Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - that album is wonderful! Your brother will appreciate it so much. I love the background. I'll bet you're pleased now that you did it. It's satisfying when it's done.
Gail, no I didn't give a link to mine but here it is now:
Warning - this album has many more pages than Broni's and bear in mind that my daughter loves pink, hearts and flowers.
Oh, you'll see what I mean!
04/Sep/12 9:16 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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'Heaven is where you meet all the dogs you ever loved'
(Sorry didn't know I was going over the page!)
04/Sep/12 9:18 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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The weather here yesterday, especially late in the Afternoon was awful ~ Stormy.
Today.. more of the same, and it's going to be cold!!
04/Sep/12 10:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, awesome effort!
04/Sep/12 11:33 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon folks..
Should go and look back and see when I last posted.. Busy..busy..busy..

Our guest arrived yeterday and not surprisingly is a delightful young woman. I like all of L'ies friends. Zoe has just about decided that she is ok.. the other two dogs were fine. She has a chihuaowa [? spelling] so these big galumpers seem enormous. J. is still jet lagged and cannot believe she is here in Australia...has been a long held dream to travel down under. She cannot wait to see and hear a kookaburra.. disappointed there aren't any here in downtown Hawthorn. Also amazed at how big Melbourne's urban sprawl is. She comes from a much less densely populated area.

I'm now off to waste an hour or more at the doctors.. feeling most unwell. Overnight I have blown up like a balloon and look like I'm 10 months pregnant.. I swear if you put a pin in I'd burst..I'm sort of hungry but feel like I would explode if I did.. it is very tense and taut.. not unlike when gallbladder was playing up.. These old 'models' seem to need more maintenance once they get into the 5th decade..

Was going to have a talk to him specifically about soft tissue examination [Ultrasound / MRI]of my bung ankle .. massage therapist thinks there is a bursa there as well as the arthritis etc on top of my foot.. This sudden onset of abdo pain will mean I can have 2 issues seen to. Wish me luck!!
04/Sep/12 2:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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After a hard fought battle I finally won this round of the bowls comp. My opponent is almost 87 but is very accurate with her bowling.
I had coughed a lot last night so did not get to sleep till after 2am. Still have a bit of a could and the temperature was going up over 20*c mark. Ken called at the club early (when I was well behind) and said he was not sure who would be exhausted first. (we both were at the end)
I have not looked at the photos yet. Hope to do so later.
04/Sep/12 2:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bean, hope the Dr. sorts things out for you.
I am sure you will enjoy your guest.
Heidi, glad you have water back. Is all your water from tanks and wells and dams? Nice to have reliable tradespeople you can call at any time.
Must go and do some shopping. Out of bread and milk and something the cat might decide will appeal to her palate!
04/Sep/12 2:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All! I think I didn't make it here last night, so making a definite effort to pop in! I have quickly read. I can't wait to see the books, Broni and Cyn, but don't have the time now, and this computer is so old that I can't even update to be able to view. If I have time tomorrow, I'll try on the other computer.

Reasons for less time on this page: primarily, SO many things to be done in and about the house that have been neglected (only partly because of the busy summer and wood turning symposium on which we worked). Secondary reasons include lack of time for preparation of healthy meals, lack of time for exercise & water aerobics, not enough time for cello practice, NO time to read. In addition, hubby wanted me to watch something on television with him this evening. I really didn't have the time, but can't always choose to be doing something else.

June and Rolanda, I hope you are both feeling better! Mama and Broni, I hope you get caught up on your sleep!

Gail, you are making great progress! Rolanda, the cabinets look great so far!

Bean, I hope you enjoy the guest and she enjoys her visit!

June, well done with the bowls game, but feel better soon!

Heidi, so sorry to hear about the water problems! How nice to have another animal! Good for Jack for trying out the dog door!

My apologies for not responding to everyone! I have thought of all of you, but my brain has become a sieve.

I had better head to bed! D2 and her new puppy will be here in the morning to go through the many items brought back for her from her sister (crib, toddler bed, baby clothes, etc.). No, she is not expecting, but hopes to be some day. D1 apparently thought now was a good time for passing on the items (and storing them in our basement).

Sending much , positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone!
04/Sep/12 4:46 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Just got back from my trip to the country, to visit Mum. It takes all day, but this visit was very pleasant, and we were smiling when we left. It was also a beautiful, sunny day. (Spring is here!)
Hope you are all well and happy. :)
04/Sep/12 6:41 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I have been reading, if not posting. I do think of everyone. Still have not gotten Dylan's bus issue resolved. He attempted to take the bus Friday morning but the bus was about 30 minutes early. Hubby left work, got him and took him to school. He did take the bus home. I will drive him today and call the bus supervisor again to make sure of his time. School bus transportation this year has been a major problem. The new transportation chief has moved his family out of state and said he fears for his life. He came in with the new school superintendent and they are trying to fix something that was broken, but they made it worse.
04/Sep/12 8:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie Julie Julie, please don't try to mention us all! We understand about being busy, and you do triple the stuff I do! Please feel free to just update us on what you are up to... We will know you are thinking of us whether you mention us by name or not!

Judy, so glad you had a good day!

June, congratulations!! Winning while sick is particularly impressive...

Gail, impressed by your progress.

Rolanda, impressed by your hubby's work too. I wouldn't remind Gail of deadlines if I were you - you might get a paint brush shoved in your hand when you arrive!!!!

Tami, I read the article when you posted it a while ago. What a disaster!! Considering how inconvenient it is for you, I'm impressed by your even handed comments. I don't care how badly the man stuffed up, threats bad enough for him to move his family out of state are not just right.

Heidi, I love hearing about your dogs, Jack seems to be doing really well.

Broni, I loved the album!

Cyn, didn't get to look at yours yet. My internet connection is cr@pping out on me every time I try to do something big.

Bean, hope the doc can help. That's why I'm going to skip the 5th (6th) decade! I'm just stopping at 46. I was going to be 53 one day but you've convinced me to just be a nonage for a decade or so.

Alie has another throat infection. The doc has given her antibiotics and some ideas to reduce the chances of it happening again. I motivated him by saying Alie's voice is very important to her as she sings. He was still kind of more focused on her problem with cramps (from a previous visit) so I played him a little bit of 'don't rain on my parade'. He got more interested in her throat and gave us the prevention ideas. He also asked for a CD of her singing! I only played about 5 seconds of the song...

Tonight I heard Alie singing Andrew again! I'm so relieved. This was the song my mum had her singing for everyone in Moulamein and Alie sang it at her funeral. She hasn't been able to sing it since.
04/Sep/12 8:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Painting, my Mum's Dad and her brothers were all House Painters..

I am pretty happy with the Cabinets my Hubby has built and installed.
04/Sep/12 9:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Tired puppy, need some sleep.
Thanks for all your positive comments on my album.
Love and Hugs to you all.
04/Sep/12 9:41 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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the storm that once was Isaac just will not go away. Rain, thunder, flash flooding, flood warnings all about. I am still hurting. I think I can have meds again, off to check on that. I will return when I have done something except sit and hurt.

Love and hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
04/Sep/12 10:35 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

I have enjoyed looking at the photo albums. I should do something like that one of these days .....

First day of school for the grandies. They too are having bus problems. They now have to walk about 2 blocks, crossing one busy street, to get to the new bus stop. The bus was over half an hour late this morning ... it had broken down. You would think that all mechanical problems would have been sorted out during the summer! D is prepared to fight to get back the old bus stop, which was right across from our house. D is worried about falling in the winter because the sidewalks are not always cleaned or sanded early in the morning.

The town siren went off a few minutes ago and I can't figure out why. It is an old air raid siren. When we first moved here, before everything was computerized, the siren would go off if there was a fire somewhere ... it was to let the volunteers know to get to the fire station. Then about 10 years ago they stopped using it for that purpose and it would go off every Saturday at noon. The first time I heard it when we moved here, I didn't know what it was and I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I went outside and looked around, but everyone was just going about their business. It was some days later that someone told me it was for the volunteer fire crew. Ah, small towns and their idiosyncracies. You gotta love them.
05/Sep/12 12:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Those grandies need to live in our county. There are no bus stops, per se. The busses stop at each and every child's driveway. It's a pain and a half to be in a hurry and be stuck behind a school bus dropping kids off. I've counted 11 stops in a one block space.... just in Magnolia. I wish they would consolidate the stops a little. When I had that teenage boy living here, I learned the bus times. I started driving him to and from school instead. It was a complete waste of time for him to spend an hour and a half on the bus EACH WAY, when I could drive him there in 10 minutes. Once he got his learner's permit, I would let him drive my truck home after I met him at the school. My truck thinks it's a sports car, and is a blast to drive.
05/Sep/12 1:02 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all!! Hope things are righting themselves at some places and staying right at others.Another rainy, grey day here which is not unusual for the time of seems a prelude to fall.
05/Sep/12 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The plumber has been busy here today, and we now have 2 of the 3 commodes working again. He just went back to the plumbing supply place for more materials..... including a large water filter to install where the well water enters the house to keep this from happening again.
05/Sep/12 4:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I see you on site, June. What are you doing up so early?
05/Sep/12 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just contacted Camp Crescendo, the Lions Club camp that I'm a board member of. (Lousy english, that, but who cares.) I told them about PJ and made the offer to bring him to the camps for various kids, such as abused, deaf, handicapped, orphaned and others. I've gotten the ball rolling. We'll see what happens.
05/Sep/12 5:47 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, I do hope the Lions Club Camps will take you up on the offer to bring P J to the camps for the kids. That sounds like a very good thing for them, you and P J all.
05/Sep/12 8:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, what a great thing to do. Have I told you that I have always wanted a donkey? Seriously, I love them!

We are under a rainfall warning at the moment. If only we had had this much rain earlier this summer.

The grandies didn't get off the school bus until after 5:00 (school ends at 3:30). Apparently a little boy went missing and all busses were immediately stopped and checked. He was finally found on the wrong bus. Imagine what those parents must have gone through!

Off to make stirfry for supper. I have spent much of the day cooking. I have prepared some meals for my father-in-law that hubby can heat up for him when he goes down on the weekends. I'm just going to start sending food down when I can. He needs new partial plates (dental work) and is having trouble chewing, so I can't give him stirfry ... he wouldn't be able to chew it. He doesn't eat much, half a sandwich is a meal for him! We have heard from the contractor and he will start work on the shower for downstairs at my in-laws' place in early October, as well as a wheelchair ramp. Finally things are starting to progress ....... I think.
05/Sep/12 8:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH and I have very fond memories of one Christmas when we took one of the Collies (Minx... a sable and white rough who was smarter than most people) to a nursing home. We put a big red bow around her neck, and a pair of felt antlers on her head, and turned her loose in the home. Minx went from room to room visiting every single person like she was a professional, and gave every one some love. We just followed her and passed out small gifts. He's delighted that I want to get another one of our critters involved in making people happy. Every once in a while, IH acts like a nice person.
05/Sep/12 9:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Had a good day at school. I ended up doing extra work babysitting other classes. Luckily I have small classes so I can help out. I should be getting extra pay for it. I also have a new job at school. I am now the web-master. I have no idea how to run a web page but I will learn. The person who did it last year moved out of state and the one who took it over is an administrator and does not have time. She will help me and teach me and already has me signed up for a training class. I will send a link once I get it going.
05/Sep/12 9:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, that day with Minx sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. I am glad that IH has a good side and that you will be doing more stuff like that. My SIL has a Havanese that is being trained to act as a service dog. She takes him to visit places also, I am just not sure where.
05/Sep/12 9:17 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Reminds me of when JD's mum was in a nursing home and we used to visit with the two Basset Hounds, BJ was the leader and would visit with any of the residents to get attention, Bella was and still is more timid with strangers but was worth the extra effort to see the smiles.
05/Sep/12 9:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone. Thinking of you all each day but too busy to get here.
I have 2 days off, and Judy will be coming to stay awhile,while her friend goes to Brisbane for a funeral. I am looking forward to having her. I will also get her dog,which she hasn't seen for 3-4 weeks. We will have 3 dogs,mine, Judys and Lees. That is going to be a great reunion.
I borrowed a wheelie-walker from work to make it easier for Judy to get around. Yesterday, she walked about 50mtrs up the road with it,and enjoyed the sunshine. She still needs help to shower,is eating a little more and keeping it down now.
Your kind messages and thoughts of us are much appreciated. You are THE GREATEST.
05/Sep/12 10:28 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Nola we think you are the greatest as well..
Julie.. I'm seconding Suzy's comments here. I do believe it was what you stressed to me when my life got out of kilter and was feeling bad about not acknowledging people. As you are aware it is infrequent that I now find the time to make individual comments to you all.

Heidi I was wondering that about June myself last night when I logged on at 3am...
You made a comment about the donkey yesterday that gave me a glimpse of the sort of person IH onjce was.. caring about the jack giving pleasure to others. I'm sure I'm not alone wondering what he was like when you married. I laughed just now to you commenting on him acting like a nice person. Where on earth did it all go wrong for him..

05/Sep/12 1:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm feeling a little better today.. not so much abdo pain. All I want to do is sleep. I've been started on a new medication to decrease the stomach acidity and hope that will settle.. I don't like the way he was muttering about gastroscopy's.. he didn't think I had pancreatitis even though that is the general locale.. We both agreed that gall stones are unlikely because the pain isn't colicky in nature.. very different. Need to recheck in a week..
05/Sep/12 1:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds awful, Bean. I really hope that they find the problem and a cure soon. Pain is something that nobody should have to live with.
05/Sep/12 1:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzi good comment about the 50's & 60's... when it comes to the body and its ailments. It's a pity that the clarity of purpose and wisdom of lessons learnt on lifes journey is tempered by the body showing signs of wear and tear...
05/Sep/12 1:39 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I agree totally Heidi.
Have just been looking up where J has travelled from.. TY Mr Google..a beautiful looking hamlet called Foscoe near Boone NC. Such a long way away.. hadn't realised she came from so far away... Very beautiful, hilly and sparsely populated compared to where we are..
05/Sep/12 1:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed once I've fed and watered the birds.
IH went to the plant this afternoon and hasn't gotten back yet. He said he was gonna be here tonight. And it's after midnight. And he hates night driving. Maybe he changed his mind about returning tonight?
05/Sep/12 2:16 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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My granddaughter posted this today about jogging in the park with baby O. I thought I would share it with you.

'Poor Baby O and I got caught in the rain! She was in the jogging stroller and I thought she was pretty well protected because she didn't make a peep as I sprinted home. Once safely in our garage she has this stunned look on her face. She is soaked. She just stares up at me and the look says 'I was hoping if I was quiet it would just go away' LOL'
05/Sep/12 2:34 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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good maEn everyone! posting without reading (sorry). I have been spending WAY too much time on 'the other site'. it has turned from a fun way to keep in touch & find old friends into a political slam site. I actually unfriended someone I've known since kindergarten. I am debating deleting myself from it. too bad, really enjoy most of the friends on it as well as some of the games.
everything fine here, weather finally cooler. we had a really bad storm last saturday. rain, lightning, thunder. no power outages here, fortunately. HUGS, LOVE & PRAYERS for all. TTFN, will try to check in more often!
05/Sep/12 2:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I woke up and started to cough. Got up to 'empty' (needs be when coughing)and then the cat woke and demanded to have something fresh opened........and of course I ended up here.
Actually I often come here if I have to feed the cat in the night.
Big debate with myself about the cat. I know she has health problems and her time is limited (almost 17 years). Before, when we have gone away our neighbours have fed her. Both neighbours have health and other problems at the moment and our 'outside' cat now just wants to live inside. It would stress her too much to put her in a cattery and will also stress her a lot when we are away for 12 days. I really think the kindest thing would be to have her put to sleep before we go. I have been expecting her to go for over 18 months now. She weighs less than 2k but seems quite happy as long as I keep continually feeding her. (Belinda thinks she may have Cushing's disease)
05/Sep/12 2:54 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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But Suzanne, how will you get your daily chuckle from my links?
05/Sep/12 2:56 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Precisely Gail...
05/Sep/12 3:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Judy, it's great that the visit to your Mum went well! If only all could be like that!

Tami, I hope the bus situation quickly improves! I hope you and the boys have a great school year! Hopefully your parents are settling in to their new home and finding activities they will enjoy!

Suzy, your decision to stop advancing age when you reach 46 is a great idea! I hope Alie will soon be over her throat infections! At least now the doctor understands that singing is very important and has given some suggestions for avoiding future infections!

Cyn and Broni, I'm still at the wrong computer to be able to see the books you have made. Maybe tomorrow I can get to the other computer.

MizT, I hope the former Isaac storm finally leaves your area, the sun returns, and you soon feel better!

Theresa, what a long day on the bus for your grandies, but at least there was a good reason for the delay! Hopefully your D can convince the transportation department to reinstate the bus stop closer to you! So pleased to hear that work will finally be scheduled for the needed improvements for the farm.

Heidi, hooray for working commodes! Hopefully the work done by the plumber will last for a good, long time! I hope the Lions Club camps will take you up on your offer to bring PJ. How nice that you formerly were able to take Minx to cheer the hospital patients! It's also good to hear that that is something IH approves of.

Woo Hoo! Tami is going to become a webmaster! Sounds impressive!

Nola, I hope everything goes well while Judy is at your house! Hopefully there will be many sunny days for both of you while she is there!

Broni, I hope you will soon be feeling better! Your visitor has certainly traveled a long way. She must be exhausted!

It's time for me to head to bed. Feel free to share these {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, healing vibes, , positive thoughts, and prayers!
05/Sep/12 4:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, so sorry your cat is ailing. It seems you have a big decision to be made. But more importantly, I'm so sorry you are continuing to struggle with the coughing and generally feeling not well!

Suzanne, I've been hiding comments from a friend from Kindergarten on facebook. We've only just found each other in the past month. I'm hoping I can deal with it until the election in November and all the political comments will go away. I've already unfriended 2 people from the Sudoku pages. I really don't want to give up fb entirely, as I enjoy many of the funny, thoughtful and serious items shared by friends!

MizT, what a mental picture your granddaughter painted of her little one and the reaction to getting soaked during the jog!

And now, good night!
05/Sep/12 4:13 PM
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