Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Know that what you give out will always come back to you at some time and in some way.
29/Jun/12 9:11 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I seem to come here lately when it is time to turn the page!
Out to a friends for morning tea then with other friends to a plant nursery for lunch.
29/Jun/12 9:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have a real knack for TOPPs, June. I like this one a LOT.
29/Jun/12 9:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Great TOPP June.

I am home. My D and her hubby were 20 minutes late. I am exhausted. I told the parents about the grandies behaviour. They had a talk with them while I was there and they had to apologize to me. I don't know what if anything else will happen, but I did tell them it would be a long time before I took them out for supper again.

There's a reason older women don't have kids! I am off to do all my evening chores and then hope to crash before 10:00.

Heidi, what time does the party start????
29/Jun/12 9:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Theresa - don't worry, we have been out with our grandies and have occasionally had behavior problems with the younger ones - not always. What we do is separate them so that each is sitting with an adult and they are told no dessert if they behave badly.
We are all going out next Friday night for Col's birthday, hopefully they will behave. Chloe, at 6, is the worst but she drags Emily in as well.
I am babysitting Em all next week - her vacation care place is closing for the week because they didn't get sufficient numbers to stay open. Lucky for Andrew I was willing to take her. I wonder if other parents were so lucky.
29/Jun/12 9:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn and Theresa, my mom said the same thing about the beastie boys. They would tire her out also. She would complain but I think that secretly she loved having them.
29/Jun/12 10:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Tricia my body [hips in particular] are screaming out in protest and I am like you..on the verge of tears .. pain and frustration. Have not long got back from the doctors. Dropped in at Knead for a coffee and Mel [nephews wife] asked if I was alright..said I looked like I was in pain. Didn't realise it was written all over my face.. I'm so close to asking the doctor for patches again.. don't like the side effects.. being 'drugged' and less on the ball. Such a trade off..

I'm glad now that hadn't booked accom. and flight for Sydney next week.. will make a decision next week depending on how mobile I am.. the biggest problem is the preparations to enable me to get away. Lachie will be happy if I don't go..he will get more sleep if the dogs aren't pining..

Tricia pain is such a relative thing. I discovered I had a high pain threshold when I had a laparoscopy with a bit of gas and not much else. I have always suffered EXTREME breast discomfort monthly and the squishing is preferable to that. The compression builds up slowly and I let them know when it is becoming unbearable. If I get a new radiographer they are always amazed.. apparently I hold the pain tolerance record guaged by how much the breasts can be compressed.. they always comment that they have never compressed a breast so fully. Consequently they get VERY good pictures. Necessary when there is a predisposition..

I also believe if you expect something to be painful it will be. Fear is the biggest instigator of pain + me and dentists.. Even the most minor discomfort will be unbearable if that is what you are expecting. Working with pain management and control has its uses at time with the self talk..
29/Jun/12 12:53 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm giggling here..just read Heidi's plans for after dark.. BF had a field of pumpkins growing next door when I went to visit a long, long time ago. I nearly wet my pants stiffling the giggles as I liberated a couple to return to Melbourne..

We've had no rin for two days and now it has started again.. I think the last remaining towel on the line can have another rinse.. Don't like wet dog smell so had best shut the back door.. it has been so much cleaner here without muddy paw prints everywhere
29/Jun/12 1:06 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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outter here.. mud.. yuk
29/Jun/12 1:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to liberate a few corn stalks from the neighbor's corn field now. I'm taking the smallest ones (knee high) that aren't growing well. Most are over my head.
29/Jun/12 1:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BEAN, I am so sorry you are hurting so bad and having the frustration and tears. those hips can be most painful. Even when we have a handle on our pain, understand it, think we have it under control, sometimes it just accumulates, builds up on itself, and gets the best of us. I do hope you have something that helps in your bag of tricks, and this flare is short lived.

Do you know what causes your hip pain? they tell me mine is bursitis, and I have exercises that help, stretch the (insert long name of a muscle band here). If I can get up and do them once the pain starts, it will help. usual routine is first take pain meds, then rub hips with Voltaren, when that starts to work, can do the exercises. Do you have a topical anti inflammatory like Voltaren available there? Everyone in my family that has tried it and i can count 10 of us off top of my head, calls it magic! Using for fibro related pain is off label use, but small amounts rubbed over the one tiny spot where pain originates works within 15 minutes, it will at least reduce the pain.
diclofenac sodium topical gel 1%
I keep one tube bedside, one chair side, and one in my purse!

I am not surprised your nephew's wife and read the pain in your face. Pain often shows, if anyone is paying attention. My sister can tell when I am hurting, often before I am aware of it, sometimes across a parking lot. she said I pull my shoulders up around my ears when my shoulders or back are hurting. she can also tell the moment that pain meds take effect, said she can see it go away in my face. Seems we have some observant relatives who can read us early on.

I did fibro research studies, was told that for a person with fibromyalgia, I had the highest pain tolerance they had seen. NOT as high as a 'normal', but off the chart for a person with fibro. the psychologist running the study said I had great coping mechanisms, he wished I could come teach his patients how I did it. The years I had no meds for fibro other than Tylenol, were good for learning how to cope.

I do a lot of the biofeedback stuff, relaxation and visualization, but never learned how to send the pain away, which is often suggested. Instead, I leave the pain with my body and I go elsewhere, if that makes sense. My favorite safe place is floating on a white fluffy cloud, over a sunny tropical beach, with a warm breeze, sipping a pineapple mango smoothie. BTW, I look fab in my bikini while floating hehehe, it's my visualization, can look how I want, so there.

I ignore pain so much it sometimes gets me in trouble, in that the pain sneaks up on me and I do not take the meds till I am hurting very badly. We know it is easier to keep pain away than it is to get rid of it once full blown.

Feel better soon BEAN, and come cry on my shoulder anytime, We all need someone who cares.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
29/Jun/12 1:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean.... you have my sympathy. I wish I could do more for you. Pain is not fun.

Speaking of fun.... the lovebirds are having a great time with their corn stalks. The ones I 'liberated' were waist high with tiny ears on them that had suffered a tiny bit of raccoon damage. They would not have survived until harvest.
29/Jun/12 2:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all those who are in pain or have been in pain or under the weather in the last few days! MizT, Brenda, Bean, Theresa, Nola and Heidi come to mind. My apologies if I have forgotten to mention anyone! Do you think the extremes of temperatures are culprits?

Theresa, what a shame your grandies were not well behaved! It makes for an unpleasant experience for everyone!

Tami, I hope your last day of the workshop was as good as the first two!

June, you have provided another wonderful TOPP for page 456! You are becoming the queen of TOPPS!

Heidi, your dogs and birds must be delighted with their treats!

I'm about to turn into a pumpkin. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and in abundance for everyone!
29/Jun/12 3:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ally :)
29/Jun/12 5:16 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday Alie, hope you had a great day
29/Jun/12 5:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Alie. Hope you had a wonderful day. Sweet 16, if I remember correctly.
29/Jun/12 9:47 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks everybody for the TLC and comforting words.
Tricia bursitis was the precurser to the degradation of the hip joint. At that stage the hip joint and cartilage cover was normal. Very deficient now with reduced space in the ball & socket joint so that there is a 'bit' of friction that is causing the pain at the moment. Haven't researched it but I presume that the synovial fluid must be more viscous in cold weather because that is when it causes the most discomfort. Hoping if I can avoid a hip transplant for long enough there will be other options available to me to lubricate the joint.. Make the joint articulate more freely.
Hope I don't have to cry on your shoulder too often
29/Jun/12 10:11 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Bean {{{HUGS}}}

In fact {{{HUGS}}} all around.

My arthritis seems to be worse in hot humid weather or wet weather than it is in the winter. I have arthritis in the low back/tailbone, both hips, right shoulder and both pinkie fingers. Right now the right shoulder is achey and I'm having spasms, so I have to use both hands to drink my coffee. Hmmmm, I wonder how coffee tastes through a straw. It is not near as bad (yet) as the pain Bean and MizT have, with a few exceptions. The doctor did say that at some point 'down the road' I will be looking at a hip replacement. Ah, golden years here I come .....

I slept a full 8 hours last night, so I feel much better. I already told hubby I'm not cooking tonight, but I'm not sure where we'll go. It is going to be hot today and the AC in the car is STILL not working, so we won't be spending a long time in the car.

Happy Birthday Alie!!!!!
29/Jun/12 10:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cyn, the girls have acted out before in public, but not like yesterday. I took them to a store one time and the oldest had a temper tantrum. I told them it would be a long time before I took them back to that store. That was about a year ago and I haven't taken them since. They asked yesterday if they could go and I said, 'No way'.
29/Jun/12 10:49 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, I'm thinking you must be pretty darn tired by now!!!! Take care of yourself. Hope your lesson went well yesterday. How's your pinkie?
29/Jun/12 11:00 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tricia this article sums up my R hip accurately: -.htm

Have been researching treatment options..not many changes since I last looked but these exercises are good.
29/Jun/12 11:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Those hip pains sound horrendous. I've had a few bouts of bursitis in the left hip, and what others here are suffering sounds much worse. I wouldn't trade my back problems for those hip problems any day. At least my pain is effectively controllable.
30/Jun/12 12:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I didn't get up early today, so won't be fooling with the horses. It's already 90 F and is supposed to reach 105 F (41 C ) in an hour or so. I stepped out to get the mail and I had sweat pouring into my eyes within a minute.
30/Jun/12 1:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's supposed to get up around 90 for us today (32C), so I am planning to stay in the house. The feels like temp will be higher than that. Watch me wilting, wilting, wilting .......
30/Jun/12 1:32 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to take the boys to the pool in a few minutes. I have #3 with me today. We ran a few errands and then went out for lunch to an all-you-can-eat pizza place. Not the best pizza but the kids are happy. We were playing 20 questions in the car and I stumped them twice. The first time the answer was 'a snail' then second time 'aloe plant' I have several aloe plants on my front porch and even pulled a leaf last night for a burn. Minor burn, some almost boiling water splashed on me.
30/Jun/12 3:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It is currently 99 F here, with a heat index of 101 F. Too hot. This weather is setting records in Kentucky.
30/Jun/12 4:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And we're now in the triple digits. I think I'll take a nap.
30/Jun/12 4:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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We went to the pool but that did not cool us off. The pool was like bath water.
30/Jun/12 5:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I decided that I didn't want to heat up the kitchen by cooking dinner, so I ordered take-out pizza. I'm on my way to pick it up now.
Temperature outside: 105 F!!!!
30/Jun/12 7:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I agree. It is too hot to cook. It is hotter by you than it is by me. I picked up fried chicken when I did my grocery shopping tonight. I just don't want to cook.
30/Jun/12 9:40 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The washing machine and dishwasher are both washing away so I think I can justify being at the computer before I start doing some cooking.
I think we had a frost this morning but I did not venture out to check! A nice sunny day now and I think they predict about 18*c. Nice for a winters day.
Sorry to hear about all those suffering such severe pain. My sympathy goes out to you.
I am also pleased I am not having those extremes of hot weather. I do not like the heat.
30/Jun/12 10:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I... ATE... TOO... MUCH... PIZZA!
30/Jun/12 11:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Holy guacamole Heidi, that is hot!
30/Jun/12 11:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I am at my sister's house. The heat drove me away from home. My AC just could not cope with out high temps and bright sunshine today, inside temps were bad yesterday afternoon by 3:30, today they were already bad at 1:30 when I left. Sis said I could come stay with her. Her hubby is home from Ga, no building cause of the 105 temps there, and this is north west Ga, in the mountains, where it is usually much cooler than we are.

I need a new AC window unit for my bedroom. The air it is putting out is not cold enough. I can get a new AC found one I want, but I cannot install it. The store wants %59.99 to deliver it plus $20 to install it, almost half again as much as the AC unit! I could easily get it home, they would load it into back of the minivan, but I cannot install it. So here I am at sisters, enjoying her AC and watching birds again.

I did one good deed for her, pay for my keep hehe. she had mentioned she needed to get to Aldi's again for fresh fruit and a few other things. It is a long trip for her, she usually goes when she goes into town for her water exercise classes. I stopped and bought more strawberries, cherries, pears, bananas, and other assorted items. She was pleased.

They have gone to bed, I am glad they cannot hear the computer from thier bedroom. Computer is downstaire, so is my bedroom. I am waiting up till I can take my last pain pill of the day, and not disturbing them a bit being here, glad it works that way.

Heidi, the official high for town nearest me was 103F today. That is 39.444C Temp on sisters outside thermometer was only 98.6 for a high here.

JUNE, I do not like the heat either. sister does not keep her house as cool as I wopuld like, but it is cooler than it would be late afternoons at home. It is always cooler here downstaire than up where we spent the day. Her hubby was on the computer most of the day, so I did not have a good excuse for comming down till he went to bed.

Speaking of heat index, the only good thing about this heat wave here is the humidity is low. It was so low, and with a breeze, that yesterday the 'feels like' temp was over one degree cooler than the actual temp. I had never seen that before in summer. I know I can go outside with out sweat running down my face. Humidity so low, the sweat evaporates fore I know I have sweated. Only way I can tell is my skin is salty.

OK, enough for tonight, I will check in again tomorrow night if not before. Hugs to each of you with extras. OH, I will probably be here at my sister's till Monday late afternoon, getting home just before dark. Temps should start down after Monday.
30/Jun/12 2:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It seems like today was a quiet day on site.

Happy Birthday, Alie! I hope you've had a great day!

It's been mostly too darn hot in much of the U.S. and Canada! Sending cool, dry thoughts to those who can appreciate them. Our temperature crept up past 100* F yesterday, but 'cooler' today - mid 90's I think.

My cello lesson went well yesterday. I told my summer teacher right away about my relative lack of practice and my sore pinky. It was better yesterday and essentially not a problem today. We worked on tone production and sight reading duets.

Heidi and Tami, great idea to avoid heating up the kitchen! We did the same, but had left-overs in the fridge to heat in the microwave. (My MIL called left-overs 'must-goes.'

June, your temperatures sound much more pleasant!

Tami, the pool sounded like a good idea, but warm water doesn't work to cool you off!

Theresa, I hope your arthritis didn't act up too much in today's heat! I hope you didn't completely wilt away!

Bean, some of the exercises for hips are similar to the exercises I did before and after knee replacements.

So sorry that I can't respond to everyone today. It's almost 1:00 a.m., and I really need to get to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for everyone!
30/Jun/12 4:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I hope you enjoy the cooler temperatures and your sister's and BIL's company at their house!
30/Jun/12 4:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If you think THAT is hot, IH said that it hit 108 F / 42.2 C at his plant today!!! Will someone PLEASE send us a cold front????
30/Jun/12 4:33 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello ... ? YES, I'm back! Hi everyone, so great to be here! (Yes, I told hubby I had a problem and minutes later all is fixed :D )
Bean, so sorry to hear that you are in pain again - hugs to you, and to everyone else who needs them.
Feel very sorry for everyone feeling the heat - have to admit that we're a little chilly here!
Well D2 and her hubby are permenantly back in Melbourne, and will start looking for a place to live - I kinda like having the family all in one state again. :)
30/Jun/12 6:18 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yay! Judy's back :)))
30/Jun/12 7:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Power's out, has been for about an hour, and they keep bumping the expected return of service. Originally they said 7.30 (it's currently 7pm), but now that has changed to 8.30, so date night is looking dicey!
30/Jun/12 7:04 PM
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