Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola, almost is right, but it is the last thing that will get done before the Gala. What also needs doing are the final benchtops need to be stained and varnished, just ran out of time for that. We will also be replacing the shelving in the pantry, currently it is chipboard and raw wood, we would like to have an Ikea shelving system in there, but that is for our own desires and not budgetted for in this round of renos. Once these things are done we will officially be finished in the kitchen!
27/Sep/12 9:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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For those of you who remember our own Dizzy Lizzy from Melbourne. It seems that she has passed away. She has not been well for a while and was in hospital for tests. Her sister-in-law had posted on Facebook that she is gone.
RIP, dear Lizzy, you will be missed.
27/Sep/12 9:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm sorry I have no more information than what I have read on her page.
27/Sep/12 9:55 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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27/Sep/12 9:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rest In Peace, dear Lizzy.
27/Sep/12 10:47 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Latest chapter of the sage in 'living at EP'. I was sitting in my recliner reading, when the smoke detector went off. Scared me out of a year's growth, that sucker is LOUD. Before I could get up and try to decide what to do, it went off. Thought I might have to report that tomorrow morning.

I was not cooking, had been told the smoke detectors were a bit sensitive, but nope, not the cause. About 5 minutes later, BOOM BOOM BOOM at my door, another adrenalin boosting startle. I walk to the entry and ask loudly through the door, Yes??? Answering male voice announces FIRE DEPARTMENT! So I open the door and they say, 'do you have a fire?' NOPE, the alarm just went off and then stopped, I did not know what to do. They asked if I might have accidentally pulled the emergency cord. Not from my recliner, and I was not cooking, nothing, just sitting reading. After asking if I had just moved in, they told me they had another call out for an alarm on Monday, when the apartment was empty, must have been just before I moved it.

Nothing I can do if it goes off again, they WILL answer each time, aaggggghhh, even if it is 2 am! and if noone answers, they will come in! Now there were some fine looking young men amongst the 5 of them, but not at 2 am hehehe.

I phoned the office, it was after hours, but got the answering service. She took down all the info, I could hear her typing, and said she would report it in the AM for me. Now i do hope this does not happen again. I still, an hour later, feel the adrenalin. Maybe I should go for a run, use it up, the fight or flight syndrome working overtime.

Just had to tell you thought you might get a kick out of my adventures. Never a dull moment.

Hugs again, with extras, till later.
27/Sep/12 10:47 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Too soon.. Too many..., but we must know that they are all now able smile pain free as they learn to rock Sudoku from above....even if they didn't quite get it when they were on this side of the bar..LOL..
R.I.P. are in good company!
27/Sep/12 10:49 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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OH MY GOODNESS, I am so sorry, I posted without reading, was back a page even, Liz?? I cannot belive that, I know she has not been well for a while, but she posted on FB on the sudoku page just back before going in for these tests. I heard from her fairly often on
FB, I cannot believe.


If anyone gets more information, please let me know, such a shock to read, goodness me.
27/Sep/12 10:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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The world just became a sadder place :'(
RIP my dear friend xoxo
27/Sep/12 10:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm in shock. I had to go back on Lizzie's facebook page to double check I hadn't missed anything, but nope, her last post said 'no nasties, physio and meds'...

Really embarrassing when I read about it - I was sitting in Gloria Jeans and started balling my eyes out. Still crying now. So very very sad...Too young, too soon, and too good to go now.
27/Sep/12 11:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Exactly Suzy! I remember that post - 'no nasties' and thought she must be on the mend.
It's been an awful shock and I'm sorry that I became the bearer of bad news but I felt that I must let everyone know.
27/Sep/12 11:14 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Yes, Cyn, I am so glad you did let everyone know. It has been said nicely, to young for this to happen. Too much bad news lately, is this 3 now? dvD's Mom, Jamie soon to go and now Lizzy? They say bad news comes in threes. Enough already!
27/Sep/12 11:25 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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RIP Puppy Dag
27/Sep/12 11:43 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you Cyn.
27/Sep/12 11:44 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm completely at a loss and in a state of shock right now... oh Lizzy I'm going to miss you so much beloved friend.
Cannot stop crying.. she would be impressed to know she was responsible for my my antrum washout [sinus]
Dizzy Lizzy
27/Sep/12 12:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Judy, so sorry you lost your long and fascinating post! Good news, though about your D2 and her hubby buying a house and your D3 finding a new job that she likes!

Theresa, I'm so glad your new runners are comfy and hope there won't be any uncomfortable adjustment as you get used to your orthotics! What brand are your new shoes? Don't worry about thinking U.S. elections drag on and on! We think the same thing! WAY TOO MUCH time and money go into the campaigns!

Gail, I'm also looking forward to more photos - when you have the opportunity! I think the family gathering has been a good incentive and you'll have many years of enjoyment from all of the work you have done in preparation - not to mention the enjoyment you'll have from the gathering, itself!

Heidi, I'm so glad to hear your back is feeling better! I guess it's not too strange that having the root canal might improve/reduce the pain. I hope Oliver and the collies are getting used to each other. I also hope your friend (Maxine?) and the baby Holly are both doing well!

MizT, I certainly hope you followed the advice and rested today. I'm wondering how much good the grocery carts are for residents in your building if the carts are stored in the other building. NOT good planning! Umm, so your errands and taking boxes to the dumpster, etc., etc. qualify as resting??? Your new pull-behind cart sounds like a BRILLIANT purchase! And your dinner sounds yummy!

Heidi, I hope the family gathering is enjoyed by all! And I'm so glad you were able to reschedule your epidural! I hope your pain remains less intense until then!

Tami, I'm so glad you were able to pop in for a few minutes! You have been extremely busy! I hope things will settle down a bit for you now. I also hope Bernie and Bobbi are enjoying their new place!

I'm going to post this quickly before I lose it.
27/Sep/12 1:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I also went back and checked on Lizzy's page. Her last post specifically said 'no nasties.' She just had to increase her meds and have physio. Rest in peace, dear Lizzy! No more pain, discomfort, or dizziness for you! You will be missed!
27/Sep/12 2:12 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Just saw the sad news on the other site and I thought it must have been a mistake. So sad to read about Lizzy - she was a lovely person. Feeling very down now. :(
27/Sep/12 2:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Took Bella for a walk, spoke to a good friend and still cannot stop crying.
27/Sep/12 2:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Paint a wall, wash a load, pat a dog, feed the birds.
I like to think that every breeze is Liz blowing kisses xxx
27/Sep/12 3:02 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Posted link to Guest book for Liz on FB Sudoku friends.
27/Sep/12 3:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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VAN MEURS. - Elizabeth (Liz) Passed away peacefully with Gizmo by her side on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012, aged 53 years. Loving partner of Lenny (dec.), loved and loving sister and sister-in-law of Jenny and David, Tony and Ann, Bas and Diane, Ron and Jenny. Loved and missed by all her nieces and nephews. Rest In Peace with Mum, Dad and Lenny. See later paper for Funeral details.

27/Sep/12 3:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thank you for the link Bean...
27/Sep/12 3:48 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Julie, the errands and the taking boxes to dumpster were continuation of Tuesday activities, not Wednesday my rest day. but I am doing a Julie right now, and this is does not qualify as resting, but I did just sit and watch. Watching can be hard when you have to sit on your hands hehehe. Here I am up still awake 1 am, Joy just left, spent three hours putting a book case together ( yes she is her father's child, started work on it at 10 pm, something he did many times), and could not finish. directions very ambiguous so she got one part upside down, will have to take who knows how much apart to be able to get to it to put it right. I sent her home about 12:45.

27/Sep/12 4:01 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Just heard the news about Liz, cannot believe it, even though she hadn't been well for a while it didn't seem anything major. RIP Liz will miss you and your dizziness.
27/Sep/12 5:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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When I was in town reading my smart phone, I was having coffee with Tahli while Dana picked up a few things. We had taken her to a chemist having a baby clinic so we could get her weighed. She is looking kinda thinner. It turns out that in a month instead of gaining she has lost 180grams! Stomach bugs and babies do not mix...
27/Sep/12 7:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Very upset about Liz. I had an Email two weeks ago and she said she was still a bit giddy at times but hoped the new meds would help.
Rest in Peace Liz. You will be sadly missed.
27/Sep/12 8:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's just past nine and I've gone to bed, haven't gone this early in like forever. Just feel like I've had the wind knocked out of my sails! Before I painted my final wall today, I wrote a dedication to Liz on it and took a photo. It will always be known as Liz's Wall :,) When I can, I will post a pic of it on my page.
Today was hard, but tomorrow I will smile and I wont stop smiling
{{{{{group hug}}}}}
27/Sep/12 9:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I still cannot believe it. Liz was too young, too vital, so much fun, so loved, and her health was improving. ''No nasties'' should mean just that.

Could those who knew Liz best tell us stories about her? I think we need to celebrate her life.
28/Sep/12 1:02 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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That's a great idea Heidi...I know I'd like to learn more about a loving person, generous of heart and spirit and a smile that lit the world who has so completly quieted this loving group of folks down...Hope those who did know her best are able to share over the next few days
28/Sep/12 3:22 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all.
Well I didn't actually turn the computer off today,so it looks like I have been here all the time.
Such sad news about Lizzy. RIP

From what I remember, Lizzy worked in Aged Care also and was a Diversional Therapist.

As I am not on FB, I didn't even know that she wasn't well. It must be such a shock for her family,especially as she was so young.
28/Sep/12 3:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The story I have shared with family about Lizzie is the time she went to work and found a bunch of the residents who had needed to be fed with food all over their faces. She was furious, but didn't just get angry - she took action! Went to the big bosses etc.

Just told hubby to not stand so close to me. So far I'm the only one in the house who hasn't been worshipping the porcelain goddess and I'd like to keep it that way! Especially since I have had Tahli overnight and have her until Dana gets home (it has been weeks since she has been out!) and at noon I have to take hubby's car in for a service and to get a tow bar installed. 3 hours sitting in a McDonalds does not go well with a stomach bug!
28/Sep/12 7:57 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I met Liz through sudoku of course, way back in the days when meeting a complete stranger from the internet was almost unheard of. She wasn't the first I'd met, but I was her first. She was so unsure she brought a friend along just in case I was an axe-murderer, as of course we all are! We had lunch and spent the afternoon together and were like old friends from that day on. She came to most of the gatherings we had, but had started missing the last few due to health issues. Her presence was missed every time but her spirit was and will always be at every gathering.
Liz's eyes lit up when she smiled. You just knew she was happy to see you and right in that moment you were the most important person in her world. She was so full of love and laughter, and such a cheeky girl! She would often feign ignorance at something I had said, 'Keh' being what she would say to show she didn't understand. After you then go through a long-winded explanation she would say 'Gotcha!', and you knew she'd just made you dance to her tune! The look in her eyes... evil I tells ya :)
She had seen a lot of sadness in recent years with the passing of both parents within a very short time and her beloved husband, Lenny, nursing all of them through their illnesses. She felt their loss deeply and that pain never left her. Even now some years after their passing, her eyes would well up when talking about them. If Lizzy had loved you, you stayed loved <3
You are exactly right Nola, that was her position title, but to her it wasn't a job, it was a vocation. She was determined that even those with no memories had to have fun. You only need to look at her sudoku photo gallery to see what lengths she would go to to ensure this. She didn't have clients, she had new friends, and every one was important to her. The stories she would tell! When they became too ill to come out for therapy, she would go to them, even if it was just to hold their hand. When they passed on she would go to their service and the families would have her sit with them because she had become so important to them.
Her love for her furbabies and for all the birds who visited her deck for a feed was legendary, even the scavenger birds that others disliked were her friends. I'm sure every sparrow, mynah bird and possum had names! When her dog Sammy passed away, she was heart-broken, and her little Gizmo became her life. It was her wish that in the event of her passing Gizzy be laid to rest with her. He was a sweet old thing and they will always be together.
In recent years her many health issues had worsened, and I think the fall she had when she broke her ankle and badly wounded her other leg knocked her confidence completely. No one person should have had to go through what she suffered, and yet she still kept smiling and working when she could. Truly inspirational.
Her service is next Wednesday and I know at least three of her sudoku friends will be there to represent her sudoku and SA family and to celeb
28/Sep/12 8:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Darn it, I rambled on!

Her service is next Wednesday and I know of at least three of her sudoku friends will be there to represent her sudoku and SA family and to celebrate the life of a shining light.
Vale Liz, miss you xoxo
28/Sep/12 8:12 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gail...that was a beautiful testament of a really good person. I didn't know much of what you shared yet I felt that her smile was sunshine for many. Thank you.
I'm glad to know that at least three of you will be able to attend and share her life celebration...May the dove of peace be with you all.
28/Sep/12 8:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Suzy...your story of how angry Liz became and how she defended those who were unable to fend for themselves adds still more light on her compassion for all of God's creations...I wish I had known her better, but am glad to have known her just a little....
Hope you are able to avoid the illness spreading through your household.
28/Sep/12 8:33 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all -
I'm off to have 'high tea' this morning with Karin, her kids and her MIL, who I get along with well.
Happy 40th Birthday to my baby girl. Time flies, doesn't it?
I will tell my Lizzy story later, I have to get ready now.
{{{big group hug}}}
28/Sep/12 8:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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And life goes on...

Karin xoxo

28/Sep/12 9:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Birthday Karin!
28/Sep/12 9:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((Group Hug))

Smile for Liz Day
28/Sep/12 11:15 AM
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