Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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I don't have any smilies, but here's another avatar telling you Congratulations, Broni!
06/Jul/12 2:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Guess who wasn't watching the numbers?

‎' can accomplish anything and everything. Love can cure diseases. Love can heal wounded hearts and transform human minds. Through love one can overcome all obstacles. Love can help us renounce all physical, mental and intellectual tensions and thereby bring peace and happiness.' - Amma
06/Jul/12 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Broni, is there anyone who can help you unload the boat? If not, please take your time and rest when you need to, especially if you have the weekend! You can do it, and if you have help, you can do it more easily!

It seems that we have a couple of Queens of Avatars, so I guess I don't need to worry! Tricia, pizza is definitely a good party food for the celebration! Tami, brownies will be the perfect dessert! I'm afraid I'm too late to contribute, other than good cheer!

Suzy, so sorry you have once again become a taxi service! I'm glad Tahli enjoys a good jibber-jabber, but letting you know she's unhappy about something at full lung strength isn't much fun! Maybe you can teach her to whisper her dissatisfaction.

June, I hope you're feeling better! Enjoy your time with Laura. We'll miss you when you can't find computer time!

Cyn, hopefully having Emily is fun for both of you! Good luck getting computer time. We'll understand if you can't get here often!

Oh, dear! Cyn, did I miss Col's birthday? Happy Birthday, Col! I hope you had a great day and a yummy dessert to celebrate!

Heidi, you got some really great corn stalks for your birds! Sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, though your neighbor(s) would most likely have been more than happy to share a couple of corn stalks with your birds! I hope you're feeling much better and were able to eat and take your pain meds! Heidi, I got thinking, do you have a TENS unit? Do you think it would be of help to you?

Oh, Tami (and Mitchell and Dylan)! How close is the Krispy Kreme donut place to your house?

Tricia, have you asked you doctor if he can prescribe more than 100 in a month? Maybe no one has ever asked him, and he could adjust it to a month's supply? It can't hurt to ask him.

I hope Tricia and Heidi got rain. It seems that when rain is predicted here, the heat dissipates the storm before any droplets can hit the ground. We're starting to get desperate for water here.
06/Jul/12 3:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Getting ready to hit the hay here (just after midnight).

Sending {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes for everyone!
06/Jul/12 3:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Greetings friends.
06/Jul/12 5:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Julie, there is a Krispy Kreme about 1 mile to the west of my house. The new Krispy Kreme is about 5 miles to the east. I will drive past the new one every day on the way to work.

Wishing everyone a good and pain free day.
06/Jul/12 10:12 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gotta run. Taking my boys, and 2 others, to a water park. Another mom is following with her two kids and a third mom is going to meet us there. Should be a fun day.
06/Jul/12 10:13 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yard sale has been changed to next weekend, not tomorrow. I just asked D about it ... wonder when they were going to tell me .......
07/Jul/12 1:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got off the phone with the young friend/ daughter of my friend who is going to have a baby in September. She just got back from a check-up and found out that the baby will be a girl. She's delighted, but also very scared that she won't be a good mother. I tried to tell her that no first time mothers know what they're doing, and the only important thing to remember is to make sure that the child grows up knowing that she is loved unconditionally. I also promised her that I would come and see her and the baby right after she is born. They live in North Carolina, and that's a do-able drive.
07/Jul/12 3:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, she is lucky to have a friend like you. September will be nice weather for driving too.

38C here is what the humidex says. I am staying inside today (again). Sigh.
07/Jul/12 4:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just looked at the weather forecast, and it looks wonderful. It's supposed to rain heavily starting on Sunday, and that front is supposed to bring in lower temperatures... highs of mid to low 80's for the whole week!!!!! I'll probably ride or drive every day.
07/Jul/12 5:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Right now we have the same temperature that you do, Theresa. I'm staying inside as much as possible, too.
07/Jul/12 5:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Our forecast calls for cooling down after the weekend, but only for a few days. Then by mid-week next week it's temps back in the 30's. I'll take the few days respite and hopefully it will rejuvenate me a bit ... enough to face the next onslaught.
07/Jul/12 5:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, so happy for your young friend on having a little girl. I think your visit will help make the Mom more comfortable. Best wishes to the young family.

TAMI, sounds like you will have a big day at the water park, that is a lot of children to over see, but then you are accustomed to a class full of children at a time. I hope all of them have a great, safe time.

THERESA, glad the yard sale has been postponed. I agree, daughter could have told you sooner. Hopefully it will go smoothly next weekend.

JULIE, I could ask for more than 100 pills, but usually it is not a problem, cause my appointment with doc when I get a new prescription are more than 30 days apart. I still have meds, I almost never take 4 a day. I just disliked making another trip to get this filled, cause the DEA keeps tabs on what doctors prescribe for their patients. I will just make sure my appointments are more than 30 days apart in the future. Reminds me, I should find the little card I got yesterday and mark it on my calendar.

HI BEAN, nice to see you drop in once again.

We did not get much rain last night, I do not think the moisture made it to the soil, stopped on the grass, yep, that little. More rain forecast for late afternoon, early evening, but again, very hit and miss. I can dream of a hit here, can't I?

I did sleep better last night after the injection to hip. I really need to phone doc office, doc said I need to be taking calcium and vitamin D, my bone scan is good, but approaching the caution area. I already take vitamine D, but no calcium supplement. he did not say what kind or how much.

This afternoon, I am going to grill some chicken and some fish on the Foreman Grill, that should answer 'what's for dinner' for the next 4 days. I can always find vegetables to go with, if I have the entree ready.

Off to finish chores, I have clothes hanging to dry, need to use the sucky thing and empty my suitcase one more time.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.

07/Jul/12 5:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She hasn't told her mother about the baby yet, and I don't think she should tell her until after the baby is born. I've known her mother for 31 years, and I know she wouldn't take it well. She'd be screaming at her daughter and would make her feel terrible. With her hormones going nuts, she doesn't need that.
07/Jul/12 6:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I'm home, and really tired. The kids all behaved well. We had 3 moms and 8 kids. There were 5 boys and 3 girls. One mom has a boy 14 and a girl 9. The other mom brought 2 of her daughters, 15 and 13. Her 6 yr old was with her dad. Mitchell and another boy both kinda like the 15 year old and Dylan likes the 13 yr old. It will be interesting the next time mom and I get together.
07/Jul/12 7:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nap time, Tami?
07/Jul/12 7:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Definitely nap time!!! Hubby is playing softball tonight and taking both boys with him. I am going to have a nice, relaxing evening. I will post a few pictures on my page later.
07/Jul/12 7:52 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning to you all

Hope this makes you topsiders feel a little cooler...this morning, about half hour ago, I heard Beth leave for work. I could hear a strange noise coming from her car, then I realised she had her windscreen wipers on trying to scrape off the ice!


We are actually having a short string of fine days meaning no warming clouds at night so it is frosty the snowman out there. Knowing today was going to be nice (a term used for when it is sunny and not raining!) hubby and I bought 14 roses that we are going to put into the rose circle that got messed up when we were attached to mains sewerage. All the roses we had in there originally we resurrected from the garden when we moved here. They were stunted and planted poorly in the clay ground, so we lifted them and had them along the back verandah of the house, then we moved them to the rose garden, but they are all on their last legs, poor things. So hopefully by October, they will have grown enough to look like they are meant to be there!
07/Jul/12 8:42 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Yes Julie I do have some help, Teresa is coming over today to give me a hand and another friend is helping me move the really heavy stuff, my house will have at least three of everything now, my stuff, my cousins stuff and the stuff from the boat.
Cannot wait to see the rose garden after all your efforts Gail.
Gotta run.
Catch you all later.
Love and Hugs.
07/Jul/12 9:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sadie will be coming home tomorrow morning. I think I'll use Buddy to pony her over.... I can't lead her like I did last time because the cows are in that field that I'd walk through, and I don't know how'd they react to me leading a horse through the herd.
07/Jul/12 9:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I just uploaded a picture to my page of all the kids we took to the waterpark today. This was just before we left so the kids were tired when I took the picture.
07/Jul/12 10:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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somehow I forgot my empty stomach tummy pill this morning. I have not done that but once before, and I am paying the price now. It is good to know how well that medicine is working, but a hard way to find out. I did take it almost 4 hours after eating lunch, and have just now passed the one hour after. dinner tonight is late. Tummy is a lot better, but still complaining. Bet I do not forget it tomorrow!!

Heidi, can you explain 'pony her over' please? I am imagining you riding Buddy and leading Sadi, how close to correct is that??

Temp outdxoors has dropped considerably. I even have front door, but not the storm door, open to watch the sunset. Cannot open that door when it is extreme temps, as the storm door leaks a lot of air. heck, everything leaks around here.

Off to drink my coffee and eat my dinner. Grilled chicken with an orange curry sauce, but not to hot, just mild for flavor. More hugs in case you have not got your quota today. later, friends.
07/Jul/12 10:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy can't be ridden, just driven, but you are 100% correct, MizT. That means leading her with another horse.
07/Jul/12 10:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, I did as you requested and labelled the picture. Sorry I did not do that in the first place.
07/Jul/12 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed in a few minutes. I can't sleep until noon tomorrow.
07/Jul/12 1:06 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!! Sorry I haven't been here in a LONG time! Most of you know I am on FB a lot. Hope whoever needs it has healing vibes, love & hugs to spare!! If not, please consider mine added!!!
I think about you all lots, even tho I am not here.
We FINALLY had some rain in Utah yesterday. We have been in a serious drought since May. First rain since about March. Not enough snow for the resevoirs (sp.??) this year. Have my a/c off for now. Had it on for the last 2 weeks.
Will TRY to catch up with everyone. Know you are all loved & thought of often.
TTT: Thanks for keeping me posted on everything!!
Take care all. TTFN
07/Jul/12 1:24 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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BTW, please pray for my friend Danielle. She does my nails & told me she thought she was pregnant a couple of weeks ago ( when she did my fill on my nails). She told me today, she thinks she had a miscarriage. Danielle has a 4 year old daughter (Olivia) and has had a lot of health issues. Please pray for her, she is a sweetheart.
ALSO: Please pray for my cousin Manny. He is in a care facility & having issues with breathing & swelling in his legs. Thanks, I know the prayers from you folks carry some weight. Lots of love always!!!!!
07/Jul/12 1:30 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all and Col says thanks for the birthday wishes.
He's been so busy at work. We organised for the family to have dinner last night at a local restaurant - we were all there waiting, eating garlic bread for nearly an hour before he got there. Even though his co-workers knew he had a family birthday party, they scooted off home early and left him to do the final load.
Moral of the story: If you have a strong work ethic, you'll be taken advantage of, always!
However, I'd prefer for him to be that way than a lazy waste of space and oxygen!
07/Jul/12 4:06 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

We are supposed to go to the zoo today. They are having a special, $5 admission instead of $16. All three boys are in a mood so we will see. Gotta go try to get them moving. See you later.
07/Jul/12 10:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Busy day. Laura had a birthday party this afternoon. Her best friend from school. During the party she had a breakdown and was crying because 'she missed her Mum'. She had all the other mothers in tears and they gave her hugs. They were the Mothers that Sharon made friends with when Laura started school. I was at home doing some baking. Laura finds it hard when she see all her friends with their Mums with them.
Tomorrow e are taking Laura up to stay with Belinda for a few days. She will have a great time with the animals.
Laura spent some time today looking at Heidi's page and the photos of her animals and birds.
08/Jul/12 12:04 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belated birthday wishes to Col. I hope you enjoyed the dinner when he finally got their Cynthia.
Nice to see you Suzanne. I only look at FB about once a week so I do not really keep up with the news there.
You seem to be finding lots to keep the boys amused Tami. Sounds like lots of fun.
MizT. We do not want you in more pain than necessary so care taking the meds on time.
Sorry you did not get to Sydney Bean. However this weekend is a busy one for me so next time we will have to organise something better.
Ken has gone to bed and the heater is turned off so better have a quick look at the puzzles and go back before I get cold.
08/Jul/12 12:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Laura. She has me tearing up, too.

I'm off to try to catch Buddy before it gets too hot. I hope that cold front arrives soon.
08/Jul/12 12:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy said that it was too hot. I ended up just leading her back home.The cow herd didn't bother us because they refused to leave the cool shade of the woods. Now it'll take me an hour to cool off.
08/Jul/12 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One good thing about leading Sadie home is that I got a rather strenuous mile walk, up and down hills. I hope I lost a little weight.
08/Jul/12 1:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I had a bit of problem getting on here last night, but working fine today.

It is cooler here today. Rain showers close by again, but dry as dust here again.

HEIDI, that is a long hot walk for you. Too hot for Buddy but you still do it? You are something, girl. Glad you got Sadie home, hope all goes well.

Poor Laura, I know it is hard for her to see her friends with their mothers. Hope she does enjoy the time at the farm with Belinda.

I was up early for my tummy meds, told ya I would not forget them today . I took pain meds and spent the morning in my recliner, alternating watching TV with eyes open and eyes closed hehehe. I made a good breakfast burrito, made enough filing to have another tomorrow also. Just cannot get the hang of cooking for one sometimes.

TAMI, hope the boys cooperate and get ready for the zoo. How is your weather? It is cloudy cooler here today, did I say that already? Thank you for labeling the photos, I thought Dylan was the one in the shirt, good guess on that one, but Mitchell I could not decide. The boys have really grown from your cover picture.

I am off to the shower, hope i can get Joy to come down today. she has not been down in a couple months. she told her sister that it is hard to visit here. I know she said she had a hard time the day she came to feed the cat when I was not here. The no one here got to her I think. Hope she an over come that, I miss her.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

CynB, hope the birthday dinner ws good even if you had to wait for Col. More time to visit with family.

Suzanne, glad you dropped in. I do not see you on facebook. I do not get there daily either, and i miss a lot. I will remember your friends, so sorry to hear such sad news.

08/Jul/12 2:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, the cover photo on my page was taken in July 2007 when we went to Colorado.
08/Jul/12 4:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Had a great time at the zoo. Will post pictures and more details later.
08/Jul/12 4:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hugs to Laura.

I got my hair chopped really short this morning ... never in my life have I had it this short. It had been halfway down my back and I just couldn't take it any more. It is so much cooler this way. We were on our way to get groceries this morning and I told hubby to pull over at the hair cutting place where you don't need an appointment. My hair was really healthy and there's not much grey ... the lady cutting my hair said it hurt her to do it. BUT I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!!
08/Jul/12 4:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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YEAH THERESA, so glad you are happy with your hair cut. with the hot weather you have had, a short do will be so much easier for you. glad you like it.

TAMI, happy to hear the zoo trip was a sucess. I was not sure how interesting young teen boys would be with the zoo.

We had a mist of rain. I saw it on the radar and went to see if it was true hehehe, it had not made a sound, that gentle of a rain. It did not last long, bummer. My house has been really cool today, I have heard both AC units cycling on and off, that has been a rarity these last 2 weeks, they ran full steam 24/7 to keep up. Good thing I have budget billing and at the moment power co has a nice chunk of my change in reserve for these hot months.

Joy is supposed to come down today, but she slept late, then has to work some, and has plans later with boyfriend. I hope she can work me in today. My computer needs some updating and she was to do that for me. she has not been down in 2 months, except to come chcek on and feed cat first time I went to take care of my sister.

I should go out to the dome today and take some notes for advertising some items that did not sell at the yard sale. It has been too hot to go out there, today is much better. I might try selling some of this individually, or in groups as a group of khaki pants for one price. the pants will sell I am sure, they are part of uniform dress code for a couple of companies, khaki pants and blue shirts for Wal mart, with red shirts for one of the electronic stores. I have about 8 pair in very good condition. he almost never wore them. Same thing with work jeans and dress jeans, need to chek sizes, and how many of each I have.

Time to get busy, today is almost got away from me.

Hugs again, till later.

08/Jul/12 5:21 AM
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