Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's as dark as night right now, and we're supposed to have 3 more hours of daylight. This is a good storm! I can finally hear the rain crashing down and drumming on the windows. This will make digging post holes much easier tomorrow.
25/Jul/12 8:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow! The wind is blowing so hard, and the rain is so heavy, that I feel like I'm experiencing a hurricane! I hope the basement doesn't flood!
25/Jul/12 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm shutting down. This is really nasty, and will continue for over an hour more.
25/Jul/12 8:57 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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An hour further on and I'm wondering how you are weathering the storm Heidi.. fingers crossed for the basement..

Suzy..hope you are having a better day.. shudder... agree with your comments about parents..

I have a VERY busy day scheduled.. need all the caring thoughts you can muster to get me through it..

Will try to get back later
25/Jul/12 10:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We survived the storm..... all except for a pile of dead wild birds I discovered next to my desk. (The dogs can do strange things.) I did hear a lightning strike near the house, but haven't looked to see what was hit. Bad news, if any, can wait until tomorrow. For the same reason, I'm not looking at the basement.
25/Jul/12 12:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... please remind me.... did you get your certification as a teacher? It seems to me that they're asking you to control wild animals, and vicious ones at that. How are you supposed to teach them anything?
25/Jul/12 12:36 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Mamacita - great to have you back. You WILL get better it took me 12 months to go from wheelchair to frame to walking sticks - now without any aid. Patience is so hard at times and so very frutrating but it does work. The sun is out today - it is a good day!!
25/Jul/12 1:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hello Midge!!! Welcome to our little family!
Thanks for sharing your success story. Very inspirational.
25/Jul/12 1:20 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Thanks Heidi - have been around for a while but don't contribute much. Love reading about your work with the collies - it must be so gratifying to be able to help them. Hope you came through the storm without much damage. Dogs do strange things - my beautiful pound dog (Truman)amazes me. Don't know how anyone could dump him - except there is not much between the ears!! He is a lovable goofball.
25/Jul/12 1:42 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday Midge, great to catch up with you here in SA :)
25/Jul/12 2:18 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hi Gail - it has been a while. Are you back visiting rellies?
25/Jul/12 2:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone! I came, I saw, and I was conquered by exhaustion. I will try to read and comment tomorrow. I'm just not functioning today. Sorry!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for all!
25/Jul/12 3:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Midge, in this case SA meant Sudokuaholics Anonymous! No, I am here in Cockatoo at the mo, hubby and I have just spent the day rejuvenating our vege beds, with newly planted lettuces, brussels, snow peas, broad beans and a few other essentials. We have been blessed with a few fine days but I believe it is going to rain tonight.
25/Jul/12 5:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Today was a better day. Sort of. Yesterday was always going to be bad - six period days always are, and add a detention in one of the two breaks and you're tired before you even get there! Get home to sick kids and a trip to Casualty and you're left with the grumps on top of everything.

So good to see a new face (new to posting in SA, well as far as my damaged memory can remember anyway) and some old ones posting!! I have missed you and also always love a new face - hi Midge!

Heidi, I hope you get easy post hole digging with no real damage anywhere! For you or your neighbours. Enjoy your Gil-free time {biggrin]

Gail, I hope you're growing enough to share with us. I love fresh veges!

Mamacita, so nice to hear that things are returning to normal. Normal is boring until you can't have it anymore!

Today I had 5 periods, none of them the monsters from yesterday. I had a different set of monsters who were not quite as monstrous. Bad enough that I asked 5 of them to return for lunch detention though. None of them showed up. I'll get them tomorrow.

Tami, probably at this school too, but that has to go through your head teacher and this kid saying 'I didn't light it' puts enough doubt in the equation that my hands are tied. Of course he did! It was right beside his body and nobody else was close enough, both the can and the matches were in his bag... he did it! But I can't prove it! It would be impossible to prove under current day definitions, you'd have to have a very brave head and I'm a casual - is he willing to risk it over me? No!

One bad thing today, being tired brought out the stroke after effects in a big way. I slurred words, couldn't read aloud (I could talk but not read), lost words more than normally - the kids 'love' that!! A tad depressing, then I reminded myself of how far I've come and got over it, then down again the next time it happened, then over it again...

25/Jul/12 6:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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ps Alie was at the doc today (hubby took her), severe tonsilitis - antibiotics, steroids, take both acetaminophen and ibuprofen..
25/Jul/12 6:47 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm exhausted.
Flopped on the sofa with my feet up.
Exhausted myself trying to spring clean the lounge. One rubbish bin is full..going to go and grab the neighbours bin tomorrow and fill theirs as well. I should have been doing it every week and making the most of them being away. Would have got rid of a LOT of junk.

Told Lachie I would finish the lounge and then work on the spare bedroom. His friend arrives in early September. Lots of boxes to sort and junk to get rid of in there as well.. Need to finish the wardrobe I'm constructing.. just needs the hanging rail and the back nailed on.. Had hoped to paint the room but that will have to wait..
Then I can get back to working on the bathroom and shower.. Hope I don't run out of zip before I start on the dining room... you cannot actually get into that room..
25/Jul/12 7:46 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Have read but find myself too tired to comment..
Try again tomorrow..
25/Jul/12 7:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I know that feeling Bean! I'm only managing to remember a half of what I wanted to say by the time I get to the end.., I'll forgive you, if you forgive me!
25/Jul/12 8:31 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Consider it done Suzy..
Should I be taking notes and getting ideas from 'Mrs Browns Boys'... oh dear.. such a giggle...
25/Jul/12 10:07 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all..Beautiful day here and life is good.
Midge, thanks for the encouragement and for sharing your wonderful progress, and yes, I will get better with folks like you and my other cyber friends continued prayers and support.
Suzy and Heidi, glad you both had better days and hope more happen than not. Heidi, I know you will enjoy your time w/o Gil, and hope the lightening didn't strike anything too close to you.Too bad about the birds.
Bean...take it easy doesn't pay to work yourself to, yes, work, no...when will you and Broni learn...Gail, Julie and some others are hopeless, but I'm counting on you to
Hope to get back later if to do nothing but read. Peace.
25/Jul/12 11:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... I am VERY concerned about you since it's gotten to the point where you are stressing yourself up to the stroke aftereffects. That's more stress than you should be subjecting yourself to. I worry that you may have another stroke, and a worse one. There HAS to be some way to compromise here. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!
26/Jul/12 12:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm about to go outside. I can see some big branches down already, and need to check for other damage. The thing is, I really don't want to know about any damage. I want a quiet day. We had another bout of serious storm in the early morning hours and I'm feeling tired from lack of continuous sleep. I've just had a couple of hours here and a couple of hours there.
26/Jul/12 12:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I haven't gotten outside yet. I'm feeling really nauseous. So back to bed....
26/Jul/12 1:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Here in the afternoon. Sorry no coffee this morning. I have been really lazy the last few days. I have been reading and just can not put the books down. Did some packing for my mom. Need to go back and do a lot more.

Read the posts but have not had a chance to post. Will catch up later.
26/Jul/12 8:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I agree with Heidi re Suzy, honey, you need to say no to so many periods if they are all full of cr*ppy kids and it is raising your stress levels. Your health is more important than that ♥
26/Jul/12 11:11 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, hugs, hugs and more hugs.
26/Jul/12 11:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Shhh, I'm not here. I'm supervising 9M not watching the video I've asked them to watch... It's on the volcanic eruption that shut down pretty much all flights in 2010.

Once I accept a block I work the same periods as the regular teacher would if she were here. So today is another 6 period day, but the last 2 are sport. It depends on what sport I will be taking - no blasted idea at the moment - how bad that will be.

Alie must have made it to school as I didn't get a text saying she is absent. She took a photo of her throat and can I just say that she must have an incredibly high pain threshhold!!!

Back to the monsters, their getting loud.

26/Jul/12 11:37 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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gail - sounds like you need to visit my place - my garden has had nothing done to it for over 12 months - I am the only one who likes to potter around out there. Hubby will only mow ans that's all.
26/Jul/12 11:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm baaad, I'm turning into one of those teachers I hate. The ones who don't give a damn if the kids are on task or not... I do care, but I refuse to give them the busy work the teacher left for them. I figure busy work is why they are resistant to participating in the first place! But I'm letting them get away with not watching the movie (even though it is very topical and not busy work) because I can't force them to be interested in the world they're living in, I can just give them opportunities.
26/Jul/12 11:46 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning everybody... just...
Better make this quick or ity will be afternoon!
I am in better shape today.. last night I was hobbling and obviously in bad enough shape that Lachie did everything I asked of him, before going to work, without asking twice..

Thank you Heidi and Gail for putting into words what i was thinking yesterday.. Suzy.. I agree whole heartedly..
26/Jul/12 11:57 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy.. it is so gooooood to be baaaaaaaaaaaad..
Have turned it into my life's

Mama I will try to take note and heed your advice.. In fact I have just been in chat for an hour with a very nice chap.. ex schoolteacher. Haven't been on a 'date' for such a long time that meeting him on Saturday should be interesting.. I'm not what he is hoping for .. he likes 'quiet' and is reserved but it will be good to have someone to see the occasional film with..or meal.. never quite get used to dining alone.. some restaurants I wouldn't go alone..
26/Jul/12 12:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good windy day here in Melbourne town.. think I will get another blanket washed and on the line..
So much washing here and then get back into emptying boxes.. happy with the amount I did yesterday now that the body is aching less...
enjoy your day everyone
26/Jul/12 12:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all - haven't been here for days and have no good excuse.
Nice to see Mama posting regularly, Judy dropping in, Theresa getting on top of things and a big welcome to Midge - this is a lovely caring, friendly bunch of ladies, you'll love it here.
Suzy - I am appalled at the behaviour of these kids. Having one grandie in High School and the next 3 heading to HS in the next 3 years, I am horrified to think they may be distracted by kids like these. At present, I'm confident that none of them would behave like that - but peer pressure is very strong. It's bad enough just seeing the way kids behave in public places. I love that saying, it goes something like - why worry about leaving a better planet for your children, try leaving better children for the planet! So true.
26/Jul/12 12:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm feeling a little better now. Nothing is better for an upset tummy than a nice steak.
26/Jul/12 12:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Never heard that saying, CynB, and I LOVE it!!!
26/Jul/12 12:56 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Beanie - did I read you have a date? Have fun and have confidence - just be yourself. 'Quiet' is not you but 'quiet' is boring as you know what anyway!
26/Jul/12 12:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and Good Afternoon/Evening, Everyone! I'm going to try to get caught up tonight.

What have I been doing the last few days, you ask? I have folded 120 T-Shirts since Monday afternoon and am finally finished. These are for the 3-day seminar starting next Friday morning. Registration packet and T-shirt pick-up begins next Thursday afternoon. I need to get 5 pens turned and made for Pens for Troops. Then hubby can work on the special pens he's doing for a fund raiser for our past president and his wife. (She had a massive heart attack in Jan. 2011, and he had a massive stroke a year ago. Doctors didn't expect him to make it, but he is now able to talk, walk with 2 canes, etc. Unfortunately, they were self-employed and lost their business, had to sell their house, etc.) The fund raiser is 'Pen Pals for Paul (and Jan)' and very special pens are being made to be sold with all proceeds to them. Hubby's plan was to make 3 or 4 pens to donate, but we have about 6 days to get this done. Another member who doesn't make pens is making an alabaster pen holder and because he doesn't make pens, has asked hubby to make an alabaster pen. So that means 1 more special pen, plus the five I need to make. Tomorrow morning I need to practice for my cello lesson in the afternoon, which hubby drives me to. We won't get any pens done on Friday, as hubby has his eye exam with dilation, and of course I need to drive. Next week is looking equally busy. Ah, well, we stay out of trouble.

WOW! Nearly lost this post! Thank goodness I could retrieve it!

Judy, it's good to see you again! We've missed you! Seems like you have been making good progress on your Mum's house! It may seem like it's taking forever, though it isn't really. I remember when we worked on my Dad's house - every weekend for months - and a 3-hour drive each way. Eventually, it was done; we did a thorough cleaning; and put it up for sale.

Bean, I hope you found the seminar to be extremely helpful! Hope you're having a good week!

Broni, so sorry you're exhausted from the drama. Will look for your posts from today.

Suzy, I admire you for keeping your sanity with the classes you have been challenged with. Do you think their teacher is taking R & R to recover from the mental and emotional challenges the students present? And then to have 2 sick children and a sick grandie on top of all that! Hang in there! We're here to support you!

June, seems like the dental appointment, even without a drill, did enough poking to start the pain process. So sorry about that! I hope you slept well in spite of it!

Tami, my hubby does the filter-change as well. Heidi, if your upstairs filter needs to be changed the same time as the downstairs, perhaps a reminder on the calendar would help? Or both of you doing it at the same time so there's no excuse for him to 'forget'?

Heidi, enjoy your IH-free days!

Brenda, I hope Callie is feeling better today!

Theresa, I'm glad you finally got some rain! Heid
26/Jul/12 4:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Yep, I thought it was too long! Here's the end of that comment:

Theresa, I'm glad you finally got some rain! Heidi, I hope your basement didn't get flooded with the heavy rain and wind you had! Tricia, I hope you got some more!

Bean, thinking positive thoughts for you!

Hello, MIdge! A warm Sudokuaholics to you! Thank you for the encouraging words you shared with Mamacita! I know we all can use encouragement for the 'subtleties' of daily life. (I thought that word would be better than cr@p.)

Suzy, again, I am amazed at all that you are doing! Don't let the 'students' get under your skin. Just take a deep breath and forge ahead. YOU CAN do it! PLEASE don't let them add more stress you your life. We care about you! {{{HUGS}}}

My goodness, Bean! You've set a very high goal for yourself! Sending lots of positive thoughts and encouragement! You go, Girl! You can do it! (But take time for yourself to and allow yourself a break as needed!)

Bean, it seems there will be some excitement in your life! Enjoy the meet-up (won't call it a 'date' so I don't jinx anything) on Saturday!

Heidi, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better!

Cyn, I like the saying you shared. I also hadn't heard it before: 'Why worry about leaving a better planet for your children? Try leaving better children for the planet.' Actually, I think we may need both.

Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, healing vibes, prayers and ! Take care of yourselves! I hope to visit again tomorrow!
26/Jul/12 4:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Going to my sister's place for dinner tonight. Today i have been to a garden talk by Sandra Ross (Aussies will know who that is). My neighbours are taking me to lunch tomorrow. Just getting a bit spoilt to stop me thinking too much about this Saturday. I am finding it harder than I expected. The 12 months has gone too quickly.
Had a nice chat with Mamacita this morning. Gee it is nice to have her back with us.
26/Jul/12 5:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I hope things were better today. Just take a deep breath and try not to stress. I do understand what some of these kids can be like.
Bean, enjoy your 'date'. It is nice to meet new people, even if that all it is.
Cyn, nice to 'see' you.I often read but do not feel I have a lot to contribute, then think I had better let you know I am still around.
Heidi, hope there was no too much damage from the storm.
About to get ready to go out.
26/Jul/12 5:32 PM
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