and them.

Heidi, in spite of the "achies," you got a lot done today! I like the sound of your new azalea. We're looking for some replacement bushes; sounds like they would go well with the azaleas already planted in the area. I didn't know there were re-blooming azaleas! I wonder if it is hardy to zone 5.

Ouch, MizT, sounds like you were hit with the major "achies" today. I hope your medication helped to calm things down!

Rolanda, I hope the dentist appointment followed by a doctor appointment went well. With a morning like that, hopefully you had something fun planned for the afternoon!

Gail, prayers for your father and brother. What a way to start the day! I hope they are both doing well! {{{HUGS}}}
26/Apr/12 3:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for your TOPP, Tami. I have just been reading about the amount of unrecorded material left by George Harrison! His widow is looking into possibly releasing some and a documentary is being made.

Heidi, good luck with the dentist tomorrow. Enjoy your Lions Club meeting.

Gail, very reassuring to hear that your brother is home. I hope all is well with Bill! More {{HUGS}}

And for everyone here: {{{{{HUGS}}}}} , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers! Good Night!
26/Apr/12 3:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Bit late but still sending healing and loving vibes to your family and you Gail. Hope you get home soon.
All good hear, had my long lost cousin over for dinner with cous Maz the other night, haven't seen him for at least 10 years(he only lives about an hour and from here!)
26/Apr/12 4:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Been MIA because one of the girls at work quit with no notice so been getting plenty of hours.
MizT and Heidi, hope you are feeling better.
26/Apr/12 4:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Lovely child free day today. I shopped all on my own and was actually able to put my groceries in the trunk!! (There was no stroller in there). I wandered around, drank coffee and ate cheesecake - all by myself! It was soooo nice for a change.

Oops, boot, sometimes I forget I came home.
26/Apr/12 5:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Congrats on the extra hours Broni.

So far so good with your brother Gail. I hope the news continues as well.

Heidi, I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to start the car. But I also have days where I would give anything to be able to get out!

26/Apr/12 6:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up really early with a massive thunder boomer. The dogs are having a freak-out. There is no way that they'll let me sleep, much less sit up in bed and read. I just checked the radar and it's intense, but shouldn't last over 2 hours.
26/Apr/12 7:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Someone posted a photo on fb and it reminded me of something I bought today - hair colour! I'm gonna wash that grey right out of my hair...
26/Apr/12 8:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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An hour into the storm, are you surviving Heidi, or have the dogs crushed you?
26/Apr/12 8:36 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, I have thought of coloring my hair to color the grey but I am not sure I want to start. I don't like the grey, but I don't like having to bother too much with my hair either.

Broni, sorry that someone quit, but I hope like the extra hours.

Heidi, I am lucky, Harley does not seem to be scared of storms. I can only imagine what it would be like to sleep with all those dogs on you. I have heard of a 3 dog night, but a 15 dog night
26/Apr/12 8:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good evening all
Gail - glad today is over for you, always a worry when family is in hospital - even though it's often the best place at the time.
Rolanda - sorry those little memories crept up on you today
Broni - don't work too hard, OK!!
to everyone because I've forgotten what else I had to say.
Oh yes - June - in Queensland it's a sunroom. Never heard it called a Queensland room - how quaint!
26/Apr/12 9:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oops, Avatar change now that Anzac Day is over.
26/Apr/12 9:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bill's procedure went well, and he was sleeping when I rang but the nurse said all was fine. Will ring him in the morning. I yearn for a boring day...
26/Apr/12 10:36 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thought for the day:

Never leave the location of a decision without doing something that starts action on that decision.

Procrastination be gone...
Just like moi.. been one of thbose days..
Catch you all tomorrow.

26/Apr/12 10:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, I am feeling like a new woman this morning after a good night's sleep. Medication "caught up with me" while watching TV last night, put me right to sleep. I woke once for more meds and a trip to the necessary room, finished off the night pain free. YEAH!

TAMI, thanks for the coffee, it was yummy this morning.

Broni, happy that you are getting enough hours, but getting more than you can easily handle is never fun. Hope things even out soon for you.

Suzy, heidi, it seems it is all relative, how much is too much "at home" time or away time. I have to much at home time, would really like to be out and about, until it is time to get ready to leave. Being out and about alone tires me terribly sometimes. I fear i will become unable to drive myself home, so I must monitor myself closely and get home fore I am over tired. kind of puts a damper on an outting. Was not a problem if I was with someone who cold drive. It does not take a lot of energy to ride home hehehe. Another of the things that moving to episcopal Place will solve, I can take the communities short bus on outings, and leave the driving to them. Save my driving for places the bus does not go.

My sister is the proud owner of a new Toyota Fit. She and hubby drove about 3 hours north to the dealer to buy it, as it was one of only 2 in the state that was for sale. There is still a shortage of autos coming in from Japan, this long after the tsunami. Sister is short, has difficulty finding an auto that 'fits' her, one she can easily see the road all around her.

Her hubby asked why she did not offer to sell me her old car, as I am looking for something newer than what I have. Her Kia would not fit me! Too low to the ground, too difficult to get into and out of. I am wanting a newer but not new minivan. the seat of those is just the correct height, easiest of any auto I have tried for me to enter and exit.

Friend Terry was scheduled to come over last night to accompany me to look at a minivan he had found. It is within my price range, is a 2006 model, so newer than mine, and it has 4 doors. That means a door to back seat on drivers side, something older minivans were lacking. This will be very handy for me. If I need my rolling walker, I can get it in and out without having to go around the vehicle to do so. Same for putting in a few bags of groceries, open the driver side back door, put them in, take one step, open the driver's door. I am glad auto manufacturers went back to 4 doors.

OK, enough for now, I need to make a list of ffuts I want to at least think about doing today hehehe. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Apr/12 10:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, mum drove a minivan for the same reason - so much easier on her when driving! The little cars left her in pain if she was in them for more than a few minutes...

Hers didn't have the drivers side door though. That would have been amazing!

26/Apr/12 11:19 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning .............
27/Apr/12 1:00 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I am soooooo cold. We are supposed to have a high of 9C today, but I don't think we are near that. A high of 2C tomorrow. We ARE going backwards! Below freezing temps overnight.
27/Apr/12 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear that Theresa. It feels like summer is back today. Sleeveless top and sandals today.
27/Apr/12 3:33 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We had lovely weather for part of March and now we're having March weather. At least one of us is enjoying better weather, Heidi.
27/Apr/12 4:01 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!

Brenda, the episode I saw was about a mum and her two sons. We only see older episodes here. I think they use them to fill spaces when they don't have anything else. We also get "Escape to the country" filmed around 2008.

Gotta run! I know that I have work to get to and the storeman and I have 492 whiteboard marker wallets to make up today. I don't know how I can contain the excitement I feel. The things we do to make a dollar!
27/Apr/12 7:03 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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That was the episode I remember seeing, then found the newer one. We too get old episodes of programmes repeated regularly.
27/Apr/12 8:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Had a good day at school. We had strange weather this week. Dropped into the high 50's earlier this week and was able to open the windows. Had highs in the 70's. Back up to the 80's today which is a little more normal.
27/Apr/12 10:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends, think I shall turn in early tonight. BIL Roger ccame for a visit today. he had to be in birmingham for doctor appointment, that is over half way, he usually tries to come down for a visit. Picked up cabinet he had bought at garage sale, and took the patio umbrella he had brought to use day of the sale. We cooked hamburgers, made a yummy lunch. Kitty girl was glad to see him today, came inside and spent the morning in his lap.

I had my first correspondence with Episcopal Place today, they have requested one more bit of information. Once I can get that to them, they will tell me where I will be on the list. YEA, I might get to move someday! Now I just need to find where I can find market value of my mobile home, haven't a clue. Perhaps I can ask them what/where I can find that bit of information, what exactly they need.

Glad today was good for you at school today, Tami, one more day this week. any plans for the weekend?

hugs to each of you, with extras.
27/Apr/12 1:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick pop-in to say hello! It has been a LONG day, and we have several more in a row, so off to bed for a 6 a.m. wake-up time.

Thinking of everyone, but no time to comment. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you and any family members and friends who would also benefit. Good Night! (And don't worry about me if I don't make it here for a few days.)
27/Apr/12 3:33 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks.
Beautiful autumn day in down town Melbourne.. after all the rain and bitter cold of a few days ago it is a refreshing change.. no sleeves today..

Today it is, or would have been, my mothers birthday. Means mine is very good... not so good because my goal was to be divorced by my birthday.. just isn't going to happen. At least the papers will be in and maybe I will have a court date. It is time. Well and truly.

Have just been down to Knead for lunch... gotta support the family business.. It is good to introduce new clients to the business. had a lentil pie [made by Lachie] and salad followed by a pear and pistachio cake made by my nephew.. SO delicious.. I'm as full as a goog! -up-and-sip-for-free-at-hawthorn-cafe/
27/Apr/12 3:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hmm..doesn't make sense.. doubt I will ever remember to proof read.. was trying to say ..."Means mine [birthday] is very close... "
27/Apr/12 4:00 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Woo Hoo! the weekend has arrived. I hope you all enjoy it.
27/Apr/12 5:42 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well.
Glad to hear Gail's brother and Bill are ok. :)
Currently looking after daughter's dog, and will be for the foreseeable future. Daughter starts work in Melbourne on Monday, and she'll be staying with us until her Qld house is sold and a new one bought. I think I'm too old for this ...
27/Apr/12 6:02 PM
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