Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Off this morning to catch up on some shopping. Things I missed when I shopped with Laura last week. Fruit and vegies!
Had a nice day yesterday (warm and sunny)and the lunch was lovely. A plate of small bits that the members at that club had brought. The interesting thing was that I bumped into a chap who plays at that club and he was our neighbour in Melbourne when we first got married. They left Melbourne in 1966 and we have kept in touch and I have seen his wife shopping occasionally.
18/Jul/12 9:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When I got back from the funeral home, I crashed. 4 hour nap. It's now too late to go for a drive. Maybe tomorrow morning if I don't sleep all morning again.
18/Jul/12 9:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, obviously your body is telling you you need the rest. Listen to your body.
18/Jul/12 10:07 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Beautiful Sunny Winter Day here in the West, cold start though.. around 2C heading for 17C.

Grocery Shop this morning.
Will be picking up my Sister and heading to Mum's place.. more clearing, sorting, throwing out etc etc etc.. The fun never ends!!!
18/Jul/12 10:51 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Hey Mama..
So Good to see you on these pages

What has been happening in my world since your accident.

As you know Mum (Aged 92 1/2) passed away 23 Feb, the Funeral was on 1st March. I did do a bit of 'moping' :( about for quite a few weeks.. All good now :)
Probate was granted begin June, my siblings and I are busy with the clearing her place, and it is a MAMMOTH task!!!!
I have some health issues, which I am working on getting undercontrol.
I have been to the Eastern States and had a 2 1/2 week holiday, 8th June - 26 June, staying with CynB in Brisbane, Best Friend in Central Coast NSW, Family in Sydney, and Gail in Melbourne. Met up with upteen (plus) Sudoku Friends in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne.
Went for a Flight in a ittle plane piloted by our very own flyboy vdV.
Caught up with my best friend and her family.
Son#2 spent a couple of days with Gail and I, staying overnight at Chez Cockatoo as well.
I had such a Wonderful Time.
The new House is coming along. The walls are built ( I have rooms), the Roof is on, all the Electric Wiring and the Plumbing all in place..
Tomorrow is my baby's (Son#2) 23rd Birthday. His father and I are going to visit with the boy mid September, staying in a hotel in Melb over a weekend (Fri - Mon). And the boy has the Fri and Mon leave approved from work when we are in town :)
18/Jul/12 11:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you Rolanda, never a pleasant task ♥
18/Jul/12 11:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...not here, painting in another room...
18/Jul/12 11:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I'm dealing with a headache again.
18/Jul/12 1:09 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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You go, Gail!
Rest well, Heidi! I hope the headache has cleared when you wake up.
Mama - pleased your little outing went well and didn't tax you too much. The heat over there seems unbearable. In the meantime we are having the coldest wettest winter I can remember. And the sceptics don't believe in Climate Change - give me strength!
Tami - I'm glad you're helping your Mum to pack up. I've lost count of the number of people we've helped move since I've been with Colin. I can get in and see what needs to be done, organise and help - no trouble. Until it came to moving ourselves - then I couldn't do it, couldn't work out where to start. Fortunately Karin came in and organised me!
18/Jul/12 1:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - thinking of you as you continue your sad job sorting through your Mother's things.
We have a bittersweet day tomorrow - it will be 2 years since Aunty Vi passed on - so my sister and I are going out for high tea in her memory - she'd have loved it.
More sad times to come with the 2nd anniversary of Col's Mum's passing in early August and it will be 1 year since we lost my Mum in mid-August.
Not to forget the sad times facing June and family coming up as well.
18/Jul/12 1:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Does anyone else have this trouble? I have a slow cooker - I love the food cooked in it, however I can't stand smelling it cooking all day. As a result, because I have lamb shanks in the cooker for dinner, I am out of her for a few hours - bit of shopping, coffee, cake and read my book. Ciao all!
18/Jul/12 1:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I have a slow cooker, but it is just too big for the mainly three of us who are home for dinner these days. If I am slow cooking, I tend to brown off in a deep frypan which is oven safe, then bung it in the oven on low for a couple or more hours.
18/Jul/12 1:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Warm greeting to All! Getting here later than anticipated. We went on an architectural tour by boat on the Chicago River this evening. It included a box dinner (no hot foods) The outside temperature was 99*F with high humidity, so felt closer to 110*F (43*C). The 'salon' (enclosed first level of the boat) was air conditioned, but we chose to go to the open second deck. It really wasn't too bad because of the movement of the boat, I suppose.

Tami, I'm so pleased for your parents that the sale, purchase and closing went well! Unfortunately, there are now no excuses to postpone the packing. With only a month to go, I think everyone but Harley will need to pitch in. Good luck! I hope they quickly adjust to the condo and find that it makes life easier and more relaxing so they can enjoy the coming years!

Heidi, I hope you can soon fill your gout medication prescription so that you can get some relief! (Hubby now takes it all the time to help ward off attacks.) Please take care of yourself!

Mamacita, you are continuing to make great progress as you readjust to being home and take on more responsibility! Way to go, Mama!

Gail, good for you and Scott as you make progress with the painting and rearranging! I forgot - is the family gathering next month or in October?

Bean, so glad you're making good progress! I hope the gnihsaw got re-dried! The intensive conference on hypnosis sounds interesting!

Heidi, what Gail said. Your body is telling you to slow down. A drive tomorrow sounds great - IF the weather and your body allow the time for it.

Rolanda, thinking of you as you and siblings sort through the accumulation of a life. Stick with it! Your progress each day you work will begin to make it all look do-able. There will be an end to it.

CynB, thinking of you! High tea sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate the life of Aunty Vi! With all of the anniversaries coming up, I hope you can come up with special ways to commemorate each special person!

Soon to head to bed. Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
18/Jul/12 4:44 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Best laid plans... Lachie, as per usual, finished his work in record time..they allow a week to finish the course work and so he informed me his cousin needed him at the bakery more than I needed the house to myself to make as much noise as I like.. LOL No loud music to work by..

Luckily there are lots of jobs inside that need doing.. Ciao for now..
18/Jul/12 4:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
Another day in the coal mines over. I had 8Monsters, 9 Monsters and 10Horribles today - yay me! I also had 11 Earth and Environmental - my favourite class as there are only 2 of them in it!

Tomorrow I have 9S, still waiting to see what the S stands for, apparently they have good days and bad days, 10 Horrible and sport. Wonder what sport I'll have, it's a new term so it'll be a new sport...

A work mate of hubby's found this when he was researching the town to see if he wanted to work there.

18/Jul/12 5:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yay Rolanda, rooms! And another visit to Melbourne planned! Hugs for the sorting...

Yay Tami, a move in progress!

Yay Mamacita, more improvement!

Cyn, I love my house full of the smell of cooking - if I like what is being cooked! Hugs for the anniversary, enjoy the celebration of her life.

Heidi, sorry to hear about your gout. Hope it is better soon..

Julie, your tour sounds wonderful! I think I would have been outside too. I don't think feels like temps on water are as bad as on land - though that's from very limited experience so I could easily be wrong.

18/Jul/12 5:11 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I suppose the original idea for the slow cooker was that you could put something in it to cook and then go out to work and it would be ready when you came home from work. Therefore you wouldn't have to smell the food cooking all day. I like to walk into the house and smell the aroma of tasty food being cooked, but I can see the problem if you don't like to smell it. Gives you an excuse to go out for some retail therapy, which can't be bad.
18/Jul/12 6:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Re Slow Cookers vs Ovens - a few years ago when we had an environmentally responsible state government we were able to get our houses checked for $50 and given tips on power and water savings (including free shower heads/eco light bulbs etc) - new govt has scrapped that - phooey to them! Anyway, they gave us a meter to see how much power we were using at any given time. I found that using the slow cooker used far less power than having the oven on, even at a low temp, for even half as long. Hence my preference for the SC. So I just have to cope with the overpowering aroma, which since I've been out and now that I'm hungry and ready to eat in a few minutes smells wonderful indeed!
18/Jul/12 6:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Cyn, I wish you lived close enough to help organize the move. It is not a fun task.

I also like my slow cooker. I use it to make life easier during the school year. Come home and dinner is ready
18/Jul/12 11:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everybody. I had a bad night. My head, back and foot all ached. I had to take a bunch of pain meds and now I'm nauseous. Oh well.
19/Jul/12 12:01 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all...things continue to improve...will be taking my shower and dressing when I get over this nice relaxing lazy feel that I'm currently enjoying.
Still progress is being made, I am moving faster and with much more confidence in my step now than I was and think this shower will be the best since my return.Now to get rid of this eczema breakout that I've been suffering since coming home, and all will be great in my world.
I enjoy the smell of some things cooking,liver and onions for one, but there are many foods that turn me off too as they cook. I say they stink good, meaning no matter how they smell while cooking, they are so good, I will
Heidi, hope you feel better soon. Peace!
19/Jul/12 2:43 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Boy these sad anniversaries are coming up faster for me since I was away so all of you who will be remembering loved ones in special ways, thanks...that's our way of knowing how we can continue to keep memories refreshed without falling apart and is a teaching example of how to live our best lives for our children and others to see. As role models, its not what we say so much as what we do that makes a lasting impression. I'm so proud of all of you and the manner all have shared our loss.
Thoughts and prayers as well as hugs for everyone.
19/Jul/12 2:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I HAVE BEEN OFFERED AN APARTMENT, and yes I am shouting. I go for a leasing interview on Friday, if I pass that, will be able to move in mid August. CYN, help! I need organized on packing. Not sure what to do next, or how long I can hold up to do this.I worked this morning cleaning out my linen closet. found I could live without half the stuff hidden there. I have a huge bag for the moving sale, and smaller bag of toss, trash things. Now I am exhausted, back screaming at me. I MUST be able to do more than one thing a day. sister is still sick, she tires easily, not sure how this is gonna get done!! She said she would come and spend the night, cause she knew she could not drive back and forth every day and then be able to do anything. I have such a great sister!

I read, and forgot, I am going to recliner to wait for pain meds to work.

Boy, must have been more out of it with pain than I thought, wrote that an hour ago and forgot to hit send.

we had a morning of thunder storms, LOTS of rain, water running down my yard like a wide, one inch deep river. My AC turned itself off, I could not get it back on for about 20 minutes, then it turned itself back on again. Not sure what that was about, unless the outside temp was cooler than the temp I set on the thermostat. i remember reading something like that in the trouble shooting page when I read the instruction book.

OK, I might try culling some more things for the moving sale, not sure where to go next. My sister sure has her ideas what I should do and does not mind telling me hehehe. she told me I should toss all but 6 towels, I did not need more than that. Might not, but to much a shock to go from the 2 or 3 dozen I have to 6 towels. I did toss more than I kept, think I did pretty good.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
19/Jul/12 5:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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THAT WAS FAST, MizT!!! You have one month to pack. You're going to be racing with Bobbie and Bernie. If you get really desperate, give me a call. I might be able to squeeze a couple days in to help you.
19/Jul/12 6:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Congrats Miz Tricia. I know it will be a crazy month, but it will be worth it. I am having enough trouble helping my parents, I wish I could help you too. I think it would be easier to help you, my mom is going to drive me nuts. I did get some work done in a closet. Two bags of junk removed. One for charity, one for the garbage. Mom got a phone call and had to go sign something so we did not get anything else done.
19/Jul/12 6:41 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Great news MizT, at least you will soon be settled in a new place. I don't envy you the packing and sorting but I am sure you will get it done. Do you think you will have much problem selling your property?
19/Jul/12 7:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tricia - I'm so happy for you that you got offered the apartment. I wish I did live a little closer to you (like the same country), I would definitely come to help! My advice - start packing the things you don't use daily. Sort out what is trash, what is treasure and what can be sold. Don't be too sentimental. Get plenty of carton/boxes and a skip for the trash if you think there will be that much. And - ask for help from family, friends and neighbours - I'm sure you've helped them over the years - now it's payback time. Many hands make light work. Start now so that you're not breaking your back and exhausting yourself in the last few days. Good luck, we're with you in spirit.
19/Jul/12 8:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh, and the boxes you are taking with you to the apartment - on the outside, mark exactly what is in them (eg Kitchen - pots and pans) so that at the other end it's easier to unpack.
19/Jul/12 8:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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What Cyn said! My thoughts about most things are to keep one for every day of the week plus a spare, so 8-10 of anything is enough.
Congratulations Tricia, I couldn't be happier for you. Good luck on Friday :)
19/Jul/12 9:53 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Wonderful news! No fun getting ready to move with all this heat making it harder, but once you get past the bump, the journey to easier living will be your. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. I know the interview will be a breeze and all with go well, but sending positive vibes along for the trip. Hugs
and Peace.♥
19/Jul/12 10:31 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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How exciting Tricia.. That is great news.
I agree with what the girls have said, about the packing.
19/Jul/12 10:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning everyone.

Today is Stephen's 23rd Birthday.
19/Jul/12 10:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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More of the same today..
To Mum's more clearing/sorting/throwing out...
19/Jul/12 10:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We just had a delightful downpour and thunderstorm. We really needed it!
19/Jul/12 11:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CYN, good advice, thank you. I did start today. I reduced my linen closet occupants by over half. I cleaned out 2 drawers in a chest, tossing junk, putting half in the moving sale pile. AND I gathered together all the documents requested to bring to the interview.

I will pick up more boxes from Joy Friday. I phoned friend who works in a grocery to ask if she could get me boxes. she starts vacation in a bit over a week, and has offered to come help me pack! she will also bring me nice banana boxes, the heavy waxed boxes with lids and built in handles. perfect size for packing and storing things. Joy will let me store anything I do not have room for but just cannot throw away, like my fabric for quilting and my Christmas stuff. I will pack up things to go to her first, and my friend said we could take some things up at night, before the movers came, so they will be set up and ready, like the kitchen stuff and clothes. I can leave here only clothes I plan to discard, wear those the last week I am working. Keep a couple of nice things just in case. I do have a plan hehehe.

Thank you so much for your advice, I will implement some of those ideas, too. The trash will be carried off by a neighbor, just have to put it all one place till he can bring his truck for me. Now after the moving sale is when I might need a skip (dumpster here) if I cannot find one of those people who will take all left over from a garage sale.

I am a bit excited, also a big bit tired and sore. I shall have to shorten intervals for pain meds, today I found my 6+ hours is just too long between, when i am working and doing things the back and hops do not like. I have plenty, and it is within doc's directions to take them more often, I gonna need to keep going this next month, can cut back down once the move is done.

19/Jul/12 11:32 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks.
Thanks for the link Suzy.. the family resemblance is striking..something in the tilt of the head, smile... Fantastic tribute.

Wondering how the shower went today Mama.. easier every time I suspect. Hope the eczema clears up soon. Is it worse in hot weather?

19/Jul/12 12:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tricia that is fantastic news. Can't imagine that the interview will do anything other than go well..we will all give you a written referance if required...

Do you need any more advice? How far away is it from where you live now? Just because the room is vacant in a month it doesn't men that ALL of your possessions have to be there. Your current abode won't sell overnight so pack everything, initially, that you would take if you were on holidays / camping. Live with it for a few weeks and make a note of everything that you REALLY wish that you had remembered to pack. Go back and retrieve those items and, if you are really strong and disciplined, take back the items that you haven't used or cannot see being useful in your new life..

Sell whatever is left or give away..dumpit..
This may need to be done a couple of times..
19/Jul/12 12:12 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday Stephen.
Personally.. I love the aroma's from my slow cooker. Use it often.. even for just the 2 of us. Means I can double up and have a meal for the freezer. It is great for soup as well.

Lachie is sleeping and so I am 'keep the dogs quiet' duty and working silently. Time to do some pruning.. after these few sunny days the plants are likely to get confused and think it is almost spring and my roses aren't pruned.. and nor is the grapevine!!
19/Jul/12 12:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Stephen!
High tea went well - it was lovely - at the cafe in a local nursery so a beautiful bushland setting. Included a glass of champagne, white tablecloth. All very nice.
Then as we walked out we found purple hanging pots of 'Nodding Violets', just seemed like fate so we had to buy one each. Vi would have approved!
19/Jul/12 2:59 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Sounds like a lovely tea Cyn. I think you were fated to go there once you saw the Nodding Violets.

MizT, Congratulations on your unit. It will be hard work moving but will be wonderful once you are there. Take every offer of assistance that is given.

Mama, I'm so happy to see you back here 'chatting'. We've missed you!

There has been so much good news on here and I've missed most of it. I've been busy at work and either am visiting my mother or MIL on the weekends. We are also busy with a new church being built and all the extra meetings that have come up. It's built now but there is still so much to be done outside now.
Of course while this has been going on, my ensuite renovation had slowed down.... but, it is now painted, the shower screen is installed and just need the taps and toilet replaced and we should be able to use it on the weekend. I'm so happy.
I rang the company that made and installed the shower screen this morning. I wanted to let them know how happy I was with it and their service. They were so chuffed as very few people ever ring and I know how much we appreciate phone calls thanking us for our service. It made me happy to make them happy. It was a win/win all around.
19/Jul/12 3:18 PM
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