Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Another small world thing today. I was talking to another casual teacher at sport, he's a little pompous.. but that's kind of irrelevant. We were talking about kids and he asked what school Alie went to. I've taught at that high school, maybe I know her... Oh yes, she's a lovely child. I told her she has Elizabeth Taylor eyes...
13/Sep/12 5:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I smile easily, knowing that of all the things I wear, a smile and good humour are the most important. Life's most prized possession is a pleasant disposition.
13/Sep/12 5:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just remembered to tell hubby the fire fighter story. Alie was there and piped up 'what's a pager?'..........
13/Sep/12 9:40 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, I'm pleased to see that post, I came here to check something and it answered a puzzle from the other site.
It's nice to know you are getting plenty of cover work. Hopefully the experience will help you find a permanent position if that is what you want.
I'm supposed to be cleaning house before we go away on Saturday. Hoping that it will still be in a decent condition when we get back with our Canadian friend the following week.
13/Sep/12 9:49 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Brenda have a great time away.

P & I are off tomorrow morning early, on the 6.00am plane out of Perth to Melbourne. Spending 4 days in the company with the Melbournian Son. We (the 3 of us) will be catching up with Gail on Saturday, Lucky Me will be viewing the Cockatoo Renovations :)

See you all on Tuesday.
13/Sep/12 11:04 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Have a wonderful time in Melbourne, Rolanda & Pete.
Give Gail a hug from me, the photos of her renovations look lovely she needs a big pat on the back for all the work she(they, as Scott has worked hard on them too)has done in quite a short space of time.
13/Sep/12 11:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Vet will be here in an hour. I'm getting really nervous. I SO want Serenade to be preggers.
14/Sep/12 12:25 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Fingers crossed Heidi.
14/Sep/12 1:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Serenade IS preggers!!!! I am ecstatic!!! What a thrill. This is the foal I really wanted. Sadie didn't take (I suspect it was the stallion's fertility being affected by the heat wave.... it was ~ 100℉ when she was with him.).
14/Sep/12 2:45 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Hope you get good news from the vet, Heidi.

Rolanda, have a safe and uneventful flight. Enjoy your time with son and with Gail

Brenda, good luck on the housecleaning, I hope it lasts till you return.

Well, the donkey was outside the fence when I got up this morning. Someone saw his plight and rescued him. He has grass to graze today, and his water bucket is still upright. Guess that is about the best it is gonna get for poor donkey.

BIL Roger and Ed came down for a visit this morning. Roger had to go into Birmingham for doctors appointment. that is about half way here, from his house. they try to come down after appointments that close. His appointment was for 8 am, doc saw him at 7:15. He was finished and back on the road before his appointment time today.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. til later.

14/Sep/12 2:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Rolanda, enjoy your visit to Melbourne and you have a great weekend also Brenda.
Suzy, it is wonderful when the young ones join the Bush Fire Brigade. I think my nephew was still at school when he joined.(My sister was a member)
Off to play two games of bowls today. A competition at another club.
MizT, it is not sitting on this chair that makes me cough. Coughing while sitting on this chair is the problem (TMI).
Theresa,so pleased your daughter visited the school and found out the class problems.
Great news about Serenade, Heidi. When is the mare due?
14/Sep/12 5:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Speaking of donkeys, PJ is now here. He really id a cutie. Th only down side to getting him is that his previous owners will be moving in a couple of weeks. They close on their farm tomorrow, and their house in Florida in 2 weeks. I'm really going to miss them.
14/Sep/12 6:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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id = is. I need to remember to proof read.
14/Sep/12 6:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just learned that there is a zoning board meeting in 2 1/2 hours. Even though I haven't been approved yet, I think I should go.
14/Sep/12 6:40 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Heidi - so pleased that Serenade is pregnant!
Rolanda and Brenda - enjoy your time away. Actually Rolanda will already be on the plane!
Suzy - I remember pagers. As a transport manager that was all I had to contact drivers - then you had to rely on them calling back (if they felt like it!) Mobile phones were such a dream by comparison.
14/Sep/12 8:32 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good for you Heidi, be seen to be seen :)

Safe journey Rolanda and hubby, see you tomorrow

Thank you Brenda, sweet words <3

Today the floor in our living room is being done, carpet is already up and now he is preparing the floor. We are so pleased with the result, and once all the dust has settled and we clean it all up, I will get photos of it all before we put the furniture in...can't wait!
14/Sep/12 8:58 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Direct copy and paste from Easy.. hope to get back to read once I am organised..

Morning folks...TGIF
Seriously NOT here... packing a case.. not travelling as far K & R but it will be good to see my sister in Swan Hill..

Have a good weekend everybody.. not sure if I will be able to log in while away
14/Sep/12 10:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds exciting, Gail! I can't wait to see pictures.

Back from the short meeting. I think I can handle the job from what I saw tonight. Now I need to try to catch hold of the County Judge Executive to get him to approve me.
14/Sep/12 10:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bon Voyage, Bean.
14/Sep/12 10:23 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The story of my life lately:,AAAAAjHM3KE~,ue6Iy hgccnQfCR9niUq7SpiGuvtClfZX&bclid=0&bctid=1799012627001
14/Sep/12 12:35 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi - lovely news about Serenade. You certainly have your hands full already - would love to see your farm with all of your 'pets'.
Gail - well done - you have worked so hard lately - makes me tired reading what you have been able to achieve. My place next!!!Look forward to your photos.
Bean - have a great time - Swan Hill is a lovely place to visit. Just wish it were a little closer.
Rolanda - we are putting on the weather for you - 18 with isolated showers - should be good. Hope you enjoy your stay in Melb.
MizT - I feel so sorry for the poor donkey - it should be in a paddock where it can run free - not tethered. Isn't there some authority who can take control if the owners are ot looking after it properly?
Weekend coming up - hooray!! Had enough of work this week - every day has been a new hassle and my stamina got up and left very early.....
14/Sep/12 2:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to Everyone!

So glad to hear that your cough is improving, Bean! I hope for the same for June!

Beautiful TOPP-plus-one, Suzy! I bet you had a smile when the other casual teacher mentioned knowing Alie.

Brenda, I hope you get the gninaelc of the house done and it magically stays that way until you return with the house guest! Enjoy your weekend/holiday!

Rolanda, I hope you, P and S have a wonderful weekend together! We're all drooling that you get to see the renos. in person! Please share lots of SA hugs!

Heidi, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so pleased that Sere will be blessing you with a little one. Can't wait to see pictures - next summer, I think.

I'm glad you found out about the zoning meeting, Heidi! It's a great idea to go, even though you haven't been appointed (yet)!

June, I hope you had good luck at bowls and enjoyed the day!

Bean, enjoy your visit with your sister!

Gail, we're anxiously awaiting more pictures! You and Scott have made quick work of your renovations! (Well, it might not seem as quick to you as it does to us.)

Midge, so sorry to hear that you had a rough week. I hope your upcoming weekend is relaxing and pleasant!

Theresa, I didn't have any luck with your link - but maybe that's the point - things aren't working the way you'd like . . .

It's time I head to bed. Positive thoughts, healing vibes, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all of you!
14/Sep/12 3:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Have I told you all lately how much I appreciate you? Thank you Ll so much for the words of encouragement. It has been a large undertaking, and we are very pleased with the results and proud of the effort we have put in to the renos. Last night we even went as far as saying if we stay here after the two remaining kids have left, we may even open it up as a true B&B (mates rates of course)!
Sorry it has been so long between photos, but we are existing on phone internet at the mo while all the furniture is packed away (hence any spelling boo boos!)
14/Sep/12 4:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Rotten day today! Got called a fat cow... but now it is the weekend and I am going to have a good, productive one!

Gail, you have been amazingly superwomanish with these renos! I'm impressed and awed by your awesomeness. Yep borrowed the last bit from the kids...

Theresa, I got an empty video screen when I tried to look at your link - it looked like it was going to open and then disappointed me.

Julie, I had a kind of sideways smile when he said it because it was kinda creepy!

Brenda, hope you have a lovely relaxing/fun time, whichever you are hoping for. Of course, both would be great!

Heidi, great news about Sere!

Bean, have a great time in Swan Hill. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go there again (and feel okay about it anyway).

Midge, wishing you a lovely weekend and a better week next week!

Today was a bad day because of my attitude. Normally the kids can do whatever they want and I don't let it get to me! I get frustrated but not angry, and I can walk out of the room, write up the kids who need writing up and let it go. Today I was almost in tears. Very annoyed with myself.

14/Sep/12 7:31 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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((HUGS))Suzy. You said the most important word in that last sentence...almost. You didn't let the little ****s see what they were doing to you. Relax, enjoy your weekend and get ready for whatever is thrown at you next week.
I will enjoy the next week away from home no matter what the weather or what we do. Rose (Canadian friend) has things planned which we didn't want to do,mainly because they are not our 'thing' and they are a little expensive so why waste money. She would have done these things if she hadn't been meeting up with us.
Rose planned her itinerary like a military operation, I'm pleased to say that she hasn't even looked at it while she was in Scotland. She soon found that driving here in the UK is not as fast as in Canada. She has had a few scary moments when driving on roads in Scotland which seem to (and do) get narrower and narrower as you go along them. She found herself on a few one laned roads and wondered what she would do if she met on coming traffic, then she noticed passing places.
14/Sep/12 7:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Suzy. When did being a teacher change from actually teaching students to fending off savages with a whip and chair?
15/Sep/12 2:05 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Heidi...In answer to your question above....a long, long time ago. This foolishness I think started when they called disciplining a child abuse.
.I had incidents where I was told making the kids stand quietly next to their chairs was abuse. It happened after a very noisy start of class as the kids decided they were going to have fun...I told they I was charged with teaching them and the first lesson was on how to earn the right to sit quietly when coming into class. This required pulling out a chair, putting their things on the floor'quietly, and preparing to get started! We were going to practice until I was satisfied it was done right....meanwhile, my Vice-Principal came into the classroom to evaluate me, and as he observed, I continued with my 'lesson' until the kids did it right. I learned later from my team teacher that I failed because the children had a right to making them stand I was preforming 'corporal punishment.'. I really didn't care because for the rest of that year, that class came in and sat quietly. I also was once driven to tears by some of the kids after a long day...but told them I was crying because it was the very first time in all of my years where I really felt that I could really hurt be very careful not to make me cry again...
Suzy...I said all of the above in response to Heidi's response to your day...but I wanted you to know that the fact that you held those tears back was awesome...and to move past it the way you have is good ...I for one among the many of us here am so very proud of you!
To all who are having a bit of a get away..enjoy and stay safe...If you're ailing, sending healing vibes your way. and if you are celebrating more than life...I'm there with you as we raise our glass to the future and all that it holds for us. Peace.♥
15/Sep/12 6:20 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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YEAH, I just heard from Linda, I go to sign lease on Monday the 17th! About time, huh? I am a bit excited. I can get moved in before my friends from Australia come to town!

Now to make a list of what I have to get done. Number one, call the movers, see when they can move me.
15/Sep/12 6:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT news, MizT!!!!! Just 3 days to go!!! Then you get to escape the feral neighbors behind you and the rednecks with the donkey next door. And the long dirt road which is dangerous to drive when it's rained a lot.
15/Sep/12 7:03 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, the long dirt road is more interesting now than it was when you came down. They are clearing trees. Remember the right hand turn when you are almost here? They have cut all the trees between road and the pasture. Rumor is they are widening the road, in preparation for tar and gravel paving. I always said I would believe it when I saw it, now I might never see it, I will be GONE!
15/Sep/12 7:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - such good news - finally.
Suzy - sorry you had such a bad day and let it get to you but at least you didn't let the kids see it. Big hugs!
Mama - you must have been a wonderful teacher. You were probably a teacher that your students will never forget, and always remember fondly.
Enjoy your time away Brenda - I remember those one-lane roads in the UK and trying to find passing places.
15/Sep/12 7:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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morning all,
I slept in! My body clock has been waking me at 530 even on weekends and it's 830!

It must have sshown that I was upset because 2 of the boys came up to me after class and apologised-though they may have though I was angry.

mamacita, thank you so much for sharing that with me, it really helps.

On my phone so I will come back later.
15/Sep/12 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hmmmm... If they're widening it, or even just fooling with it, it must be muddier than usual now. It is a good time to get out of there.
15/Sep/12 9:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like those 2 boys may have a decent streak, though they've never been taught to use it.
15/Sep/12 9:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Hubby is on a plane on his way to Shanghai. He will be there a couple of days, then a few days in Bangkok and home again on Friday. I have put in an order for a cashmere jumper.
I have just put the washing out and there are some very dark clouds so will have to watch it does not start to rain. I need the rain so I will not complain as long as I get the washing back inside!
15/Sep/12 10:42 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, fantastic news that you will soon get to move. A busy time for the next few weeks but then the joy of settling into new 'digs' and making some new friends.
Suzy, you must have needed that extra sleep. It is a shame that there are so many school kids that make life so difficult. It was always there ( I can remember a few larks we we did) but they were harmless to what they do these days. On our last day one of the boys' fathers (a very well respected local citizen) put an add in the local paper for a car for sale and gave the headmasters phone number.
15/Sep/12 11:11 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I played two games of bowls yesterday. Both were a draw but we lost on count back. I was feeling good with very little coughing and there was a very cold wind and it made me keep cough then on and off all day. A bit today but not too bad.
I should now thing and start all the jobs I can get done while hubby is away.
15/Sep/12 11:15 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Howdy, Friends! I'll be quick tonight, as we have another early morning tomorrow.

Gail, you and Scott have done an amazing job! You can be proud of your efforts!

Suzy, it's amazing what kids think they can get away with. Way to go in for being able to hide your emotions as it happened and let it go when you got home! The problem is theirs and not yours, so recharge your batteries over the weekend and go back in next week determined to teach those who are willing to learn. (I'm glad a couple of the students talked to you after class!)

Brenda, I'm glad your Canadian friend has 'seen the light' and realized that her approach to travel might not be best! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time together, no matter what you do!

Mama, your response to Heidi and Suzy was perfect! Thank you!

Hooray! MizT has heard from Linda! The move is really going to happen - and soon! MizT, good luck with all of your last minute activities! I hope the movers will be available soon! (Are there specific times of day or specific days when moving is allowed?)

Suzy, your body obviously needed the additional sleep! I think you are probably physically and emotionally drained and needed it! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

June, I hope Ken enjoys his trip! Congrats on some well-played bowls! It sounds like the results were extremely close. I hope your cough is soon gone!

I'm falling asleep at the computer. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes for everyone!
15/Sep/12 3:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, the boys obviously were taught how to use their decent streak, they just forgot what appropriate behaviour looked like for a while. If they'd never been taught, they wouldn't have apologised.

June, I have a clothes line full - had visitors and didn't get them off in time. I hope we don't get rain overnight as I have a weeks worth of work clothes hanging up out there! Where will hubby get the cashmere jumper - Shanghai or Bangkok? I'm glad you are starting to feel better...but sorry you didn't win your game.

MizT, sending all kinds of thoughts and wishes that the last obstacle has been overcome and you will soon have the future you look forward to... I add the thought that the new home lives up to all of your hopes! One day you'll have to do a drive-by to check out the new road..

My day wasn't as productive as I would have liked, but I did get some stuff done and am feeling a lot more relaxed.
15/Sep/12 7:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hubby and I had a lovely day with Rolanda, Peter and their son. I picked them up at the nearest train station, but took the scenic drive home. We had morning tea, admired the floor and renos, and went for a walk around the yard when flooring dude came into that room to finish...yes, I said FINISH! :)
We had a great lunch then saw Puffing Billy, the local tourist steam train. Peter treated us to a visit to a minitur railway at Emeral Lake, and all too quickly it was time to take them back to the railway station.
15/Sep/12 8:07 PM
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