Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry, wrong spelling, SuzannE*
12/May/11 1:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the day, saying, “I will try again tomorrow”.
- Anonymous
12/May/11 1:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nasty day today. It may be the heat, but I'm spending a lot of time worshipping the porcelain god today. Not fun.
12/May/11 7:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Just received wonderful news by text - I've won 950,000,000 British pounds in a 2012 UK Olympics promotion! Guess I'm coming to visit you all!

What? Not real you say? But it's in a text it must be real! Better email that guy right away!!
12/May/11 7:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, not as good as I thought, actually only 950,000.00
12/May/11 7:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Remember to send me a ticket, Suzy. You have to share a windfall like that.
12/May/11 8:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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On my way to a baseball game. Last regular season game. Playoffs start on Saturday. See you all later, or in the morning.
12/May/11 8:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Do they just need all your details Suzy? Get on to that toot sweet!
12/May/11 8:41 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was saying to Don that all I'll have to do is send bank account details and taxes or something like that - lol
12/May/11 8:51 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Suzy, I had a text like that when I was on holiday. Do they really think we are that stoopid?
Brenda, how annoying about the bedroom fit. I had a similar problem with blinds. I think after about 4 or 5 visits, I'd had enough and got verbally stuck into the manager. They had it sorted on the next visit.
12/May/11 10:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vicki, if they send out a thousand texts and only get one reply with a person's details they are doing well, results with very little outlay for them.
12/May/11 10:36 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I hope you are feeling better soon.

I slept in this morning. I don't know whether I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep or whether I didn't set it last night. Talk about panic stations. It's amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it.
I picked up a toasted sandwich when I got the work mail and I've now had a cup of tea and 2 cups of coffee and am starting to feel quite normal (or at least what's normal for me).
12/May/11 10:38 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Gail, Microsoft were offering me 350,000 pounds.
There is always someone greedy enough to be taken in by these scams. I don't know why they don't think it sounds too good to be true.
12/May/11 10:40 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Morning All.
Brenda, how frustrating.
Zusy, so when do you get the money?
Heidi, hope you are feeling better.
Still snuffling around here.
12/May/11 10:44 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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What's the saying? If it sounds too good to be true, it is!

Heidi, hope the worship finishes soon ♥

Almost back in the land of the living here. The coughing no longer sounds like my lungs are trying to escape via my throat, and no, I didn't crack a rib during a coughing fit like I thought for a sec there! I am however still coughing like a ten pack a day smoker (which I am not), but at least it is moving. I will see how I am on the last day of antibots to see if I get the repeat filled. I never have before, but this is one doozy of a chest infection, that's for sure.
It is amazing how much better one feels after a few good hours of sleep though.

Broni, hope your sniffles dry up soon honey xoxo
12/May/11 10:53 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Broni, I hope you are staying out of the wind.
Gail, I'm glad to hear you are a bit better. Keep warm and well rested.
12/May/11 11:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Back again,
Swishy thing is going so I can't destink myself and get out of the house! Bad timing that...

Gail, glad to hear you are sounding a bit better. I prefer the US system with antibiotics - doc says you need them of 7 days, 10 days, 12 and a half days and that's what the pharmacy gives you! None of this refill crappola.

Broni, hope you are feeling better soon.

Alie is starting to pick up, though still a little tired. She has been doing her NAPLAN exams this week and I've told her when the results come back if they aren't as good as they could be and I growl at her she has to remind me of how sick she was while she was doing them.

Forever Archie are going to be recording their songs on Sunday. It helps when your boyfriend has a business recording songs for people... Not Alie's one of the other girls.
12/May/11 11:54 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All! Getting a late start tonight and at the middle of page 73, so will probably not get caught up.

MizT, does an IV infusion of iron get absorbed quickly? After hubby's transplant, his iron levels were down for years and he had to have epogen shots every 2-4 weeks. His levels are now more within range, but just barely. Once Al is able to eat more, maybe you can steer him toward foods that are high in iron. (Of course, there are side effects to epogen, so hubby was closely monitored.)

June, the friendship day at bowls sounds fun, though standing for 3 hours doesn't! You must have been exhausted! As MizT said, good to have distraction!

Heidi, I hope you were able to see the doctor and your earache is better. Good for you for keeping a clean stock trailer! So glad the Silver Pheasant is feeling at home. Will you need to get a female Silver Pheasant for breeding?

Tami, I hope everyone enjoyed the concert!
12/May/11 4:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Now reading page 74.

MizT, so sorry it was such a long day and that bags of groceries shifted in transit and fell out when you got home. Eggs are such a mess to clean up, so luckily it was just 1 broken. I hope you were able to get a nap! The cookie story was so like a man! Hopefully you have enough zip-log bags to keep all those bags of cookies fresh!

I liked your quote, MizT!

Tami, it sounds like a great concert!

Heidi, I'm glad the Cattlemen's meeting went well and that you got a better price for Sassy than you expected!

Vicki, it's sometimes nice to have excitement at (or near) work!

Rolanda, the meal at the Italian restaurant seems like a good way to solve the dilemma! Your hubby did well to arrange it! Glad you're having pleasant weather and temperatures!

June, I hope all went well with the PET scan for your friend! I've been thinking positive thoughts!

Judy, I hope your weather improved!

Suzy and Broni, I hope you got warmed up!

Brenda, so sorry the shoe cubes were not complete! You shouldn't have to be the one to put things together! Hopefully there were no further problems! I hope everything will soon be right! I'll check your link after posting this.

Suzanne, I'll be praying and sending positive thoughts for your Mom Marcia! I hope her surgery goes well and her recovery is quick!

Oh, my, Brenda! So sorry to hear of the additional problems! I hope they can get it all straightened out to your satisfaction quicky! (The time when you're on holiday should provide sufficient time for them to get all the correct parts they will need! So glad to hear that the freezer has been delivered and is cold!

Suzanne, I'm glad the third realtor has restored your faith in realtors! I hope she does a terrific job of marketing and selling your house! They say the third time is the charm!

Gail, I hope you are feeling better! That's good advice you gave Brenda. There's absolutely nothing they can do while on holiday, so they should just put it out of your mind.
12/May/11 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm too tired to continue, so will be back tomorrow. Wow, did Suzy break/bend the site? No posts for over 4 hours. Couldn't have been me!

Positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{HUGS}}}} for each of you! I'll try to get here earlier tomorrow. Good Night!
12/May/11 4:42 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hubby has iron once a month too
12/May/11 5:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Pleasant dreams Julie xoxo
12/May/11 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sleep well Julie
12/May/11 5:26 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good morning everyone. There is a big empty space on my drive now. We sold the caravan and it went yesterday. Now we just need to get rid of two cars and replace them with one new to us Volvo C70.
I have to go into town today to deposit some money in the bank, that is a novelty it's normally me taking cash out.
12/May/11 6:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Brenda, you must have a big driveway..

You've reminded me of a couple me met in the US with a Winnebago. Before they bought it they worked out how many weeks of the year they had to use it to make it economically useful - it was a lot!
12/May/11 7:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. I put out some biscotti if anyone would like one.
12/May/11 8:49 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Today is going to be crazy at school. Tomorrow is the end of year trip for 6th grade. We are going to Islands of Adventure. An amusement park in Orlando. Leave school at 5:30 am. 4 hour bus ride with 96 hyper kids. Spend hot day in park. Leave around 6pm. 4 hour bus ride with 96 tired kids. The family has been told to not wake me on Saturday, or else. Did I mention that I am the sponsor of this year's trip which means I get to deal with all the paper work. Every kid gets a t-shirt and backpack. They should be here today, or else, and I have to separate and pass them out. We are having an assembly this afternoon telling all the kids what to expect. There are 9 adults going. 5 of us drink coffee and we all happen to be on the same bus. I will pick up a "bucket o' joe" at dunkin donuts in the morning. If I don't get here tomorrow, I hope you all understand.
12/May/11 8:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Brenda, great news about the caravan. Hope the bedroom gets finished and you have a nice weekend.
Heidi, hope you are feeling better.
Don't remember much else. Talk to you all later.
12/May/11 8:55 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Up for the biscotti Tami, and a coffee with a kick just to get me to sleep. Have a great day, you have worked hard for this and sure everything will turn out great.
Will say goodnight now, early but need need rest and no Gail have not cracked a rib yet.
12/May/11 9:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Feeling better today. Food is staying inside for a change, instead of escaping from both ends. Sorry... TMI.
12/May/11 10:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, I do not know much about the iron infusions, and I am no longer allowed to go back to infusion rooms at all so I cannot ask. I will do some research today to see what I find out. Off the top of my head, isn't absorption problem about how much iron gets from ingested iorn, iron in the GI tract from food or from iron supplements, how much gets into the blood stream? Something to do today I think, a quick review of how iron works.

Suzanne, how is your Mom? When was/is the surgery? I can't keep up with dates things are happening here at home too well, so forgive if I do not remember yours. Hope you will get better results from this Realtor than the first 2, selling a house today is very hard.
12/May/11 10:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good to know you are feeling better and cn keep food. that by itself should give you back some strength. We missed you while you were sick.

Did I tell you about my adventure with the sloshy thing? It became the terrible tangler. Opened the top to retrieve my laundry, and the first item I tried would not leave the tub. nor would the second, third, up to the sixth. What is going on?? I keep trying to get something, and can get clothes from the other side of the tub, but half my wash is tied in one huge know. OK, lets get the whole thing out and maybe I can see to untangle it. NOPE, will not come out, stuck. By now my back is objecting, Al is asleep and I am annoyed. I had to walk away.

A sit down with a warm rice sock and a hot cup of coffee later, I started untangling the knot till I located just where it was stuck. Seems a hook on a bra attached itself semi-permanently to one of the holes in the tub, and being fixed while the clothes sloshed, it tangled the other items. Once I freed the hook, I got out the knot of shirts and Capri pants, and with lots of over and under and through this loop motions, freed them from captivity. What an ordeal. Of course those items were so wrinkled from the twisting, I had to run them through a rinse cycle to relax the wrinkles, minus the bra hehehe.

I need another cup of coffee just from the telling. Hugs to each of you, till later.

12/May/11 11:07 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Lesson to be learned from that sure bras are fastened before putting the in the sloshy machine.
13/May/11 12:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Results worse than we expected.
Only a matter of a few months.
Cannot get our heads around the thought yet.

Enjoy reading all your fun comments so keep them coming. Buy a laundry bag Tricia, to put your bras and other small things in!
13/May/11 1:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June - I am so sorry. Sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks. There are so many people out there that are a total waste of skin - why do the good ones have to suffer? I can't begin to imagine your life right now. {{{HUGS}}}

Just on the computer for a few minutes and then I have to bring it back. Will try to come back soon.
13/May/11 1:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June..... (((HUGS)))
13/May/11 2:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Oh Dear, I had a long post and lost it, and all my own fault too. Operator erroe, totally.

June, so sorry to hear your news, I understand your inability to wrap your head around it now. That is the body's defense mechanism at work, to let you slowly come to grips with such devastating news. It is normal, no need to be concerned about it. As you come to acceptance of this, you may have many up's and downs. Just remember to take care of yourself first, so you can take care of others. We are here for you, by private message or here on the board. Come talk to us whenever you need to talk.

If you need distraction, tell us, we will post all the funny stories and day to day of our lives that we can think of. If you need a shoulder to cry on, there are many here, come cry. We are here for you dear. Thoughts, prayers and wishes for the best possible day today for each of you.

Huge Hugs, baskets full of them, for you and yours dear friend.

13/May/11 3:12 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well or at least feeling better. Amber and I had colds last week but are feeling much better this week. Mom finally has an appointment for the CAT scan, May 24. Mother's Day didn't go very well. Sindy (gumball's dog) knocked my tea over onto my laptop. We got it last August. It is on it's way to Kelowna with Taus and gumball to see if it can be repaired. We did pay for the extra warranty, but it doesn't cover water damage. Technically it wasn't water but that doesn't matter. Hopefully it can be fixed without costing too much. Can't really afford a
new one right now. Trying to be optimistic here and think happy thoughts.
13/May/11 3:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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We have had several days of above average temps May, today should be the last of them. It is hot, but it is cloudy, so only the small AC is needed here at noon. I am sure that will change by late afternoon.

Tomorrow starts temps back in the 70's and some below average temps for May. I often wonder if we ever have "average" temps or if that is just a mathematical manipulation of numbers that are always higher or lower hehehe. Whatever the case, I hope to enjoy the next 5 days of cool, even if we will have rain to get them. Can use the rain too, grass is getting crunchy.
13/May/11 3:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, we've had 4 or 5 beautiful days in a row, and now the weather is calling for rain for the next week. SonIL has next week off so I was hoping to get the yard work and flower beds done during that time. Here's hoping the weather forecast is wrong.

D has gone for physio and I have the kids after school for a couple of hours ... so I borrowed the notebook.

Off to do some more yard ffuts.
13/May/11 3:50 AM
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