Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Gail, so sorry to hear of your nightmare! Loss of power really impacts your lives! Hang in there! Things will get done in their time.

Brenda, enjoy your time away and visiting with your friend! I hope the weather cooperates!

Tami, I hope all is going well in school! I hadn't thought about frogs & lizards being poisonous to dogs! I guess you need to remain alert & remove them before Harley does!

Broni, thinking of you! {{{HUGS}}} It's wonderful that you have precious memories to ease you through. A day to celebrate JD's life!

MIzT, I hope the doc appointment went well and your pain meds are working today. Hopefully you will soon hear from Linda and get a move-in date!

Mama, it's always good to 'see' you and 'hear' your words! Happy Birthday to Michella! Celebrate your wonderful daughter and her special day!

Heidi, hooray for the bush hog and the plumber, who has returned clear water to your home! It would be such fun to see the horses frolicking in their pasture!

Cyn, I'm so glad you joined us 5 years ago, and that your life has turned around since then! What a blessing to have your son and his girls happily in your lives! Happy SA Anniversary!

Broni, Happy SA Anniversary to you as well!

I wonder how long I've been coming to this site. I know I started just to do the Sudoku puzzles, then read comments for a while before gathering the courage to 'speak.'

Midge, it seems you also have an anniversary. Your health has apparently made quite an improvement in the past year. I hope that continues! We're so glad you found us here!

I'm running quite late tonight. I did a lot of cello practicing (probably about 2 hours). I also got to the health club. I didn't realize they had changed the outdoor water aerobics class back to the fall/winter schedule, dropping the Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. classes. Two others also weren't aware, so we ended up doing our own class - and actually almost doubled the time we would have had with an instructor.

Sending lots and lots of , positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, and healing vibes for everyone! Sending extras to those who didn't post today, in case that means they're under the weather.
07/Sep/12 5:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Look who didn't check the numbers.

Here are two quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
07/Sep/12 5:12 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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((HUGS)) Broni. Memories are great aren't they.
07/Sep/12 6:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Beautiful words Cyn xoxo

Glad you found us Midge :)
07/Sep/12 7:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well, I have posted the penultimate photo of the kitchen, this is the whole kitchen patched and sanded, so looking very unfinished. Since this photo I have put the final coat on all the bottom cupboards, and am just about to go finish the overheads. Next photo...bl00dy finished!
07/Sep/12 7:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
Tired puppy here. I have worked for the last 3 days - in English! I'm back on Monday and on standby for the rest of the week for the same guy. Nobody knows what he is doing...

Tami, congrats Ms Master! I'm sure you will be great at it, but I fear we won't see as much of you...

June, someone said follow your instincts, and I agree. Only you know your cat and know what will be best for it. I know that whichever way you go it will be hard for you - hugs!

MizT, loved the story about the special 3 year old. Bummed you won't be in your new place in time for the visit, but at least you will get to see them so it isn't all bad! I hope the weather has improved and so you aren't hurting as much...

Heidi, I hope you get the position on the zoning board. Someone who cares about the big picture and not just a quick buck should! I want to borrow your hog!

Julie, most New South Wales schools start much later than the average American school. 9 o'clock is typical, and used to be the standard, as was a 3.25 finish. Over the years they have adjusted the school days to better accomodate the bus companies...The school I mostly teach at has roll call at 8.15am. That is unusually early! The good news is that that means they finish earlier too - in plenty of time for me to get back into town to pick up Alie from school.

Gail, I hope Scott eventually got his treatment finished. The power flashed off here tonight for about 15 seconds. I was over town taking Dana to a birthday party and was in a store picking up the one thing I keep forgetting to buy. The power flashed there too, though only for a second, and a bunch of the registers died (probably need a reboot), the lines were long before that, so I put the one thing down and left! The good news is that the wind is supposed to die down sometime tonight.

Broni, hoping you had a wonderful day filled with happy memories!

Mamacita, I think I answered your question. I hope you are coping well with reduced oxygen and enjoying the freedom that brings! I hope Michella has a wonderful birthday!!

Theresa, I'll swap, our cars are under cover so the hail is okay and I'd much prefer a storm to the winds we have right now...

Heidi, the answer to IH's selfish question is - I don't know, check the fridge and freezer for something you feel like cooking!

Cyn, I think I speak for all of us when I say we felt happy for you when your son came back in your life. I remember how happy you were after the first birthday party!

Midge, so glad your life is also much improved.

Gail, looking forward to the finished photos because it means you will be finished!!

Alie's throat is feeling a bit better. Now she just has to get into the habit of following the prophylactic regime the doctor recommended.

There's nothing like the class I had sixth period to make you look forward to the weekend! Three of the kids have been told to come back Monday lunch time and have been re
07/Sep/12 9:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I think that's a first for me! Here's the rest..

Three of the kids have been told to come back Monday lunch time and have been referred to the head teacher.
07/Sep/12 9:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not nice!
07/Sep/12 9:43 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Cyn, could not have said it better.
Not turning the page until I post.
Midge, you understand how we support each other.
Thank you my friends.
07/Sep/12 9:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Had a really good day today, still smiling.
Love and healing hugs to all my friends.
07/Sep/12 10:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) to you, too, Broni. I'm SO glad you had a really good day.
07/Sep/12 11:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I do need to service the tractor before continuing the bush hogging today. The weeds are so tall that their seeds have gotten into the tractor's air filter. Being a mechanical tyro, this is a challenge for me. But if I don't clean it out, 2 things will happen.... first I'll lose the air conditioning (it's another heat wave here) and second, the tractor will overheat.
07/Sep/12 11:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just realized that on Sudokuland time, it's my 34th anniversary with IH. I think I deserve a medal. Or a padded room.
08/Sep/12 12:38 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Happy anniversary, I hope YOU get to do something nice to celebrate. You get a medal and IH can have a padded cell!
08/Sep/12 12:47 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Greetings friends. I think today is the last of the 'firsts' this year. Today would have been Al's 65th birthday. I have asked Joy if she wants to go out to dinner in memory, but she is still involved with a big work project. she worked over 16 hours yesterday, so going out probably will not happen. Last year he was in hospital on his birthday.

Julie, good TOP, thanks for posting that.

Heidi, Happy anniversary to you. Hope you can get the tractor serviced successfully. You do so many other things well, you can learn to be a tractor mechanic too. You just need some know how! I am sure you can find information on How-to on the internet.

Broni, so glad it was a good day for you.

Suzy, weather has improved, my meds are working. I went to Wal mart yesterday. A riding cart was not available, and I survived walking the huge store for my shopping.

I was looking for a coffee pot. Mine has had a broken part since the second week I had it. I found one with the features I want, at a reasonable price and then, they had none in stock. My luck it seems. bought my 7 grocery items, mostly fresh fruit plus the half and half for my coffee, and came home. Had a very late lunch, and fell asleep for a nice nap.

Doc yesterday was uneventful. He decided I did not really need the new BP medicine he tried (I could not take it), since my self monitored BP readings were very good. He was most pleased with my A1C, the measure of blood sugar for last 3 months, said it was better than most people who did not have diabetes. I got my prescription for pain meds and was on my way.

I found out what Linda is needing to get application approved. I phoned the person who needs to supply that information, find out she has already sent it, a week ago. AAAAAAAGGGH, I do think that woman will be the death of me yet. so I sent Linda another e-mail telling her she should have the information, check her incoming faxes. IF she cannot find it, it can be resent on Monday. I hope this really is the last thing the government agency needs, and I do not have to continue to do Linda's job of collecting and following up, without pay.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
08/Sep/12 2:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The mechanic at the dealership has shown me how to do the servicing. But he showed me at the shop with all of his fancy tools and air pressure stuff. I don't have the expensive equipment so it'll be harder to do. I've been dawdling all morning trying to avoid the work. Mainly because my back is killing me.
08/Sep/12 2:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like Linda is not very good at her job, MizT. And just think.... if you ever do get in there, you'll be dealing with her regularly. You may have to ask your Doc for some valium for the stress she causes.
08/Sep/12 2:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Big day tomorrow Heidi. I'm sorry, I can't remember things from year to year ... does IH normally do something for your anniversary? If not, do something nice for yourself! I remember for one event he gave you some blitzens (sp??) that you didn't care for. He didn't get you the ones you really like. You deserve a medal!
08/Sep/12 3:32 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, fortunately Linda's job is getting people approved and moved into the complex. I shall not have dealings with her on a regular basis once I am moved in. I think it will be limited to a yearly review once I am there. IF I can get moved in, that is.
08/Sep/12 4:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have too much blitzen (lightning) here, and not enough good blintzes ( filled crepes). I love Kosher blintzes. The ones IH found weren't kosher, and were nasty tasting.

I'm taking a break from bush hogging, and letting the tractor cool down. I need to go to town and get another 10 gallons of diesel so I can get back to work. I've made a lot of progress on the pastures so far today. It's slow going because the weeds are thick and almost shoulder high.
08/Sep/12 6:30 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I still cannot get rid of this cough. Then cannot sleep very well at night. It is an annoying nuisance!
Hugs to Both Broni and MizT. Anniversaries bring back so many memories.
Ya! Gail has almost finished the kitchen. Hope everything goes smoothly, the wind goes away and the floor goes down.
Congratulations on your Anniversary Heidi. IH must have a lot of good points for you to have married him in the first place and secondly for you to have stayed around for 34 years.
Suzy, pleased you are getting lots of work. It may be stressful kids you are getting but just think of the stress it is taking off your finances.
Juli, you are amazing. All the things you do and then you still come on here and comment on all our posts.
08/Sep/12 6:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Had a good day at school. Internet went down for about 30 minutes so I let my kids do homework for other classes. All the work I assign is on line.

Heidi, I will talk to you soon and we will figure out a way for me to ship you blintzes.
08/Sep/12 7:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the good wishes June, they worked. Power stayed on all night so we got the whole 8 hours in, apart from a couple of last minute paint touch ups the kitchen is finished, and having looked at the truer samples of the flooring we have decided to go with the coffee colour, and they do have that in stock. Minor hiccup, it was supposed to be started Monday, but now it's Tuesday...can't even remember the reason for this delay, but as we are a day behind due to the weather another day to move all the furniture out is needed.
08/Sep/12 8:35 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, sending you loving hugs on this day of remembrance. Happy Birthday Al, wish you could be here to celebrate xoxo

Heidi, I feel an Indian meal is on the cards for celebration :)

June, this cough has lingered so long :( Have you tried the Vicks treatment?
08/Sep/12 8:38 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tami, no internet...aaaargh!
08/Sep/12 8:38 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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There is a dance at the youth centre next door this evening, but only until 9:00. I was remembering the excitement of going to dances for me when I was a teenager, but our dances lasted until midnight. I came from a very small town with a population of about 800 (if everybody was home that day), so dances were about all we had to look forward to. Skating in the winter and most town teen dances were in the summer.

Broni and MizT - hugs to both of you on sad anniversaries, but with happy memories also.
08/Sep/12 9:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Are you going dancing, Theresa?
08/Sep/12 9:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I wish, Heidi. It brings back a lot of fond memories. It didn't take much to make my day back then. Sigh ...........
08/Sep/12 10:40 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Happy dining June said, to be celebrating 34 years, Gil has to have shown you a good side a lot more often than not...then again...only you know why you married him and continue to stay with him despite what we have been made privy to...such as his work with the Lions Clubs.
Broni and Miz T...I'm right there with you celebrating the memories of your good men...I lift a glass in both of their honors....As has been said far too often on this site...we are so blessed to have had them in our lives and to have the wonderful memories we hold close to our hearts.♥♥
Thinking of all, but special thoughts to those who continue to be under the weather....may the restoring vibes soon take effect and once more find you feeling better and stronger....
Midge, your wonderful determination to regain your health is a fine example of how far support and self determination can bring a person...and we're glad to have you join the rest of this strong group of folk. Peace!
08/Sep/12 10:40 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I thank you all for your support, we have all supported each other through good and bad times, but that is life...wouldn't have it any other way.
I do have a few other issues on my plate, one of the big ones being JD's daughter and her hubby but feeling a lot stronger today and still smiling.
The sun is shining and I need my vitamin D.
Love and healing hugs to all.
08/Sep/12 10:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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08/Sep/12 1:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed. I hope I can sleep instead of lying awake in pain like last night. Bouncing around in the tractor isn't doing my back any good. This last epidural wasn't one of the better ones, and the back is tender. I'm limiting myself to 4 hours a day bush hogging so as to keep the pain levels where they can be managed somewhat. If I keep on that schedule, I'll have all the bush hogging done in 6 more days.
08/Sep/12 1:41 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, I wish you a good night's sleep tonight. Lying awake all night is no fun, because of pain is much worse.

I am off to bed also, have some errands to do in the morning. Would be easier if I have had a good night's sleep.

Hugs to each of you, with extras to go around. Till tomorrow
08/Sep/12 2:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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to all! (I'm guessing after midnight qualifies for night.

Thinking of Broni and MizT as significant days have arrived. Broni, how nice that you had friends to be with! MizT, so sorry Joy has been busy and won't be able to have dinner with you. You both were fortunate to have found good men.

Gail, you have made outstanding progress! I can't wait to see photos with the painting done and the floor installed!

Wow, Suzy, what a long post! Too bad some of the classes you work with can be so challenging. However, the earlier start of the school helps you to be home earlier. So glad to hear that Alie is feeling better, and hope she gets in the habit of taking preventative measures to avoid further sore throats!

Happy Anniversary, Heidi! I hope you're remembered with something better than the awful blintzes! I also hope you were able to do the servicing of the tractor and as much bush-hogging as you hoped to do. I'm so glad to hear that you're limiting the time spent on the tractor in the hopes of less trauma to your back!

MizT, thinking of you today! Good news about your blood pressure and A1C! You are a role model for people living with diabetes! Maybe you should write a book to help others figure out meal planning. I hope Linda finds the needed FAX to get your application processed soon!

June, I hope your cough can soon be a thing of the past. Doesn't it always seem that the cough is worst at night when you're trying to sleep? Do you have a recliner you could try to sleep in? It might reduce the draining/coughing. I hope you soon feel better and can get a good night's sleep! {{{HUGS}}}

Tami, too bad about lack of internet for part of the day. Letting your students work on homework for other classes seems to be all you could do.

Theresa, so nice to have fond memories of teen dances! I wonder how they can dance to some of the current music, though.

Mama, your posts always say so well what I'm thinking, but don't articulate as well! It is such a delight to have you back with us and posting frequently!

Heidi, MizT and June, I hope you all sleep well tonight!

Nola, thinking of you and Judy!

Time to head to bed! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes for all!
08/Sep/12 3:29 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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08/Sep/12 5:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Anniversary, Heidi. My wish for you would be that IH spoils you rotten today. A girl can wish, can't she?
08/Sep/12 8:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another awful night. This time it was a combination of the back hurting, with pain shooting down the legs, and a violent thunderstorm most of the night. Molly was the freakiest and had to be in my arms to be comforted.
Because of the storm, I don't think I'll get much bush hogging done today. Everything outside looks muddy. And I don't want to leave deep tire tracks over the pastures.
09/Sep/12 2:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is trying to weasel out of taking me to the Indian restaurant. ''There ARE other restaurants'', he said. Well, this one is my favorite. Besides, Indians have one of the few cuisines that realize that there are many spices other than pepper, and celebrate them.
I'm gonna drive, so that's where I'm going. If he wants to go elsewhere, he can.
09/Sep/12 2:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all, we are under a severe thunderstorm watch and warning. One has gone through so far. Winds are gusting and have knocked a huge branch off one of our cedar trees. If it had fallen before hubby cut it, it would have landed on the sidewalk! Here's our weather for today:

A line of thunderstorms is moving east with strong wind gusts to 90 km/h possible and heavy rain.

Remember that some severe thunderstorms can also produce tornadoes.

Emergency management Ontario recommends taking cover immediately when threatening weather approaches.

09/Sep/12 3:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My son-in-law (at least for now) has gone away on a golfing weekend. It is not that far away from us, within 100 km, so I imagine he is having the same type of weather. D and the girls are in Ottawa for the weekend and I am animal-sitting their four cats, one rat and one fish. Hubby will not be going to see his mom this weekend as the facility has closed its doors to visitors due to a nasty cold going through the building. I might have the grandies tomorrow afternoon, not sure yet. So kind of a hum drum weekend.

I have already chased the lids to one of our garbage cans because of the wind. I bet you all wish you could have such fun, huh? Like Suzy, I am not crazy about high winds.

Good luck Heidi, I know you will win this one!!!!
09/Sep/12 3:44 AM
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