Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It has just hit. It's a gully washer!!!
20/Jul/12 9:55 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Enjoy the rain Heidi. I know you can use it.
20/Jul/12 9:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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How are the dogs doing in the thunderstorms, heidi? I hope they are not too upset.
20/Jul/12 10:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Most of the really extreme cases have passed on. There are a few that get nervous now, but nothing that gets out of control.
20/Jul/12 11:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to watch a movie before going to bed. See you all tomorrow.
20/Jul/12 12:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All! I hope all is well!

Suzy and Rolanda, you're right about the interesting things you find as you go through a household and the memories that come flooding back! It's a good reminder to start the sorting sooner, rather than later. Good advice, which hubby and I seem to forget rather quickly as life intervenes.

Vicki, it seems like you and your family are also involved in a good kind of busy. Even so, it seems your en suite will soon be completed and ready to enjoy!

Suzy, you are certainly accumulating a lot of experience with a variety of classes. I assume you are substituting for several teachers, and not just one.

Cyn, the high tea was a good way to celebrate. Was Aunty Vi named Viola or Violet? The nodding violets were the perfect flower to get as a remembrance. By the way, what are nodding violets? I looked at some images, but couldn't find an explanation for why they're called nodding violets.

Thanks for the additional information about slow cookers. Seems like maybe we should look into getting one. Suzy mentioned a programmable one, which might be the way to go. Does anyone have a particular favorite brand? Seems like one more thing to start researching.

Brenda, I have also tried a similar experiment to see how long laundry (or anything that needs to be put away) sit until someone moves it. The someone is inevitably me after I get so frustrated that no one else seems to see the need to put things away.

Mama, hooray for the visiting nurse, even if the only helpful thing is the pill box. Hubby has a similar one. He had the first one for about 10 years, I think. It took a lot of research to find a replacement (on Amazon, I think).

June, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Alfred. I hope his recovery from replacement surgery is as quick as my MIL's was! Prayers for a quick and pain-free recovery for him!

Heidi, I'm so glad you slept better and had a better day!

MIzT, I'm glad that you are getting some offers of help for packing, and so glad that you are able to accept the offers! I wish it were possible for you to choose your apartment, but understand it probably is too much work for the administration to deal with. The 'free table' once you are moved in is a great idea!

Broni, enjoy your weekend!

Heidi, enjoy the rain (and your movie)!

I had better head to bed! Thinking of all of you and sending prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and positive thoughts!
20/Jul/12 3:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
It's the weekend! I have work I have to do, but there will be no kids being rude to me (except maybe my own!), no kids openly defying me, no kids dropping mess all over the floor and expecting me to clean it up, no hiding my money in my phone because I'm not game to leave it in my wallet!
20/Jul/12 5:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, our news has told us that because of our 2 years of good rain we have more fire food growing than there has been in a very long time. We could have a nasty bush fire season coming up...There's already been one fire locally recently.
20/Jul/12 5:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Agreed Suzy, not looking forward to the coming fire season at all! There is so much green fuel around under the trees that a bush fire would have a field day after a few hot, dry days :(
20/Jul/12 6:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Julie, I have a Rival Crock-Pot and love it. My mom has one also, but mine is bigger. My SIL also has Rival. Hope that helps you.
20/Jul/12 9:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It rained (poured) all night long. We really needed it. I watched one of my all-time favorite movies last night... The Importance Of Being Earnest... with an exceptional cast. Unfortunately, when Colin Firth and Rupert Everett started singing together (and playing instruments) IH started yelling at me to turn the volume down. He is SO annoying! Fortunately, he is now gone until tomorrow night. Unfortunately, I overdid it yesterday and my back is killing me.
21/Jul/12 12:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Morning all....nothing much going on today, so I think I'll curl up with a book and do a little reading.
May it be peace in your valley today.
21/Jul/12 2:47 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello all.
I cannot sleep so I enjoyed reading the past few days since last being here.
I didn't have much of a break from work and get stuff done that I wanted to, but fulfilled other obligations so that was fine.
MizT...Happy for you that you will have an interview today for a unit! Just when you got a new A/c too.Will you take it with you? So nice of your sister to help even though she is not 100% herself.
Tami...congratulations to parents on renting the new condo.The rush will now be on to pack as 2 weeks will go very fast.
Mama...May each day show improvement with your health and eczema.What does the nurse come for...check your o2 levels and meds? must give you a great sense of achievement to look at how all your painting has improved the home.
Rolanda...WOW. Your Mum really did save stuff. Finding a dress you wore at 17! She must have been very sentimental.
Cyn..thinking of you as you remember your loved ones on anniversaries.
It was interesting to know that the slow cooker uses less energy than the stove.
Julie...lovely to hear that you enjoyed the tour on the Chicago River out on the deck.I would imagine it being cool there with the breeze from the water, rather than A/C.
Yuk about the cat being sick 3 times.Maybe it was that,that she was talking about and not the storm.
Suzy...enjoy your weekend away from the monsters!
Thanks for the link on Wakool where your Mum was a celebrity with great talent.
Brenda...are your towels STILL on the table to be put away? hehe.
Bean...I agree.I don't mind the smell of the slow cooker except for when cooking corned beef.Mince either unless it has onion with it at the same time.
Victoria...glad you are happy with the ensuite progress and hope you will be using it this weekend.Very thoughtful of you, to acknowledge the good workmanship & service to the tradesmen.Enjoy your sisters visit (sure you will) and the new haircut. are the 4 new peahen chicks going? I looked up Yew plants as I hadn't heard of them.So many pretty varieties and pity they are poisonous.
June...glad to hear that your friend is doing well after the fall and hip replacement.Thinking of you also, as you relive this time last year.
Broni...a weekend in Noosa is just what you need.The weather is meant to be lovely too.Enjoy yourself.

21/Jul/12 4:40 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I will be off now to do a sudoku,then rest up for afternoon shift as I haven't slept since midnight.
Catch you later and enjoy the weekend.
21/Jul/12 4:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert and I spent the past few hours shopping for necessities for the farm (a new barn skylight, new lops, ground spray marker, and a mess of little things. Then we marked where all of the post holes need to go on the last side of horse pasture, and got an exact measurement of the distance we have to fill (590 feet). After that we tested to see if all of the rain has softened the ground enough for the auger to be able to dig the holes for us. It is soft enough!!! After that, we quit, because the thunder and lightning was getting too close. On Monday, we'll dig the remaining 58 holes on that side.
21/Jul/12 5:02 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, they are renting the house that they just sold. They will rent for a month before moving into the condo. They are buying the condo, but the closing dates could not be coordinated any better.
21/Jul/12 5:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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When you have an 'I Hate My Job Day'

[Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days...]

Try this out:

Stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by
Johnson & Johnson.

Be very sure you get this brand.

When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed.

Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer.

Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.

Now the fun part begins.

Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully.

You will notice that in small print there is this statement:

'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized.'

Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, 'I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson & Johnson.'


Enjoy life now - It has an expiration date!

21/Jul/12 5:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I LOVE it, Tami.
21/Jul/12 6:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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thanks for the chuckles Tami :)

Finished the small bedroom last night. Hubby is going to use it as a music room, but it will look lovely for resale as it looks like a nursery or young girl's room (I wouldn't ever think it would be used as a nursery though, it is a loooong walk from our end to the other end to tend a crying baby, you would definitely need an intercom as you would never hear it! Come to think of it.......)
Photo later :)
21/Jul/12 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still working on those Yews (genus Taxus) and making progress. They're about 40 years old, very dense, about 13 ft high (~4 meters) and about the same, or a little wider. When we bought the place there were 11 of them. I removed 2 of them right away, and have now cut back 6 more. All that's left of them is a bit of the stump and the roots. I plan on spraying the stumps with super strength herbicide and then digging out the dead remains in the spring. I probably won't replant anything there because I keep wanting to put an addition on the house on that side.
21/Jul/12 10:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi and Gail, glad I could provide a laugh. A friend sent it to me by email so I figured I would share it.
21/Jul/12 11:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today was a total waste. I drove to Birmingham, about 45 miles, for my appointment for the leasing interview, only to be told after a 20 minute wait, that linda had left for the day at lunh time. AAAAAGGGGGGGH, she forgot me! It seems she at least could have called and canceled, right? Not a happy camper here.

I stopped at aldi's for milk bread and fruit, then at Joy's house to drop off 4 cartons I had managed to load last night. I felt terrible, went in, laid on her couch, that did not help. she offered her bed, i went up for that, then realized i was hurting all over. she brought me pain pill, a nice warm rice sock, and tucked me into bed. an hour later, I rejoined the living . Joy is a sweetie. she was so angry about me being stood up for my appointment today. If she could have got Linda on the phone today, I might never have got to move in hehehe.

I am off to hold down my recliner, waiting for my night time meds to work. sister is comming down early tomorrow to see what the 2 of us can get done. I have a feeling both of us will spend as much time resting as working, but every little bit helps.

Hugs with extras. till tomorrow.

21/Jul/12 12:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I join Joy in being very angry about your wasted day! They should make up for it by either coming to you, or just giving you the place! Grrrrr
21/Jul/12 12:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Maybe they might make it up to you by upgrading you to the other building asap, MizT. They should have realized what an inconvenience it was for you. And very inconsiderate. It would be hard on anybody waiting to get into assisted living. I hope you make them feel guilty about this.
21/Jul/12 12:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I did tell her, in the e mail I left for her, how long a drive it is for me, and that I do not drive long distances well. I also told her we needed to reschedule, but I needed to be certain she would make the next appointment. I did not want to be too angry, just enough to let her know she had inconvenienced me big time.

Well, meds are almost working, pain levels are down, I am getting sleepy, think I will try the bed. I do not need another day like today, that escalates the pain, too much to do to be in pain.

Hugs till tomorrow.
21/Jul/12 2:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tricia - sorry you had a long drive for nothing. I hope you get an apology and better service next time. They should offer to come to you!!
Julie - Aunty Vi's real name was Violanthe - supposedly greek for violet, but she answered to Violet. (Sort of like me, I answer to Sylvia - been called it all my life!)
21/Jul/12 2:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Had Andrew's girls last night while he went to a friend's birthday party. They left at 10am. Now tonight we're off for dinner with the fam again, this time it's SIL's birthday.
I love weekends that I get to see my family!
21/Jul/12 2:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening or Good Afternoon, depending on your location.

Suzy, I hope your weekend is as relaxing and enjoyable as possible! Are you hired for a set number of days or weeks, or are you notified each day that you are needed? (Hopefully you're not waiting each morning for a call!) Would it be possible for someone to begin clearing some of the potential fire starting undergrowth in the hope of avoiding a major fire?

Tami, I will start looking into slow cookers soon. Thanks for the recommendation!

Heidi, I'm sorry IH interrupted a really good part of the movie. Enjoy your IH-free time until tomorrow night.

Nola, you did a fabulous condensed version of posts! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm sorry it was because you were unable to sleep! I imagine you would prefer to be well-rested while at work. I hope your shift goes well and your next opportunity to sleep meets with success!

Heidi, it doesn't sound like you and Robert were taking it easy. WOW! 590 feet of fence and 58 fence post holes to dig. That will keep you both busy for a while! Luckily the rain has softened the ground enough to make the digging/augering easier. You also got a lot done with the yews, so I hope you didn't over-do! Did you have Robert helping with their removal?

Tami, is that true about the thermometers? I wonder if anyone has actually checked or at least consulted Snopes. EWWW!

Gail, congratulations on finishing one of the rooms!

MIzTricia, I'm also angry about your being stood up! How very inconsiderate and thoughtless! It's not like you live around the corner and can show up at a moment's notice. Good suggestions from Gail and Heidi, but I bet 'Linda' will act as if nothing was wrong. I certainly think she owes you a huge apology and something to make up for your inconvenience! What a diplomatic e-mail you sent her!

It's off to bed for me. I need to be up by about 5:45, as tomorrow is the day rescheduled for platelet and red blood cells donation. By doing it first thing in the morning, I'll have some recovery time before I need to practice.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts, , prayers, and healing vibes for Everyone! Good Night!
21/Jul/12 2:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Unproductive day today - well, not really, but nothing that I had planned on doing... which is almost the same thing.

Tami, good giggle, makes my kids seem like a walk in the park.

Julie, I read an article about that today (clearing the fire load - they do it with controlled burns) so am a little bit educated. Apparently by law, fire hazard reduction burns can only happen in any area every 7 years so when they do it, they want to do it right. We've had so much rain everything is too wet to burn properly so there would be large areas left that are still hazardous. And they've had to cancel scheduled burns because of strong winds. It's been lose lose for hazard reduction work all winter!

It's probably true about the thermometers Julie. It's the method of testing we are assuming that is probably wrong.

Nola, I hope you get some more sleep tonight! That would have been horrible, especially since it's so cold in the middle of the night!

MizT, I'm not allowed to say how I feel about you being stood up - I'd get banned! I hope you at least get an apology, I know them coming to you is too much to expect, rotters!!

21/Jul/12 6:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks...Seems like an age since I was here..onlu 2 more pages to read...

Having a busy weekend attending a 3 day hypnosis seminar. Today I hypnotised my first subject.. I was really chuffed when I realised he was under. I was even MORE impressed later when he confessed that he hadn't been a confirmed believer & had been just prepared to 'go with the flow'.. He enjoyed the experience.. :)

Suzy we have a green waste bin and I have filled a neighbours [away on hols] and now I am working on ours..will try to get some done before I head off tomorrow..

21/Jul/12 10:25 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Finished reading..
Good one Tami :)
Tricia I am not impressed with the lack of consideration you were shown..hope this attitudee isn't a prevailing one and indicqative of whatis to come...
Good luck

Time for a shower and get ready for an early night..

21/Jul/12 10:38 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning one and all.
Trica, so sorry you were treated in such a cavalier manner...some folks just don't put enough value on other's time. I too think you left a good note showing enough starch to let her know you were upset and disappointed without being nasty. As Bean has said, I hope the attitude is not a precursor of things to come.
Sending fresh healing vibes, and sleeping potions for those in need....May your world be sunny and welcoming as you move about today...Peace.
22/Jul/12 12:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I stayed up and watched videos last night... The Life Of Birds with David Attenborough (sp?) Delightful! Then there was no IH to disturb me this morning. Now I'm munching on a brekkie of sticky buns that I baked last night. It doesn't get much better than this. I just wish my back felt better.
22/Jul/12 12:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wise words, Mama. It does no good to lose ones temper with inconsiderate louts. It just starts a cycle of animosity that hurts everyone. By reacting negatively to that rude, inconsiderate act, the person who stood you up could then feel like a victim instead. Then she might feel justified in continuing rude behavior. I think MizT's message was just right. Especially since she hopes to be dealing with this woman for years to come.
22/Jul/12 12:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back from a fun event. My favorite tractor dealer just had an open house. I found several things that I REALLY need. And I got a lesson on how to operate a Rhino batwing bush hog. I need one.
22/Jul/12 6:03 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning/evening/night to all.The sun is almost up here and it looks to be another nice day.
Greg should be able to mow now,he tried the other day but the ground was too wet.
I had a good evening shift as I like that particular section.Still woke up too early though as the body clock has a mind of it's own.
22/Jul/12 6:38 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
Check out my page wonderful that you successfully hypnotized for the 1st time.What a buzz.
Tricia...sorry you had a disappointment with being overlooked for your interview.Your e-mail was appropriate and maybe she feels very sorry for the oversight or that it was unavoidable.
Cyn...nice to hear that you are enjoying your family & life.
I better get a move on now.I will catch up soon.
22/Jul/12 7:45 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning everybody.
Well..I am almost awake.. just as well considering that I have to be out the door within the hour. Sitting up in bed with 3 dogs keeping my feet warm having just finished my breaky and a coffee..Wish I felt a little less tired but not to be.

Sylvia eh? Nah...don't think it will catch on..:)

Nice to see you here Nola..hope you have a good day. I also liked aftenoon/evening shifts once I was there.. nver did like having to stop whatever it was I was doing to go to work. Morning shifts were ok once my car knew how to get to work because the drive was usually done while still asleep.. loved finishing so early but what killed me was a short change.. feel a deep wave of depression just thinking about them.. never slept well if at all.. I take my hat off to you..

Ejoy being home alone Heidi.. chuckling about you trip to the tractor shop...

My slow cooker is programmable.. high & low and then has a keep warm feature after it has finished cooking. The insert can be removed.. not so with my 1st one that we received as a wedding present. Current one in use is a Breville. VERY happy with it.

Best dash..have a worksheet to be handed in before close today or IO won't get my certificate..
Have a good day everyone
22/Jul/12 8:07 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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So glad I copied this before hitting submit!
Hate it when I lose posts..don't we all..
Sorry about all the typo's & spelling mistakes.. obviously still not quite awake
Must fly..
22/Jul/12 8:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, so sorry about the missed appointment. Lets hope the person involved treats you kindly when you see her and apologises for her error.
Bean you are sounding m ore positive lately. Hope things are going well for you.
Gail, pleased the painting is coming on well. How nice it will be to have it all finished.
Cyn, glad you have had some nice family gatherings.
Heidi, saw many yew trees in UK. Probably much older than the ones you have but I can appreciate the work in removing them. Pleased you enjoyed the farm machinery show.
22/Jul/12 9:25 AM
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