Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour. Ovid
19/Jul/12 3:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. The head still hurts, but I picked up more pain meds today so I should sleep well tonight. I hope.
19/Jul/12 3:24 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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I'm having the day off tomorrow. First up, I'm having my hair coiffed and my eyebrows defuzzed and then I'm going to have a leisurely day of pottering around the shops. At least that is my current plan. Hubby may have other options on how my days is spent.
Saturday I will be cleaning as my sister is arriving next Wednesday for a few days. I'm looking forward to that as I haven't seen her since Christmas.
19/Jul/12 3:25 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Sleep tight Heidi, I hope you feel much better tomorrow.
19/Jul/12 3:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh yeah..... I had a pleasant surprise today. My peahen walked up to me today, parading 4 newly hatched peachicks!!! I hope she's a good mama. This is only her second time hatching babies.
19/Jul/12 3:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! We've had quite a bit of thunder and lightning tonight. Poor kitty! Sounds no longer familiar to her. I sat and brushed her for a while until sounds were not so close. A while later she was 'talking' loudly. Hubby kept asking, 'What?' thinking I was saying something. In the next 10 minutes or so, she vomited 3 times, then ran under the bed to hide. Unfortunately, the thunder and lightning didn't live up to their promise. The rain lasted only minutes.

Bean, just when I got a nice mental picture of you singing and working, you've been silenced! I hope you can get lots of things done quietly!

Suzy, I'm so glad you are getting lots of work! I just wish you were getting 8O (for Outstanding), 9B (for Brilliant), 10G (for Genius) and 11D (for Delightful)!

Suzy, our architectural tour by boat included lots of history, as well! We really enjoyed it!

The slow cooker discussion is very enlightening. I've never had one. Even though we're now retired, we go so much that it might be helpful. On the other hand, we can't always predict when we might get home, so maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea for us.

Heidi, I hope you had a better day today and are able to get a good night's sleep!

Mamacita, good for you for progressing to a shower and continuing additional independence! Do you have a history of eczema that can help you discover its current cause? I hope it will soon subside!

Woo Hoo, MizT! How wonderful that an apartment has become available! I'm sure the interview will go magnificently! When you applied, were you able to indicate what type of apartment you were looking for? What if the apartment that is available isn't what you were looking for? Hooray for your rain, but might that have contributed to your achies?

Can you divide up the work that needs to be done so that things that could possibly be done while seated are saved to be done after the achies have begun? Things like hanging clothes you could sit down with pen and paper and make list of what goes to your apartment and what doesn't. Then someone who comes to help can be placed in charge of placing in Yes-No-Maybe or Take-Donate-Trash groupings according you your lists. Will you be doing your own laundry - or will it be done for you - and how often? That may be what ultimately helps you decide how many items you take with you! Cyn offered some excellent advice!

Excellent advice from Bean, as well! You will probably have some time after you officially are a resident in the apartment and before your current home sells. That way, you'll have some extra time to get the very last items moved out.

Happy Birthday to Rolanda's Stephen!
19/Jul/12 3:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Vicki, thanks for the great TOPP! Enjoy your work-free day tomorrow and a bit of pampering! That will make it a bit easier to spend the day on Saturday cleaning and preparing for your sister's visit. I imagine it will be great fun for both of you!

Heidi, congratulations on the baby peachicks! I hope the mama does a great job with her babies!

It's looking like time for bed here! Lots of , {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts for each of you!
19/Jul/12 4:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Don't mention the grapevines!!!

Stephen :)
19/Jul/12 4:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Stephen!! Hope he had a great one! I hope there was not too much sadness today going through your mum's stuff. Hopefully you found something really really silly that she has kept (like 3 years worth of TV guides or something) so you could get just a little annoyed. I find it is a good distraction.

Congratulations MizT!!! That was so fast! I'm sure you will get everything done - IF you don't overdo it on any one day and need to take a few days off... It's all very exciting! I would go with as many towels as you can fit in the washing machine (as an example) plus one, maybe 2 if getting them dry is weather dependent. If you sort your wash like I do, that is very convenient.

Yay Vicki! Ensuite nearly done! That will be so nice for you. I too like to thank people for a job well done. It costs nothing and yet can leave people with a wonderful feeling for the rest of the day.

Cyn, your day sounds lovely and I especially like the idea of the nodding violets. How appropriate! Our local nursery (the only one left) also has a cafe and it is nice looking out at the plants etc while having a nice cuppa. Unfortunately it is on a highway and, although the other side of the highway is all bush, so the view isn't too bad, there is a lot of traffic and some fumes.

Bean, hope you got lots of pruning done. Do you have a green bin? I so wish we did!

Heidi, glad you got some rain, one of those a day for a while would probably be a good thing!
19/Jul/12 5:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy.. yes she kept stuff for years, and years, and years, Mum never threw out anything, including broken things !!!
We found more clothes in the shed.. amongst it, a dress I wore at my Oma's 80th Birthday in Holland, when I was 17, in 1973..
19/Jul/12 5:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I missed a whole page.

lol Rolanda! Does it still fit you?

Julie, some slow cookers are programmable, they could still work for you. I had S for so-so today. They weren't as awful and I was able to speak without yelling, but they heard nothing that I said.

My day wasn't too bad today. I had a double with 9 so-so, followed by 10 Horrible, which wasn't as horrible as usual as a lot of year 10 is off at the snow. Year 10 is also good as it is the only class I have in my actual area of expertise!

After that I had double sport, which was fine as they had to select which one they were going to take today and the rest of the time we watched Ice Age. I decided I haven't seen that movie in too long!

I'm now procrastinating. I have a six period day tomorrow and need to get some work ready for them! Aaahh!

19/Jul/12 5:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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No, did not even try.. am not that skinny lass any more!
19/Jul/12 5:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I like my Slow Cooker, use it all the time...
19/Jul/12 5:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Julie, one of the good things about a slow cooker is that it doesn't dry out, so it doesn't matter if you get back later than you should have been. The meal will not spoil.
I am in the middle of an experiment at home. I am sick and tired of having to ask for things to be taken upstairs to be put away. So far a pile of towels have been sitting on the table at the foot of the stairs for 2 weeks, I wonder how long it will take for someone to SEE them and take them up to the upstairs bathroom. I'm not going to hold my breath in the meantime.
19/Jul/12 6:03 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Good luck with that Brenda
19/Jul/12 6:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dang just lost my post
19/Jul/12 6:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, similar experiments here have not ended well - I wish you luck!

19/Jul/12 8:03 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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For a while my system comprised of storing things like towels in the laundry, that way all I needed to do was fold them and leave them on a shelf. When needed the kids had to come and get it...if there were none there, then obviously they were all in their rooms! Worked well too, until the cats found a soft, warm place to sleep, on the towels :(
19/Jul/12 9:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, my laundry isn't big enough for that - I'd love it! A friend of mine designed her own laundry and she had all sorts of things that aren't normal in a laundry, but were perfect! A normal size sink instead of one of those deep basins (much better for hand washing), a rail over the sink to hang shirts to dry, slide out baskets assigned to each person in the family for clean socks and undies, etc etc etc.. I would kill to have her laundry! The only thing I disagreed with was her choice to not have a clothes dryer. I don't use mine often - but it is essential for emergencies!
19/Jul/12 10:10 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I am reading all the advice for Miz Tricia and trying to use it for my parents. It is not easy. Cleaned a closet yesterday. Dad has a jacket that has holes in the sleeves and he still will not get rid of it. He had a sweat suit he hasn't worn in 25+ years. I told him no he can not keep it. The garage will be fun also. We did make a dent. I wish I had space to store stuff for them, but I don't.
19/Jul/12 11:06 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Everyone....Good to see so many of you up and about.
I'm waiting for my Occupantal Therapist to come so I can get some needed medical supplies ordered to assist my recovery and to have the arm/shoulders massaged and shoulder has been acting up in those small hospital beds with rails, and I've stiffened up quite a bit. This is all a part of my medicare benefits and a good part it is.The visiting nurse brought me a pill box that has pull out holders for morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime space to help sort meds. It's also a seven day holder....this really helps in remembering which pill to take and when. The eczema is fairly new to me as it currently appears.... In the past I have only had a very small breakout from time to time, but know of no reason for the current breakout. It's really bad though and I will be one happy camper to get past this.
I am still thinking of moving to Florida in the near future, so I will be sure to remember some of the great advice being given to MizT when the time comes..first I have to regain my strength...
Yea Victoria...enjoy your visit with your sister, as well as your pampering day...I look forward to getting to the nail shop for a manicure and pedicure in the next few weeks myself.
Happy Birthday Stephen, and Rolanda, keep finding your mum's treasures and laughing about them as you go through the sorting, it will rekindle many fond memories.
More to be said, but has become lost in what was once known as my I'll take my mindless self off to await the magic lady...I hope to get back later. Peace.
19/Jul/12 11:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, I know if you move to Florida it will be closer to your son but I can highly recommend the development my parents are moving into. They have a theater, clubhouse, bus service to local shopping and tons of activities. When the time comes, let me know and I can tell you the name. It is only about 30 minutes to your son.
19/Jul/12 11:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, what wonderful news. Lots of good advice with the sorting and packing. Makes me realise I should be doing lots of shedding of unnecessary things
Victoria, enjoy your free days.
Suzy, pleased you have this two weeks of work. Hope you get plenty more work this term.
I had a call from a friends of Alfred (he was here when Rolanda was here and he does the tough puzzles) and he had a fall on the road and broke his hip about three days ago. He has had a replacement done and is doing OK.
Cyn, I am re living what we were doing this time 12 months ago. It is not easy.
20/Jul/12 12:16 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Rolanda, hope Stephen enjoyed his birthday and you enjoy celebrating for him. What memories you have sorting your Mothers things. Are you keeping the dress? I have some of my dresses that are older than that and no way I would get into them.
Gail all the painting sounds good. What a nice feeling when it is all finished. I always did all the woodwork but now find it hard getting up after sitting on the floor.
Bean, I need to do some pruning. My rose bush should be done this weekend.
And Mamacita, how wonderful to see your posts. How much I have missed them. Is the eczema related to any of your medications?
Hugs to everyone.
20/Jul/12 12:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Tami, that sounds much like the place I was looking at in Tamarack several years ago. Not sure that I want to buy another place or just rent, but will be glad for any help you may be able to give me. Things like good hospitals, dentist and doctors as well.
I wish your parents much happiness in their move, the place sounds great. I know my downsizing from my home of 33 years to this condo has been good for me, and if I move, I'd expect to even downsize a bit more. I have found that the more space one has, it usually follows that the more stuff is accumulated and if we aren't careful, we all end up with more than we need to live and enjoy.
June, thoughts and prayers and a few extra hugs included to use as needed. Peace.♥
20/Jul/12 12:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everybody.
I slept in again, and my head feels better today. Just a very tiny ache, which should respond to a round of pain pills.
After the downpour last night, we have a very humid day today. I don't think that much work will get done outside today. Or tomorrow.
20/Jul/12 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Work IS getting done outside. We have 9 huge, overgrown Yew bushes in front of the house that I've hated since I first saw them. I couldn't keep up with the pruning (god forbid that IH would do the pruning) and they're highly toxic to animals. So Robert and I are removing them. It's hot, sticky work. These things are 40 years old and dense. My eyes are burning from all the sweat pouring into them. (Robert is taking a break now, too.)
20/Jul/12 3:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, please be careful.

Mamacita, when you are ready to start thinking send me a PM and I will start sending you info. I know you might want to be closer to your son, but you would not be that far. There are other developments. I will help you in any way that I can.
20/Jul/12 4:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I sent Robert home. He wants to get plenty of hours in, but it's too hot to safely work for long. We'll work more tomorrow.
20/Jul/12 5:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, that is smart of you. I know about the heat. That is the main reason I am glad I don't work at camp any more.
20/Jul/12 5:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, they have only 2 types of apartments, one bedroom, or 2 bedroom. You must have not only a spouse but also a medical reason why you cannot share a bedroom to get a 2 bedroom. Or you and your non spouse caregiver. OH, there are a few apartments with a balcony, but you must take the apartment available, or go to bottom of the list. I had hoped for one in the other building, as I said, because it has central heat and air, so I would not hear the heating/cooling unit working. they are almost identical in layout, so the short answer is NO, you do not get to tell them what apartment you want.
20/Jul/12 5:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, can you put in a request to move to another building once you are there? Or once in, are you stuck in that unit?
20/Jul/12 6:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My fingers are crossed that you get the building you want, MizT. You've got a 50/50 chance.
Tami... I'd guess that MizT probably won't get a chance to move to another room. They have a waiting list of deserving people who probably wouldn't want to wait while someone else gets to play musical rooms.
20/Jul/12 6:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, we do our own laundry, there is a laundry room where one feeds quarters into machines. NO place to dry clothes, so everything goes into the dryer. I will probably take wearing clothes back to my apartment, hang them on hangers and put those on the shower curtain rack, let them dry. I just do not believe in drying things in the dryer if there are other alternatives.

Today BIL nd friend Eddie and I cleaned out one storage building, the one I am selling. We all got very hot and had to come on before we finished, for a cool break. Went back and now it is done. Eddie wants this building, it is double doored, he needs it to get his lawn mower in and out. his current storage building has only one door, and he has to remove the mowing deck after each use, and put it back on before each use. MUCH easier for him if he had this building.

Yesterday I cleaned out linen closet, so, yes, I am getting things done, a day at a time. Eddies wife, Betty said she can come help sort and pack next week, and I said yes, thank you please hehehe I will get really serious after tomorrow, packing boxes. I will try to get everything I want into apartment on moving day, because it will be a chore to take things in and out, a long trek through the building from where we can unload. Much easier to let the movers do it. If I have more things there than I can keep, more than i need, I can take down to a 'free' table. anything left there is free to residents who might want it. If noone takes it, it goes to the thrift store run by the church with proceeds going to Episcopal Place.

I feel a nap coming on, getting over heated sapped me of energy. hugs to each of you, with extras.
20/Jul/12 6:20 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, the idea of a 'free table' sounds nice.
20/Jul/12 6:23 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Off to Noosa for a long weekend stay with my friends who also happens to be my hairdresser, she is turning this shaggy dog into something bootiful I hope.
Mama, SA feels complete again with you back.
MizT, so glad that the wait is over, have you been for your interview yet?
June, Cyn and anyone else approaching anniversaries may you find a way to celebrate their lives.
Taking on board all the advice re moving, I just need to move three households into one, my home looks like Steptoe and Son at the moment.
Love and Hugs to all of you.
20/Jul/12 6:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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For the yanks... Steptoe and Son was the inspiration for Sanford and Son.
20/Jul/12 7:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, interview is less than 24 hours away. Will be our Friday afternoon. I must remember to get a map so I can find my way there. Only times I have been sister was driving, soon after I was in hospital last January.

I already know that this apartment is in building 2, and I would have preferred building one. I do know one couple who moved into a one bedroom and later moved into a 2 bedroom, so it is possible to move after getting there. Not sure I could p[ut in for a transfer to an apartment with a balcony or not, I might ask tomorrow. Or better, AFTER I have moved in hehehe, Lets not be a trouble maker till I am there right? .
20/Jul/12 7:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, even I know there is a time and place to not be a troublemaker Cause the trouble after you move in.
20/Jul/12 8:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have another big storm about to hit here in about 15 to 20 minutes. I'm really enjoying this wet weather!!!
20/Jul/12 9:44 AM
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