Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Re-read an inspiring book when your soul needs nurturing.
22/Jul/12 9:27 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I should have done that yesterday. It was a nothing day and I sat in the recliner and did very little. Looked at all the things I should have been doing and that just made me feel worse!
Julie,you seem to survive in so little sleep. So pleased you are getting pleasure from your music.
Nola, I never had to work shifts but Hubby did. Takes a bit to get the body on track.
Brenda, do you have tickets for any of the Olympic events? We had a great time when it was in Sydney. Belinda and Sharon were both working the computers getting the baseball results on line. Sharon carried out one of the silver podiums when the medals were being presented.
22/Jul/12 9:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heidi, need or want? hahaha I often find things I 'need' when I look too closely.

Cyn, I identify with being called the wrong name! I get Leanne and Joanne mostly. I don't get Sylvia, but then Joanne??

Gail, congrats on finishing the small room! Keep it up, I haven't been inspired enough to actually pick up a brush yet... By the time you've finished, I might actually get started.

Nola, no mowing here today. Even if the mower was working. It rained overnight and the sky is looking very ominous - I think we are going to get more! Your body clock will just fix itself and you'll change to another shift and get all messed up again.

Bean, I can't imagine a slow cooker without a removable insert! It wouldn't have been used much here!!

Julie, I forgot to answer your question about my teaching. Usually I am hired by the day and don't know what I'll be teaching until I get there, but right now I'm on a 'block'. I'm doing 2 weeks and a day for the same teacher - she is in Ireland visiting her elderly mother. She has left a description of the work she wants covered, but if I want to engage the kids I need to do a lot of work on top of that to get the lessons together.

A first today - mum's birthday. She would have been 69.
22/Jul/12 9:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, it is so nice to see a post from you each day. I do look to see all my friends.
Broni, hope things are going OK for you. Have you thought of selling any of the extra things you have on Ebay?
By the way I mentioned Fred's hip replacement because he is another Sydney Sudokuist and he came to our gathering here to meet Rolanda. Suzy has also met him a couple of times.
Hugs to you all. Seeing I did nothing yesterday there are a few things I had better do today.
22/Jul/12 9:41 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, how exciting for Belinda and Sharon!

22/Jul/12 9:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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{hugs} Suzy, thinking of you xoxo
22/Jul/12 9:43 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, what is Fred's name on here? I went to put a message on his page for when he gets back and there was only a blank page...

Thanks Gail, having the circle sitting on my lap (5 months old today) helps..
22/Jul/12 9:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't believe the humidity outside. All of the rain we've had has made it almost swamp-like in places. It's like we can only have extremes here.
22/Jul/12 10:22 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, it's 'Alfred from Sydney'. He only posts on the 'tough' puzzles and then it is solution to the puzzle. As far as I know he is probably still in hospital or rehab.
Big Hugs Suzy. It is hard I know. I shed a tear for you.
I see the message from Natahlia.
22/Jul/12 10:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The batwing mower? It really IS a need. But it's a tad pricey... $10,000.00. And I know IH won't contribute a single penny towards it's purchase. So I'll have to dig around for the purchase price myself. It's really well made, like all Rhino products, but both IH and Robert are inspired about breaking things. If and when I get it, I may not let either use it for a long time.
22/Jul/12 11:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have had a song running through my head all day. I can't stop humming it. It's 'Ride A White Swan' by Marc Bolin. It could be worse... it could be some really awful song by someone like Barney.
22/Jul/12 12:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hmmmm... the only way that quotation marks are working here is if you use the apostrophe twice.
22/Jul/12 12:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That's okay Heidi, in Oz most quotation marks are only singles anyway. I think you use doubles for a quote inside a quote or something... It changed while I was away and I haven't quite sorted it out!
22/Jul/12 12:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night sudoluland, time for me to go to bed. sister is here for the weekend, and we have been working, sorting what will go and what will sell. Made some progress on that. Now to get a good night's sleep so I can do it again tomorrow.

I read, thought good thoughts, but failed to write them down. So I leave hugs with extras till tomorrow.
22/Jul/12 2:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello/Gekko, Everyone!

Suzy, it makes sense that controlled burns would be the quickest way to remove undergrowth that could become a fire hazard when dry. I guess manual removal via cutting would not be nearly as effective.

Bean, your hypnosis seminar sounds very interesting! Congrats on hypnotizing your first subject, and a skeptic at that! Very impressive!

Heidi, your evening and late breakfast without IH sounds wonderful! I'm glad you enjoyed the open house at the tractor dealership! They seem to be very expensive. I even found one on eBay!

Bean, thanks for sharing information about your slow cooker. It seems programmable is a requirement, as well as a removable insert. I think I like the idea of a keep-warm setting.

June, excellent advice in your TOPP! How exciting that Belinda and Sharon were involved in the Olympics when it was held in Sydney. The father of one of my students that year went to Sydney for the Olympics.

Suzy, I hope you had some wonderful memories of your Mum to 'revisit' and maybe share with your girls today. I believe Natahlia's message on the end of your post was 'Happy Birthday, Great Grandmum!' I think babies have a connection with their elders as they have so recently come from the other side where their elders will be going. (I hope that doesn't sound too strange.) {{{HUGS}}}

Tricia, enjoy your sister's company and help, but you both need to remember to pace yourselves. Sleep well so that you are rested for another day!

Heidi, it sounds like an excellent plan to keep Robert and IH away from the batwing mower, if you get it!.

It's time to head to slumber land. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and for each of you!
22/Jul/12 3:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, I think your interpretation about Tahli and GreatGM is perfect. The circle of life
22/Jul/12 4:07 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - I agree with Gail, great interpretation.
22/Jul/12 4:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Mum, I am home!
22/Jul/12 6:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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charming! She's not home 5 minutes and she breaks it!
23/Jul/12 12:22 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Julie seems as if we all like your interpretation of Tahli's contribution to Suzy's post.
Quiet days continue...learning how to pace myself yet continue to move forward. I did my laundry yesterday and it took all day. I love my dryer and yes, I remember how good the clothes smelled when hung outside, but with today's air quality, too many chemicals and other bad breathing things are blown in the clothes and are trapped. I can't afford that now,plus in my community clothes lines aren't allowed.I do envy you who can still hang wash outside though, enjoy the freshness.
Today will be a day of rest and relaxation...several good books to catch up fact, I have lots of unread books since I've been spending so much time on the computer...
May today bring you many blessings, and may you be wise enough to recognize them when they appear...many times we spend more time lamenting what was lost instead of what was found...Peace.
23/Jul/12 12:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie.... I think you've got something with your theory about babies and their elderly relations.
23/Jul/12 2:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had planned on an early morning drive, but my aching body kept me awake until nearly 6 am. So I've got to eat brekkie so I can take my pain meds, then harness up Buddy for an afternoon drive. Because of the heat, it'll have to be shorter. I don't torture my horses.
23/Jul/12 2:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By the way, ''Ride A White Swan'' is STILL running through my head!!! So others can enjoy it:
23/Jul/12 2:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So much for THAT plan. The horses are nearly a half mile away and will not come when called. That means if I do all that walking to get Buddy, they'll play keep-away with me. They don't want to be fooled with in this heat.
So instead, I repaired a flat tire on the lawn mower with Slime™, jump started the mower (either Robert or IH had left the key partially on in the ignition, and the battery was completely dead) then mowed a little outside the yard. I also dug a dozen post holes before taking this break. I'd forgotten to bring along a cold drink, and my hip was killing me. The pain has been a little more generalized, and I thought it was pain radiating from the back. I'm now convinced that this is a bursitis flare-up. I may go to the ER tomorrow for an injection if it gets any worse. Right now it's bad enough to bring tears to my eyes.
23/Jul/12 4:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello.... hello...... hello......... helloooo.................. helllooooooooooo

Nobody home. Drat. I may have to go back to work.
23/Jul/12 5:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No sign of Tami. She must be busy helping her parents organize and pack. Or painting the new place. That sounds too much like work to me.
23/Jul/12 5:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just had to bury a dead calf. This was one that we had to treat last May for a severe case of pneumonia. He must have had a relapse.
23/Jul/12 7:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now to lay down for a couple of hours. i told IH that he's on his own for supper.
23/Jul/12 7:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. I have been busy this weekend. I have had my nose buried in books. I started the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' trilogy and I can not put it down. My hubby and kids are made at me, they think I am ignoring them.
23/Jul/12 9:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO happy!!! IH just left for the plant. He'll be back tomorrow (Monday) evening. Then Tuesday afternoon he's leaving on a trip and returning Friday night. What a wonderful week to look forward to!!!!
23/Jul/12 9:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Before IH left, he carelessly let one of the rescues out. Sugar took off running down the driveway, then down the road, while IH turned around and walked back into the house. I had to go after her with my aching hip, while screaming profanity at IH to get in his truck and head her off. She'd gotten nearly half a mile before he finally caught her, with me limping behind her. It sure didn't do the bursitis any good. I asked him why he didn't catch her when she first got out, and he said that in his experience, the dogs just go chase the cats for awhile, then come back to the gate to be let in. I reminded him about Indy. She'd gotten out when he left the gate open, took off down the driveway to investigate donkeys across the street, and got hit by a car. Plus, most of these dogs are elderly rescues, and are starting to have signs of senility. They don't always behave sensibly. And they can't be expected to have more common sense than IH when they have canine old-timer's disease.
23/Jul/12 9:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I over did it today, but did not see much way around it. Let me explain.

edna and I had worked yesterday and then again this orning. both of us were very tired. we were going to have lunch, then an hours nap, before working again IF the nap revived us. About that time, in walks Betty and Eddie. Now Betty is the kind of person who does not listen, and once she sets her mind on something, she goes like a house afire. she can work rings around most people younger than herself. she sang out as she came in, 'We are here to help.' We explained we were about to eat, wanted to say more, but she interupted and said, 'YOU go ahead and eat, I can start packing. ' That would be good if I were ready to pack everything, but I must live here another month, and there are some things I need, like dishes to eat out of, cook in, you know the basics. so I had to go and show her what could be packed and what could not. I did take time to swallow down a couple slices of pizza, but had to stay right with her. she is like the military packers, they would pack your trash if it were in the house. I DO appreciate her help, but I would like to do this my way, you know? Lets pack up things I am not going to need for the next month, boy she was ready to take the pictures off the walls. I have not even seen my appartment, do not know how much wall space i will have, so have no idea what to take with me. I set her to packing half of my dishes, I had a service for 16, only taking 8 with me, can eat out of the other half set now. then I had to sotr through my winter clothes, get rid of about half of them, I would have liked to have a bit more time to consider what to take and what to leave, but I dot theat done so she could pack the winter clothes, It went on and on like this, Edna got so tired she had to sit. My back got so bad, I told Betty we needed to stop for the day. she still did not stop. AAAAAAAAAAGHHHH, Eddie was wiped out, and had sat down, I was on my recliner, Edna on the sofa, and she is still juning around. Said she would be back tomorrow, I think I will lock the door and pull the blinds closed, and go hide hehehe.

OK, enough of a vent, my back is in spasms, I have taken all the meds I can have for another 2 hours, I need to get to recliner and heating pad.

I did read, just cannot sit here and type another word so no reply today.

Hugs to eah of you, with extras.
23/Jul/12 10:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That kind of help is no help at all!
23/Jul/12 11:20 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks..
June.. the answer is yes..
Sorting through the backload of emotional and physical $hit and detritus that has been gumming up the works here preventing a peaceful and harmonious existence..
Had a nightmare the other night.. someone was back in my face and my life was derailed again... it wasn't good.. what was good was waking and knowing that was another life..
What is not good is knowing that this goodall have been prevented... hindsight..
23/Jul/12 1:23 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh boy Tricia.. absolutely no help at all...
My brain would go it a flatspin and meltdown..

Suzy.. Tahlia came into your lives to help fill the void soon to be left in your lives by Carol.. you just didn't know it at the time. She is such a salve for your pain. Why is it that we often don't believe in the order in the universe when there are examples like this all around? Hope I can remember this next time I face a setback. I also hope I can remeber the excitement I felt a week ago about a dream that wasn't fulfilled.. a few years back I doubted I would everfeel that excited about anything...

Le dolce vita...
23/Jul/12 1:43 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Pity I didn't copy my last post b4 I lost it..
May try to rehash it for you later..

23/Jul/12 1:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nice seeing you here, Bean. We care about you and want to hear about what's going on with your life.... good and bad.

Off to bed in a few minutes. I may not be able to sleep well tonight. IH broke the central air before he left. It's 86℉ / 30℃ INSIDE!!! I'll be calling the repairman first thing in the morning. I did make IH leave a check to pay the repairman, though. He could tell that I was REALLY mad.
23/Jul/12 2:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all SA'ers!

Broni, we're glad to know you're home. How are you today?

Mama, you continue to make progress with each step forward! Good for you for doing laundry! It doesn't matter how long it took, just that you were able to do it! I miss the smell of clothes dried outside on a line, too, but nowadays, it might not smell the way we remember it. (Clotheslines are also banned where I live.) I hope you enjoyed your day of rest and relaxation and got caught up on some of your reading!

Heidi, I hope you will be able to sleep much better tonight than last night! Too bad you weren't able you weren't able to have an early morning drive and the horses weren't interested in an afternoon drive. You certainly got a lot accomplished for someone who hadn't slept well! I hope you didn't do too much so that sleep eludes you again tonight! I'm glad you told IH he was on his own for supper tonight! I'm SO glad for you that he will be gone overnight, and then for a few days later in the week. I can't begin to understand how he could let Sugar out and do nothing about it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Tricia, I'm sure Betty thought she was being a big help to you. It's too bad she didn't listen to you. You and Edna must have been absolutely exhausted! I could certainly understand if you pretend not to be home if Betty returns tomorrow. Cooler heads need to prevail! I can't even think of what might be done to rein her in. Good luck tomorrow! {{{HUGS}}}

Bean, wishing you only happy, or at least helpful, dreams in the coming weeks! So sorry you lost your post, but know it's hard to remember to save periodically. (That reminded me to save.) {{{HUGS}}} to you, as we care what's going on in your life!

Heidi, I can't believe IH broke the AC before leaving. So pleased you got him to leave a check to pay for its repair!

I think it's time to 'hit the sack' so will wish all of you a wonderful day and restful night! Sending positive thoughts, prayers, , healing vibes and plentiful {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Feel free to share with anyone who would benefit!
23/Jul/12 3:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BEAN, you hit the nail on the head, my brain was not functioning cause of the pain, and I could not handle Betty, get her to just stop, say something she would understand. Edna was about the same, brain dead, cause we were so tired and hurting. she really cannot do near as much as she could before shingles. boy if Edna had her wits about her, she would have flown into Betty with both feet. Edna is very protective of family and me especially when I am hurting, she knows how it is. Also she is as bossy as Betty is, they would have clashed big time. But Betty means well and she is the only one of the neighbors who has come over to help me pack. If it had not been so hot, I would have sent her out to the dome to organize the things we had taken out for the next garage sale.

Bean so sorry for your nightmare, but so glad you could awake and realize it was not real.

OH HEIDI, wish we lived closer, I would have shared my cool with you! I know first hand, and recently, what it is like to have no air conditioning. Even then, I had a small 5000BTU unit in my bedroom, I could sleep it was cooler than your 86 indoors. the humidity came rushing in also, didn't it? Humidity is one reason AC is a must in the south. Why heat storoke is so fast acting here too. A body cannot cool itself with sweating, we sweat and it just soakks our clothes, drips in our eyes, and really runs down to puddle in your shoes. I have had my crocs wet inside,, because of the humidity related sweat. In drier climes, a person sweats, the sweat dries, and in that evaporation, the body is cooled. My friends who lived in Arizona, and had a pool, said you could come out of the pool when temps were 90, but humidity was like 15 percent, and you had to put on a robe, or wrap in big towels, you would be COLD. I hope the repairman can get there tomorrow, well, actually today as it is 12:30 here now. Just what did he do to break the AC? I thought the dog episode was enough of a good bye gift to you

TAMI, sometimes you need that kind of 'busy' weekend reading. I get lost in a book, always have. It seems you do too.

Mamacita, it is OK to take all day to do your laundry. You got it done, that is what matters. WhenI came home from hospital after pneumonia, the occupational therapist and i were going to make muffins. I knew I could not do everything needed while she was here, so I got every dish, measuring cup, spatula, whisk, spoon and ingredient I would need all out and ready to go. Did that early, so I could rest before she got here, and even then I barely had energy to finish. I was doing the last part, spooning the batter into muffin tins while sitting in my chair. So take as long as you need to get it done, stop and rest when you need to rest. It will get done. Proud of you for finishing the laundry, you did great.

OK, bak is unhappy with me again sitting up, back to bed and hope this time I can go to sleep. Hugs to each of you, but gentle ones tonight. till tomorrow

23/Jul/12 3:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Woo hoo! My internet is back!

Like everyone else I love the idea of the message Tahli was typing. Wouldn't that be wonderful?!

I've read everything but my brain is now dead... sick baby in the house isn't helping.

I only had 4 periods today, but I have 6 tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. Especially since the head teacher arranged for me to supervise one of my students in detention at recess - so effectively I'll be working from 8.15 to 12.05 without even a pee break let alone a coffee break!

He deserves detention - he lit a spray deodorant can with a match! Freaked me out!!! But on my 6 period day!!!!!!!!!
23/Jul/12 8:27 PM
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