Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Is Alie playing Audrey or one of the Greek chorus?
20/Jun/12 11:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Brenda pushed me!!!
20/Jun/12 11:18 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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A few pages back Nola (I think) mentioned she had seen a programme on Vincent motor cycles which used to be made in Stevenage. Where I live is just a few hundred yards from the site where they were made. Currently there are some industrial units there but just recently they have closed down. Stevenage isn't too bad a town really, it is spoiled by some of the people living here. At one staged it was classed as the teenage pregnancy capital of England. There are still a lot of teenage mothers around but not as many as there used to be.
20/Jun/12 11:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't know of any Costco in Kentucky, and have never been to one. Kentucky tends to be a century behind the rest of the world. There are still barefoot hillbillies here!!! (Shades of Li'L Abner's Dogpatch!)
20/Jun/12 11:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Sorry Heidi, I wasn't looking at numbers.
Not sure if Suzy is still around. Alie is playing Chiffon.
20/Jun/12 11:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK. One of the Greek Chorus. They have some fabulous songs.
20/Jun/12 11:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna have to watch that movie again. I LOVE it.
20/Jun/12 11:28 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hannah was in the chorus when her school put on the production when she was in her first year high school. She never went in another performance even though she sort of wanted to, I think the teenage shyness overtook her.
It is a great musical to do for a school performance :)
20/Jun/12 11:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I FINALLY got the lion drawings done. They're not great art, but at least they look like lions. Both are poster size. A friend needs them to illustrate Androcles and The Lion for her Sunday School class. I felt that I owed her a favor since I unintentionally hurt her feelings not long ago, and have felt bad since. At our last Lions Club meeting she asked me if I could draw lions, and when I answered yes, she asked me if I could do this favor for her. She needs them this Sunday. I'm fairly good at illustrations, but I'll never be a great artist. These drawings are too big to scan to add to my page. Sorry.
21/Jun/12 3:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was going to move the hay by myself today, but Robert begged me to let him do it. He really needs the money. Of course, it takes him much longer to do it than it takes me, because I use the hay hauler and he won't. The hay hauler hates him. EVERY time he tries to use it, a wheel falls off. It has NEVER acted up for me. So he moves 2 rolls at a time. I can move 7 or 8 at a time, and sometimes as many as 10 at a time. But by letting him do it, I can do things like finish the drawings, and clean out the bird cages.
Oh, yeah.... IH just left for the plant and will be gone about 28 hours. He'll be leaving again Friday morning and returning either Saturday night or Sunday. I'm going to have a peaceful time.
21/Jun/12 3:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just to keep the page alive....

My favorite horsey neighbors are trying to sell their place and their horses, and retire to Florida. Their small farm (17 acres) has been on the market for 3 months without a nibble. They finally have someone interested, and they're flying in from New York this weekend to see the place. The problem is, they want more than 17 acres. The neighbors have asked me if I would consider selling them a 10 acre field adjoining their place. I told them that my first choice would be to keep my acres, but if that's the only way that they can sell their place (which is a real showplace... fabulous house and a wonderful horse barn), I would do so. That's my least productive hay field and is composed of fescue grass only. I believe I can produce enough hay without it. The neighbors have signed an option on a place in Florida, and if their farm doesn't sell soon, their option is going to expire and the place they want will go back on the market.
21/Jun/12 6:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, where in Florida are your friends looking???
21/Jun/12 7:00 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Yes, Julie will pop in when I can.
Only one more sleep till I pick up my brother and no where near ready, oh well, it is what it is.
Heidi, take a photo of the lion drawings please.
Off to work catch you all later.
Love and Hugs to you all.
21/Jun/12 7:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, today has been most unproductive, unless you count napping as productive. it produced snores hehehe

Just a bit ago, I moved just so, getting up from a sitting position, and something in low back went ker-thud! It was a good move, the back pain is gone for now, yeah!

HEIDI, perhaps you should wait to meet the interested buyers, see how much you would want them as neighbors. It would be no fun having neighbors that close that you did not like, and knowing without your acres in the deal they would not be your neighbors.

Glad you got the lion drawings done, hope they are just what your friend needs. A nice thing to do for her.

Costco or Sam's Club has never been attractive to me. I think we bought a microwave there once, many years ago. No longer have a card, I certainly do not need to buy in bulk. Normal portions last me far too long, since there is only one of me.

I had the best breakfast today. French toast made with thick sliced bread, and three berry medley (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries), bought frozen from Aldis. Sliced smoked ham, yummy. For lunch I found this frozen one serving size mystery meat in freezer. I thawed it, lovely BBQ and smoke aroma. It was a huge boneless chicken breast that neighbor had sent when they grilled out a few weeks ago, and had got 'lost' in my freezer. I steamed some broccoli, made mashed potatoes, instant kind. It was a lovely meal. OH, there was one slice of the cheese cake in freezer, so strawberry cheese cake for desert. I think I will have just a bowl of soup for dinner, still not hungry after that huge lunch. I have more chicken for tomorrow, too, could not eat that big a piece today.

Hugs to ecah of you, with extras. till later.

21/Jun/12 8:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Another interesting day. Mitchell is now the proud owner of a fractured finger. He fractured his right index finger playing basketball with his brother. Luckily in is not a bad fracture. They referred us to an ortho but not sure if I am going to go too quickly.
21/Jun/12 8:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... I told the neighbors that I wanted to meet the buyers and discuss it with them. They were only to say that I am open to the idea, but haven't made a firm decision. I don't really want to sell any of my land. If I do, it would only be to get good neighbors in.
21/Jun/12 9:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BOYS!!!! Those two are as bad as I am. How many broken bones so far this year between the two of them?
21/Jun/12 9:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Broni.... they aren't great art. I'd rather not post pictures of them...... well..... I might let my Mac snap a couple and I'll post 'em for maybe 12 hours, then erase them.
21/Jun/12 9:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK. They're up for 12 hours. Maybe less. They aren't very good but at least you can tell that they're lions.
21/Jun/12 9:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Maybe I'll take them down in an hour or 2. They're not very good.
21/Jun/12 9:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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They are good, Heidi, you've done a wonderful job, I'm sure your friend will be delighted - and leave them up for everyone here to get the chance to see them!
21/Jun/12 9:47 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Three broken bones this year. Dylan broke his hand, Mitchell his finger and hubby broke a finger.

Heidi, love the pictures of the lions. I think you did a great job. If you get them back, I would frame them and hang them up.
21/Jun/12 9:53 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Love the pictures, Heidi. You are a very talented person!!! Please leave the pictures up.
21/Jun/12 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not getting them back. They're a gift to that friend. Thanks for the kind words.
21/Jun/12 11:18 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, All! I'm just going to read and comment quickly. Yet another early morning coming up.

Suzy, so sorry you lost a long post! It's not like you have a lot of time on your hands these days to try to reproduce it! Thank goodness the acting head teacher helped provide some supplementary worksheets for the classes. I'm so sorry Alie continues to be under the weather. Do they have understudies in case a cast member is unable to perform? I've heard of school whose policy is that if you're too sick for school, you're too sick for ANY extracurricular activity that day. The policy was even extended when a child was out of school for a family member's funeral.

Gail, hooray for you and your 'assistant!' You must be very proud of all of the progress you have made! (But we miss you!)

Bean, I hope Lachie is enjoying the school+work experience! You're so right about shift work taking a toll! Hang in there, Lachie!

June, I hope Ken soon feels better!

Suzy, I hope Alie feels better tomorrow! Did she get badly injured when she fell down the stairs? (I'm hoping that was after the show, not during the performance!) Sending positive thoughts her way!

There are Costco and Sam's in our area, but we don't belong to either because we're empty nesters most of the time. D#1 has BJ's and Costco in the area where she lives.

Tami, I hope you are enjoying your summer! Have you and the Beasties done much packing for your Mom and Dad?

I'm afraid to admit that I have never seen the entire movie of Little Shop of Horrors. I'm feeling like I should do that now! I suspect Alie is enjoying the experience tremendously! Gail, I bet Hannah did too! It's too bad she let teenage shyness overcome her. I'm sure she would have enjoyed being in other plays or musicals!

Heidi, you are an amazing friend! First you let Robert help with the hay hauling since he needs the money, even though you could have done it more efficiently. Then, you consider selling part of your farm to help a neighbor be able to sell their farm so they can buy a house in Florida. BTW, here's an idea for letting us see your lion drawings. Could you take a digital photo of the drawing rather than scanning it, then post?

Heidi, it's my understanding from some friends that there are some amazingly low price for some Florida properties.

Broni, have fun with your brother, even if you didn't get everything done that you had planned! (Unfortunately, I know the feeling; D and SIL arrived this afternoon, and I was far from finished getting ready.

Tami, I'm glad to hear that Mitchell's broken finger isn't too serious. Hopefully, it also isn't too painful!

I hope you didn't take the lion pictures down yet, Heidi! I'll go look as soon as I post this.
21/Jun/12 3:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, the drawings are wonderful! I'm so glad you shared them!

And now, it's off to bed for me! Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for each of you!
21/Jun/12 3:56 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Winter solstice..
Wet, cold and blustery. Not a good day to have to go into the city. Too cold and wet for me to try to get to the station [10' walk].. I was being a big WUSS!! BF came and picked me up and gave me a lift and so i didn't get very wet. Diana met me in there and we had a coffee [& chocolate hit me] after the hearing. We've hardly caught up since she moved back to Geelong so we had lots of news to catch up on. Then back home on the train to have my wonderful friend whisk me home to her place for coffee. So spoilt.

I think I have the most wonderful friends in the world. I love them all so much. Just like all my friends here in my computer
I am so lucky.

Will have to come back and read this page later.. hunting and gathering expedition..
21/Jun/12 5:19 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Did not sleep well last night ... the humidity was just awful even with the AC on.

I am at D's place so the girls can sleep while she goes to work. It's just after 5:30 AM and her hubby should be here in about an hour. She has two kittens, probably about 10 weeks old, and they are keeping me amused. They have had fun chasing my shoe laces. Their names are Edward (grey tabby) and Bella (slate grey with white on the tips of all four feet). D is a fan of the Twilight series, hence the names. It is so much fun having kittens around. They were rescued from a tree top and the mother was nowhere to be found.

Today is supposed to be even hotter than yesterday, so another day of hibernation for me. I do have to run to the store when they open, before the heat sets in, but otherwise I will pretty much stay in the one air conditioned room.
21/Jun/12 7:36 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bean, it was a miserable day here too. Did a bit of shopping at Aldi and not much else. Still fighting with recliner chairs. Mine this time. I was eating my nice lamb shank and the phone rang. As I got up the footrest came up and knocked over the glass table with my dinner. The dinner landed upside down on the rug. Everything had been vaccuumed today so I did rescue a fair amount of my dinner!
21/Jun/12 11:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hectic day here...

The last show is over! The extra finale song they did was brilliant! They did a whole bunch of thank yous at the end (I refused to go up for doing what all of the parents should have done, but still got my massive block of chocolate!) and then an extra finale song. My favourite bit at the end was when they did all the thank yous, well almost all, then said okay folks that's all... when they still had to do the person who worked the hardest! She cried they made such a fuss over her!! After the joke was over that is. I got a told by a bunch of people how wonderful Alie's singing was.

I thought I had posted earlier, but there is nothing there... wonder if I can recall my thoughts.... nope. It's too late, and I'm too tired. Nowhere near as late as Julie manages, but I'm not half the woman she is!

Love you all, catch you all either tomorrow or over the weekend...
21/Jun/12 11:11 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, pleased everything went well with the show and that your work on the flowers was acknowledged. You really saved them a lot of money by showing them how to make the flowers. I also agree a lot more parents could help out. We had exactly the same problems at our kids schools where a few parents would be involved in helping when it was needed. Though a lot of parents would complain if things went wrong.
22/Jun/12 12:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

The little boy I watch over the summer just came over today. He has gotten so big. We are going to the bookstore in a few minutes and will go bowling later. Don't know if this works all over but there is a site called kids get 2 free games of bowling every day for the summer. I registered my two, this boy and a neighbor who comes with us a lot. I also bought the family pass for $25 which gives up to 4 adults 2 free games every day with the kids. All I have to pay is for shoe rental for all but I have my own shoes.
22/Jun/12 12:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I hope that Alie can rest now that the shows are over. I am glad they all went well.

Bean, it is nice to have good friends that care. I have several near me but I sometimes feel my best friends live in my pooter. I seem to talk to them more, and more honestly.
22/Jun/12 12:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Brenda and Suzy, same thing here. A few parents get involved and the rest complain. I try to help when I can. I was the 'tie mommy' for Dylan for 3 years. The recorder ensemble uniform was navy pants/skirt, white button-front shirt and the red tie. I got to button collars and cuffs and clip the right size tie on. The music director loved me as if she had to leave the room, I could stay. All I would do is put on my school ID and I was covered. I will actually miss all the little kids.
22/Jun/12 12:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, the kids bowl free is a great idea for the summer for your boys. hope they enjoy it. How goes the move for your parents? You have not said much about it the last few days.

BEAN, what wonderful friends, taking you to and meeting your train, plus the cups of coffee. did I miss something about the reason for your trip into the city?

SUZY, know you are proud of Alli and the good job she did, even with a sore throat. Yeah for the chocolate given to you, even if you did not go up and accept it.

JUNE, you have had some not fun experiences with the recliner! I hope you get that thing tamed fore any other mishaps!

Theresa, the 2 new kittens sound like a lot of fun. Hope you survive the day and the heat. It is warming up here, but humidity is still low, so it is not as bad as it could be.

joy has a new kitten. A friend text her yesterday, he had found a kittne on th roadside, and it was injured. he took it to vet, who said the poor thing was perhaps a month old, and it apeared someone had tossed it from an auto! Had a wound on it's head, a flap of skin pulled loose, he clipped that away, now I am wondering if there will be a bald place on her head? I must text Joy and find out how the night went. something had upset the little tummy, last I heard Joy was off to Petsmart to buy a feeding bottle. Kitten was eating but not drinking, and with the tummy problem we were afraid it would dehydrate.

Hugsd to each of you, with extras, till later.
22/Jun/12 1:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor kitten. How can people be so cruel? I often think that all people should be treated the way they treat their animals.
22/Jun/12 2:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Kitten update: Joy said she had a good night, had found her litter box, and was taking liquids from her bottle and 'loving it'. When we spoke, kitten had enjoyed a meal, was curled up on Joy's thigh, sound asleep, while Joy was working at puter. not spoiled already, no way!!
22/Jun/12 3:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After what the kitten went through, it deserves to be spoiled. Joy has such a big, loving heart. Kitten has turned lucky.
22/Jun/12 3:18 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have had a lovely sleep on the sofa in front of the heater. Today has exhausted me. Have just finished the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and now off to bed. Dr's appointment in the morning.

Tricia today was 'D' day..
Decree nisi becomes absolute after one month. It is still possible to rescind before that date. The magistrate had a sense of humour and commented how much easier his job was when it was a joint application and when the applicants weren't looking daggers at each other from opposite sides of the court room. Personally I think that would have made a boring job more interesting. Hope settlement is as un-complicated..

Tami know what you mean about the friends in one's pooter

I want to make some comments appropriate to my thoughts when I read your comments..too tired..
22/Jun/12 3:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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18000 ???
22/Jun/12 3:45 AM
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