Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My heart goes out to those families so terribly affected by Alabama's savage weather ♥
29/Apr/11 8:02 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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ON a lighter note...Jethro Tull were amazing last night!
It has been many a long year since hubby and I have gone to a concert and were just all a little unsure of it all, but once we were there, and the group came out and started performing, we were hooked! I will even admit to the fact that I had tears rolling down my cheeks from emotion all through the first song.
For a 63yo, Ian Anderson pranced and performed all around that stage from beginning to end like a teenager, most of it whilst playing the flute!
29/Apr/11 8:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, glad you had a good time. Jethro Tull must have been amazing in concert. I have never seen them live, but would like to.
29/Apr/11 8:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, again I am speechless, the death toll I just read was at least 295, 195 of those in Alabama. Thoughts and wishes to everyone

29/Apr/11 9:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I always think of 100kph as the level when real damage occurs, 90kph is scary but most things will stay standing, 100kph has kept me cut off from home with huge trees blocking every route here. Thinking of you
29/Apr/11 9:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I hope the flooding isn't too bad and your animals are all safe.
29/Apr/11 9:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, it is wonderful to have such good news in the middle of the horrible stuff. I am so jealous I can't believe it!!! Hubby isn't into Jethro Tull so I'd have to drag him along. I love the flute! What a wonderful evening. What was the first song??
29/Apr/11 9:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I can't remember Suzy, but I remember thinking it was a perfect first song
29/Apr/11 9:31 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Busy couple of days, sorry I haven't been here.
Heidi & MizT: PLEASE stay safe & keep us all posted. I've been watching the news & it is VERY scary!!
Not much new going on here. Same old, same old! Will post soon!
Take care all.
Loving thoughts & (((HUGS))) to those who need them, with extras!!
29/Apr/11 10:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The sun was out all day today. I nearly went into shock. At least it was nice weather for Robert to be working with the chainsaw, removing big trees from the fences. he has at least another days work doing just that.
29/Apr/11 10:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My heart goes out to all those in US suffering from the devastation of the tornados.
Theresa, you should be on top of the world with the progress your daughter is making. I know there is still a long way to go but you do have a big light at the end of the tunnel.
The cold is almost gone thank goodness. The rescheduled date for the colonoscopy is next Tuesday and I was supposed to notify the hospital if I had any flu like symptoms. I have had my flu shot and I knew this was just a cold and I left it till today so I know I will be OK for next week. I did not want it put off again.
29/Apr/11 11:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had a nice lunch out yesterday in an 'Arabian' restaurant. it was expensive but we just has bread and dips and a couple of messas (entree size meals) The food was delicious. I had crispy lamb ribs with a date and molasses sauce. Yum!!!
Off to a Probus wine appreciation lunch today. Ploughman style lunch which we prepare ourselves.
29/Apr/11 11:34 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Heidi: I bet you are glad to have Robert! What a Godsend!! Stay safe...Our news said there are more storms coming your way!
29/Apr/11 12:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A close relative of one of Robert's friends was one of the victims in Alabama. They hadn't found her body yet when Robert told me about it. Her family saw her being sucked up in a tornado as their house was leveled.
29/Apr/11 12:02 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, my thoughts and prayers going out to Robert and his friend.
29/Apr/11 12:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't believe it. It's raining again!!! It was supposed to be over for at least 3 days.
29/Apr/11 12:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, Everyone! I hope you are all well and safe from Mother Nature's extravagances!

Just popping in to let you know that all is well here. I was up WAY too late last night/this morning working on the minutes from our education committee. Phone calls started early than I would have liked, so I'm about to head to bed. I need to be up by 6 tomorrow, as I'm scheduled to donate platelets at 7:30 (if my iron level is high enough). I hope to get caught up sometime tomorrow!

Take care, Everyone! Thinking of you and sending positive vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
29/Apr/11 1:22 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Is the site broken?
29/Apr/11 4:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wasn't me, must have been Gail or Tami!
29/Apr/11 4:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Mind warp, starting typing a response to easy and finished talking to SA.
"Good Afternoon,
Happy Birthday, pkp, Plum and Possum.
Poss, time to celebrate life.
Had a pleasant breakfast, lunch, chat with my friend Teresa."
29/Apr/11 4:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wasn't me, I was out doing a gail!
29/Apr/11 4:39 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Must have been Tami then! and she is still poking me! Na Na Na, Na Na!
29/Apr/11 4:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Birthday to Poss. I hope there was some celebration today.
29/Apr/11 6:25 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, stop poking me and I will stop poking back and I did not break this site. You can't prove it.
29/Apr/11 8:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, what a terrible thing for Robert's Friend's family to witness. I imagine they all felt so very helpless. Thoughts and prayers to the family.

Royal wedding is under way, I found live streaming video, but missed seeing Kate walk down the aisle.

Intermission here, so of course had to check in for a few. I am back to bed now.

29/Apr/11 8:35 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all - slept like a log last night for a full 8 hours. Much more able to face the day this way.

June, D's progress is fantastic. She has started sleeping upstairs again most nights. Glad your cold is better.

Suzy, I haven't heard about the damage from the winds yesterday. I know a lot of trees came down, power was out which caused havoc with traffic lights, minor things like that.

MizT and Heidi, stay safe. That is so scary and so sad.

Gail, I too am green.

Hubby is home today. His back was out and he went to a clinic yesterday, but he still went to his 2nd job. He didn't get home ubtil after midnight. I'll go to D's and help get the grandies ready for school and let him sleep as long as he likes.

29/Apr/11 8:36 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Don't know if I will get back tonight. I am going to a retirement party after school and won't get home until late. Hope everyone has a great day.
29/Apr/11 8:43 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The bride looked beautiful, lovely wedding dress she had on. So did the Maid of Honour she looked very elegant, and the little bridesmaids.
29/Apr/11 9:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tomorrow Laura is in a dance at school (125 anniversary) and yesterday they sent home a note saying they like them to wear period costume. I have spent the evening (while watching the WEDDING) making pantaloons and sewing trimming on a blouse etc. She is quite intrigued that I have a chemise (over 100 years) that she can wear. I have also lent the school some of the costumes that are over 100 years for a display. I have pulled all the boxes out of the cupboard so will have a job putting everything back in order over the next couple of days. I started typing this about 6 hours ago. lost it once and started again, then a couple of phone calls and now I can actually hit submit!
29/Apr/11 11:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I loved the dress. I would have liked to get a better view of the train up near the waist as it looked so much like the one I made for DIL (now ex) some years ago. (I have made 12 wedding dresses over the years). Computer slow so will say goodnight and hugs to you all.
29/Apr/11 11:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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On just long enough to say that I have a migraine. I'm going back to bed.
30/Apr/11 12:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope you are better soon.
30/Apr/11 2:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Feel better soon, Heidi.

MizT, hope you got a decent night's sleep.

Just got back from getting a big haul of groceries. Just taking a break from putting them away, although it's almost done. Hubby is raking the yard and I must go and help him bag them as he is having trouble bending. Another half an hour and I have to pick up the grandies from the school bus. Off I go ..... hope to be back later.
30/Apr/11 4:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I woke up early so decided to take advantage of my offpeak time to do some surfing, unfortunately I have the super slow connection again - it's a conspiracy!!

The first thing I opened this morning was the news to see if there had been another bad day in the US, but there was only a rehashed story from yesterday. I finally read the caption under one photo though and realised they weren't rescuing someone's crocheted blanket, there was an injured dog in it. That was a little sobering. Thoughts and wishes to all who are trying to cope today.

June, one day's notice for period costume? That's a bit rough. Luckily for Laura she has a grandmother with your resources! Your collection is amazing!!

Theresa, I'm glad the news of the damage is minor so far and hope it stays that way. I also hope your hubbie's back is feeling a little better today.

Heidi, feel better!

I too thought the dresses were amazing. The girls looked beautiful! Not many people could have warn that bridesmaids dress and looked that good.
30/Apr/11 5:06 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Woke up with a cramp in my leg. Have now looked at the puzzles etc so might go back for a little while.
30/Apr/11 5:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I slept very well after my intermission this early AM. Thanks for your good wishes for me.

Suzy, we are not at risk for continuing bad weather. that storm system is long gone, and no major storms headed our way. It has been unseasonably cool, crisp and with the most incredible blue skies imaginable, as is often the case after severe storms. The cold front that was part of the dynamics of this outbreak has settled in for a short stay and I am enjoying the lack of humidity.

Al has not made repairing my outside faucet a priority. It has been a couople weeks since he bought the wrong faucet, needs to exchange it and get this done. I woke to droopy Vinca, and those are drought tolerant. Had to take out water by the pitcher full, not fun when storms brought with them a big batch of achies. He is working on a young friend's computers. Took him 2 days to discover what was causing the problem, when another friend brought in the third computer doing same thing. then he remembered the only thing all 3 machines had in common, and is removing that bit of software. He is trying to get the young friend one of his computers repaired by evening.

I agree about the dresses, spectacular. I did a double take when I saw the brides maid in that dress, thinking it was Kate in a second wedding gown. I do think those sisters look a bit alike.
30/Apr/11 6:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Everyone has had their supper ... grandies will soon be going to bed ... it's almost time to relax.
30/Apr/11 9:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute to see what the news is. Glad to read good news. It is way past my bedtime. Had a great time at the retirement party. Talk to you all tomorrow.
30/Apr/11 1:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko and Good Evening, Friends! I regret to say that another day has slipped by without finding time to get here and read comments. My goal is to get caught up tomorrow. I hope all of you have had or are having a great day!

I hope everyone is safe and hasn't been bothered too much by the dangerous weather! Thinking of all of you! I hope you are all well! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and Good Night!
30/Apr/11 2:30 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Tami broke the site again!
30/Apr/11 4:37 PM
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