Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Viv :)
21/Sep/12 6:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Viv. Hope you have a wonderful day.
21/Sep/12 10:50 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Just wanted to say hello good friends...all is well here and I hope its also good with you...Enjoy the gift of life...Peace.
21/Sep/12 10:51 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hubby's plane has landed, almost 2 hours late. By the time he gets trough customs, picks up the car and drives home it will be another 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I think he will be rather tired! He was supposed to leave Bangkok at 11 pm but did not get away till 1am (4am Sydney time).
Gail, the funeral was webcast and as the family live on the Vic/NSW border I will not have access. That is OK as I would have just liked to feel I was there when the service was actually happening.
21/Sep/12 11:11 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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You might like to know that I finally went to the Doctor this morning. He gave me an antibiotic (I questioned that as I did not want to take it unless it was necessary....he said what I had was half bacterial and half virus) and a linctus to take at night. Here's hoping it get rid of the cough.
Theresa, hope those aches go away. I understand how it hurts to even use the computer. I was like that the other night when we had all the thunderstorms.
Viv, hope you are enjoying your birthday.
Last night I had dinner with my sister (Her Hubby is in Korea this week) and then we transferred a VHS to DVD. It was one a nephew had taken of our old home on the farm and Mum shelling peas and pottering around in the kitchen. She also talked about when she first came to the farm in 1930. We both enjoyed watching. It brought back many memories.
21/Sep/12 11:20 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Still haven't caught up on reading... hope to find a spare minute before Sunday.
I'm busy as a ******
Student performance night and I need to practice..

Looking forward to having time to read and catch up.. love and extra hugs for those that need and want them most
21/Sep/12 12:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to one and all! I'm dragging tonight after a busy day. Hubby and I went to a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. Rather than drive into the city and look for parking, we took the commuter train, then taxi from the train station to Symphony Center. A great way to end the day!

Since I can't stay away, I'll save the reading for another day. Sending lots of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for everyone!
21/Sep/12 5:01 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Another rainy day here, and of course this is my day to take the girls to the bus stop in the morning and pick them up at Cheeky Monkeys at 5:30 this afternoon. The arm and shoulder feel better so far. June, when you mentioned about the sore thumbs and manipulating the mouse for the computer hurts, I understood exactly how you felt. Hope the antibiotics help with that cough you can't get rid of.

Off to feed the furry ones and then feed myself. Take care every one!
21/Sep/12 8:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've read but am too tired and sick to comment. I'm hoping I'll be able to give it a better go after a good night's sleep. I've been at a different school these last 2 days and had my alarm set for much later as it is much closer, hubby thought I'd slept through it though and woke me half an hour early!!

I have to comment on a couple of things though..

Mamacita, I was so glad to read that Jazz was home! I was hoping as I was reading that I would find that!

June, I hope hubby made it home safely from the airport, and that the antibiotics work and you kick that cough soon.

Gail, MORE!! You must be exhausted!


21/Sep/12 8:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My anecdote of the day: Tahli was taken!! (temporarily) Dana was getting a photocopy at the library when an older lady came up and ooohed and aaahed all over Tahli (happens all the time). Dana thought nothing of it and turned away for a few seconds to get the photocopy - turned back and the stroller was gone! She was frantic, as you'd expect, and took off running looking for her. The library staff helped and found her, still in the library, but 3 aisles away... The air was blue as Dana told the woman what she thought in a very very loud voice. She then apologised to the librarians who in turn apologised to her and escorted the woman out of the library...

Scary few minutes, which I think most of us mothers have had, though not usually with someone actually taking the baby, just the fear that they had.
21/Sep/12 8:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I should add that the fact the woman didn't leave the library suggests that she either has dementia, never meant to actually steal Tahli or both.
21/Sep/12 8:39 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Still very scary, Suzy. Every parent's nightmare. Feel better soon!
21/Sep/12 8:55 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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OH Wow Suzy...scary! Glad things worked out and calm has once more been restored. Too close for comfort.
Afternoon to all and a good one it is here. I could live year round with the current mornings, warm sunny days with just enough rain to help things stay green and growing. No heat or a/c needed, and windows can be opened for fresh air.
June, glad you went to the doctor...that cough was hanging on too long..hope all ailments are soon gone.
Theresa, it seems as if you are always having to deal with unfavorable weather when you attempt to help others...I'm sorry the rains have come when you are due to see to your grandies transportation to and from school with all of your aches. I'm hoping you too are soon on the mend when you get those expensive foot helpers .Forgot the actual name, but you know what I mean and I didn't want to lose the post while looking for the
Julie, glad you had a great night out with hubby...your mode of transportation was a smart move too. It's so nice to sit back and let others get you need to go.Its great reading about things YOU are doing. Have a great sleep and a restful day.

Bean...miss you and love you and all of the others who I haven't seen enough of recently. Take care all...know that I care.
Be as good to yourselves as you are to others folks...Peace.♥
22/Sep/12 5:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Suzy, how scary for Dana - she'll always be on her guard now. It just goes to show it only takes a split second.
It does sound like it may have been dementia.
22/Sep/12 9:18 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Oh My Suzy, how very scary. I am so glad it turned out well. I do think I would have called the police, though, that woman could do it again and perhaps get further away so the child was not found so quickly. No matter if she had dementia or what, she should have been reported. My 2 cents worth, so there .

Been a bit off today, woke this morning drenchedd with sweat, that continued most of the morning. I did get a nap about lunch time (forgot to eat lunch, you know I must be sick hehehe) and feel some better this evening. Hope that was all of whatever it was, no time for this.

did I say I delivered a load of stuff to Joy last afternoon? Flowers that were in some nice wooden flower pots her Dad had made, wooden outside table and plant stand, plus my Christmas tree and decorations for her to store for me.Then we went out to eat at a neighborhood resturant, Italian food, we did enjoy that.

I packed a few more boxes, sold the clothes dryer and microwave ( we had 2, I kept the smaller one). Unplesant surprise on the small microwave though. It was stored in the dome, and somehow must have had a bit of water under the carosell. It is not rusted! I cleaned most of it off, will get me some sandpaper , sand it well then spray it till I can find another that size. yes, I would have sold the larger one even if I did not have the smaller one, I really need the smaller size, it will have to sit on my limited counter space. Here, microwave was in a niche above the wall oven, almost built in, so size did not matter.

Happy belated birthday to Viv, sorry I forgot it.
22/Sep/12 9:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Very freaky! The video doesn't match the sound! But it's the first video she's put up...
22/Sep/12 11:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dana didn't call the police. The people in the library know the woman, she is in all the time apparently. I think it will be a long time before Dana takes Tahli to the library again.
22/Sep/12 11:14 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all of you! I'm running late, as have been researching something for one of the SILs. Must head to bed, as we have a 5:45 wake up (Yes, even on a Saturday.) for an all day demonstration for a wood-turning club. Somewhere I need to find more hours for every day.

Did a quick glance through some posts, but no time to comment, except to say how scary that must have been for Dana. It's a little bit reassuring that the librarians know the woman involved, but still very concerning that she took Tahli.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for all of you! I have thought of all who have posted and those who were not able to post in the last day or two. Take care!
22/Sep/12 2:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
If I can get my internet to stay working for

more than 5 minutes I might get to say some of

the things I have been thinking.

June, I'm so bummed you didn't get to see the

funeral. I could tell you really wanted to!

What a great job you did at bowls! Thank

goodness the storm fronts went through

later... I hope they have cleared up. We seem

to be getting intermittent lightning but with

no follow through.

Theresa, I hope I read that the doc was able

to do something about your feet as I go back

through. I don't remember seeing it in my

first read, but I have been a little brain

dead. Yep, I remember now - orthotics! I

finally convinced hubby to get a decent pair

of shoes (cost a fortune) and his feet are a

bit better now. I hope the orthotics help


Would it be too strong to say your FIL is

being a PIA??

Hope your shoulder/arm are feeling a little


Mamacita, I hope your cold is a little better.

Nola, I am so happy Judy has made it home!

Although I think she's probably safer with

company, she will feel so much better about

herself and her chances at home! That has to


My internet has dropped out again so I will

have to save this and post it later.

22/Sep/12 7:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well, that was weird! And still no news on Ken's safe return...
22/Sep/12 8:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, the concert sounds fantastic and I know you will enjoy the wood turning demonstration - I assume you and hubby are watching not doing...
22/Sep/12 8:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, how scary with Tahli. Glad things worked out well. Mitchell figured out how to open the buckle of his stroller at the age of three on a busy Saturday at a busy mall a few weeks before Christmas. My MIL and I turned our back for a second to pay and Mitchell undid his strap and took off. Luckily he stayed in the store and did not go into the mall. We found him within a few minutes.
23/Sep/12 12:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi all. Haven't been here much, and won't be until I can get that epidural. I am in serious pain. And I don't want to take more methadone than I'm supposed to.

I agree with Tricia.... I'd report that old lady to the police, whether it's dementia or not. Next time she could harm a child. This is too serious a situation to turn your back on. I'm appalled that the library staff said that it was ''OK, she's in here all the time''.... that means that they consider her more important than the welfare of a child. Who here wouldn't feel guilty if that demented old lady kidnaps another child and harms it (or even just traumatizes the mother) and you were in the position to prevent it.... and you didn't? Allowing her to get away with this... and kidnapping is a serious crime... is being an accessory. It's not to late to report her to the police now.
23/Sep/12 3:24 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I tend to agree with you Heidi
23/Sep/12 8:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning,

Been away a bit myself, chest infection turned into a head flu as well, hopefully have sweated most of it out last night.
Love and Healing hugs to you.
23/Sep/12 8:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Stage 1 of Karin's birthday is over - her party. She loved the album as did everyone there. Satisfying after all the hours I put in!
Stage 2 will be Friday which is her actual birthday - she, Maddy, her MIL and I are doing High Tea which will be nice. Then she and her brother informed me last night that the whole lot of them are coming here for dinner that night! Nice!! Now what to cook for 10 people.
23/Sep/12 8:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Get well soon, Broni!
Heidi - when do you get the next epidural. I'm sorry you are in such pain.
Suzy - loved the video, despite being out of sync. Her voice gets better all the time.
23/Sep/12 8:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, Alie's voice is getting stronger and stronger.

Woke up with both shoulders aching, especially the left. Could barely move my left arm, so I think arthritis is settling into that one too. Went for a nap late morning and when I woke up the pain was gone. The rain had stopped too, so maybe that had a part in it. Got ffuts done that had been neglected, made a stirfry, and have sort of vegged out since supper. Feel much better!!!

Broni, hope you're soon better.

Suzy, the chiropodist recommended I get new shoes as well. The kind I need apparently start at the $200 mark. Maybe tomorrow we can check some out. She recommended a store in a city about a half hour drive from us. Hubby wants to go for a drive tomorrow, so maybe we can do both.

Hope to be back later ... famous last words!
23/Sep/12 9:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
A quick drop in. I've invited hubby to go out for coffee with me so I'd better live up to my part of the bargain since I invited him!

Theresa, that's about what hubby's shoes cost and they were only joggers! I told him he had to go to the store that fits shoes properly for you and these really ugly joggers were the ones that relieved the pain the most. I'm glad your arm and shoulder felt better after your nap.

Cyn, BBQ! The weather is perfect for it now, just a little cool of an evening. Fly Gail up and you can have pavlova with it (at least that's what I'd have to do to have pavlova). I'm glad Karin liked her album. After all of the work it would have been disappointing if she hadn't!!!!

23/Sep/12 10:56 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I would be looking for joggers too, Suzy. Winter is coming, so when I go out it will be winter boots, but in the house it would be joggers. I'm not supposed to go barefoot or wear slippers or flip flops because I need extra support.

Shadow's parents were outside calling for her in the dark. I never did tell them that we seem to have skunks on our property. I heard some loud voices and rapid footsteps leaving, and they didn't have Shadow with them. My bad.
23/Sep/12 11:41 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everybody! I hope all are well! Seems like nearly everyone is busy, not feeling well, and few are posting. I'm about to call it a night here, but not without letting all of you know I'm thinking of you! May all who are not feeling 100% soon reach that level!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing vibes for Everyone!
23/Sep/12 3:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, wonder where Shadow went. It's a mystery!

23/Sep/12 5:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am still about but just occupied. Thanks for the call Suzy. Thanks for caring about me.
I had decided to start transferring my VHS tapes to DVD. Quite an undertaking. Some very nostalgic (like my Mother's 80th. birthday party in 1993). Lots with Sharon. And this morning I travelled the Canadian Rockies and Alaska (1997)
At the moment I am looking for some misplaced tapes. One being our wedding which I had paid to have transferred some years ago onto VHS. It had been quite expensive to have done. I did ring Sharon's partner as I wondered if Sharon had taken the tapes home as one was when I went with her to Hong Kong for a computer competition. He said he had not seen them. Also some with my mother and Ken's parents are missing. I guess I will waste more time looking!
23/Sep/12 9:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Ken came home with a cold. I keep hoping I will stop coughing. I think I am OK and then I have a coughing attack. The linctus the Dr. gave me made me sick so I only had one dose.I am taking the antibiotic though.
I see Suzy, Broni have bad colds. Please get better soon.
Heidi, I hope you can get the epidural soon and this time it WORKS!
Theresa, I hope the orthotics make a big improvement. I know they help me.
By the way I may be looking for some tapes but I do have 30 baseball and about 20 on Edinburgh Tattoo that belong to Hubby.
23/Sep/12 9:16 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, so pleased Karin's party and the photo book were a success. Please with her a Happy Birthday from me.
Julie, you live such a busy life. I often get up early but I would be lucky to get hubby up at the times you get up and on the go.
To everyone else big hugs and loving thoughts going your way.
23/Sep/12 9:20 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I haven't seen Shadow for a few days. If somebody picked her up and took her home, I don't know about it. I guess only the Shadow knows. I do know she is a real sweetheart!

Time to think about what to make for supper. Tonight I wish supper would make itself.

BTW, MIL is able to get to the bathroom herself, with the use of her walker. She is unable to pull her pants back up afterwards as yet. She is really progressing!
24/Sep/12 4:18 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Feeling better today just still a bit blah and coughing.
Cannot remember what else I wanted to say.
Love and healing hugs to you all.
24/Sep/12 9:24 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks..
Boy am I glad that you haven't yabbered your tongues off over the weekend.. I might actually catch up on the reading!

My first drumming performance on Friday night was a hoot.. kept losing where we were up to but managed in the groove with the rest of our group..

An evening of African drumming is an awesome is hard to NOT drum or get up and dance.. The energy in the room was incredible..

For the Grand Designs fans out there I went to the Live event here at the convention centre.. heard Keving MacLoud speaking but didn't 'see' him .. being vertically challenged has its drawbacks.. impossible to get to the front of the crowd around him. Did get to watch Maggie Beer in the Miele kitchen. I LOVE Maggie... have been a big fan of hers for years. I now know how to make 20sec mayo, bruschetta & cook octopus :)

..and now I have to return to more mundane chores... dogs are almost out of food and the littlest room in the house is almost out of paper..what a disaster that would be..
Have just rebooked an exercise class this morning..I need a little more catch up on rest after the seminar yesterday or I won't make it to my meeting tonight. I need to pace myself a bit more ..
24/Sep/12 9:53 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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OMG... just read about Tahlia...
24/Sep/12 9:56 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Mama I miss bumping into you as well... LOVE you you well know..
Good news is now my internet connection is working again I'm going to be able to give you a ring some time.. I might even try to get my head around skype... no promises there..

Also... our house guest is a delight to have around... I think she is more reliable than Lachie!! Having her here is enabling me to go to a conference in Sydney in October, Phuket in December AND... if I can sort out some health issues and earn some money MAYBE visit you next year before her 12 month visa runs out..
24/Sep/12 10:03 AM
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