Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - I'm pleased that people are keeping you busy. You're not going to forget (ever), but it will hopefully keep you from dwelling on it.
26/Jul/12 5:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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' Be calm and go where the current takes you'
26/Jul/12 5:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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'There is absolutely no time limit on grief - so don't rush yourself or let others rush you'
Many of us understand that!
26/Jul/12 5:38 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June got in with one before I found an apt one - sorry didn't realise I would go over the page.
26/Jul/12 5:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Guess where I spent tonight (again!). Yep, the emergency room! This time Alie fell off a stage (again, she's done that a few times) this time she hurt her ankle pretty badly. Turns out it's not broken, but she's on crutches for now and is feeling a bunch of pain.

26/Jul/12 8:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
I've had an afternoon siesta ... slept through the rain clouds coming over and didn't get to bring the washing in! If that is the biggest concern in my life at the moment then I'm doing ok! I think I overdid it yesterday. Haven't sorted a box yet today so had best not stay here for too long.

June .. you know we will all be with you in our thoughts on Saturday. Anniversary's of this kind no mother should ever have to have. Love and hugs.

Julie reading your post exhausted me.. how do you keep up that pace? I'm impressed.

Cyn that is a wonderful saying .. wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do both..

Suzy had Alie's infection upset or balance or is she accident prone? Some of us are..

Glad you are feeling better Heidi.. a good steak eh! Lol..

Welcome Midge.

Need to go and find some food and think about bed... after at least one box..
26/Jul/12 9:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bean, I would say it was the infection, if she hadn't done something similar so many times before! This is her third badly sprained ankle, and it has to be bad because she has a really high pain threshold and this is hurting her... first time she has agreed to crutches. She fell a few times during the musical - once on stage during a performance! They spotlighted her and everyone laughed!! I didn't see that one, it was a matinee, but I heard all about it. I don't know if adrenaline kept her going then but she didn't seem to really hurt herself those times.

I missed a hail storm here Bean because it only hit where we live, not in town! I'm bummed, love a good storm!
26/Jul/12 9:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - hugs for Alie - hope her ankle heals quickly.
26/Jul/12 9:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dana has a new friend, who I will not name for reasons that will become obvious. This friend's ex is in prison for beating the cr@p out of her just after she had their second child. He was sentenced to between 3 and 4 years, don't know how much exactly, but... he comes up for probation (good behaviour) next month and it looks like he's going to get it (he has served 6 months). He's recently tried to call her from prison (she hung up as soon as the message said where the call was from - at least she got a warning) and she's absolutely terrified and very upset. What kind of system??? She has an AVO but we all know what they're worth... (restraining order for the Americans)
26/Jul/12 9:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Jeez! Dana can really find the low-lifes, can't she?
Suzy.... I have a suggestion for Alie. It worked for me. Last November 5th, I bought a $4 balance bracelet. I figured I had nothing to lose. I was falling and tripping almost daily, and some of those falls were nasty. So I decided to try one of those silly, cheap things. I don't understand how or why they should work, but they DO work. I have not fallen a single time since then!! I have stumbled a lot, but have been able to catch my balance every time. I don't know if it's psychological or what. I do know that I started out being very skeptical. I'm a believer now.
27/Jul/12 12:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to lock the dogs up so either I or Robert can finish mowing the lawn. Robert started it a couple of days ago, but had to leave for a dental appt. before he finished. He said that he'd finish the next morning. He hasn't been back since. He was REALLY sore. He said that he'd be back today but hasn't arrived yet. If he isn't here in the next hour, I'll do it. Which will upset him since he loves using the Bad Boy (the new zero-turn mower).
27/Jul/12 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert arrived at a quarter to 2 this afternoon, in the heat of the day. It's HOT but he's enjoying the Bad Boy anyway. After he's done with the lawn, we'll work on digging post holes.... with the tractor.
27/Jul/12 4:05 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, you will be in my thoughts on Saturday. As Bean said, no parent should have an anniversary like this. ♥♥♥♥♥
27/Jul/12 5:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We got most of the 59 post holes dug. Only about a dozen left for tomorrow. That includes 3 that have to be dug by hand because of buried utility lines nearby. We're also going to get the wooden posts tomorrow as well. Then pop them in the post holes before the weekend break. We now have a deadline to get this job done. The horse hauler will be delivering Serenade on August 6th or 7th, and I want this safer fence up by then. That's just under 2 weeks to finish the entire horse pasture.
27/Jul/12 7:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... . This is an awful anniversary, all right. We will all be with you in spirit to help you make it through the day. Maybe you should spend time tomorrow telling Laura funny and/ or sweet stories about her mother so you all can celebrate her life and memory. It might make the day easier to get through.
27/Jul/12 7:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH will be home tomorrow afternoon, so I need to really enjoy myself tonight. That means watching movies in bed with the volume up loud enough that I can hear it easily. IH goes to bed early and throws a major snit if I make noise. Yet it doesn't bother him at all when I'm trying to sleep in the morning and HE makes noise. He regularly wakes me up at some g*dawful hour by singing ''The Battle Hymn Of The Republic'' at the top of his lungs. (btw.... he's tone deaf.)
27/Jul/12 7:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's 7 pm and the temperature is 95℉ / 35℃ with a heat index of 101℉ / 38.3℃. I'm tired of this heat. It's hard to have fun with the horses when it's this hot.
27/Jul/12 9:07 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Evening everyone...really late checking in today...I've been busy. I did a little ironing(sorry for cursing), prepared meat broken down into edible cooking packages in freezer,prepared my dinner of shrimp scampi, and I'm tired but happy with my production. My tummy is happy with my cooking.
Visiting nurse and O.T come tomorrow. I'll be glad when all of this is behind me and I can start having my needed dental work done. Due to the accident and breathing difficulties, the doctors knocked out or removed about five teeth on my right side and its difficult eating meat and I want to good steak now. Heidi made my mouth water when she mentioned hers the other day.
June, I enjoyed our chat and I located the book. I also ordered two others by him, one,Dark Angel will arrive soon, but the other will be out later this year. I'll let you know.
A storm has just hit and promises to be a rough one so I'm going to post this before I lose it. Have a great day all. Peace.
27/Jul/12 9:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm getting another rescue Collie. Her owner passed away and no relatives want her. She's elderly, but in good health, and her name is Chaka. We're working out details right now on how to get her here.
27/Jul/12 9:39 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.

Suzy.. you and me both.. sorry to hear you missed a good storm..not your type of storms Heidi.. yours are too extreme for me..
Poor Alie.. she sounds like me.. This will make you laugh.. I'm known for some of my spectacular 'accidents'.. After 10 years working in labour ward it wasn't uncommon to look after the same women for subsequent pregnancies. It is amazing what women remember about their care givers even during life changing events. I walked into a delivery room after handover one day and was greeted with..
'oh.. the ladder lady..'
I'd just fallen head first down a flight of stairs whilst painting when she was last in... Severley concussed I found I was the talk of the floor when I returned to work.. everyone wanted to check out my head sutures and bruises..
27/Jul/12 11:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy (HUGS).. too much going to the ER this week. Hope all your family are on the mend.

June ((HUGS)) and ♥
27/Jul/12 11:03 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi I have never heard of those bracelets. It sounds like the sort of thing I need.

Had a few other things I wanted to say but have forgotten already...

Back to work..
27/Jul/12 11:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, posting without reading to let you know I am back online. Our power went off earlier this week, and my puter went off, would not come back on. Joy came down tonight and jiggled the correct connection, took more than once to make it work again. I am so glad to have my puter and my friends back.

Went to chiropractor today, helped my back some but still not back where it should be,

Had my leasing interview Wednesday, signed a half dozen papers giving doctors, bank, pharmacy and others permission to share my information with HUD, the agency who subsidizes my rent. I should get to go see my apartment after first of the month, so I can measure and check out other things. Linda said she would find a day when painters, carpet people and maintenance would not be in my apartment, so they must be gonna freshen it up nicely for me. It is on second floor on the back side, overlooking parking lot. If it had been on front of this building and above second floor, it would have had a nice night time view of downtown Birmingham lights. No such luck. Second floor is nice though, no one under me, there is parking under this building on ground floor.

Not sure when my move in date will be yet, or how much the rent will be, it is a percentage of my 'adjusted' income, medical expenses deducted from income, but I know how much the most it could be before adjustment and that is fine with me.

Nothing much else going on. I shall order the furniture I want, the small drop leaf table and RED parsons dining chairs, 2 bookcases. I will have to go to furniture stores to find a love seat. Nice to have some new furniture it has been ages since I bought anything new.

OK, my back is unhappy sitting here so I shall go back to my recliner, after taking my nighttime medicines. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
27/Jul/12 1:33 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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A great day today - my daughter is home from Singapore, one son home from Lismore, another son arrived safely in Phuket and another son rang to say he is leaving Nadi and going to Nepal for 3 weeks. So for now I know they are all o.k. Heidi, you have a good heart to give a home to unwanted collies. Bean I find it amazing how the nursing staff remember their patients - I had 4 months in Box Hill Hospital last year (looking like a toadfish - and not much hair) and each time I go back, I am greeted so warmly. You are part of a great profession.
27/Jul/12 1:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening and Greetings to Everyone! It has been a busy day, including practicing, cello lesson (50 minute drive each way), finished making the 5 pens I needed to do so hubby could get to work on the pens he needs to have made by this time next week. Had a call from a sister and also a friend of hubby's that they saw one of our D's in the lead-up to a national news program. Unfortunately, the footage was repeated when that particular segment aired!

June, I hope you enjoyed dinner with your sister tonight! I also hope you know that we are all here for you as the anniversary approaches. You have done an amazing job dealing with all the year has brought you! We are here to support you. {{{{HUGS}}}} !

Thank you to June and Cyn for each providing a TOPP for this page! They are both so true.

Bean, so sorry you over-did yesterday, but hope you got your 1 box sorted before bedtime!

Suzy, so sorry to hear Alie has injured her ankle again! It could be that the infection is upsetting her balance. It could be that when she's performing/rehearsing, all of her attention is on that and not on where she is in relation to the edge of the stage. I'll echo Heidi's information on a balance bracelet. I've had one (Power Balance bracelet) for about 2 years. They retail for close to $30, but I did a thorough search on Amazon. The first one to come up was fairly expensive, but I kept trying until I found one for $4 or $5. I'm still a klutz, but generally don't fall and can find a way to steady myself most of the time when I lose my balance.

Suzy, thinking positive thoughts for Dana's new friend. Hopefully the situation can be resolved and the two kept apart.

Heidi, I'm glad Robert arrived and you got so much done! I guess he doesn't mind the heat too much. Sometimes it's good to have the added incentive to get things done. I guess Serenade will see to it that the horse pasture is safely enclosed.

Ouima, it sounds like you had a productive day! Isn't it an amazing feeling to look forward to a dental appointment?

Heidi, good for you for accepting another elderly collie! I hope she'll make a quick adjustment and get along well with the others! So sorry IH will be back so soon!

Roma, I hadn't heard your Ladder Lady story before. That must have been quite a fall! I hope you are able to get a lot done today but without over-doing or hurting anything!

It's good to see you, Tricia. How awful to be without your computer! I'm glad you had the interview and that they'll do some freshening of your apartment before you move in. I hope all of the paperwork is now done (your portion, at least) and it will be smooth sailing until your move-in date! So sorry it won't be the view you had hoped for! What direction will your windows face? Some new furniture is very exciting!

MIdge, isn't it wonderful when you know where each of your children is and also know that they are safe? Do they travel for business or pleasure or
27/Jul/12 3:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I ran over again, so here's the rest:

Do they travel for business or pleasure or both? Seems like it might get tricky sometimes to keep track of where each of them is.

Time to hit the hay here. We have another early morning for hubby's eye doctor appointment. He has scheduled some errands around the appointment, which is always a good idea to consolidate. The problem is that his eyes will be dilated, and I need to drive for the errands after the appt. and return home. Did I ever mention that I fall asleep in the car, even while driving? So, I'm off to bed!

Sending oodles and oodles of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes!
27/Jul/12 3:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all
Tricia - glad you're back online - I wondered yesterday where you were.
Heidi - another rescue Collie, how lovely - Chaka is getting a loving home, lucky girl!
Midge - nothing better than knowing that your kids are all fine! Breathe-easy time.
Suzy - hope Alie's ankle is a bit better today and that Tahli is recovering.
June - {{{more big hugs}}}!
Rolanda - you too!
Hi also to Julie, Beanie, Mama ( so nice to see you here again) and Theresa.
27/Jul/12 6:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Thank you all for your thoughts for Alie. It's kind of funny actually, she is calling me from her bedroom. I got out of the shower this morning and hubby said 'I just heard your phone'. I checked and it was a missed call from Alie. Her throat was really sore and she wanted some water but her ankle was sore too and she didn't really want to get out of bed! I didn't laugh until I was out of earshot!! I took her back something to eat so she could take her pain killers too.

Tahli is better than she was but still sick. Her eyes have that sick look about them and she is sleeping more than usual - during the day at least. Apparently she's a little more awake during the night. At least she isn't crying in her sleep anymore, that was breaking my heart.

Hubby has the virus big time, Dana has had it as long as Tahli, and I can feel it coming. Not until Tuesday when my block is done! I refuse to get it until then!!!

Dana's friend is meeting with someone next week, couldn't hear who (one of my ears is so blocked I can't hear properly at the moment. Yes, I'm working on it...) about the ex getting out of prison. I hope they can help her feel better because from what I can tell she's spending a lot of time right now either crying or trying not to. I can't remember who said something that implied this reflected badly on Dana's friend, but some doctors, lawyers, engineers etc etc etc also beat their wives. This girl was extremely brave in getting this you-know-what prosecuted and I like her a lot for doing it.
27/Jul/12 8:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I will think of you driving tomorrow and look forward to you posting when you are safely home! Good for you for getting the pens done so quickly!!

Midge, your kids sure lead interesting lives! How wonderful for them!!

June, I hope you have plans tomorrow that mean you will be as distracted/supported as much as you need to be. I'm kind of torn about what that should look like. You really didn't have time to think much when it all happened, maybe some quiet reflection and a few tears would be helpful, maybe they wouldn't. Wish I knew what the right thing to hope for was! Whatever it is, I hope you get it!

MizT, I don't know about you, but I'm getting excited about your new place. It's not perfect, but it is sure close! I can't wait to start hearing stories about outings and adventures!!

Mamacita, I am loving hearing that you are doing every day things. It was very scary for a while there and I am so so so very glad you are back here and getting better every day.

Bean, one box, ten boxes, it's all progress! When you are in pain from overdoing it, remember how you got there and pat yourself on the back.

Heidi, one of my doggies is getting old (for her breed) and I'm thinking if she goes we might rescue an older dog to keep the other one company. Still only a vague thought as I'm hoping we don't lose Shadow for a long time yet, but your efforts do inspire!

Gail, did you update us on your progress? If you did it's on a previous page and I can't see it... I hope the woodwork is done, just so you don't have it still on your list of things to do!

Rolanda, do you have electrics and plumbing yet? The progress has been so fast (at least from here) that is seems possible...
27/Jul/12 9:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My poor daughter Belinda. She rang this morning to say her favourite dog and been hit by a truck and was dead. She was a 10 year old blue cattle cross. Belinda said 'why did it have to be this weekend?'. She is devastated. Belinda lives alone with all her animals. We will be going up there on Sunday.
I was taken out to lunch today by my good neighbours. I am being spoilt.
Must get up early tomorrow to start watching the Olympics.
27/Jul/12 9:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I started that last post about 4 hours ago. Suzy, I hope your family start getting better soon. Why do they all get sick when you are busy working? Probably the same for most families.It was often like that when I worked.
Ken is not going to bowls tomorrow. We will probably take a drive somewhere but not sure where. We will not be seeing Laura. She will be going to the cemetery with her Father tomorrow and she has a birthday party to go to on Sunday.I feel stronger tonight than I have for the last couple of weeks. I kept reliving what was happening last year.
Tricia, sorry about your computer but glad it is fixed. Pleased the interview went well and that you will now be moving in much sooner than first anticipated.
Heidi, we could do with your tractor and auger at Belinda's place. Most of her fences need repairing/replacing but she will have to pay to get them done. She actually has a fenced yard for the dogs but even when electrified it did not keep Inca inside. The shame is she was about 10 years old and seldom went near the road. (It is a busy road with 80k speed limit).
Mamacita, I will look out for those books.Lately I have been doing too much reading and not enough housework!
27/Jul/12 9:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Poor Belinda! Not what she needed right now...

27/Jul/12 10:21 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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In my heart June, Ken, Belinda and Laura ♥♥♥♥
27/Jul/12 11:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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27/Jul/12 11:46 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gekko All,
Sunny and warm here today. Not much going on in my world. The Visiting nurse was here and I'm good. She was pleased with my progress doing everyday stuff too Suzy, but repeated the 'sit and rest between chores' advice. She smiled when I told her I had little choice in the body ruled, and agreed that we all need to pay more attention to our bodies...that goes for you Bean, Suzy,Heidi,MzT...oh shucks, all of you!!!LOL.
MzT, things are moving along for you in a good way, and I couldn't be happier about it. Take it easy. Has Betty been back to 'help'? How is Edna doing? Glad Joy could get the computer back to work. Stay well.
June, Hope you and Ken will have a good drive and reflect on how well you both have come through and coped with such a great loss. Glad Laura will be going to the cemetery to pay regards and reflect on things as much as a small child can. Her dad is doing a good thing in helping her to remember her Mum, but he is so blessed that you and Ken are so close to her. My heart goes out to Belinda, I too thought why this weekend when I saw her post on the other site.So sad.
Julie, yes, it is amazing to look forward to a dental appointment, but it won't last long once I get started I'm Please stay safe...sleeping when driving can lead to bad encourage lots of conversation even though hubby may not feel up to it so that you will stay awake. Will look forward to your next post along with everyone else.
How's the house coming Rolanda? Cyn, its good to be back home posting regularly.Theresa and Midge, glad to see you both on site...take care all...see you when I see ya. Peace.
28/Jul/12 12:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko all. We had a humdinger of a storm last evening, and we lost computer, phone and TV. They just finished replacing the fried box and reprograming all of the fibre optics controlling everything. I was starting to suffer from withdrawal.
28/Jul/12 3:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh no!!! Poor Belinda. Losing a favorite dog is like losing a family member. Please send her my hugs, June. This has got to be an extra rough weekend for her.
I wish I could show up there with my tractor and auger. And Robert. We might have been good help. Oh, well.
28/Jul/12 3:44 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thinking of June, Ken, Laura and Belinda.

Heidi, did you have much storm damage?
28/Jul/12 7:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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T storms nearby, I hope we get a bit of rain from them.

I am not getting much done today, fifteen inutes seems my limit on cleaning things. I am working on clearing things from Al's bathroom. Need to get under the sink now, but that may not happen today. Sister Edna has her hubby home now for a few days, then dentist and doctor appointments Monday and Wednesday, she will not be back till Friday I think. Betty has not come back this week. Just me and Joy for a couple hours last night, and she had such a migraine headache we did not do much. Maybe I need another chiropractor appointment Monday.
28/Jul/12 7:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Busy watching the Olympics. Thanks for all the hugs and good wishes. I am doing OK. Not sure about when they sang 'Abide with Me'.
28/Jul/12 7:40 AM
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