Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, strong words when your friend comes back tomorrow. Make yourself heard! Write it down if it will help - I know it would help me. And it's easier to be diplomatic if you can think about it ahead of time. I know her help warrants gratitude, but she needs to understand that she could put you out of action for a week that way!

23/Jul/12 8:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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OOps, better find something inspiring to say - where's Tahli when I need her???

.... something. It's not the words I read, but it's the idea I think.

Be peaceful amongst the chaos.
23/Jul/12 8:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Central air repairman will be coming today. They promised to send the first available repairman, probably in a couple of hours. Does anybody remember the TV show ''Mission Impossible'? The guy in charge was named Jim Phelps. That's also the name of the owner of the heating and cooling company. They respond faster than any other repairmen I've seen. These guys are good.

Suzy.... Did the student burn anything? A match or lighter (even a cigarette) applied to the spray from an aerosol can produces a blow torch. I used to do that to kill tarantulas in the kitchen in Costa Rica.
23/Jul/12 10:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I watched a nature documentary last night until I got sleepy, then dropped off under my only ceiling fan. I slept 5 hours, but it was quality sleep. No IH snoring and snorting (he has sleep apnea, but refuses to believe it). I may just go back to bed until the repairman comes. My hip hurts, but I'm going to wait on it until the AC is fixed.
23/Jul/12 10:52 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning dear friends,
Just lost a long, and I think quite good post darn it. I was trying to look up a word's spelling since I couldn't spell it well enough to be After Bean's misadventure, I called myself copying and saving too...just didn't do it right...Oh well, I can't begin to replicate it so I'll just wish all a good/day night, check easy and the jigsaws then go read a I too can get lost in it. Peace you guys!
24/Jul/12 12:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The repairman is here!!! The whole thing was literally frozen up... one solid block of ice inside from the filthy filter blocking all the air. IH had been lying to me about changing the filter. Every time I asked him if the filter had been changed recently, he'd say that he had just done it a day ago or a week ago. When we looked at it, it hadn't been changed in a year. He then said that he hadn't changed the filter because he didn't have a replacement. I promptly handed him 3 replacements. When will he learn that it's cheaper to do maintenence (sp?) than to pay for repairs?
24/Jul/12 3:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm slowly cooling down. I've been outside a lot today just clearing up branches I cut off the yews, so Robert can mow the lawn. Now I'm going to take a nap while he mows. I just want to grab post #18888.
24/Jul/12 5:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Did it!!!
24/Jul/12 5:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Had a lovely day yesterday. A Christmas in July dinner at lunchtime and then a visit to MIL. The Doctor had given her a new tablet last week and it had made her ill for several days. Yesterday she asked me to take the diamond ring that she was leaving me in her will.Being sick had made her feel vulnerable.
This morning I have a 7.30am dental appointment. More work on the root canal therapy. Then off to bowls.
Hugs to you all.
24/Jul/12 6:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck at the dentist's June. I hope everything goes painlessly.
24/Jul/12 6:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I'm back! Took a few weeks to sort out my life a bit. Lots of medical thingies at the moment. Still have an appointment at the Diabetes Clinic (I will be going on insulin), squishy thingie, bone density test, get eyes checked because of blurred vision. Then it's back to the doctor for all results. This getting older is just WONDERFUL! But I have come to terms with things for the moment and have a better outlook on life.
24/Jul/12 7:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Welcome back Theresa. Nice to 'hear' you sounding brighter.
Heidi, no injection and no pain. I think he will be using one of those brain shaking drills though.
24/Jul/12 7:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I have acomplished nothing today, back is not happy yet. but I am not in as much pain, so that is the good part.

June, good luck at the dentist. the Christmas in July dinner sounds fun.

Theresa, good to see you back posting. I hope your medical things all resolve soon.

So glad you have AC again Heidi. All that just cause Gil would not change the filters, gee.

I got an e-mail from Linda at EP, she said she wrote down the appointment time as 11, not as 1:30, on her calendar I suppose. she thought I just had not shown up. good thing I copied her e-mail statin the time in the one i sent her. No way she coud say I just issed the appointment then. I have another appointment at 10 am on Wednesday. Hope this back is much better by then.

Time for some combination of lunch and dinner, as I never ate after breakfast today. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

24/Jul/12 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... This is the 4th time this has happened. He keeps lying to me about changing the filter, and not doing it. That's why I insisted that he leave a check to pay for it. His checking account is the only thing that can hurt him enough to make him learn.
24/Jul/12 8:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good to see you back home here, Theresa. I'm glad that you're getting your health troubles straightened out.
24/Jul/12 8:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That was good thinking on your part MizT to add her original email to yours, well done :)

Theresa, great to see you back. The best thing is to go with the flow and be proactive about anything you have some control over, that way life just seems easier <3
24/Jul/12 10:53 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, it is very scary when our loved ones start to feel their end is nigh. Did you take the ring? I know it made Mum feel better knowing certain things she wanted us to have she was able to give herself. I will never forget when my sis and I did the mercy dash back home a year before she passed because Bill couldn't cope any more at the time. Mum was 'as weak as a kitten' to quote her words. When I was sitting with her after we had brought her home from the hospital, she looked up at me and asked 'Is this the one?'. I knew she meant was this what was going to take her from us, I told her it wasn't, this was just a hurdle along the way, but she was never really right again after that. It had knocked her confidence completely :(
24/Jul/12 11:01 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all! I'm here before 8:30 because we have to take the computer apart to take it in early tomorrow to the Apple store. Although the computer is old, we need to take it in because my iPhone (also old) had an issue a couple of weeks ago when neither of our phones would recognize our password. We had to change it a couple of times in a day or two. Somehow, my calendar was wiped clean, but hubby was able to bring it back, as both hubby and I sync our iPhones with the computer. The other major problem was that it completely messed up my directory. We alphabetize by first name, so Bob J. is listed as Bob, etc. All doctors, dentists and vets are entered by Dr. A, Dr. B, etc. Well, my phone decided to re-alphabetize by last name, some of which weren't entered, some of which I don't know (like some of hubby's cousins, who I only know by first name). It put our pharmacy, which is a large chain in by the name of the city where it's located. It's really a PAIN. We're hoping they can figure a way to restore it to the way we want it so I don't need to re-enter every single entry! Sorry, that's probably LOTS more information than any of you wanted to know!

Tricia, maybe that's exactly what you need to do. Apologize profusely, then send Betty out to the dome, saying that really is all you can think of for her to work on today. She'll be out of your hair, and maybe actually be more help to you. I hope you finally got some sleep and feel better today! (Same for Edna!)

Suzy, I hope Tahli soon feels better! Why should you be required to serve detention with your student? Isn't there someone whose job it is to supervise the detention room? I hope your day tomorrow isn't as awful as it has the potential to be with no breaks!

Suzy, some excellent advice for MizT and preparing for Betty's next attempt to help! I also like your TOPP. That's kind of how this summer has felt for us - near chaos. And it's passing far too quickly. Seems like we're always looking for a bit of peace.

Heidi, I'm so glad the 'Mission Impossible' AC team was able to come to your rescue today! Of course, none of us is too surprised that the problem was IH's fault and due to his stinginess. Having it impact his wallet may help him to remember this lesson (or not). At any rate, I'm glad you were able to get some restful sleep. Now, if only your hip didn't hurt so much! {{{HUGS}}}

Ouima, what a bother it is when a long and interesting post is lost! That reminds me that I should save this as soon as I finish typing. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day with a book!

June, your Christmas in July dinner sounds like a great idea! Hopefully your MIL is feeling a bit better since she was given the new medication. It's good that she was lucid and could ask you to take the ring. I hope your dental appointment goes well and you do well at bowls!

Welcome home, Theresa! We've missed you! I'm glad you took the time to get things straightened out and put things
24/Jul/12 12:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I ran over again. Here's the rest:

Welcome home, Theresa! We've missed you! I'm glad you took the time to get things straightened out and put things in perspective! You were hit with more than anyone should deal with all at once, but given time, you are finding that you can deal with it in bits and pieces. I hope you and hubby enjoyed your anniversary yesterday! Take as much time as necessary to get a handle on health issues and other issues you're dealing with! We're here with many shoulders in case you need one or two!

Tricia, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I'm a bit suspicious of the story given to you by Linda. If she had expected you at 11 and you weren't there by 11:30 or so, wouldn't it have been a good idea for her to call and check on you to make sure everything was all right with you? Well, it really doesn't matter at this point, I guess. Would it make sense to email her next Tuesday to confirm the time of your Wednesday appointment?

Gail, your advice to Theresa probably applies to all of us in some way: Just go with the flow and be proactive about anything you have some control over. That implies that no time is spent worrying about anything over which you have no control!

Sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{HUGS}}}} and for all! I hope everyone will have a fabulous day tomorrow! An early good night and signing off here so we can get the computer ready to go tomorrow.
24/Jul/12 12:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH and I had a ''discussion'' about the filters and the expense of having a repairman come out versus the cost of those filters. He more than paid for a lifetime supply of them today. I also told him that next time this happens, he will probably have to replace the heating and cooling system entirely. That runs into big money. He SWEARS that he will start changing them regularly. This hopefully made an impression.
There are 2 filters that need to be changed. One, upstairs, is my responsibility. The one downstairs is his responsibility. I feel like that's the only fair way.
24/Jul/12 2:07 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone! Haven't been here for a while, so I hope you're all well.

We've been busy lately trying to clean up Mum's house and move stuff out. Last weekend we had some young relatives come to help us go through all the things and say what they wanted to take. It was a good day, and the house is a lot emptier than it was ... once we do get rid of all the extras we will have to get cleaning done, then put the house on the market. I'm finding that I'm totally exhausted after the weekend.
24/Jul/12 2:35 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon...
Busy, busy ... busy...
Hope to get back to post later..
Some good advice on this page..
24/Jul/12 3:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hey Judy, good to hear about the help for Mum's place, it makes it so much easier for people to come, take their 'goodies' and help out along the way. Good news :)

Remember everyone, It is what it is ♥
24/Jul/12 4:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Judy, I hope you are saying that when you have to get the cleaning done it will be by the professionals and not you.
24/Jul/12 5:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Opps Gekko my friends.
Have read and thought of you all.
Very tired puppy here and cannot figure out why with all the drama that has been going on in my life. Will tell you about it tomorrow as I have I day to myself.
Love and Hugs to you all.
24/Jul/12 5:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Like Broni I have no energy to comment tonight, only to vent.

I do have to say hi to Theresa though! And I'm glad you're in a better place!!

My day - Two periods followed by detention (and no there is no detention room, I got to have him, and the three others I held over from the period before. I spoke to each of them and sent him off to pick up papers, telling him to make sure he did it because I was going to check. I did check, he wasn't doing it, so I stood there and watched him until I thought he'd done enough. One girl gave me such lip she really p'd me off (in detention), so I told her to go away and later called her mother. Boy is she going to cop it when she gets home... And I didn't tell her mother the half of it! A conversation I had with her: Me: Is it really necessary for you to speak so loudly that the entire class can hear that you are not on task? Her: Stop listening in! Me: That's my point, you're speaking so loudly the whole class can hear you without even trying. I have no choice but to listen in. Her: Butt out! Me: Excuse me! Her: I was talking to Ben. (Her favourite out...)

Then my year 10 class was hijacked again! NAIDOC assembly - which was excellent - and only 4 of them made it back to the classroom for the rest of the period. No point starting anything with only half an hour and only 30 minutes of my 100 minute lesson!

Then I had 8 Monsters. And they outdid themselves! Among other things, the one that I had had on detention at recess simulated s3x with the back bench... there is more, but I think that sums it up. I typed out a description of the lesson and showed it to the head teacher who says he will come to my next lesson to talk to them and then they will stay in for the recess following that lesson. Luckily that's a fairly light day for me. I wonder if it will make any difference???

Last for the day was 8 couldn't care less. They are one of the top classes and usually do most of the work, but as sloppily, as loudly and as quickly as they can, and then they get even louder and refuse to do any work I give them after they finish the first batch.

I go from there to Bomaderry to pick up Dana from TAFE, then we drove into Nowra to pick up Tahli from Spedo's house. Then to the mall to pick up Alie. We got home and Tahli was fussy. Dana took her temp and it was 39.6 (over 103F) and she has an incredibly awful nappy rash that she didn't have this morning.. so off we went to Emergency. They are packed - not even a bed for someone with chest pains! I'm home to do lessons for tomorrow and hubby is up there now...

Now Alie is sitting here all upset because one of her friends is having a really tough time at home. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but some of the parents out there just defy explanation!
24/Jul/12 8:15 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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When the bike race finished I thought I might not get woken up with the TV being late and loud. No such luck.I was having a nice sleep! Dentist trip was OK. I did have an injection but no drill. Just lots poking,filling and generally clearing out the roots. A bit tender tonight. Another visit in a couple of weeks.
25/Jul/12 12:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like most of those kids you deal with defy description, Suzy!!!! When did kids get so rude to their elders??? At least in this area, 50% of the kids are farm kids who have to work at home, and say ''Yes, sir'' and ''Yes, Ma'am'' and ''Please''. The rest are either white trash who drop out of school as soon as they start High School, or 1st generation townies who are still taught a few manners. There may be some of the sort you describe, but I (fortunately) have yet to meet them.
25/Jul/12 12:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert won't be here today. He had to have a really bad tooth pulled yesterday afternoon, and his face is quite swollen and painful today. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the last time I had a tooth pulled (a 2 hour ordeal) I partied that evening. But I was a LOT younger then...... but just as crazy as I am now.

I kind of have the day to myself. IH is on the property, but very busy with a visitor. They're working in piles of paperwork to finish up a major study to help get a new dewormer approved by the USDA. I wish IH would concentrate on this business instead of fooling with that money pit of a processing plant.
25/Jul/12 12:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm going to try to catch Buddy in a few minutes and go for a drive. It's still relatively cool outside. (It's perfect inside!!!)
25/Jul/12 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My hip is still quite painful. But it hurts even if I'm sitting at the 'pooter.
25/Jul/12 12:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I am here with an afternoon cup of coffee. Mitchell has been on the computer. He is taking an online class for the summer.

Suzy, if a student lights a match/lighter in school here, they would have been suspended for the offense, and possibly face being expelled.

Heidi, will IH ever learn? My hubby is in charge of changing the filter and does so regularly. It is cheaper to maintain, than replace.

Have helped mom with some packing. She does not own the condo yet. She will close next week and move in mid-August.
25/Jul/12 2:21 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all, I sit here itching and am very uncomfortable at the moment, but hope the meds kick in soon. This stuff is for the birds!
Things are starting to feel more normal now so all is good I think.
Glad to see Theresa and Judy posting. Welcome back to you both. Theresa, take time and things will fall into have already gone through a lot and its bound to take its toll, so I tell you what I've been hearing a lot steps will get you there at the point where you can best handle things...Heidi, feel better, and that goes for all who are a little off kilter now.
Suzy, I remember days like you had and they really leave you wondering where these kids will wind up. Just hang on tightly and be glad they don't live with for better kids to help you forget the rude, crude ones who always pop up at the worst possible times.
Tami, hope you are able to enjoy your remaining summer vacation while still being a big help to your mom and dad.... dragging the beastie boys into service too I'm sure...many hands make light work, but all work and no fun is
25/Jul/12 4:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Never got out to catch Buddy. While I was sitting at the 'pooter, the temperature shot up from 80 to 90 degrees. It's now 97. Too hot to drive. Instead I went to the feed store nd stocked up on feed for everybody.
25/Jul/12 4:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... a bunch of the neighbors and I have discussed IH and his cheapness vs his laziness. We know both are major problems (EVERYONE has experienced IH offering to help them, and right as the work is about to start, he has to make a sudden, important phone call. He never returns until after the work is done.) His cheapness is also legendary. (He'll ask a teenager to help him with something like cleaning goat pens... a laborious job that takes 3 or 4 hours of hard work. He doesn't help, but while the young man is working, he'll bring them a cold soda. After the job is done, they'll ask to be paid. He acts astonished, and exclaims that he ''gave'' them a soda... that's payment enough!!! He's done that to half a dozen young men. Word has gotten around. No teens will work for him any more.) We do think that his laziness is worse than his cheapness. That's why he'll allow the AC problem to happen.
25/Jul/12 4:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH has now left for Virginia!!! He won't be back for 3 days. I could not be happier! I get the house and farm to myself!!!
25/Jul/12 5:01 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Being a sticky beak here Heidi. How did IH stop the foreclosure on the plant? Last I remember he was wanting to use your farm as collateral.
25/Jul/12 7:12 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Callie is recovering from being spayed. She went in this morning and we picked her up at4pm. She is not happy with us, plus she is still groggy from the op.
Hopefully she will feel a little better tomorrow.
25/Jul/12 7:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It is so wonderful to see Mama here ... you have been greatly missed.

We had some much needed rain yesterday, complete with a bit of hail. There was also the possibility that two tornadoes touched down, one in the next county over. We are desperately in need of rain. We have level two drought conditions and farmers are really suffering. As well as not washing cars or hose-watering grass or plants, we are being asked to cut back 20% on our water consumption. We haven't cut our grass in about 3 weeks.

Thinking of you all and thank you for welcoming me 'home'.
25/Jul/12 7:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Brenda... he hasn't said a word about it to me. Even if he did say something, I don't think it would be the truth.

We're having a huge thunderstorm right now. Little rain, but high winds and a LOT of thunder and lightning. The power has been going on and off about once a minute. I gave up on trying to watch a documentary on birds from Wales.
25/Jul/12 8:20 AM
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