Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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waiting for someone to turn the page? No inspiring quotes today, sorry.

BEAN, I am glad your friends were with you, this was a really big day. Hugs sweetie.

22/Jun/12 4:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi. We went bowling and had fun. The boy I watch for the summer is much better behaved this year than he was last year. When we came home I made smoothies. Strawberry, banana, blueberry for the boys and strawberry blueberry for me. I HATE!!! bananas. The boys laughed as I had to actually touch one to peel and cut it up. YUCK!!!!!
22/Jun/12 5:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What's wrong with bananas? I love 'em. (They do say that you are what you eat.)
22/Jun/12 5:53 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We just had the most spectacular sunrise. Sunset last night was pretty good as well. Ken is umpiring softball games for Belinda's school today. he is still not well so I hope he does not overdo it. I will go and buy her a birthday present (Monday)
Suzy, so pleased the concert was such a success. It is amazing the talent and professionalism to be found in school concerts.
22/Jun/12 7:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, nothing is wrong with bananas, I just can't stand them. I don't even like to be near them. They smell gross.
22/Jun/12 7:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ok... When you visit I won't serve fried bananas, banana splits, or Bananas Foster.
22/Jun/12 8:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Or Kentucky's favorite dessert: Banana pudding.
22/Jun/12 9:00 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I'll take her share, Heidi.
22/Jun/12 9:05 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Tami - my daughter joins you in loathing bananas. She almost needs a peg on her nose to peel them. I love them and they contain so many nutrients!
Suzy - I'm glad the musical went well and that people complimented Alie on her singing voice (as they should, IMHO).
June - dropping your dinner onto the floor, how exasperating for you. Glad you managed to recover some of it.
Gail and Rolanda - hope your few days together are fun-filled. Have a great time.
Lordy, I've forgotten everything else. Can't wake up properly this morning, had one of those nights where I had ridiculous dreams for what seemed like hours.
22/Jun/12 9:20 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, I usually won't even touch them(bananas). I will buy them for hubby, if he asks me to. As for peeling them, I haven't done that since Dylan was little. I made sure he knew how to peel them as early as possible.
22/Jun/12 11:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, Everyone!

Bean, you must be exhausted after the trip into the city and back! What wonderful friends you have to help you and share coffee with you!

Theresa, I hope the temperature and humidity were more bearable today! How nice of your D to rescue the kittens! They sound adorable!

June, not another attack by recliner! I hope you didn't receive any injuries and am SO glad that most of your dinner was rescued!

Suzy, how wonderful that the performances were so well received and that those who helped in a special way were recognized! It may be true that more of the parents SHOULD have helped, but the reality is that YOU DID! I imagine it took a while to 'come down' from the performance 'high' that goes with such an endeavor. I hope she feels better soon!

I was just thinking about the recognition all of the volunteers - and realized how many times all of the wonderful regulars who visit SA have stepped up to do more than their share to help a child's endeavors to be special and memory-making! Many thanks to all of you!

Tami, that sounds like a wonderful program! You certainly go out of your way to make special fun for your beasties and others in your care!

Tricia, I hope Joy's new little kitten is doing well! Thank goodness for people like Joy who will step in and do the right thing for a poor defenseless kitten! Has she named the kitten yet?

I agree with Heidi! People should be treated the way they treat their animals.

Bean, I think you were probably physically and mentally exhausted from your day! I hope everything proceeds smoothly for you starting now!

Tami, I'm so glad the boy you watch is better behaved this year! That should make the summer go by smoothly and allow all of you to have fun!

June, did you get any pictures of the sunrise? I also hope Ken doesn't overdo while he umpires the softball games! Happy Birthday to Belinda on Monday!

Cyn, I hope you have peaceful dreams and sleep well tonight!
22/Jun/12 2:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Woo Hoo! It's just 10 minutes after 11. I may get to bed relatively early tonight!

Please feel free to share these {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}} , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers with anyone who could use them!
22/Jun/12 2:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I put the sunset/sunrise photos on my page.
Had a spend up tonight. I did have some vouchers I had been given put in my bag to buy a small TV. It would have been nice if I still had them. Anyway a big Electronics shop is closing down with some good discounts so we bought the TV and also a new printer/scanner/copier for me. My big A3 printer has not worked for some years (since Hubby used the wrong ink). I am connected to the two printers Ken has and the other small one I have but Ken's copy one is always burried under a lot of paper and is on a top shelf so I have to get the small ladder to read the buttons.
It does mean that I will have to spend some time clearing all the cr#p off my desk. That is a good thing!
22/Jun/12 6:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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A big hello to you all from Chez Cockatoo, from Gail and Rolanda :)))
22/Jun/12 6:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Couldn't decide what to do for dinner, so we are doing a gail!
22/Jun/12 6:36 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Best sort of dinner Gail, hope you enjoy yourselves.
22/Jun/12 8:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail and Rolanda, I am sure you will have a great weekend together. Enjoy your gathering on Sunday. I wish I could be there with you all. Pleased Rolanda saw our spectacular sunrise/sets.
22/Jun/12 9:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm ashamed! I look at Julie's posts at such late hours... Tami's after a day with the monsters... Heidi's after moving 90 plus hay bails... and I'm wondering why I am unable to come up with a coherent expression of all the thoughts I had while reading your posts! Yes, I'm tired, but for crying out loud, so are most people!!

Big hugs, warm thoughts, and a good night's sleep to everyone!! <3
22/Jun/12 9:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... there's nothing to be ashamed about. We each have our strengths. I rarely can come up with any coherent comments about everyone's children and grandchildren, grown or otherwise, because I have problems relating. I can follow the posts, but I cannot share stories, being childless. So I rarely respond to such posts, even though I wish I were able to be in their places.
22/Jun/12 9:50 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, Suzy, Suzy ... you have a very busy life as well ... chauffeur, babysitter, chauffeur, mother, chauffeur, wife, chauffeur, teacher and on and on. I sometimes wish I had half your energy, young lady.

Not as hot today. Still very warm, but the humidity is not as bad (at least not yet). I enjoyed my cup of coffee outside this morning, watching the chipmunks and squirrels and birds and moles. I hope to actually get something done today, no matter how small. One of the things on my list is to have a nap because I only slept about 4 hours last night. Hubby will be BBQing his own supper tonight, so at least I don't have to cook much. Ahhhhhhh.
22/Jun/12 10:00 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I am tired today. Was up late last night watching basketball with my boys. It was game 5 and the Heat were leading the series 3-1. They are now the NBA champions and I will have to bring my boys down to earth today. We are all excited but you would have thought that they played in the game themselves.
22/Jun/12 10:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you tell us stories about IH and your animals. You do have something to share also. If you don't have a comment on the posts, then don't comment. Just come in and visit with us. We enjoy the company, just leave the banana pudding in Kentucky
22/Jun/12 10:05 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks. Chuckling here .. TT & Heidi..
I don't have a problem with you not wanting the banana pudding.. all the more for me! Visiting Heidi for Kentucky banana pudding is on my bucket list.. you've been warned Heidi!

I really admire the number of people here that are able comment meaningfully on others posts. It is beyond me at the moment. It seems that all I can manage to read, smile, laugh & cry at your comments and then post a few words on where i am at. I feel selfish at times for that but I do care.

It took me so long to clean up my mess in the kitchen last night and get to bed that I was still awake when Lachie got home from work. Had a long talk about his future plans. I will be so glad when he has finished these crazy hours and gets some of his life back.. his comments: it's character building!!

Haven't seen him today. It was exhausted when I got home from chemist after the doctor. He has started me on a new medication that will hopefully help with the insullin resistance. Metabolic syndrome sucks. Fingers crossed that this will make a difference. Need to go back in a week for some fasting bloods. I was surprised when he weighed me.. 5 kgs less than I expected.
Will be interesting to compare in the morning on my scales.

Despite collapsing with exhaustion and sleeping nearly all afternoon I am ready for bed again.
22/Jun/12 11:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BEAN, this is the time to take are of yourself. Be extra gentle. sleep those extra naps if you can. do not worry about being unable to comment on posts, you come read, get what you can from the posts, and let us know how you are doing. It is not easy, but you will make it through, and be stronger on the other side. Hugs friend, we care.
23/Jun/12 12:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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If I can't share with you guys, who can I share with??? Tough week this week. So wanted to talk to Mum about how proud I was of Alie and send her a copy of her photo in the local paper. Was managing to deflect by thinking of other people to send the extra copy to when today I had to show a video to a class about salinity in the Murray. The video talked about work to fight salinity and the effects on farming in the Wakool shire (among other things and places) and, on top of the musical, it was all I could do to not lose it in class. I've made up for it tonight.

Many of you know exactly how I'm feeling, and I know that, which is why I finally decided to share with you how sad I am tonight.
23/Jun/12 12:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) Suzy. I think we all have shoulders that are good for crying on. You do need to cry. It's part of the grieving process.
23/Jun/12 12:44 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy,I know how you feel. I keep going over just what we were doing this time last year. It is making me quite teary at times.
I do not respond to all the posts like Julie and I do not think it is expected. I respond to ones I have something to add or to people I have not commented to for some time. Just so they do not think they are being ignored by me.
Most times I just like to know you are all still here and what everyone is doing.
Came out to get a drink. Time I went back to bed!
23/Jun/12 12:55 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, my mom passed away in 1999 and there are still times I wish I could talk to her or just get a hug from her. The pain does lessen, but there are times we need our moms, no matter what age we are. It's more than okay to cry!!!

I like reading all your stories and all about your lives and what you are doing. It gives me inspiration. My life is kind of dull, but that's the way I like it. I've had some pretty stressful jobs, and the last one I had was the worst, so I'm enjoying just taking it easy. I want to get back into volunteer work at some point, but not just yet. Right now laziness suits me.
23/Jun/12 1:04 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, I also lost my Mum in 1999 (March). I also have times when I would like to be able to tell her things. I often wish she was still around to enjoy her great grand children but pleased she was not here last year when she would have lost both a grand daughter and her first great grand child.
23/Jun/12 1:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My grandmother passed in 1980 and my mom has said there are still times she would like to call her. I don't think you ever get over losing your mom.
23/Jun/12 3:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today the hot weather the weather forecasters had been talking about for a week caught up to us here in the rural areas. It is hot and hotter! I tried to cut some grass. what with a problem with lawn mower, and the heat, I only got half the front mowed, and the front is a lot smaller than the back. something is off with the transmission of mower, it does not want to pull up slight inclines, places it has been cutting for 5 years!
23/Jun/12 5:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Away to lunch, no not a gail, just to get my casserole from microwave. Chicken, beans corn and salsa that was cooked in crock pot last week, then frozen. I will add some sour cream after it is heated, yummy.
23/Jun/12 5:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Why are there ants on my computer desk??
23/Jun/12 6:45 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends,
Should be out on the boat but silly brother missed his flight. We are heading off this morning.
Love and Hugs.
23/Jun/12 7:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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No one about, so I will post to keep the site from being broken.

Just had a lovely dinner. Hamburger steak, creamed potatoes, broccoli and squash casserole. Desert will be mixed berries with strawberry delight, made with jello, yogurt, and whipped topping. I made that today, cause it was too hot to make anything that needed cooked. Iced tea to drink, and it all was yummy.
23/Jun/12 10:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just stopping in to say goodnight. I was up late last night watching basketball and I had a bunch of errands to run today. Mitchell cost me a fortune. Took him for his annual eye exam and he ended up with new glasses.
23/Jun/12 10:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is gone for 2 days!!! I am feeling really relaxed right now. No stress.
23/Jun/12 11:59 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friendly People! I will read and comment quickly. It's nearing 12:30 a.m., and we need to be up by 6 a.m. I'm not sure if I mentioned that D#2 and SIL arrived Wednesday night. The latest information from their movers is that their furniture will arrive next Wednesday. They have been making lists, doing errands, arranging for utilities to be connected, etc. Paint was purchased today for an accent wall or 2 in the dining area and in the bedroom of their apartment. Tomorrow hubby and I will accompany them to help with pre-move-in check of the condition of the apartment and painting, and possibly some thinking about furniture arrangement. D#1 and the grandies arrive Sunday. If I go AWOL for the next week, please understand that there's a good reason. (I didn't even have time to practice the cello today, and probably won't have time tomorrow.)

June, the sunset and sunrise pictures are fabulous! Enjoy the new TV, and especially the printer. It sounds like it will make things easier for you!

Hooray, Rolanda has arrived at Gail's and they're doing a Gail for dinner! Have fun, you two!

Suzy, you have NOTHING to be ashamed of! If I were still teaching, I would be exhausted by the time I got home. Then you had 3 nights of Alie's play on top of that, and a baby in your house! On top of that, you've just lost your Mum and haven't had the time to grieve. It seems to me that you have pulled a lot together, but need to give yourself some time to find out what the new normal will be.

What helps me is that I try to comment as I read. Plus, at the top of this post, I mentioned that I'm essentially going to be AWOL all week - or will possibly be able to pop in but for just a few minutes. And I've only been keeping up this week because I haven't been doing the cleaning and organizing that I SHOULD have been doing to get ready for house guests.

Theresa, hooray for a less hot and humid day! Hooray for the chance to share your cup of coffee with the wildlife in your back yard! Hooray for your hubby grilling dinner so you had less to prepare!

Tami, did you and the boys have any bets going for the NBA championship? It's a good thing you were all finished with school for the year if it was a late night.

Bean, we are glad that you are able to come here to read and occasionally post to let us know how you are doing! With what you have been going through, both physically and mentally, I think it's amazing that you can read, smile, laugh and cry at our comments! Remember that we are here for each other whenever one of us needs a shoulder, a {{HUG}}, a verbal boost or a helping hand! I hope the new medication helps! If that can get under control, you'll undoubtedly feel better! I'm glad to know that you were still tired when you went to bed! I hope that means you had a nice refreshing sleep! {{{HUGS}}}

Suzy, thank you for sharing with us how you have been feeling this week! It's OK for you to miss your Mum and wish she could have been there to see Al
23/Jun/12 3:25 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Roladay day tomorrow!
I'm picking up the 'red-headed' one and taking him down for lunch. Hope the weather is good and flying isn't off. Lachie missed out last week because of poor weather. Won't be good if he misses out again!!
23/Jun/12 3:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bean...check your mobile!
23/Jun/12 6:33 PM
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