Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Well, my sons psycho ex has done it again. She has changed her mind about when he gets the kids on Christmas Day. Our day was all planned, can't be changed because Karin has in-laws to deal with. Boxing day is not an option, other plans then. So, at present, it looks like we'll see my son for our get-together but not the girls. I have cried and plotted since yesterday morning and, believe me, by Christmas day, those girls will be with us!!! Never push a person like me too far for too long.
20/Dec/12 1:14 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm sorry that went over the page - and I'm sorry I can't think of a nice quote!!

20/Dec/12 1:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, please tell me that crazy lady is at least including her third child in her plans!
20/Dec/12 2:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - who knows?? But that child at least may be given the option to choose where she goes and I'm fairly sure she will choose us over that lot!
Oh, and she's no 'lady'! She's a sour miserable psycho!
Is anybody getting the idea that I've snapped over this?? You're right, I have. I don't think I have ever been so furious in my life. I hate people who have no idea of fairness or integrity.
20/Dec/12 4:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just popping in for a minute, as it's nearly 11:30, and the alarm will go off at 5:00 in the morning! {{{HUGS}}} and , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for each of you!

I should let you know that if Christmas is going to arrive here, I really need to spend every waking hour for the next few days in preparations, so I might not be peeking in very often. Take care, one and all!
20/Dec/12 4:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I wish I'd checked my mail earlier today. Judy was cremated today. It was a private cremation and they are hoping to have a memorial later when they can coordinate as many as people as possible to be there - they live all over the place.
20/Dec/12 6:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, she may not choose you guys and it won't be a reflection on you, but rather a reflection of her need to be loved by her mother, psycho or not. Big hugs!!
20/Dec/12 7:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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RIP Nola's Judy ♥
20/Dec/12 8:40 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda just posted as me on my FB page requesting people write physical, snail mail letters to one of her students for her year 12 major art work. Mine will have to wait till after Christmas but I do hope some of you will be able to help.
20/Dec/12 9:36 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am trying to get the house organised (space cleared!) for the family when they come to stay. Trouble is I keep doing a bit here and a bit there and then getting distracted (like cleaning a silver antique vase that had turned black,etc) so the place looks worse rather than better.
Hubby is not helping but may get a lot of jobs tomorrow (even though it is his birthday!)
20/Dec/12 9:40 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cyn, I do hope everything works out for you and your Grandies. So hard when you have all your plans in place. I was so lucky. when my 'kids' split with their previous spouses their were no children involved and it was amicable. I still keep in touch with my daughters ex husbands.
20/Dec/12 9:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I saw the post and started the letter. It's hard though as I've been known to write letters over 20 pages long!!
20/Dec/12 9:54 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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hi folks
Been a bit distracted...
Lots has been happening.
'D' looming's my turn at 8:15 in the morning... 1st on the list so as to not keep me waiting.
Will be back when my brain is functioning more normally again
Love you all
21/Dec/12 12:01 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - Emily is here tonight while her Dad is all-night shopping at Westfield.
Her reaction - 'I'm going to Aunty Karin's, Mum can wait, it's boring there'.
21/Dec/12 12:57 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - thanks for letting us know about Judy's cremation. Must have been a hard day for Nola. Big loving hugs if you're reading this, Nola.

Charlie was privately cremated today as well. There will be a memorial ceremony some time in January, same reason - when they can get all the family together. Not sure that I'll get there, he lived in a remote mining town, not easily accessible by plane. Will wait to hear more from his sisters.
21/Dec/12 1:05 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning still here and hope healing of all sorts is going on.
Cyn...don't know what to say other than I'm szorry for the kids to have a mom who doesn't put them first in all things. But this too shall pass and the children are old enough to know they are loved...may she come to her sense, if any, and revert to the original plans, if not, then just enjoy them when they are with you.
Prayers continue for our losses here in the family and with out joy in seeing Judy on the mend. MizT's pain slightly altered and more bearable, and our amazing Heidi as she continues to suffer for a while longer to be on the safe side.
June and Julie, things will get done or not, but do take time to put that aside and enjoy those you are with. Broni, Bean, Theresa,etal...may the thingsthat have caused you so much grief, pain, annoyance,and all the rest be gone in the new year. Tami and Suzy, May the children continue to be exposed to caring, realist teachers like you...these are just a few of my wishes for all....It goes without saying that health, joy, love and peace are included....Now that I've writen this booklet, I must post to see what I've mind is now a complete Oh, must mention that a little of the Christmas spirit has entered my is festive looking, although not up to par of years well health allowed more, but I'm happy. Will rent a car tomorrow to get to the doctor and to buy some food stuff for the holiday before turning the car in...I am stronger, but look forward to full strength soon...I'm off to see what has been said..Peace.
21/Dec/12 3:35 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors...but you all know this is not the first time, nor the last time you will see these things in my we'll pretend they didn't
21/Dec/12 3:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Beautiful and wise words, as always, Mamacita. You express what I'm feeling but cannot find the words to say.
May you have a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year yourself, and a healthy family to enjoy.
21/Dec/12 3:48 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Let me tell you about my day so far. Grandies are home because their school board's teachers are having a one day walk-out. D has a nasty flu, so I have been at their place to fix meals, etc., for the kids. The car is in the garage, something wrong with an axle, estimated cost for repairs is $600. I have been spending free time working on the blanket while sitting with the hot water bottle for my back. And it's not even 3:00 PM. Sigh .......
21/Dec/12 6:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just came in from outside and a bird had done its business on my head. I think he was making a statement. I guess it's just that kind of day. I don't mind if you laugh because I am chuckling myself.

A big winter storm is supposedly headed our way starting this evening. I guess it might be a white Christmas after all.
21/Dec/12 7:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm sorry Theresa, but after a day with the grandies a bird pooping on your head was, what's the word? Perfect? I guess he knew you needed a laugh! I hope you get your white Xmas...

Best wishes Bean.

Heidi, bummer you have to wait but the alternative is no alternative at all!

Cyn, I thought all the mining towns did FIFO now? Apparently not the one Charlie lived in.. hype and propaganda - gotta learn not to listen to that stuff....

21/Dec/12 8:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, wishing you a wonderful Xmas with the gift of energy!
21/Dec/12 8:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you Bean
21/Dec/12 8:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I think a lot of our mining companies do FIFO into regional centres (Rocky, Mackay, Townsville) then bus the miners to/from there or use small private planes for the remainder of the journey. It's possible the memorial may be in T/ville - will go then.
21/Dec/12 9:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick hi before going to bed.

Theresa, I have heard that it is good luck if you get pooped on by a bird. I hope something really good happens to you.

Don't remember anything else I have read. My brain must already be on vacation
21/Dec/12 12:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tomorrow is the last day of school before winter vacation. I am letting Mitchell stay home. There have been a lot of crazy rumors going around and police presence will be increased at the schools. If anything is to happen, it will most likely be at a high school, and not a middle school. Dylan wants to go. At my school, the students are not allowed to bring backpacks/bookbags tomorrow. They want to make sure kids can't sneak something in.
21/Dec/12 12:21 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Tami, thinking of you for Friday, as you go to school in spite of the ugly rumors going around. They did not make national news here, so I am not kn the know, but can imagine. Hugs to you dear.

My house smells good. I have baked a big batch of sweet potatoes. I shall take sweet potato casserole to dinner on Saturday. I have limited time tomorrow, so baking ahead was my solution.

Today I was naughty, but no one noticed. I remembered last night we were to take a desert to share for our luncheon today. I did not have everything I needed to make any one desert, always something missing. Joy was coming over, I had to cook our dinner, had been to PT, just no energy to run out to the store. Joy came to the rescue and brought me a crumb cake mix, add water, eggs and bake, but since she was here till midnight last night, I overslept this morning. No time to make it, I did not even have time to wash up all the dishes from last night! but I made it to the service and the lunch. both were really good. No one went without desert so I do not feel too bad hehehe.

My neighbor Edwyna had baked a HUGE banana pudding. The one gentleman sitting at out table found out about it and asked one of the servers to please find the banana pudding and bring him some. Two of the Episcopal Place staff came out with this huge pan, I know it was 2 feet long, full to overflowing with pudding, and a huge serving spoon, the type used in food lines where one scoop from the spoon would fill your plate, and presented to him. I do wish I had remembered I had my camera with me on my phone, the look of surprise on his face hehehe. But everyone at our table who wanted it got a huge scoop of banana pudding.

SUZY, I am still unable to get photos from my phone to the computer, so I have no idea when I will be able to share photos of my abode and decorations. Joy did put a memory card into phone, that was one part needed to get them to computer. I think we now need a cable of some sore, or a card reader. My old computer had one, but I have Al's computer, and do not think his does. Wonder if she could move card reader to this puter???

Joy was officially offered the new job!! And at a Salary even greater than she expected. I am so proud of her. she loves her boss, has worked with her before, and really liked the boss one step up, who interviewed her. I hope she will be happier there, since they split up the group she had worked with for over a year, she was just not happy with the old job. Has turned in her resignation, starts the job with the new year, actually on Monday 31st.
21/Dec/12 1:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO glad that Joy got the job offer at a better-than-expected salary, MizT. She's a really sweet and deserving person who deserves a lot better than she's gotten in the past.

I spent the day with a headache, so didn't get much done today. The weather outside was hideous... pouring rain, high winds and plummeting temperatures. This morning was tee shirt weather outside, and it is now below freezing. The head is still hurting, but it could be much worse, so I'm not complaining much. The back behaved today, and the mouth feels fine, still. I still have more oral surgery coming up on Jan. 8th, so I don't think I escaped completely pain free. I expect the next surgery will hurt.
21/Dec/12 4:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Have tried a couple of times to read and comment ..say thank you to all the well wishers but have kept falling asleep... will probably do that again pretty soon. Best thing I can do now is sleep it all off.. I knew the operation would go well if I could get myself there.. and it did. Hoping for a few cool days because I am not allowed to swim for a few days.

Have read this page.. will catch up on the other news later. My heart goes out to Nola... may Judy RIP.. Cyn... BIG hugs... and special love to and hugs to Emily... Can't remember what else I wanted to say.

My MOST amazing piece of news is that a friend took pity on me staggering out the back to the toilet in my half drugged state and has re-connected the toilet and vanity in the bathroom next door.... I am feeling very nurtured and cared for right now..

Jai just brought me some food and so with a full tum I might dose back off to sleep...

21/Dec/12 6:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I hope whatever rumours are being spread are just that and nothing horrible happens tomorrow! Yay for your last day...

MizT, I'm sure nobody missed the extra dessert, especially with that giant banana pudding. I would have loved to see gentleman's face!

Please pass on my congratulations to Joy! Well deserved I'm sure!!!

21/Dec/12 7:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Daily anecdote: I may have mentioned one of Dana's friends to you before. One of those incredible people who gives until it hurts, and then somehow manages to give more! She told Dana that she'd had a talk to her kids (5,3 and 1) about Christmas and they don't mind that it will have to be late this year as she doesn't have any money to buy gifts. She had a little thing each so it would look like Santa had been, but the mum and dad presents weren't going to happen.

I'd already put together a package with a very small gift each, but talked to hubby about doing something more. I usually put a few gifts under the wishing tree at Kmart or the Mayors Giving Tree. This year I chose who would get those gifts instead.

For around $60 we got them an outfit each, dinosaurs for the boy, a doll each for the girls, choc filled stockings for the 2 older ones and cream bickies for the youngest. Dana is going to deliver them tonight so they can be put under the tree on Xmas day. I hope they enjoy them. Dana has been told to make sure she tells the mother that there are no strings attached and to please feel no obligation to us. Just going for a bit of karma here. She's given a lot, it's time she got something back.
21/Dec/12 7:37 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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((HUGS)) what a wonderful thought and deed you have done to make xmas a little better for those children and of course their mum, who will be happier that the kids have more than the little Santa present.
21/Dec/12 9:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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One down, 25 to go Brenda...
21/Dec/12 10:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We survived!!
21/Dec/12 10:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thinking of Tami today and hoping it is a good day...
21/Dec/12 10:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... you and your family are wonderful people. Nothing is more important than the happiness of children. You will get some of that good karma.
22/Dec/12 1:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Oh this site is just the best.
I can read about what others are going thru,get your well wishes,and laugh.
Theresa... for the first time in ages I did have a laugh at your expense with the bird pooping on you. As Tami said, hope you get good luck. hehe wouldn't want praise,but you deserve some for being so kind in buying gifts for a needy young family. Good onja!
Poor Dana and Tahlia! Hope she & Mum are ok soon after some rest.

Cyn... stuffing you around is not good.

Bean, Mama & Heidi...take care of yourselves.

To everyone else, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and that you can spending time with people you love, with happy memories of others who cannot be there.
I want to be able to support others when they need it,just like you have done for me for the last 3 yrs.
The nurses at work gave me a magnolia tree in Judys memory. It has one flower out and heaps of buds developing. It made me cry. I had better look after it!

22/Dec/12 6:28 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Would you believe, IT IS RAINING HERE.
We have needed it badly.
22/Dec/12 6:31 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Getting ready to go to my orientation for the pool at Lakeshore foundation. It is going to be COLD by tome I get ut, why did I not get up and there by 9 am instead of 4 pm? Hindsight is 20/20. I have been sleeping till 9 am, did this morning, that is why, lazy bones.After being in warm pool, going out to the cold 30 degree air, after dark, with the wind blowing is gonna hurt!

Check back in with you later, My main dish for tomorrow is made, sweet potato casserole again, as requested, I must make a pretty good casserole, eh? I must make cheese sauce for the broccoli my niece is bringing, sis sais I make that good too, everyone else thinks it is hard, really it is fast and easy, make it in the microwave easy/

Hugs and love, till later.
22/Dec/12 7:43 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Just changed my avatar to another christmasy one.
My Jack Russell pup is so lovely. He must sense my mood, and giving me licks. He is not as bad biting,getting out of the teething phase I suppose,and my arm is healing from the scabs he caused.
Looks like the rain is clearing so now we are in for some humidity.
Have a good day/night all.
22/Dec/12 7:49 AM
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