Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I joined on May 11, 2008. I'd been lurking for a bunch of months before that. In fact, I started lurking when you could post without being a member!
09/Sep/12 11:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot to tell you all - sudoku dinner for me tomorrow night! Our lovely Ian and Anne..
09/Sep/12 11:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just picked a date at random, didn't find me, but found Mamacita - 12 March 2006
09/Sep/12 11:16 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sharon introduced me to the site about the time Laura was born, 2005. Sharon printed out lots of the puzzles to take to hospital with her. It was quite a while later before I posted any comments. I did get very involved in the 'last to post' competition which started the SA pages.
Must back to bed. Had to get up and get a drink as I was having a coughing bout.
09/Sep/12 11:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've heard a lot of mention of the ''Last To Posy'' competition. What exactly was it, and how did it work?
10/Sep/12 12:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I will leave it up to others to explain that comp, I was in Sudokuland, but did not participate in it as it was all double dutch to me!

Good evening/night/morning to you all, just past midnight here so I am not really sure which one applies!

Well, apart from the knobs and kickboards, the kitchen is finished. I will do the kickboards and any other skirtings etc once the floor layer has taken up the carpet and lino on Tuesday. The house is very empty, the end room is stacked to the rafters with three rooms of furniture in it! Hubby and I have decided we quite like the minimalist look so we will make a few changes when we bring back the furniture once the floor is down. We will also make some changes with the layout in the kitchen, I like not having anything on the benchtops, so we are going to rearrange everything in the cupboards to better utilize the space. BTW Loving the 'new' kitchen, change is as good as a holiday, and it feels so different.

Today I started painting the entrance hall while hubby did most of the furniture moving. I figure eventually I will have painted everything, then it will be time to start again!

Made some major expenditures over the last two days, luckily we have this renovation loan. My washing machine has been working intermittently lately, spin either will or wont work for reasons of its own, and the dryer has been dodgy for a while, so we have bought replacements for those. Plus a new fridge, one the goes with the other kitchen appliances, oh and a vacuum cleaner that does everything but put itself away apparently!
10/Sep/12 12:25 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Son and his gf have just left not long ago, tonight was a GP night, so they came over for dinner. I have had a cold that gets to me late in the evenings, so right about now I am just about done in. Off to bed I go.

Loving hugs to all my wonderful friends here. Thinking especially of our flyboy who would appreciate some prayers for a family member right now. Good night/day to you all xoxo

ps just remembered, we also have to buy a new toilet suite for the main bathroom, this one was leaking from the cistern to bowl connection, and when someone was looking at it today for us, he noticed that it was about to fail completely, which it did when he tried to take it apart. As with a lot of things in this house, the owner/builder of it did just enough and no more on many of the things he installed, and a lot of it is catching up on us now. Better it happen when we have the money I suppose, just means that everyone has to use our toilet, so that is going to be interesting in the morning when they get ready for work/TAFE!
10/Sep/12 12:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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The first post on my page is May 3, 2007 but I was here before that. Took me a while to get my own page.
10/Sep/12 12:50 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I got my learner's permit the day of my 15th birthday and my full license the day I turned 16. I was legally allowed to drive, alone, but my dad would not let me take the car. Getting the license was more of a bragging point, my brother did not get his until a few weeks after his birthday as he got in trouble at school and that was his punishment. Now you can get your learner's permit at 15 but have to have it at least one full year until your get your regular license. Mitchell got his learner's about 2 weeks after his birthday. He is eligible to take the test on Dec. 30 but that is not going to happen. We will make that decision when we feel comfortable with his ability. I got my license because I could, I still had to prove to my dad that I was a good driver. He did let me take the car around the block myself that night just 'because I can.' Slowly I was able to take the car. First to drive the 3 blocks to and from work, so mom didn't have to. Slowly I built up to actually driving. I bought my first car at 16.5. We were moving to a house and I needed the car to get to school. I was about to start my senior year of HS and did not want to change schools. Instead I had a 20 mile (32 K) trip to and from school.
10/Sep/12 12:57 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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With everyone looking back at when they joined SA, I had to join in. I found my first post on page 96 0f the very first SA, on 4th June '07. I had been doing the puzzles for a long time before that, posting occasionally. I started my own page on 17 May, was invited to come here on the 22nd by Rena. I didn't know what she was talking about so it took me a while to find the page. I have found so many good people here that I doubt I could give the companionship up, even though I don't get here as much as I used to.
10/Sep/12 5:49 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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I have been around since before the 'Last to post' competition. How to explain that? Gath started it, I think he was trying to increase the number of hits his website received. I forget all the details but it went something like this.

Each day (week?) there was a different , ever decreasing time period. Someone had to post within that time period, or the last person who did post became the winner. It was not so bad when there were hours between posts, but when it got down to minutes, it was getting difficult. We would team up, Stella and I were a team for a while. We would set alarms to be sure we got back before the 10 minutes or whatever passed. We came up with all kinds of topics to discuss. As the times got shorter and shorter, some of us starting thinking what would happen when the contest was over, we were addicted to the chat and the fun. So I started the Sudokuaholics Anonymous pages, and many from the contest continued posting past the end of the contest.

BTW Stella won, I think time was down to 5 minutes. I think she got a gift card to or some such.
10/Sep/12 6:52 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I think she bought a jewelry piece with the voucher
Well explained Tricia
10/Sep/12 7:33 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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That was back at the beginning of May 2007. We could also have our own page without being a supporting member. I used to set the kitchen timer and one time I rushed in at the last moment, and without checking realise I had been the last one and may have one if I had not posted again. I think we started at about 15 minutes and the time reduced to about 3 or 4 minutes at the end. It was a lot of fun.
And a big Thanks to Tricia for transferring us to SA.
10/Sep/12 7:48 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Thanks for all the ideas for chicken legs. I now have 5 pounds of cooked chicken. I made foil wrapped packets and flavored each of them differently. One has Greek seasoning with mint. I KNOW that one is tasty, had a leg from that packet for my late lunch. I did one in BBQ sauce, and one in honey mustard. Rest of the chicken I boiled in pressure cooker to make chicken stew. Now, just need to put the portions of baked chicken into bags and some into freezer. The stew I will finish making tomorrow, after I can defat the broth.
10/Sep/12 8:18 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Forgot to say, I also baked a couple of sweet potatoes while the chicken was baking. I just love baked sweet potatoes. I will have one with ham for dinner tonight. Making myself hungry already hehehe
10/Sep/12 8:33 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all,
Wow, I started something mentioning that Broni and I (and Shar) started on this site at around the same time. Thanks for the history on the 'Last to Post' Tricia, and also very belated thanks for starting the SA pages. It has always been a comfort to be able to come here to vent, or to tell of good, bad or sad news and have the wonderful support all you ladies provide.
And not forgetting our one and only male regular - thoughts going out to vdV!
I think I've said it before that my first reaction to finding comments under the Sudoku games was that these people must need a life. I started reading and came back every day to read before getting the courage to join and post.
How sad am I? Not at all!! You people are dear to me and I'm glad I found you!
10/Sep/12 8:41 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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My first comment was on 17th July 2006. I had been lurking and doing the puzzels for a few months before uttering anything on the site.
10/Sep/12 9:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Thoughts and Prayers to vdV and his family ♥
10/Sep/12 9:16 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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HI All...
Did a Gail with my daughter after church today. I really needed the comfort of church today too, my play sister's son died yesterday and while we were all saddened by his death, we took comfort that he died in his sleep and on the final day of a most wanted cruise. He had been very ill for years, so the peacefulness of his death while most welcomed, was shocking none the less.
It's good to know that I can make a post such as this and know you all understand what I'm feeling that makes us continue to return to these pages and each other...I too love those who populate this site.
Heartfelt wishes go out along with prayers for VDV and his family. May he find some comfort in the knowledge that we are here for him as he makes his way along the roughness of life.♥
Suzy....thanks for finding me...I have no idea how long I've been around....but like dirt,'s been a very long time.....and very worth the effort to join the posters rather than just lurking...Peace all.
10/Sep/12 9:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What's the story with vdV's family member? Inquiring minds want to know. And many ((((( HUGS ))))).
10/Sep/12 10:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got a lot of bush hogging done today. Out of 102 acres of pasture, I only have 40 left to clip.

I also taught IH how to unload the big chest freezer out of the bed of his truck.... without my tractor doing the work. I showed him how to use my long ramps to let gravity do the work. He uses the freezer when he's making meat deliveries from the plant to restaurants.
10/Sep/12 10:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH noticed Sere today!!! Not her, specifically, but he noticed that there were 3 Gypsy Vanners in the front pasture.
10/Sep/12 11:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) to Mamacita and her friend.
10/Sep/12 11:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since nobody is here (Curse you, Facebook!!!) I'm off to bed early. Tomorrow I'm helping Robert take another of his junker cars to the recycling place. Just because he no longer works for me doesn't mean that I can't be a nice person.
10/Sep/12 12:31 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just remember Heidi, the kids may go out and play but they always come home, SA is home.
10/Sep/12 4:30 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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She broke it!
10/Sep/12 4:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Sudoku Friends!

Suzy, our girls had very thick hair and sweaty heads while sleeping. This was prior to the de-tangling products, or at least we weren't aware of them. My sister, the beautician, suggested shorter haircuts, similar to Dorothy Hamill's when she skated in the Olympics. Looking back on photos, they claimed a bowl was placed on their heads and any hair sticking out was cut off. After a year or so, we let their hair grow out, and they were responsible for brushing it, not me. D#1 has 3 girls, but also has access to the de-tanglers! Will you be posting a photo of Dana with her new hair cut?

Theresa, how awful to lose power as you're preparing a meal! Hopefully it got sorted out and won't repeat another day!

June, so glad you're feeling a bit better. Good luck with subbing for others who are sick at the bowls club! Good for you for getting outside work done, even when you're under the weather! 'Slasher' sounds like a very appropriate name for a tool that is designed to slash through tall weeds!

MizT, I've seen the 'tail and mane' products and wondered how well they work. Now we know!

Tami, you must be so frustrated with Mitchell. Of course, it's not unusual for extremely bright students (often the boys) to be somewhat 'scattered' about completing and submitting their homework assignments. Do you think it's a matter of disorganization - or more because of lack of stimulation and/or boredom? Is driving an incentive for him? I wish you luck dealing with his personality.

MizT, I would have been very upset to receive a wake-up call from the donkey! It only seems fair that the owner must also get up. What could your neighbor possibly intend to do with the donkey?

Some day I'll try to find out approximately when I started posting. I was a lurker before getting the courage to post. I know it didn't require membership at the time. It was definitely before the 'Last to Post' contest, which preceded the first SA pages. A note on the Last to Post contest: someone (Rosemary, I think) suggested rhyming posts, which several people tried to do for a while, but became too difficult as the posts got closer and closer. I think Gath might possibly have set a predetermined ending time. People started posting more frequently because they were determined to be the last one to post before we reached that end time, which was unknown to us. (Yes, a lot of us are quite competitive!) I think the frequency helped us get to 'know' each other more quickly.

Mama, prayers for your play sister and her son's family! It's understandable that his passing, while NOT unexpected, was a shock.

The clock keeps ticking, and the witching hour has approached. It's time to put myself to bed. I'm thinking of all of you and sending lots of prayers, , positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}} and healing vibes. Take care of yourselves!
10/Sep/12 4:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Mamacita, big hugs, thoughts and wishes. How very sad..

Just dropping in while I'm waiting for hubby to get home from work, then we'll head off to have dinner with our friend.

I never joined into last to post - actually I think I posted once or twice but that was all. I was on dial up back then and the delay between hitting submit and actual posting was too long!

MizT, it sounds like you have a nice variety of flavours there so the chicken won't get boring!

I got my motorcycle permit the day I turned 16 and 9 months (earliest you could get it). I didn't go for my license for a long while as there was really nothing I could do with it that I couldn't do without (except have a passenger and I didn't want that anyway). I ended up getting it because once I was on my black license I could go straight onto my blacks for the car when I went for that. I didn't actually get my car license until I was 19.

Gail, don't you love the GP??? Well maybe not the GP, but the fact it gets your family together!

I'm not in English tomorrow!!! I'm in either math or science...

We are having a ride on mower delivered on Wednesday! Hubby has only waited 10 years for it... It's a John Deere, I hope it's reliable.
10/Sep/12 5:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni and Julie posted while I was thinking and mucking around...

Broni, I agree!

Julie, according to my computer clock you were posting when you should have been snoring! I hope you get some down time today..

I don't know if Dana will grow her hair long again. She is quite taken with her short hair. I'll see what I can do about getting a photo - there's one on facebook that I might be able to steal.
10/Sep/12 5:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Done! Didn't even have to resize it...
10/Sep/12 5:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's not the best photo, but it's the only one we have at the moment.
10/Sep/12 5:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That short cut suits her, Suzy.
10/Sep/12 6:11 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I agree the short hair suits her. All photos taken from FB have already been resized, so no need to do anything with them when wanting to post them here.
10/Sep/12 6:48 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the hint about resizing on FB Brenda.(Dag take note, hehe sorry Heidi)
Had a wonderful chat with Cyn tonight, thank you.
Not working tomorrow on my birthday and have friends coming over with prawns and bugs for lunch so will not be around.
Love and Healing Hugs to you all.
10/Sep/12 7:30 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Broni prawns and BUGS for lunch, dare I ask what sort of bugs you will be eating.
Anyway I hope you enjoy them and your birthday too.
10/Sep/12 8:07 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Did I ever mention that I hate Monday mornings. There is nothing good about a Monday morning.
10/Sep/12 8:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wonderful sudoku dinner!

You don't like the messy look Heidi? It suits her and the cut!
10/Sep/12 9:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Brenda - Moreton Bay Bugs - like lobsters but yummier!!
Broni - it was lovely chatting to you too this afternoon. Have wonderful day tomorrow, glad you don't have to work.
10/Sep/12 9:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Probably Balmain Bugs Brenda...

10/Sep/12 9:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, you posted while I was typing. I'd forgotten about Moreton Bay Bugs, could only think of Balmain Bugs...
10/Sep/12 9:32 PM
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