Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Liz Hope you have a dizzy free day
12/Sep/12 3:00 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy, happy Birthday Liz.
12/Sep/12 5:01 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon All.
Heidi, glad you were able to sleep and MizT hoping you will soon be able to sleep w/o the pain.
Things are returning to normal pretty quickly around here, and my world is pretty bright for the most part...wishing the same for all of you...((((hugs)))) all around. Peace.
12/Sep/12 5:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Break time. I'm really making good progress on our largest pasture. I'll probable put in another hour of bush hogging, then get cleaned up for the Cattlemen's meeting tonight.
12/Sep/12 6:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I changed my mind. I think I'd rather have a nap than do more bush hogging today.
12/Sep/12 6:58 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - rare day today, hubby has the day off in lieu of the Public Holiday in August for our Brisbane Show (Ekka) that he worked through. We are going out but not sure where yet.
Happy Birthday Lizzy - hope you have a good day.
12/Sep/12 8:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How exciting Cyn, enjoy your day out with hubby :)

Lizzy, hope the day is a nice whirlwind rather that a dizzy day

Esciting day around here as well. Floor layer is back, and our earthworks are also happening. Our friend cam a couple of weeks ago to dig the holes for a retaining wall at the end of the house, so eventually we can put a shed on it, man without a shed is half a man apparently, and hubby desperately wants somewhere outside to ...I don't know, do man stuff I suppose!
12/Sep/12 9:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. It was a long day but got home a little earlier than expected. Met 5 of Mitchell's 7 teachers. Two of them were not there tonight due to family emergencies. I like the teachers I did meet and think that Mitchell is in very good hands.
12/Sep/12 10:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Early start here this morning, we had a meeting with the Building Supervisor and the Tiler at 7.00am.

Gail, Men and their Sheds.. mine will have a shed too, we paid the deposit last week, should be installed in about 6 weeks.

It was MIL's birthday yesterday, she came for dinner, along with Son #1 and his Lady.

Minimal Grocery Shopping today, just get a few essentials, P & I will be having a mini break for 4 days ~ 2 more sleeps :)
12/Sep/12 11:13 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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♪♫♪ Happy Birthday Liz ♥
12/Sep/12 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the very boring meeting. I should have stayed home and slept instead. Oh, well. I'm off to bed now, though it's early. I have a lot of bush hogging to do tomorrow. I want the place to look nice for the Vet's visit Thursday morning. We're doing shots for all the horses, and Sadie and Sere will be preg checked.
12/Sep/12 12:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Lis has asked me to pass on her thanks...she can't seem to post in Sudokuland any more!
12/Sep/12 4:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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12/Sep/12 4:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in quickly to say Hello and Good Night! Take care, Everyone!
12/Sep/12 5:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,

Happy Birthday Liz! [cake]

Small world again today. There was a teacher in math today who was in English the other day (a casual like me). He was talking about his philosophy of life etc - quite strange, but it occurred to me that he had the same last name as my primary school Principal. It was his father! I went to a slumber party at his house as a preteen... His sisters did my hair for my wedding.

Gail, the photos look great! I can't wait to see it with the furniture!!

Cyn, I hope you had a great day with hubby!!

Heidi, it's no bush hog but we got our ride on lawnmower today. Hubby got to do one spin around the yard after it was delivered before he had to go back to work. I hope he doesn't have to work late tonight so he can have another go...

Hubby just got home from work. He didn't stop to say hello or change out of his work clothes - straight out to the mower...

12/Sep/12 5:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - still smiling about your hubby going straight out to mow the lawn!!
We bought a ride-on when we had the mowing business and my hubby, even though our block is only 1000sqM and terraced, used it to do our lawn. He laments having to sell it when we stopped trading. He still has a you-beaut mower than can be pushed with one finger - don't know what he's complaining about!
12/Sep/12 6:10 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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We had a nice day today, nice lunch out of course - but otherwise nothing special just a bit of shopping here and there in places we seldom go to - then finally got a message to tell us that the Photo Album for Karin's birthday was there for pick-up so got that done as well. Very happy with the finished product.
Broni - did yours arrive yet?
12/Sep/12 6:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Picked it up this arvo Cyn.
Was expecting it to bulky like a photo album, but super happy with how it turned out.
You know how I hate shopping, bought three pair of pants, two tops and a pair of runners for $83.79 super super happy and was out of the shops in under an hour.
12/Sep/12 7:13 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Being Rude here!
Gekko my friends, hope you have goods like mine.
12/Sep/12 7:15 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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goods like mine?????
hope that was meant to be good days like mine.
12/Sep/12 7:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - I did some good bargain shopping today too - bought 3 tops from Autograph for a total of $54. While I was in there Col browsed through the Reject Shop (at Bogandome). Then we went on to Spotlight, Officeworks and the discount outlets (Golden Circle and Sara Lee) at Capalaba before collecting the album at Harvey Norman. All in all, a good day.
12/Sep/12 9:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do hope both Broni and Liz enjoyed their birthdays.
I have been busy with bowls, shopping, meetings etc. Also when I sit in this chair I seem to start coughing with disastrous consequences!

Coughing is much better. i have just taken my evening medicine. Honey dissolved in hot water with fresh lemon juice and a shot of brandy. I just have to remember to pick a lemon off the tree before it gets dark.
12/Sep/12 9:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Vent coming, so be forewarned!

Oldest grandie is in a grade 4 class of 37 kids! There are so many grade 4's that a grade 3 class has 5 grade 4 kids in it. With her epilepsy and her anxiety disorder (for which she is on medication), she is not getting much attention. She does not ask for help and just sits there, getting lost in the shuffle. The room is also very noisy, which disturbs her.

Her best friend is one of the 5 in the other class. All summer long her best friend has been saying, 'I'm going to Miss Berry's class in grade 4.' Students do not find out what class they are in until the new school year starts, so my daughter just put it down as childish chatter.

Then last night her best friend let it slip that Miss Berry got to choose who the 5 students were and she picked the 5 she liked the most. Grandie was upset and could not understand why she wasn't picked. She said, 'But I answered all her questions.' Grandie adored this teacher. This class would be perfect for my grandie with her health issues.

D is going to the school today and insist on speaking with the principal and explain the situation to her. She is going to tell the principal to rectify the situation or she will go to the Board.

I don't understand how a teacher can pick which students she wants, when a little girl with health issues is put in a large class ... a little girl who would benefit from a smaller class size. My grandie has had one-on-one with an assistant when needed in the past, but now there is one assistant for 37 kids! D is also worried that if grandie has a seizure, will the teacher notice? Grandie's seizures mostly consist of her being very stiff and staring into space.

I wish my daughter luck ... this is just not right.

Vent over for now. Keep your fingers crossed.
12/Sep/12 10:58 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Theresa, I do hope your daughter gets a workable solution for your grandie. School is hard enough for a child with health problems, I do hope they find something workable.

Heidi, Ideally, how often do the pastures need to be bush hogged? Would it be faster if they were cut more often?

JUNE, are you allergic to us? I do wonder what triggers the cough when you sit at computer. That cough has been hanging on for far too long, I am sending healing vibes and wishes that it go away.

Broni, good shopping there, young lady. I do not like shopping either and buy some of my clothes online, just point and click. Then in a week, they arrive in the mail. So far I have not been disappointed in this site I use.

SUZY, cute that hubby came home and went straight to his new toy, I mean lawn mower. Grass cutting was always my job, hubby claimed cutting grass triggered his allergies, but I think he just did not notice when grass needed cutting. Was not a priority for him. Me, I get great pleasure seeing a freshly mown lawn. He told friends I enjoyed cutting grass. NOPE, I enjoyed seeing the end results.

I did sleep better, longer last night, even if the majority of the sleep was in my recliner. Sleeping in bed just causes hip pain that wakes me. Oh well, as long as I can sleep somewhere.

The sloshy thing has finished, I should go hang out clothes. Humidity low, there is a breeze, they should dry quickly today. Hugs to each of you, with extras. I shall return later. .

12/Sep/12 11:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning to all,
It's a very pretty day here, but the mornings let you know that fall is approaching quickly. MizT said, hopefully your daughter can get a better placement for your is so hard on many of those who have health problems.
For all who have been having trouble sleeping at night (including myself)....I just read that it's because someone is dreaming about you....I say that its nice to be remembered but please do it when I'm awake...not at my bedtime..what say you? LOL.
Suzy, seems hubby is a tad taken with the new toy...tell him that I hope he continues to enjoy!
June, I do hope the cough is soon history...but since it seems worse when you sit in that chair, perhaps MizT is may be having an allergic reaction to something in that area....but certainly not us...feel better soon.
Cyn and Broni..I need you two to teach me how to find bargains like you do ...and so quickly. I dislike shopping and simply buy something I like regardless of price...I also must try it on at home due to getting overly tired trying stuff on, and have often had to make another trip to return an item because I saw it cheaper and/or it didn't fit properly...sigh.... my life in the shopping lane. I need to buy some pants and tops now since I've lost weight and every thing is falling off me. The major problem is that while I'm smaller in most areas...I still have too much stomach so am not really looking forward with trying to find any clothes.Oh well, one must do what one must do!
Have a great day/night all...or at least pretend to might work. Peace.
13/Sep/12 1:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... The bush hogging will go much faster in the future. It was so deep this time that I have to go super slow.

Theresa.... can your daughter go in to the school and request that the class of 5 become a class of 6 so your grandie gets the attention and supervision she needs?
13/Sep/12 2:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is gone to the plant and won't return until tomorrow night. I can get the rest and relaxation I need, even with bush hogging.
13/Sep/12 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to help Robert get rid of that junker now. He didn't have time to do it yesterday, so I got to bush hog instead. I get to do more bush hogging once we're done.

In under 24 hours, I'll know if Sadie and Sere are preggers. My fingers are crossed that both are. Sadie's foal will be black and white pinto, and Sere's foal will be either black and white pinto or bay and white pinto. There's even a possibility that her foal could be solid black or bay. I prefer the pintos, tho'.
13/Sep/12 3:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mystery solved ... sort of. The teacher did not get to pick the 5 students, the students were picked by a group as to which would be best suited.

What happened is our area has really grown. The school had set up the classes and then last minute quite a few of new students appeared, a lot of them in grade 4. The school must get the Board's approval to set up a second grade 4, but this is what they are planning. The school has had a lot of complaints from parents of kids in this class.

Turns out there is something in the best friend's family background that the school deemed it more appropriate for the best friend to be in the small class. D and I have noticed for some time that there is something there, but we don't know what. We don't think she's being abused, she's happy and healthy, and she has spent quite a few sleep-overs at D's place as well. Just an all around terrific kid, I really like her.

So we will let it go at that. The teacher and the person D spoke to today will take grandie aside and tell her the '5' were not chosen by Miss Berry. Hopefully this will make her feel better. Apparently today was a real chore to get grandie to go to school, fighting, crying, etc., so hopefully tomorrow will be better!!!!! The school did not pick grandie for this class because they thought with her difficulties, being in a split class might be harder for her.
13/Sep/12 4:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Theresa...I hope your Grandie is much happier when she hears the teacher didn't pick who went to the class.It will probably be easier for her in a grade all the same rather than split. If only we could shield them from the pain of growing up and all that entails!
Broni..glad you had a great birthday.
June...get better!!
MizTricia..same goes for you also. Hope you get into your place very soon.
Gail...hope the floor turns out to be just what you wanted and looks great.
Cannot stay awake any longer.
Byee for now.
13/Sep/12 4:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm taking a day off bush hogging. My back needs a rest. I was gonna say that it needs a break, but it's already been broken twice.

We got Robert's truck onto the hauler, and to the metal recycling place. He was thrilled over the price he got.
13/Sep/12 6:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nap Time!
13/Sep/12 7:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not here, teaching year 12 english...hehe

Theresa, my kids were in mixed classes as they were in a small school. They did okay there.

One of my kids just had a really loud pager go off and rushed out of the classroom, ran to the parking lot and sped off. Turns out he is a volunteer fire fighter... Fingers crossed that it is only a little one!!
13/Sep/12 10:02 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Suzy, that is one way for him to skip classes I imagine it was unusual to hear a pager go off in class like that.
13/Sep/12 10:36 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Stupid donkey some how managed to get over a fence and into the small pen used to contain the goat. Donkey is still tied with a rope, and is literally at the end of his rope. He has been there since about noon, with no water, and nothing left to graze, the grass is down to bare dirt in that corner. No one is home, of course. I feel sorry for the donkey, but not enough to try to rescue him. I have NO IDEA how to get a donkey out of a pen that does not have a gate. Hopefully donkey Mama will see his plight when she comes in from her second shift job, but unless he draws her attention to himself, I doubt it.
13/Sep/12 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Donkeys jump. Poor thing. Something tells me that the donkey won't be there too much longer, one way or another.
13/Sep/12 11:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope the maroons next door have freed that donkey by now. If this happens again, call the sheriff's department. This is cruelty to animals.
13/Sep/12 12:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Sudoku Friends!

This will just be a quick visit. We have had a long day, including a cello lesson. My teacher is going to China for a conference, so won't have a lesson the next 2 weeks, then must play on the performance class the night before my next lesson.

Tami, I'm glad your day went well and your were able to meet most of Mitchell's teachers! How unfortunate that 2 of them had family emergencies!

Suzy, you are amassing 'small world' experiences in a short time! It's interesting that you have a student who is a volunteer fireman. Is that common? Is it likely that he already knows that's the career direction he's going? When I was in high school years ago, there was a student in the class ahead of me who spent most of his non-school time at the fire station. Freddie even wore tan 'uniform' type pants and shirt every day. I don't think he was a volunteer fireman while in high school, but since there weren't a lot of calls, he might have been. (There were just 5,000 in the town, so not as busy as a large city and prior to the days of paramedics.) Sounds like your hubby likes his new riding mower!

CynB, I'm glad you had a nice lunch out and a successful and quick shopping trip!

Broni, hooray for your shopping trip, as well!

June, you have been so busy! Have you had time to visit the doctor to discuss your coughing? I certainly hope you can soon be free of it!

Theresa, I'm glad your D went in to talk to the teachers and principal. She got some valuable information. I hope she also shared valuable information about your grandie's medical condition! I had a friend in high school whose epilepsy usually manifested itself the same way you described for your grandie. I think most of the teachers were unaware. I could always tell when Ann was having a mild seizure because her left eyebrow twitched. Unfortunately, we had a teacher who kept a file card for each of us. Sometimes she would work through them alphabetically, sometimes randomly. She would call on a student on 'sink or swim' - if you answered the question correctly, your grade for the day was passing. If you didn't, it was a failure. She didn't call on students who raised their hand to answer a question. Many times, when Ann didn't respond, the teacher moved on to her next card and Ann's card was marked with a failing grade. I didn't think it was my position to privately talk to the teacher and explain why Ann didn't answer, but I don't think Ann ever had the talk with the teacher.

MizT, I hope you have been able to break the pain cycle and you will be able to sleep peacefully tonight. At least the donkey is quiet at night, I assume. I hope the owners took care of the situation when they got home. If not, I agree with Heidi. It's animal cruelty, and there must be someone responsible you can call to report it.

Mama, just read how you don't much care for shopping. Isn't it amazing how many of us avoid it if possible? I hope you are continuing to improve! How nice to
13/Sep/12 1:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, look at that! My comment ran over, so here's the rest.

Mama, just read how you don't much care for shopping. Isn't it amazing how many of us avoid it if possible? I hope you are continuing to improve! How nice to hear that you have been able to lose some weight!

Theresa, I hope your grandie finds it easier to go to school tomorrow!

Hi, Nola! I hope you're doing well and not overtired or overworked! I also hope Judy continues to show improvement and will be able to return to her home. You're both in my thoughts!

Heidi, I hope you get good reports on Sadie and Sere when the vet is there!

I'm going to call it a night. We need to be up about 5:30 to get hubby to the hospital for a routine colonoscopy.

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and for everyone!
13/Sep/12 1:42 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks...
Didn't realise I had been MIA for so long..lots of reading..
Off to Swan Hill tomorrow.
Next week should be quieter...
June my cough is stating to improve.. is it 4 weeks now? Almost.. there is hope..
13/Sep/12 5:12 PM
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