Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks.
Heidi what an extraordinary escape.. that poor little bird deserves to live but agree that the chance of survival is slim after a shock like that. Our last rescue bird succumbed to shock.

Was in a total mess this morning when the pain woke me. Don't know why it was particularly bad this morning but when I found that my hips seemed totally fused and I couldn't walk I made a couple of phone calls and cancelled Sydney and surgery this week. Have rescheduled Sydney for January. The other can wait.

Glad your foot is improving Rola.
Tricia..healing hugs fcoming your way..
Suzy is there any other way to live other than braindead? Well done buskettes!!

Time to hit the shops now that I'm mobile again .. the larder is bare..
03/Jul/12 2:51 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie you are amazing.. so busy and yet you keep track of us all..makes it easier for MHW's like me.. [muddle headed wombat] I would love to see you play. Good luck tomorrow.

Gail..just wondering how his nibs coped with his onerous schedule..

03/Jul/12 3:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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After dozing off and on in my recliner, I have decided it is bedtime. My TENS unit came in handy with the knee, gave me some pain free minuets while using it. Glad I thought of it tonight.

Heidi, good to hear the little bird is doing better than expected. Do let us know what happens, please?

Julie, hope you can get some much needed rest tonight. May blood work all be perfectly normal tomorrow.

ROLANDA, glad to hear the foot is better today. Hope it is all well soon.

Gail, mighty industrious of you, painting when home all alone, well almost. hope you get a lot done today.

Victoria, I also dislike that cold that seems to seep in under the curtains. any hope for warmer temps as the day progresses??

My flowers survived their drought, but were looking wilted when I got home, a couple of them would not have lasted much longer. They sighed with relief and perked right up. Cat was a different story. she is usually not very vocal, but she was screaming at me fore i got to the door. ' How dare you do this to me again, I want OUT. Besides, you did not leave enough food, and I almost starved' hehehe. This entire evening it has been in and out, in and out, just because she can. spoiled kitty.

Bed is calling me, let me get snuggled in and asleep while knee is behaving itself. hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.

03/Jul/12 4:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Huuum, seems I missed this page of posts. Replies will have to wait till tomorrow, but i will say HI BEAN!!
03/Jul/12 4:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My tooth was getting more sore so I called the dentist to have a look. He said I appear to have an abscess so he has done the first part of a root canal therapy. Not sure now if it feels better or worse. Still a bit numb. It was a tooth with a porcelain cap which had cost a fortune a few years ago.
I rang Viv earlier and we had a chat. She seems to be doing well and has now started theraputic exercises.
03/Jul/12 6:37 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Heidi, glad the bird seems to be doing ok. That is a lucky bird to have you as its new caregiver.

Don't remember most of what I have read. Wishing all my wonderful friends a pain-free day/night. See you all later.
03/Jul/12 10:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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RIP Andy Griffith
04/Jul/12 12:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Baby bird has survived the night. It's looking alert and chipper. I think it's over the shock. I'm going to prepare some softened food for it (I have plenty for my finches) and try to hand feed it.
04/Jul/12 1:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Rolanda and MizT, hope your injuries are better!!!

Good luck, Heidi!
04/Jul/12 1:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A good night's sleep did wonders, I am sore, but not bad. feeling better than I expected. I used the TENS unit on knee, must have helped it a lot.

I miss seeing the birds this morning. Sister and I enjoyed just sitting and watching her feeders. Her hubby filled all of them, there are 4 or 5 with black sunflower seeds, and about 4 hummer feeders. they all stay busy. We enjoyed seeing one daddy cardinal feeding his baby, the baby larger than he was. Bird could fly, but could not feed itself yet. they both perched on a feeder, dad would crack open a seed and deposit in the ever open mouth. Edna said she had seen a male cardinal feeding two young at a time before, but from that hatching, must have only one that survived. the female was probably on the nest with another clutch of eggs already. I learned a lot about wild birds watching with my sister.

Heidi, glad to know the baby bird made it through the night. I hope it will eat for you today.

TAMI, thanks for the coffee, I needed that this morning. I slept till 10 am, would have slept longer but daughter #2 phoned and woke me then. guess I needed the sleep, it did seem to help the ouchies from the fall. MUCH better this morning.

JUNE, sorry to hear you have an abscess. those are never fun. Are you taking antibiotics? Hope they can get the remainder of treatment done in a timely fashion.

I need to get breakfast, since it is almost lunch time! Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.

04/Jul/12 2:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Sad news about Andy Griffith. He was a good actor.
04/Jul/12 2:46 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi All,
June..I hope by now you are feeling better. An abscess can be very painful. is always nice to get back home. Not good though that you had a fall.Loved the bird story,and hearing that your pot plants survived.

Rolanda..take care of the foot. I hope the pain is better and also the sorting of Mums things goes smoothly.

Hi Broni..Miss You!

Bean..glad that the pain has eased enough for you to go shopping.The cold weather may not help either.

Heidi..good luck to the little bird on surviving so far. Great news on the impending foals too.

Suzy...thats not bad money for a few hours busking.They must have been a real pleasure to listen to.Good on them.

04/Jul/12 5:58 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone. Hope you are all fit and well.
June phoned me yesterday which was lovely and we had a great chat.
I am doing the physio at the hospital but not loving it lol
Never mind it can only get better.
04/Jul/12 7:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You have my sympathy June. I've had over a dozen abscesses like that,and they can hurt so much that you plead with the dentist to end the pain even if it means using a chainsaw.

The baby bird is still alive. I had a hard time feeding it, because it didn't want to cooperate. I had to force feed it a little. I would have liked to get more in it but I didn't want to hurt it.
04/Jul/12 7:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I don't know too many people who would know what to do to help an injured baby bird. I am glad that the bird is doing well.
04/Jul/12 7:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I have done a HEIDI today, sleeping most of the day away. I did that one day up at sister's house too. Not sure what is going on, just hope I can sleep tonight. I TRY to stay awake, but every time i sit to read or watch TV, I find myself waking up hours later, NO memory of going to sleep most times. Miss a lot of endings to programs that way hehehe.

I did not get to town today to buy an AC unit, guess being that sleepy it is a good thing I did not drive. I will phone them tomorrow to see if they are open on the holiday and if they have the unit I want. house got a tad warm today, but was manageable.

Just in from watering my flowers, they were wilted again, they object to this heat. they should perk up after a good watering.

Nothing else going on here to write home about, Hugs to each of you, with extras.
04/Jul/12 9:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Have you gotten enough sleep yet, MizT? When I go through those bouts of near hibernation, it tends to last almost a week. I think the body is trying to use all it's strength to fight a bug and decides to make you sleep through it.

The baby bird didn't make it. At least it had a better chance than it would have had... if the snake or frog hadn't gotten it, the water would have.
04/Jul/12 2:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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G'night all, and
04/Jul/12 2:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Heidi, I'm glad the baby bird is doing better than expected! All went well with the blood tests (as far as I know; no results yet) and dental hygiene appointments. Don't you love that IH denies breaking the lid of the chest freezer. Does he really think you'll believe him? I mean, who ELSE could have done it?

Bean, I don't know how you keep going with all the pain you must deal with! I'm glad you felt better in order to shop for groceries! Of course, I don't know if there is any alternative.

MizT, I can identify with you falling asleep in your recliner. The last couple of days, hubby and I have been exhausted. The nurse who took my blood suggested that it might be the heat. I almost fall asleep when I get in the car when hubby is driving. I didn't practice today because I truly felt that I would fall asleep while practicing. (That is not recommended.) I'm glad your flowers and your cat survived your absence!

June, it's no fun to have an abcess! I hope the preliminary work done today helps you to deal with it better tomorrow!

That little bird is certainly lucky to have been found by you, Heidi! Keeping fingers crossed that it continues to progress!

Wished for a pain-free day for all those who are in pain or have been injured!

RIP, Andy Griffith! He was a large part of many of our childhoods.

Hi, Nola! It's good to see a post from you!

Viv, it's also good to see you here! The therapy may not be fun, but it is certainly worth doing! Remember, you only need to do one day's exercises at a time, then have some recovery time before doing the next day's exercises!

Tricia, I hope you'll be able to purchase a new air conditioner and get it installed tomorrow!

I am definitely turning into a pumpkin and must put myself to bed! Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
04/Jul/12 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm sorry to hear the bird didn't make it. At least it survived the snake and frog attacks!
04/Jul/12 2:51 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands
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I selected just Recipes, and GOT NOTHING !
I don't believe that there are NOT any happy cooks
out there, so where are their favourites ?
04/Jul/12 3:38 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wow.. a new face.. welcome youkidme..
Hope you visit occasionally and get to know us all as we natter away.

04/Jul/12 3:59 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon everybody.
Haven't read yet.. will be back..
I'm making a big pot of chicken chowder.. good for the soul. May even help with all my aches and pains. I'm researching and about to buy a TEN's. Had to cancel my squishy test today because of lack of mobility this morning..
Be back later
04/Jul/12 4:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BEAN, I hope you get as much help from your TENS as I have. It has realy helped me. I just mentioned how it helped with the knee after that fall, I use it on my back most, but have put it on my shoulder also. Good luck in your research.

heidi, sorry to hear the bird did not make it, but you gave it a safe and comfy last day, remember that.

hugs to each of you, I am off to bed here at 1 am. Hope i can sleep after all the naps in the recliner. yes, the heat may be part of it, or some bug, tummy has been a bit off, nothing major, just queasy, maybe some bug.

Hugs, again, till later.
04/Jul/12 4:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello youkidme. People don't post recipes in the chats. There IS a cookbook full of recipes that members submitted that can be found in the Forum.
04/Jul/12 6:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean,,, ANY chicken soup is good for you, even chowder. Don't you know that chicken soup is called Jewish penicillin?
04/Jul/12 6:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bean, have you sent me a no subject email? Just checking before I open anything these days :)
04/Jul/12 10:59 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Heidi, sorry about the baby bird.

Bean, hope you find the TENS unit gives you as much relief as it does Tricia.

Don't remember much else. See you all later.
04/Jul/12 11:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy 4th of July to all my USA friends. Hope it is a great day for everyone.
04/Jul/12 11:04 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi, so sorry about the baby bird!!!

Been feeling blah the last few days and I don't know why. I blame the heat. It's nice right now, but the next few days are supposed to be around 31C ... nothing like the heat they are going through south of us, but still way too hot for me. When it's really humid my arthritis kicks up and I have trouble breathing properly. This heat can only last so long, right?
04/Jul/12 11:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, yes, only so long. It is the so long, not defined, that worries me.
05/Jul/12 12:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, our weather reports are now including reports for American states where storms and temps are bad. They said that within the next few days, some states could see temps of 45C. Please everyone, keep well. Are there places you can go to keep cool if there are power outages and if you don't have a generator?

Happy 4th of July my American buddies!!!
05/Jul/12 12:39 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No Gail..which address was it? one or the Bean one? Haven't used it for a long time.. or the ozemail one.
Heidi I did know that about chicken soup.. :)

June hope you are feeling a bit better by the time you read this. I'm sorry I won't be seeing you this weekend.

I used to use a TEN's unit years ago when I was at work and became a convert. Have been meaning to get one ever since.

Time to get to bed.
G'nite everyone.

05/Jul/12 12:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everybody topside. I'm leaving in an hour and a half to go to a great 4th party. I just hope it doesn't get too hot to play volleyball. IH is looking forward to a party tonight so he can play horseshoes. He doesn't play volleyball anymore, which is kind of a shame. Our funniest moments were when he played. The ball would come over the net.... IH would shout 'I've got it! I've got it!' and as the ball was just about hitable, he'd cover his head with his arms and scream 'I DON'T have it!'
05/Jul/12 2:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Wilting again ... feels-like temp is 35C already. Another BBQ for hubby ... I am not cooking.

Have fun Heidi.
05/Jul/12 2:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I am kind of cranky today (and yesterday, and the day before, and so on). My nephew keeps posting all these sports stories on FB (hockey players being traded, it's that time of the year). I commented on one of his posts why didn't he post a REAL story, and I posted one about a Quebec man who almost killed his toddler (they were both in the car and he was driving) and he was one and a half times over the legal alcohol limit. The little one is in hospital in critical condition.

My nephew said he read that, but he couldn't cut and paste everything, so I said, 'I guess only the sports stories'. He posts about 10 times a day on things that we can see on TV on the sports channel if we so choose. Boy, am I ever nasty today!!!!
05/Jul/12 3:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Heat makes one cranky, Theresa. It's already 35 C here. Feels-like temp is a tad higher.
05/Jul/12 3:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And the crankiness metre goes higher and higher. Just found out hubby is working on Sunday, the day he usually visits his mom and dad. We are having a yard sale on Saturday (with son-in-law) to get rid of a lot of the grandies' stuff (they will be going to their nanny's for the day so they don't see it). That means hubby will have to visit his parents on the Saturday and won't be here to help out. I'M MOVING UP NORTH!!!!! This was all planned for quite some time (the yard sale, not the move up north). Sigh .......
05/Jul/12 3:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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This day just keeps getting better and better. Hubby's sister called to update us on FIL. We think the dementia is starting. This past week alone he could not figure out how to work a ballpoint pen, sat in a chair and tried to get it to move with his feet, did not recognize buildings that had been there a while. SIL is going to call the doctor and get FIL in under some pretext. If he knows it's for his mind, he won't go. We're not sure if he'll go anyway. He is being very stubborn too. He has started throwing his garbage on the floor because 'somebody' will pick it up. Yikes!!! We can't move down there yet until certain things are done (shower downstairs, door upstairs). My SIL is very frazzled!!!! I think hubby will have to cut back on his work hours for a while. What to do, what to do ......
05/Jul/12 4:20 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It is now 38C (100.4F). We had a lovely good soaking rain for about half an hour but if anything it is more humid now.
05/Jul/12 5:50 AM
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