Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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'Just get me near the sea -
It's earth's most potent remedy'
(Well, I think so)
04/Aug/12 8:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hugs to you and Col, Cyn. The sea for me is mesmerizing and hypnotizing, I could sit there for hours.
04/Aug/12 8:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Whilst I don't love going to the beach, hate sand, I understand the serenity of the sea, it's endless energy is somehow revitalising and relaxing at the same time.
04/Aug/12 9:12 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Another autograph book ditty-
11 was a racehorse
22 was 12
1111 race
And 22112!
04/Aug/12 9:14 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I had heard of Gails ditty but not Theresas.
Thinking of you Cyn & Col
04/Aug/12 10:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And thinking of you and your family, Nola.

I still have my autograph books from grade school somewhere ... they are in one of the boxes I have not yet gone through.
04/Aug/12 10:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The fence is nearly done. I have one last panel to attach, and that requires removing the old fence which I left up as insurance to prevent escapes. All I have to do in the morning is grab the bolt cutters, to cut up the high tensile connections, then tack on the panel and wire it to it's neighbor. That'll be a 15 minute job, and I'll only need 4 2'' staples. That's enough to hold it together until Robert adds the other 8 staples per post. Then I'm going to hook up Buddy and go for a drive before starting to roll up that half mile of high tensile wire.
04/Aug/12 11:08 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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My 4 days off has come to an end and I start afternoon shifts soon.
Have a great week-end all.
04/Aug/12 11:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Serenade has now become my friend. She follows me around to be petted. Such a sweet girl!!
04/Aug/12 11:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that did not take long for Serenade to make friends! did it have something to do with your feeding her?? Yeah for getting all the fence panels up, sounds like a good job well done.

something weird hashapened to my screen, something about text area#CommControl_inpcomment, cannot get it to go away and everything except this type screen is gray. I think I will lose the page and see it that resets it. Hope to get back shortly.
04/Aug/12 11:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Tired puppy here. Both Alie and Don had really rough nights and I slept on the recliner... well, tried to sleep. This is Alie's 4th bug/injury in a short time and she is miserable. Her stoicism is all used up.
04/Aug/12 11:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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WHEW, just clicking send cleared it, good. I hit some combination of keys by mistake that did that.

Long busy day today, Sister Edna and Niece Jenny came over today. jenny looked through things I am selling, tossing and went home with a bunch of stuff. she found 4 ceiling fans, not sure if any of them work, but since I gave them to her, perhaps it is worth the guys' time to test them out. Pretty sure David can figure some way to test them without installing them.

We defrosted the upright freezer in the dome, tossed food that stayed in it too long, and old soup bones I have not used to make soup, that kind of thing, reduced how much I need to transport to Joy's house, all that goes to her now fits into 2 large ice chests. we can put food into ice chests last thing when movers get here, the freezer and food go to Joy's house on the way to my apartment.

then we came inside and cleaned out the refrigerators freezer, got that organized, and i was given instructions to EAT stuff from there hehehe.

We also packed canned goods into boxes, so that jenny could move them to the back room for us. I am lucky to have an empty room for storing the packed boxes and not have to live among them till moving day.

All of us were tired. Jenny went to sleep while edna and I went to pick up a prescription. OH, I went to doc yesterday, dermatologist, and NO NEW SPOTS, yes, I am shouting hehehe.

While there I showed him a rash on my chest I had for 2 or 3 days, and another that had materialized just that morning in armpit, he said it was yeast, of all things. I am sure the heat and sweating other day with no power helped that pop up. he gave me a script for anti fungal pills, and I came home and used anti fungal cream, hope it helps soon. Thrush back in mouth and throat also, so the med doc thought was causing it, the one he discontinued 2 months ago, was not the cause of it! I already had appointment scheduled for Monday, doc is only in his office till noon if at all on Fridays, no need to try for earlier appointment. One more thing to talk to him about come Monday. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!

04/Aug/12 11:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Are they coughing Suzy? Have you read about putting Vicks Vacorub on the soles of your feet then putting socks on? Apparently it stops the coughing by warming up the appropriate pressure points in the foot.
04/Aug/12 11:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, poor Allie, I can understand. You can be brave and suck it up only so long. I do hope she gets well soon. Glad you understand she has 'come to the end of her rope' in dealing with all this. Hugs to Allie and to you too, for taking care of her and everyone else that is sick. wish I were loser to be able to do more.

Nola, how many days in a row on afternoons? Or do you start a permanent afternoon shift? Good luck with going back to work, hope your work days are short and on the easy side (nursing is seldom totally easy).

Autograph books, those were fun in elementary school. the only time we were allowed to have those in class was the last week of eighth grade, before out 'graduation'. the boys would often write:
Roses are red, violets are blue,
I have a bull do that favors (looks like) you.

Without meaning to, I got one boy who went to our hurch as well as bein in my class in bi trouble. I wrote after my signature on my messge to him, in asnwer to his bulldog remark, 'P S, I pitty your poor bulldog!' His mother asked him what that meant and he said he did not know. So she stopped me in church one day and asked me, and I told her what he wrote. she was an adult, I was 12, she asked, I had to tell her, you know?? I did not mean to get him in trouble, honest. His mom made him come apologize to me.

throat is hurting, time for more magic mouth wash. then I think I need my recliner again.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.

04/Aug/12 11:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OOOPS, loser should be closer.

And I left out, Taking care of everyone else who is sick while you are sick too, Suzy!
04/Aug/12 11:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I let Serenade out into the barn lot today, and put in Whimsey to keep her company. The 2 of them know each other and bonded really fast. Tomorrow I'll introduce a few others and see how they behave.
04/Aug/12 12:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Intermittent thunderstorms all night..... the dogs haven't let me sleep a wink.
04/Aug/12 7:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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We had a bitter sweet start to our day - by going to the cemetery and then on to see Col's parents farm where they went when his Dad retired, only for him to die within 2 years, she kept it going, remarried a local farmer and they ran both properties, hers - small crops (veggies) and his a dairy farm - for many years until her health meant relocating close to a hospital. Hadn't seen the farm since then but because of the good wet seasons lately, it looked green, well-cared for with obvious upgrades and improvements. It would have been depressing to see it run down. Nice to know it's well loved and still has crops growing.
Then we went to Eumundi markets for lunch - great craft, produce, amazing food and very eco-friendly. Lastly to the ocean, beautiful day, cool but clear and sunny. Have come home feeling fairly upbeat.
Except that no-one has put a plaque on the grave for his Mum - 'oh, don't worry, leave it to us, we'll sort it' (his sisters) - umm, no, you didn't!
04/Aug/12 7:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs Cyn

Poor Alie is suffering. She has stomach cramps worse than any she has ever had before. She is having trouble believing they are normal for a stomach bug. I think her normally weirdly high pain threshold has taken a major beating with all of these things one on top of the other and she's just not used to feeling pain! If it's no better by morning I will take her to the hospital though, just in case.

Well I'd better feed the dogs as I've just realised that nobody who usually does it is up to it tonight. Poor goggies must think we've forgotten them!
04/Aug/12 8:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ah, the magic worked by hot water bottles...
04/Aug/12 8:56 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Just got back from Home Depot and spent a small fortune. Got a notice from the city that our driveway had to be resealed. Bought all the stuff and that is what Mitchell and I will be doing this week. My last week of vacation. I am not a happy camper right now
04/Aug/12 11:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, it could have been worse, you could have got that notice after school started back and you had to seal the driveway after a full day at school. I hope the job goes easier than you imagine it will. Hugs to you and a pat on the back to Mitchell for helping.

SUZY, so glad that the hot water bottle helped Allie. tummy bugs can make you think you are dying, or worse, that you will not die but forever hurt that badly. I am glad it is better for her.

CynB, it seems the day got better as it went on, first the farm looking so nice, the market offering so much, then the trip to the ocean. It is always good to end a day on a good note.

heidi, I thought you had said the dogs had got better about the storms. Were these just extra bad storms that upset human and canine alike? Hope you get a nap today. You bought whimsey and serenade from the same farm, right? that is where they knew each other from? I did a 'really? Hurses recognize other horses they lived with?' I had never thought about that before.

Joy is coming down later today, need to decide what we can do today. I am still tired from yesterday, and the defrosting freezer and other stuff we did.

Hugs to eah of you, with extras. till later.

05/Aug/12 2:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Picking up Chaka was cancelled on Friday. The shelter where she is has never worked with our Collie Rescue group and they're being very nitpicking on details. They just decided that they want to deliver her here so that they can check me out. I don't know when that will be. Poor Chaka has been in that shelter for 2 weeks now and collies don't handle shelters well. I wish they'd speed this up to get her out of that cage.
05/Aug/12 2:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all
Heidi..I suppose the shelter wants to make sure Chaka is going to a GOOD home. Hope you are almost finished the fencing.
Tami..WOW,the council insist on you sealing the driveway! Was it a danger! At least we don't have that on our list of expenses.
Cyn..sounds like your day ended happily by seeing the farm in good condition and visiting the beach and markets.I have been to Eumundi markets a few times now and mostly enjoy the plants. must be making a huge dent in the packing now.
My shifts are not set in concrete yet.I do rotating which can vary from fortnight to fortnight. This one is 4 late shifts..2 off..3 earlies then a late..3 off etc. They try not to give you a late then early and I often accept a shift if they are desperate.Because I don't have a young family,I can work if someone is sick.Then I will have a different day off from what I was originally rostered for. Complicated I know.
I had a giggle about that boy getting in to trouble. If you can't say anything nice,don't say it at all.
Theresa..I don't think we have autograph books here with ditties in them from school. I didn't anyway.
The sun is coming up so the temperature is dropping. I will do a puzzle then lay down again to watch some of the Olympics.Bye for now.

Suzy..hope everyone had a better night and you could sleep on the bed not the recliner.Has you ear unblocked yet?

05/Aug/12 5:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, the driveway is not a hazard. It is just faded and has white spots. It was actually code enforcement from the city that issued the warning. They want everything to look pretty. I knew we had to reseal it, I was just hoping to wait a few months for the weather to cool off.
05/Aug/12 7:02 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - I wish we had some sort of enforcement to make sure people kept their driveways and front yards tidy.
Nola - I'm surprised that you didn't have an autograph book - they were the rage here in Qld, especially for what is now known as tweenies - 10 -12yo's. But you're probably younger than me and I don't know what state you grew up in.
Heidi - I hope that shelter gets its act together and gets Chaka to you.
Suzy - glad hot water bottles worked. I was going to suggest a heat wheat/hot pack. Always works for me.
05/Aug/12 8:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've just remembered a story Dana told me a couple of weeks ago that you might find funny. She saw a guy knocking on the door of number 10 (br0thel)and went up to him and said 'I'm sorry mate, we don't open until later'. She said the poor bloke looked like he wished the ground would open him up and swallow him!

I had an autograph book, no idea where it is though.

Tami, we don't have any kind of enforcement like that here. Thank goodness! Our lawn mower isn't working (it's winter so mowing would mostly be for tidying anyway) and our driveway is cracked. My next door neighbours would love to have us enforced (one side, the other is worse than we are!) The ones that would complain have complained about my kitchen light, my bathroom light, Alie rehearsing.....
05/Aug/12 10:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Complained about your kitchen light? are you serious?
05/Aug/12 10:41 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yes, and she doesn't like it that we have a car parked on our front lawn (Dana's this time, sometimes Don has a work car). We only have space for 2 cars in the car port...
05/Aug/12 10:53 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks....
Very busy here... Beanville is buzzing!!
Have been out 3 day/nights in a row which is one hell of a lot for an old stick in the mud like me... makes one feel very much appreciated.. last night I was actually cooked for... doesn't happen often!!
I'm now about to jump on a train and head off to see the musical 'Moonshadow'..
Tomorrow I am going to bury my head under the covers until late and NOT go anywhere..

Ditto to all of Nola's comments..except the one about autograph books. All the rage when I was at school as well.. wonder where it one of my boxes..

Catch you all later
05/Aug/12 1:55 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - I'm intrigued that your neighbour complains about your kitchen and bathroom lights - why? And cars on the lawn - it's your lawn, isn't it?
05/Aug/12 3:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Apparently my kitchen light shines into her bedroom and my bathroom light into her spare room. The cars on the lawn - I know the words she used to describe it but won't repeat them. We're not talking broken down bomb cars with the wheels off here. These are good cars that just don't have any other parking space.
05/Aug/12 4:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - doesn't she have curtains or blinds? What an idiot! And how many of us have cars in our yards? We do, even though we have a 2 car garage, one side is filled with Col's junk that he never sorts through and won't throw away - so my car gets the garage space, his sits outside!
When my kids lived at home and each owned a car, we had 4 cars, 1 vintage car awaiting renovation, 1 boat, usually a truck out on the road and 2 garage spaces. Oh the arguments!!
05/Aug/12 6:25 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning from me! It is very early morning ... a nasty headache and a cat biting my eyebrow (!!!) has kept me awake, so here I am. I have had a headache for a few days now, I think because of the humid weather. Yesterday the feels-like temp was 43C! Today is supposed to be a bit cooler, thank goodness.

Suzy, I remember you mentioning that neighbour before. I am so glad my neighbours are not like that. With all the heat (Or should I say humidity) this summer so far, my arthritis has been really acting up and my yard looks like heck. Hubby said he would help me in the fall to downsize the flower beds because I just can't keep up with them any more.

We have property standards by-laws here, but I don't believe they would tell people to reseal their driveway. We did have the municipality people come to our door a few years back and ask us to trim our tree. I told them to go back and look at the plans and they would see it was their tree, not ours. I love it when you can do something like that!

Oh wow, it has just started to rain! I didn't even know it was supposed to. Could the weather man possibly have been wrong? That's hard to believe.
05/Aug/12 7:02 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just checked the weather and it has changed to include a risk of a thunderstorm today. The feels-like temp right now is 32C at 5:00 in the morning, so maybe it's not going to cool down that much! Hubby mowed the lawn yesterday, the first time in about a month. The only thing that had been growing with the drought we've been having is the weeds, and they were getting quite tall! If it wasn't for the weeds, our lawn would not be green at all!
05/Aug/12 7:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good evening. Another busy day. I bowled two games today in the mixed pairs. Lost both games. Men playing tomorrow and I am an umpire. That is easy as you sit on the veranda until someones wants a close measure. Could sit all day and not get called. I have made the rice salad for the lunch. There will be about 80 people.
Sorry I am too tired to go back several pages to comment but I have thought of you all as I had glanced through.
I have my autograph book, my sister has my Mother's and I think I have seem Sharon's around somewhere. I have Cyril Richards and Cornelia Otis Skinner's Autographs (they had travelled from US to be in a play in Sydney in 1950's) in mine plus all my class mates from my last year at school.
05/Aug/12 8:27 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.. have read but am too tired to comment.. what a busy week. Show was really good.
Tomorrow ....
G'nite all
05/Aug/12 9:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Sudokuland. It is a bright and breezy day today here, with a chance of afternoon T storms, what is new??

Yesterday Joy cancled her scheduled trip down. she went for eye exam, and went home sick at tummy, throwing up. I am thinking her migraine headache returned, perhaps from all the light looking at the ' which is better, this. . . or this' screens. but i canceled before she did, I had a very rare migraine myself, complete with the aura. such lovely bright yellow and white jagged lines arranged in a half ellipse. It has been so long since I had migraine headaches I have no medicine for them. Now is not a good time to start them again.

06/Aug/12 3:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH MY did Bean ever break the site! Six hours?? OK, it is sleepy time down under, but where are Theresa, Julie, Heidi and Brenda this morning?

HI BEAN, glad you enjoyed the show. See you later my today. No more breaking the site, OK??

Goodness, JUNE, you bowled in the morning and then came home to make rice salad for 80? No wonder you are tired?? How much rice must one cook for 80 people. AND just what goes into making your rice salad? I found one with wild rice, chicken, grapes and cashews that sounds mighty good, but wold rice for 80 could be pricey. I found one with long grain rice, feta cheese, cucumber, bell pepper, spinach and lots of spices, that sounds good also.

I also found a recipe site on that last recipe that marks items in a recipe that are on sale in your area, just put in your zip ode, or even your favorite store and they attach a link telling you store, what the sale price or offer is. AND if you are a member of that site, free I think to join, they will generate a shopping list for you. Interesting what modern technology can do.
06/Aug/12 3:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH DEAR a long lovely post just went to cyber space. Even UNDO would not bring it back up. I was just typing, had not clicked off the site or anything, AGGHHH!!

I do remember asking June about her recipe for rice salad. I read 2 of the many I saw listed online, one with wild rice and chicken and cheese and grapes, sounded lovely, but wild rice for 80 would be very pricey here. the other was for Mediterranean rice salad, with spinach leaves, cucumber, bell pepper, long grained rice, lots of spices, on a site that also told you which ingredients were on sale in your area, just plug on your zip code. It would also print out a shopping list for you, if you were a member of that site.

OH YES, also about BEAN breaking the site. BAD BEAN!!!

All I can remember, head hurting again, perhaps the day after bruised brain syndrome.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
06/Aug/12 3:32 AM
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