Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Oh Heidi, that is so funny, I can just see that. If you could catch that on video, you would make it to worlds funniest videos on TV hehehe.

Sleepy lazy day here. al is out in his office, it is quite here inside, I am drowsy from the meds, and have done only necessities today. I did have a 2 hour talk with D#1, she was too tired when her children went home yesterday to call me. My autistic grandson was having issues after everyone left, so I can understand that. His routine had been interrupted, but he was happy with his sister and her husband being there, and his brother home from college, but their leaving was too much for him. Poor Guy, he has a hard time.

It is HOT out today, with 3 more days forecast. It is not too cool inside either, my AC cannot keep up already. What will the summer bring???

Suzy is right, we gotta come and post, even if it is just to say HI Ya'll.

I took a long nap today, then phone started ringing. Went back to sleep after the first, but a second and a third got me up.

Time to start dinner for one, not sure what it will be tonight, Hugs to all with extras.
10/May/11 9:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm about to make some beef stroganoff for supper. It's quick and easy. And delish.
10/May/11 9:50 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just finished dinner and loaded the dishwasher. We had brunch leftovers. I always make too much when I am having company. Spoke to two of my cousins yesterday. Called the one in Texas to wish her a happy mother's day. While talking to her, her sister called me. Her sister lives here. I had called her earlier in the week and but she was busy and couldn't talk. I laughed when she returned my call. I told her that I had wanted to invite her for brunch with the family. She laughed and told me that she actually could have come. She is single, with no kids, but has a very demanding job. It is rare that she can actually come over.
10/May/11 9:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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What a shame she missed the brunch Tami! At least she knows you thought of her though..
10/May/11 10:23 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all. I'm back again. Happy Belated Mothers day!
MizT and June
June, my condolences to you and your niece and family. How heart breaking for all concerned.
Gail and Broni, Get well soon.
I haven't seen Cyn around for a while, so I'll guess she is having a hard time but hoping she's off enjoying herself somewhere.
10/May/11 10:25 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Nothing exciting is happening at my place. I'm hoping to celebrate mothers day on Saturday. I seem to miss out on the weekend because Mum and MIL take precedence.
#1 and his girl gave me a present - a bottle of wine (yum, it was very nice), a packet of turkish delights and a packet of cheese twisties.
Just recently I bought 2 packs of twisties and when I went to open one the next day there were none left. Not happy Jan!
10/May/11 10:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, my cousin misses a lot of family functions. She works for someone famous and has a crazy schedule. She did make time for Mitchell's Bar Mitzvah last year. She does come to the important stuff, it is just the little things that she misses out on.
10/May/11 10:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite, Nite all. Hope everyone has a great day/night.
10/May/11 10:40 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Friends! Sending lots of love and {{{{HUGS}}}} to those in need as I read (starting on page 72).

Thinking of Liz and hoping her healing is progressing nicely!

Gail and Broni, if the naughty corner (maybe should be called a time-out from reality corner) has lots of healthy air to breathe, as well as happy thoughts, a comfy couch, pillows, blankie, yummy things to eat and drink and computers with lightning quick speed, then that is the place for you.

June, it's no wonder you're walking around like a zombie with so much you're needing to deal with! I just can't imagine what your niece and her family (including you) are going through! Maybe we should make room in the time-out from reality corner/room for you. Of course, we will put up germ barriers! Let's add personal TVs and a large supply of "laugh-out-loud" videos! All those in the naughty corner should also be awarded a housekeeper/chef/gardener/chauffeur for as long as needed.

Let's put Theresa in the same naughty corner/time-out from reality - newly expanded to a spa). Seems like a little rest and recuperation are in order!

June, I hope your dental appointment went well! Ah, now I've read that part 1 of your dental repairs is complete. Hoping part 2 will go at least somewhat comfortably. I know too well the hit to the credit card. We seem to get at least one each year from the dentist.

Lucky people at the trading table will benefit from your need to keep busy, June! Remember to take time for yourself!

I need to leave you for a bit. Hubby wants me to watch a TV program with him.
10/May/11 11:01 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi y'all :)

Went to the doc this morning and am now on antibiotics and prednisolone for the wheeze, so I should start feeling better in the next day or so. The main reason I got medications is because of hubby. I normally would try and fight these things naturally, but this one got the better of me, and I would hate to cause him any problems while he is hooking up etc. Due to his condition he is immunosuppressed.
10/May/11 12:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW Julie, you are making that naughty corner sound mighty tempting :)
10/May/11 12:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.

Gail, June's Friend, Broni... (((HUGS))) and ♥♥♥
10/May/11 12:34 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Vicki, I love Cheese Twisties, am not happy if someone eats them leaving me none too!!

10/May/11 12:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Remember the Party, Hubby and I are going to on Sat, interupting our weekend away in the Caravan.
Well, Hubby rang them on the weekend, and arranged it so that we will not be going to the Party, instead we are visiting and having a takeaway meal with them this evening.
10/May/11 12:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, your mother's day pressies sound perfect! I think it's worse when I find a packet opened, only half eaten, but left lying open so what was left has gone stale! So selfish!! That's what I tell them anyway...

Julie, I think I might swear or something so I can be sent to your naughty spa!!

Gail, I also try to fight things off myself before going on meds, but understand things are a little different in your neck of the woods these days.. I hope you feel better soon. <3

Hugs to everyone..
10/May/11 12:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I really like your quote on page 72! Very appropriate!

Gail, I'm so sorry that Scott now has whatever you have! Guess we'll need to expand the naughty room/time to get away from everything/spa to include a men's section.

June, I am sorry to hear about the anticipated results for your friend. I just wish there were something I could do to help! I can't imagine how you are even functioning right now. We are all here to support you in any way we can! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Theresa, so sad to hear that your D's computer got a virus! We will be waiting here for you when you can get back! Please take care of yourself in the meantime!

MizT, the waiting for an appointment can be extremely hard! Remember to take care of you as well as Al!

Heidi, what a bummer that being realistic can also be so difficult! Decisions can be so difficult to make sometimes. Remember we're all here for you and each other! I chuckled when I read about your horse who like to play with a sprinkler! Thanks for sharing!
10/May/11 12:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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So sorry I didn't change my avatar until now.
10/May/11 1:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna have to call my GP tomorrow. My ear has been getting worse and worse... the eustachian tube has so much scar tissue from infections that it's almost closed. Fluid builds up inside and has to be removed regularly by an incision and suction. It's at the point where I can't hear on that side, and have a nasty earache. I hate earaches.
10/May/11 1:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, not a problem we had an extra day of Happy Mother's Day, I kind of liked it.

Suzy, your comment about Julies Naughty Spa gave me mental pictures I can not talk about here hehehe.

Gail, glad you are on biotics, we do have to try not to share with these Immune suppressed guys.

Speaking of my guy, he has a full mustache and a goatee now, silver/white. Neither was white before chemo. Those really grew back fast once started, but his cheeks are still baby soft, not a hair in sight. Strange the pattern of growing back.

Tonight he ate enough calories to count as a meal, no tube feeding tonight. He was kind of proud of himself, said he had to make himself eat all of it, but he did it. He had 2 eggs, 3 slices bacon, a home made biscuit and a glass of milk, over the minimum of 600 calories per feeding YEAH AL He is getting more than the minimum most feedings, as he is not loosing weight, a very slow gain, very good for someone on tube feedings.

Time for bed, hugs to each of you.
10/May/11 1:52 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Oh Heidi, that sounds painful. I hope you can get to doc and get some relief. Will be thinking of you and sending healing wishes.
10/May/11 1:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, that is such encouraging news about Al ♥
10/May/11 2:10 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, earaches get inside your brain :(
10/May/11 2:11 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Heidi and Miz Tricia, I am up way past my bedtime. I was getting annoying phone calls from a fax machine in area code 502. ATT just helped me to block the number. I can go back to sleep now.
10/May/11 2:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, that is wonderful news about Al. Tell him that I am rooting for him.
Heidi, hope you get to the doctor soon. Earaches are no fun.
10/May/11 2:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Gail. Didn't see that you posted.
10/May/11 2:17 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Now I am really going to bed. Lets hope I stay there. See you all in a few hours.
10/May/11 2:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I'm sorry the meds are making you drowsy, but I'm guessing a bit of extra sleep was needed anyway! I hope your hot temperatures are not signaling the beginning of summer already!

Heidi and Tami, your dinners sound yummy!

Tami, it's too bad you weren't able to talk to your cousin earlier so that you would have been able to join you for Mother's Day brunch! What a shame!

Vicki, thanks for reminding us that we haven't seen Cyn in a while. We have several other missing-in-action friends! Hopefully they'll surprise us with a visit soon!

Vicki, I hope you enjoy your Mother's Day celebration later this week, although it sounds like S#1 and his girl did very well!

Gail, I'm glad you visited the doctor and got some meds! You definitely need to be more careful than some of us. Hubby and I tend not to be as careful as we should be. We were kind of surprised a month or so ago when he had an appointment with a new doctor, who kind of hovered near the door when speaking to us. His med. student/resident had already been in, talked to us and done an exam and explained that the doctor had a cold and is always extra cautious when dealing with a patient who is on dialysis or has had a transplant. (Extra points for him!)

Rolanda, extra points for your hubby! What genius to arrange to meet with the couple for takeaway today! That will make your weekend much more restful and enjoyable!

Based on comments by Vicki, Rolanda and Suzy, I think I need to consult with Mr. Google about Cheese Twisties.

And now, I best get ready for bed. We have an early wake-up in the morning. Prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and extremely positive thoughts for everyone and any relatives or friends who can use them! Good Night!
10/May/11 2:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, guess I took forever writing that last post. Well, I had a few interruptions - things I needed to get ready for tomorrow (first fitting of the dress for D's summer wedding).

Heidi, I'm glad you'll be seeing the doctor for your earache! (Soon, I hope!) They are not only painful, but make thinking and doing things difficult. (Gail's comment that they get inside your brain is very accurate.) Take care, and I hope you'll be feeling much better by tomorrow!

MizT, what wonderful news about Al!! Give him extra hugs from us for making it through a whole meal and no tube feeding! Things are looking up! (I wonder if your biscuits are similar to the biscuits my mom used to make. I've been googling recipes since Shar - on that other page - mentioned scones. It seems that the biscuits my mom used to make are very similar to scones.) Are you going to post a picture of Al with his goatee and mustache?

Tami, what a brilliant idea to call AT&T and have them block the number trying to send a fax to your phone! Get some sleep now, sweetie!

And now, Good Night!
10/May/11 3:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Speaking of scones Julie, Shar posted a link to recipe to fool proof scones on that other page. I printed the recipe and today I bought the thickened cream to go with them!

Tami, I hope you got some sleep finally. That happened to us once but we were lucky in that they had our second line attached to the computer - back in the old days when you had to do that. We just unplugged it.

Heidi, hope you can get an appointment quickly...

MizT, a whole meal!! That is wonderful!! I hope it tasted good for him too. I hope the weather is a little cooler tomorrow.

Rolanda - your husband the diplomat! Hope the dinner goes well tonight.

10/May/11 5:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Up for intermission, and had to check in. Thanks for the extra hugs for Al, I will pass them on in the morning.

I should have time to get online in the morning for a fast check in, but we have appointment at cancer center for his IV iron infusion. It has taken far too long to get this all arranged. He has been getting liquid iron for 2 or 3 months, but I think it is not being absorbed. He should begin to feel much better once the iron levels are back up.

Back to bed for me, the Tylenol and warm rice sock are working on my backache, I can get a nice hours nap fore have to get up.

Hugs to each of you with extras and special thoughts and prayers to those in need,
10/May/11 8:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready. Pour yourself a cup. Harley has just chewed up the little rug by my front door. I swept up most of it and swept the rest out the door He usually sleeps in the morning but not today. I did get back to sleep last night, but it took a while. At least I don't have to worry about those pesky phone calls anymore.
10/May/11 8:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You get up early Tami! Bugger about the rug - hopefully he will grow out of this chewing thing...

MizT, I hope the iron infusion works and Al feels better, or even better than he seems to be feeling - spending time in the dome, eating a meal... it's all wonderful...

10/May/11 8:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Friendship day at bowls today. Hubby and I played with another couple and the women played against the men and had a very convincing win. Playing pairs means you stand for about three hours so my back was very pleased when the game was finished. I even won a box of Lindt chocolates. (I still have chocolates around from Christmas). Any way a nice relaxing day.
10/May/11 11:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, glad you had a nice day at bowls, you sure deserve a bit of distraction these days. Congrats on the win, and the prize of chocolates. Have chocolates since Christmas? would not last that long here, I fear.

Tami, thanks for the morning coffee, since hubby emptied our pot. Well I had my 2 mugs, just wanted a third. our mugs so large pot only makes about 3 servings.

Suzy, he still tires so easily, just driving me to grocery, and him not going in, means he needs a nap or 2 when we get home. He had to drive me a couple times cause I was too dizzy to drive, but managed the grocery cart without hitting any one hehehe.

Must finish getting ready, we leave in 30 minutes, IF he is ready. Had me get him up at 6:30 , it is almost 9:30 and he is just now getting a shower, aaaaaghhhhh, it is like pushing a chain.

Getting up early accomplished one thing for me, I cooked our meat for dinner, a small boneless pork roast with roasted potatoes. Something green added tonight and it will be done.

Hugs again, same as usual.
11/May/11 12:25 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Evening all.
We went to an Italian Restaurant.. vewy noice.
Bed time for moi
see you all on the flip side
11/May/11 1:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami.... Area code 502 is the Louisville area.
11/May/11 2:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got the stock trailer cleaned out. It's a lot easier with the power washer than it was with a hose and scrub brush. I like to keep it looking like new.
11/May/11 4:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW.... The Silver Pheasant is completely settled in mow. He's so lovely.
11/May/11 5:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Don't have much time. Dylan has a concert at school tonight so we all have to go. He plays in the recorder ensemble.
Heidi, I looked up 502 and knew it was in Louisville. I don't know why the fax machine kept calling me but it was getting very annoying.
Hope all is well and I will see you all later or in the morning.
11/May/11 7:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We used to have the 502 area code when we moved here, but it was changed to 270 about 15 years ago.

Have fun at the concert, Tami.
11/May/11 7:58 AM
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