Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm making a seven herb talapia and fresh sweet corn for supper tonight. It should be easy on my tummy. Tummy has been queasy lately.
16/Jul/12 9:41 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning folks..
Please.. everybody.. if you find me here too frequently this week could you remind me that I have a rare opportunity to seriously kick some butt and get some work done with Lachie at school all week..

Gail..your headings for my lists.. please..prevent me from being distracted by a retrospective scroll through the preceeding pages.. Have todays goals sorted so no rush..

Will be back with a 'synopsis' for you mama at a later date..
16/Jul/12 10:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Bean, you do realize that I am a troublemaker. I am not going to remind you to get stuff done, I am going to find ways to keep you here.
16/Jul/12 10:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gosh I'm enjoying the updates for Mama - but as expected had tears flowing when I read her beautiful reply to Suzy. Mama you always know the right thing to say at the right time!
Nola - as I read yours, I was thinking that I must have missed the big news that your daughter had another baby. Fortunately you mentioned fostering and I did remember reading that.
Big hugs all around!
16/Jul/12 11:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MUST must be done
HOPE is what you hope to achieve on top of must
WISH...well, we can all dream can't we...
16/Jul/12 11:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Could not buy the AC I wanted today. this store is not open on Sunday. for same amount i could have bought a smaller, less powerful unit at another store, or wait till tomorrow. I chose to wait. I did go to joy's house, we cooked steak, twice baked potato and salad, it was yummy. It was also cool at her house. I closed bedroom doors and left that small AC unit on, and bedroom is tolerable, rest of house is miserable hot. No TV for me tonight, unless windows open and fans blowing can cool off the 95* indoor temp!! A breezy 79 in the bedroom.

I need a snack and something to drink, we ate our meal middle of the afternoon. Also need meds. I will check back in later, Hugs to each of you, with extras.
16/Jul/12 11:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, friends!

I'm just popping in for a quick glance, so only looking at page 467. I'm really enjoying reading the updates. It's a reminder of what we read previously, but a condensed version so we can see how one thing relates to another.

Mamacita, I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have you back and posting and sharing your wisdom! You were missed a great deal!

Heidi, I'm sure Don is glad that you were able to take care of the tractor for him. Good for you for accepting the hens and pullets! They will have a good home!

Brenda, your dinner sounds yummy!

Nola, I don't remember everything in your update, so I'm very glad you did it!

I'm falling asleep at the computer, so it's time to head to bed! Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, !
16/Jul/12 4:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
A very brain dead puppy here. A pupil free day at school is definitely not a free ride for teachers. Aaaahhh!

Mamacita, I knew you would say just the perfect thing to comfort and inspire and you didn't disappoint me!

Dana's HSC will take her 2 and a half years to complete. The first 6 months she does a year 11 equivalent. The next 2 years she follows a pathways program, which basically means you take 2 years to do the one year course. Full time HSC work would be impossible with a baby. For the Americans on here, it is very very different to the final years at an American school. Kids have nervous breakdowns etc over the stress - the ones who care about their results at least.

MizT, sorry you couldn't get your part today. At least you will sleep well, but I need a little TV at night to unwind...

Boy will I need that tonight!

Nola, I'm so sorry to hear about the baby's health! We all know there is a reason children are in foster care, but deep inside I think we hope it is the system over-reacting...

Tahli is acting a bit funny lately too. Hubby and I think there is something hurting her, but it's not really something you can tell a doctor about, or describe adequately. He'll just think she is a grumpy or spoiled baby with a hypochondriac mother. At the moment it's one of those intangibles... I know something is wrong, but I have no idea what. She could just be constipated or have a bit of a bug..

My dead brain has forgotten everything I wanted to say about the stuff on previous pages so please know that I thought about you and had things to say! For now I will just send hugs and thoughts to all of you.
16/Jul/12 5:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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lol! Can't put it on facebook yet, Dana gets to do that... Tahli starts to cry as soon as our dinner is served up so Dana was trying to eat one handed. Not easy with lamb chops. I cut up my meat and then took Tahli so Dana could eat. She reached right across and grabbed my plate! It would have hit the floor if I'd been any slower... I ended up putting a little mashed potato on the end of my fork and offering her that. I even put a bit of meat on my fork and let her gum it - until she grabbed it with her hand and shoved it in her mouth! That stopped that experiment!!! Now she is sitting in her high chair with a pile of mashed potatoes making an age appropriate mess and having a ball. I don't think any of it is actually making it into her mouth...
16/Jul/12 7:56 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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She just wants to do what the big kids do Zusy.
16/Jul/12 8:26 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hannah would always be fine right up until I picked up my fork!
16/Jul/12 9:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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All mothers get used to eating warm food because children play up or need seeing to just as we were about to eat. It's one of the reasons I can drink luke warm tea and coffee.
17/Jul/12 12:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, I also remember Mitchell wanting something just as I sat down to eat. It was easier with Dylan. I would feed both of them first and then Mitchell could amuse Dylan while I ate.
17/Jul/12 12:54 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I think I need my head examined...posting on easy and thought I was posting here...
Off to my family doctor this morning and need to have my hearing aid fixed while out...then a quick run to Costco's to replenish paper goods. I will only be accompanying others, not doing it by myself...but like to make my own choices of goods.
I'm taking it easy, even if it doesn't sound much like I find myself getting stronger each day and am doing baby steps.
Nola, I was away for over 4 months....the accident was March 11, 2012. So happy to hear things are better for your sister this time around and the next treatments will be close enough to allow her to be closer to home. Congrats on the full time small feat today.
Gotta run, but will be back later today.....Peace.
17/Jul/12 1:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good morning all. Quiet day so far. The weather forecast calls for rain all week, tho' in patches only, not steadily.
17/Jul/12 1:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spent over an hour on the phone with my expectant young friend. The poor girl is having a rough time of it. She's completely lacking in self esteem.
17/Jul/12 1:07 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all. must have been able to draw on your childhood experiences and help the young girl to at least know that someone cares.
Glad you had some of that welcome rain.

Suzy..Tahli must be getting hungry hehehe.At least, it kept her busy while you had a hot meal.
One fostered boy has recently gone home and doing very well. I very much doubt that this will be the case with baby though. It would also be extremely traumatic for her until she is much older and maybe able to understand.
We had a lovely day together and she also had 2 big sleeps which put her in a good mood.

Mama.. it must have been a real treat to get out & about after so long in hospital.Best wishes that you continue feeling better each day.

I have lots lined up to do today as the rain has finally stopped. Washing uniforms is first on the list then the bed linen.
Might call back later.
17/Jul/12 6:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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YEAH, I have a cool house once again! the new Air conditioner was purchased, and Friend Eddie and young friend Toby, who is visiting his grandmother, put it in. House was only 93 degrees, inside, and very humid. The new unit has cooled it down already, yeah!

My brain is not in gear, I think the heat fried it. I am thinking a nap in my recliner might be in order. we are having rain showers, that is always good sleeping weather.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/Jul/12 7:00 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have been invited to bowl at a friends club today. It is their 'friendship day'. Only problem is I have to leave early to drive through the peak hour traffic. The 20 minute drive could take an hour. It is a lovely suuny day. Probably get to 20-21*c. Short sleeves for a nice winters day.
17/Jul/12 8:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a funeral to go to tomorrow. The mother of a good friend. The family is devastated. She was living at home even though her health was awful, and several caring family members moved in with her for the last 2 years to care for her, and keep her happy. I told them that they have a lot to be proud of. They put their mother & grandmother's comfort ahead of their own once her health failed, and she passed in familiar surroundings surrounded by her family. The doctor made sure that she was kept comfortable and pain free at the end.
17/Jul/12 12:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed in a few. I'd like to try to go for a drive in the morning before going to the funeral in the afternoon.
17/Jul/12 1:08 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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May your friend's mother fly free now Heidi. You are so right, they gave her as much quality of life that they could allowing her to stay in her own home ♥
17/Jul/12 3:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page is almost coffee time.. a chance to catch up from my last post.. and have a rest..

It is a windy as..hmm.. only Melbourne can be when my magnolia starts to flower.. all the petals get shredded. The wind isw in my sails and I am like a whirling dervgish.. not much left in the house to be washed.. MUST make the beds before I flop for the night. BRB after last load is on the line..
17/Jul/12 4:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I'm supposed to be working so here I am! Kind of live vdV doing his flyby's when he has a deadline approaching!

Heidi, if your young friend would not be embarrassed to know you are talking about her on here, would you please pass on my thoughts and wishes for a trouble free pregnancy followed by as easy a birth as is possible with a wonderful healthy bubby at the end who will show her how lovable and wonderful she really is!

Mamacita, that sounds like a big day for so soon out of hospital! I hope you will have a cart thing to drive around in while shopping... Sending a little bit of energy - just enough to get you home again and into bed or a chair for a nap.

MizT, hope you had a nice nap and woke up cool and refreshed.

June, I hope you had a nice day bowling. It was perfect weather for it down here so hopefully the forecast was right in Sydney too.

Heidi, thoughts and wishes to your friend and her family! That was extremely generous of them all to move in with her/their mother so she could stay home. A smart way to do it too. It ensured shared responsibility so it didn't get to be too much for any one of them.

17/Jul/12 5:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, hope you got all of your stuff done and still found some time to rest and enjoy having time off.
17/Jul/12 5:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All! This will be another brief visit tonight, as it's later than I thought and my bed is calling my name.

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better! Your dinner sounded good!

Bean, I hope you were able to accomplish a lot! Seems like you had goals in mind!

MizT, I'm glad you and Joy were able to enjoy a meal together - and you were able to enjoy here AC for a while before you had to head home! I'm so glad you were able to get the correct size of AC unit and get it installed. today!

Suzy, I hope Dana applies herself and is able to focus on her coursework. It won't be easy, but it will be very worthwhile! Since I doubt that she's getting much financial help from sperm donor, she needs to be able to support herself and Tahli. I hope Tahli is feeling better!

Mama, I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit!

Heidi, I hope you continue to get rain off and on all week! Good for you for encouraging and cheering on the young girl who is expecting!

June, I hope you had fun at your friend's bowls club!

Heidi, thinking of the mother of your good friend and all of her family. What a self-less family to arrange ways for her to stay in her own home! I hope you can fit a drive into the morning tomorrow!

Bean, so glad to hear of all of your accomplishments!

And now, it's time for me to head to bed. Please take time to share the positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
17/Jul/12 5:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, ready for tomorrow... I can relax now, or can I???

Julie, hope you get a good night's sleep. I think I've said it before, I couldn't survive on the sleep you get!
17/Jul/12 8:11 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

In about 2 hours my parents have the closing on their house of 31 years, 1 month. It is a bittersweet feeling. They are going to rent the house from the new owner for a month. Their closing is, for the condo, is in about 2 weeks. After that they are having the condo painted and the carpet cleaned before they move. They are moving the week that I will be going back to school. They will start moving boxes and stuff before that. I will help set up the kitchen and bathrooms and go over at night. My mom can pick up the boys to help her too.
17/Jul/12 11:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wow Tami, that is big! I wish them all the best for their mext phase of life, may that be long and enjoyable :)
17/Jul/12 11:38 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Thanks Gail. I am glad that they are downsizing. They did not need the aggravation of a house and pool.
18/Jul/12 12:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I slept all morning, so no drive. I'll have to get it in this evening instead. I've only got an hour before we leave for the funeral home.
18/Jul/12 2:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All dressed and ready to go, but I think I'll have to use a cane. My gout is acting up and I'm out of gout meds.
18/Jul/12 3:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, hope you can get the meds you need soon. Feel better, and enjoy the ride this afternoon.

TAMI, I have not heard you mention helping your Mom pack up and or toss things getting ready to move. Did she decline your help?

BEAN's laundry must have hijacked her, she did not make it back after hanging that last load.

18/Jul/12 6:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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The sale is official. They are now renting the home they live in for the next month. They have started packing/tossing but will have to get busy for the next month. Every time I go over I try to get something done. Usually throw away a bag of something.
18/Jul/12 6:31 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All....Boy the activity has slowed down some...long breaks between Julie and Suzy and even longer between Suzy and since Suzy was posting both times might as well put the blame on her for breaking the site ,but its a toss up since the longer one involved that trouble making Tami who didn't volunteer to help with the packing up for the big move as Miz T so clearly pointed funny...boy am I glad to be back here.....
Quite day today after all of the running yesterday, but was able to make my own bed and make a salad for lunch without
any trouble. Good reports from the doctor and
visiting Nurse of the day has been spent very quietly playing games...too hot for anything else if you could avoid it....over 100 degrees and a very high dew point adding a bunch of humidity and making it feel just miserable for anyone to be w/o ac for any length of time...I feel sorry for those who don't have access to it in some manner.
That's about it from my neck of the woods...hope Bean didn't get lost in song while hanging the last load of laundry....I was just enjoying seeing her as often and she's gone Peace ♥.
18/Jul/12 6:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, I have been trying to help my mom pack. She just couldn't get to 'into' it. Now that the sale is official, she has no choice.
18/Jul/12 7:19 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morjning to you all. Yet another drizzly miserable day here in wet Cockatoo! Luckily I will be working inside today, going to paint the woodwork in the back bedroom that hubby is going to make into his music room. As I paint an area, he will start setting up! The main living area is coming together, it really is starting to look 'finished' with the woodwork being done. Still a lot to do, it's a big room!
18/Jul/12 7:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good to hear you are starting to cope with daily chores Mama, those baby steps are plenty big enough right now :)
18/Jul/12 7:31 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks..took me a tad longer than planned to return.. don't normally turn on the pooter this early in the day.. it can be very hard to unzip the velcro..forgot to bring the washing in B4 bed..had to get on line to check the has been raining. With a bit of luck it will dry off again..before the next shower.

Today I plan on such pruning.. cutting back the blackberries that are encroaching. Hopefully get the bins filled because it is green waste collection next Monday and I'll be at a conferance all weekend. An intensive on hypnosis.. should be good. There is a link on my FB page if anyone is interested.
18/Jul/12 8:52 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tami.. that is a biggie for your parents.. well done to them.

Keep up the hard work Mama.. SO pleased you are doing so well.

((Hugs)) Heidi.. and everyone else..
Ciao for now
18/Jul/12 8:56 AM
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