Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Suzy...healing thoughts coming your way.. plus a bucketload of 'patience & tolerance'.. you need it... teenagers...

Will miss you Julie..hope the conferance goes well.
Who knows what else I wanted to say.. I don't..
02/Aug/12 9:41 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oops... wasn't counting...
The following is fitting for this meeting place...

Empathy is your pain in my heart

Author unknown.
02/Aug/12 10:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... I'm gonna enjoy this. ( I do have a lot of devil in me!) When Dana was preggers, didn't I predict that she would dump Tahli's responsibilities on you? You said that it wasn't gonna happen. I TOLD YOU SO!!!
02/Aug/12 10:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up early to get work done in the cool of the morning. I need to get Serenade's stall ready. The horse hauler will be picking her up in an hour. She'll be here mid-afternoon!!!!
02/Aug/12 10:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nice TOPP Bean :♥)

Howdy to you all, have posted a couple of times, but haven't really said gday properly for a while. As I have read with others, this week has been one of those weeks! Everything is fine with hubby, he had to go to work for his one per month day, so you can imagine how grumpy he was this morning, especially seeing as it was bl**dy freezing. Times have been a bit tight for us lately, seeing as we were living high off the hog for a while there, but the GFC has finally hit our little company and now we have begun counting our pennies rather than lighting cigars with $100 notes (so to speak). But today's monthly meeting went well and it was nice to see him come home with a smile rather than a frown.
Anyhoo, none of that is really important, we are coping without regular 'gails' and of course we have been getting things done around the house for Rolanda's recent visit and the up-coming outlaw's family gathering in October, so it has it's good I am losing weight as well :D
I keep going off in tangents! The big thing this week is we have had Hannah home from TAFE all week with tonsillitis, poor bugger. She stayed up till past midnight last Sunday night because of the grand prix night, and I knew she would have trouble getting up in the morning (she is never really good on the best of days!). I messaged her at 9 to ask if she had gone, then my phone promptly died! When I went down to her room to check at 10, she was still in bed and I went off my tree...and then Scott did too! We made her get up, drove her to the school for the afternoon session and she got home about 6 that night after two hours on public transport. What I didn't know till later when my phone was charged was that she sent back a msg saying she felt really ill and nearly passed out. Didn't see that till much later :( When she finally got home, she looked like death warmed over. I looked at her throat and I knew straight away, although blind Freddy could see by her yellow eyes that she was ill. Her tonnies were red, inflamed and infected!!!
She came good on Tuesday but stayed home of course, but went down in a screaming heap yesterday so I tooke her to the doc and inevitably she is on antibots.
I think I have earned the gold medal in Bad Motherhood this week.
02/Aug/12 10:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW she's a bit better today, and even had a little friend rice for dinner, though it is heart-breaking watching her trying to swallow :(
02/Aug/12 10:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hope all is well with Mamacita ... I think it has been a few days since we heard from her. I suppose Tami is busy helping her parents get ready for the move. I hope she gets a chance to rest before school starts!

Hugs to all.
02/Aug/12 11:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail.... Is having a tonsilectomy done out of the question?
03/Aug/12 12:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got up very early (for me) with the best of intentions, then fell back asleep for a couple more hours. I have to get busy now. The trucker called and Sere is on her way!! ( Her name is pronounced like Sara, being short for Serenade.)

BTW... I'm picking up the latest rescue (Chaka) tomorrow morning. I'm gonna have a full house with 18 collies.
03/Aug/12 12:28 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I saw Mama posting on the jigsaws. Yahoo!!!
03/Aug/12 2:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great to hear, Theresa!
03/Aug/12 2:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert never showed up for work today, nor did he call me to let me know why. If something had happened to him, someone in his family would have called me, like they've done before. I've cleaned out Sere's new stall, and have plenty of good fresh hay and water waiting for her. Now I'm gonna work by myself attaching some more panels to the fence. With this heat, it's a half hour working and a half hour break, then another half hour working and another half hour break. I could overheat otherwise.
03/Aug/12 2:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, do you have a cool scarf? they are a tube of fabric with just a teaspoon of water absorbing granules inside, once soaked in water, it swells to fill the tube. The water in the granules acts to draw heat from neck or head if used as a headband. works better in lower humidity, but if refrigerated, would stay really cool for that half hour.

BTW, thanks for agreeing to do Midge an avatar, I really felt bad that I could not. Hugs for filling in for me.

gotta run, have a doctor's appointment in an hour for yearly skin cancer screening. and now T storms are rumbling. I came to check weather, but somehow am here hehehe. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
03/Aug/12 3:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I do have a cool scarf. I love it, though it loses it's cool fairly quickly.
03/Aug/12 3:55 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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A woman went to the store across the street from me and left her dog in the car. The dog was a tiny thing, perhaps dachsund or mini doberman, weighing probably all of 2 pounds. I heard the dog barking and whining for about 10 minutes and went outside to check. Went to get license plate and make of van, but somebody had already phoned police. Woman was irate and swore she had only been in the store for 5 minutes. The policeman gave her a blast and will make a report to the SPCA ... they take that more seriously here than they do in other countries. When will people learn ... leave the animal at home, or at least leave the vehicle running with the AC on. When I left the woman I told her, 'I would like to leave you locked in a car for a while.' Dang I'm mad!!!! Like I said to the cop, somebody has to speak for those who can't. It is currently 32C out.
03/Aug/12 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for you, Theresa!!! I'm glad the policeman gave her what for. It doesn't take long for an animal or a child to die from heat strike in a car. It's MUCH hotter inside than outside.
03/Aug/12 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert finally called in. He is sick, and can't keep anything down. I think it's from too much heat yesterday. He refuses to come inside into the central air during breaks.
03/Aug/12 4:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm making progress on the fence. Only 20 livestock panels left to install. I got 3 installed during my last half hour work session.
03/Aug/12 4:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I completely forgot!!! The site is having problems with adding new smilies and avatars. There have been a LOT of messages sent to Gath, but it still hasn't been fixed yet. I found a few adorable avatars for midge, but they can't be added to the site yet.
03/Aug/12 4:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've gotten 4 more panels up. Only 16 to go! And while working, I got a call that Sere was only a half hour away. That was 15 minutes ago!
03/Aug/12 5:29 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi to you all.
That IS great progress Heidi.Hope Robert will soon be back helping you. wishes to Hannah for a speedy recovery.It certainly makes you feel terrible when you dont realize that they are ill.

Theresa..leaving kids or animals in cars happens far too much. Thinking you will only be gone a minute is still enough to stress or kill as it is always longer than that.

Judy comes home today from hospital.Feeling OK but she will probably be ill by the week-end.
Renaes cat had to be put to sleep. It had a growth on the thyroid poor thing.The girls are just realizing that she won't be coming home.
Sons loan fell through so I have a reprieve from painting, for now anyway, but it must be done.
At this time of the morning, it is starting to get cold. See you next time.

03/Aug/12 5:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She's here!!!! And just as beautiful as I remember.
03/Aug/12 6:24 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Wonderful news Heidi!!
03/Aug/12 7:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. I really have not been on the computer for a few days. Trying to break myself of an addiction Parents closed on the condo today. Painter is going there tomorrow to look and will start painting on Monday. I have been helping my mom but will get really busy next week. I will come back later to read and catch up. Once school starts, I will have my morning computer time back. You have all been in my thoughts.
03/Aug/12 7:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heidi, very rude and not appreciated.
03/Aug/12 7:32 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Richard and I have just got back from a lovely meal at The Dragon Inn, which is a Chinese restaurant with all you can eat for £15.90 each. The food is freshly cooked and has no MSG added. Feel full up at the moment. We are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary.
03/Aug/12 7:35 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Brenda...glad that you had a nice meal to celebrate your anniversary.

03/Aug/12 8:07 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks.
Just passing through...
Impressive restraint Suzy. Hope you are feeling a little better today.
Tami..good luck with your addiction.. I seem to be doing pretty well..most of the time :)
03/Aug/12 12:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Some good news. The man who is coming up for parole violated his terms by trying to call Dana's friend. His chance of getting out has dropped from 90% to 10% according to the people she talked to. Of course with the way they try to get people out of our jails as quickly as possible, that is probably really more like 50%...
03/Aug/12 2:00 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Gail you certainly have had your problems. I cant have hemo it has to be PD - had the catheter placed in Feb. and hanging off for as long as I can. My veins collapsed thanks to Knox PH so I haven't any other option. I am currently with BoxHill renal. Poor Hannah - so very painful. What line of work are you in? We have our own little family businesss too - not easy climate at the moment. Heidi - I don't know how you keep going - what with the heat and all of the animals to tend to. Good day today - daughter and 1 son home, 2 sons met up in Phuket for a couple of days. My eldest is then going on to Katmandu to do the Annapurna trek whilst the other one comes home next week. Phuket hasn't been so great - they have been harassed by dealers following them around after dark. Hey Suzy - enjoy your grandie - I just wish I had one or two or three or.....
03/Aug/12 2:39 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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With internet..I cannot tell if Heidi and Suzy have had an issue!
Without facial expressions or the laugh content,it is very hard tell.
Heidi & Suzy. We are all on both of your sides and can see the emotional involvement and both of you are right.
I have probably got it wrong and you can laugh at my ignorance at thinking there might be a problem.

Love you both Suzy & Heidi.

The devil made me do this too.!!
03/Aug/12 6:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good evening all -
Brenda and Richard - Happy Anniversary!!
Gail - I hope things continue to improve with your little business. It hits small businesses the worst as Col and I found to our detriment a while ago. Thanks to getting out when we did, him getting a reasonable job eventually and the bitter-sweet inheritance from my parents, we are finally back on track for the time being.
Poor Hannah - hope she's completely recovered soon.
Heidi - pleased you finally got Serenade. And I hope Robert is well soon.
Suzy - I hope the chances of parole reduce further to 0%. - for that low-life.
Theresa - good for you! That woman needed reminding about something that should have been obvious!
Big hugs to everyone!
03/Aug/12 6:42 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy.. I feel the Australian judicial system needs a big overhaul. The big ones get away and the little ones pay.

I helped Renae with some housework today...mine needed some too but she has more to do than me.
We got 2 loads of washing out,changed sheets,vacuumed and got interrupted with Greg calling to say he had a flat battery on the bike.
Jump started that with the help of jumper leads from her neighbor who came to tell her that her car lights were on. All good now.
03/Aug/12 6:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi I'm glad to know she has arrived..but would love even more to hear about how she is settling in..

03/Aug/12 7:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita posted on the jigsaws that she has forgotten her password and cannot get onto this site until she gets an Email back from Gath.
It has been a long day and I am tired. I will catch up later in the week.
03/Aug/12 8:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My post to Suzy was said jokingly. I'm sorry if Suzy took it badly. I can have a strange sense of humor at times, and I definitely do NOT have Mamacita's way with words. I frequently have a severe case of Foot In Mouth Disease.
Sorry, Suzy.
04/Aug/12 12:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sere is making herself at home, and eating well, but I'm keeping her up in her stall until the fence is up. She seems calm enough, but we haven't made friends yet. That's her only sign of having a new home.

Robert isn't coming to work today. It poured last night, and has been raining intermittently all morning. That means that I will be putting up the last 11 panels by myself today. Oh, well.
04/Aug/12 12:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just thought of a ditty we used to say during grammar class in public school.

Theresa is a proper noun
Parse it up and parse it down
Neuter, gender, hopeless case
Object of a funny face.

How could I possibly remember that out of the blue after 50 years? I think I'm going senile. What do I mean, going, I've been there for years. Now I'm talking to myself. Oh, oh, better try and run from myself.
04/Aug/12 5:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Theresa - I remember that. I'm sure someone wrote it in my Autograph Book. Now that is something long gone. Mine has little poems and ditties from all my primary school friends and I still have it!
I often remember obscure things like that, but ask me to remember something important these days....!
We'll go senile together, Theresa!
04/Aug/12 8:19 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Next sad day for us - 2 years today since Col's Mum passed. We're just about to get ready to visit her grave (which is also his father's grave - they're buried together). And since that is in Nambour, behind the Sunshine Coast, we'll probably go down to the ocean - great place to cleanse your soul.
04/Aug/12 8:23 AM
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