Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've been having some laughs this afternoon. I trimmed some branches on a maple tree and put them in the bird cages with the lovebirds and the budgies. It's fun watching their antics as they climb all over them and nibble on the leaves and seed pods.
13/May/11 7:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I also picked the first strawberries of the season from my strawberry garden. I got a couple of dozen berries, and there'll be a LOT more ready to be picked in 2 more days. I bought 8 plants 3 years ago, and haven't done a thing to them except harvest lots of strawberries from mid May until the first frost.
13/May/11 7:26 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
June, we are here for you. Love and Hugs winging your way.
MizT, what June said, laundry bag is the simple option.
Heidi, glad you are feeling better, sure the strawberries will go down a treat.
Think this flu has finally broken otherwise doctors for me.
13/May/11 8:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Tami, why do you take these things on? You wouldn't enjoy amusement parks too would you??

Rena, from my own experience and discussions with computer people, your laptop is probably a goner - sorry! In fact, so many people said so, I hope the people who have your laptop don't charge you to tell you that!

MizT, the thing about averages is that 50% of the time is it below average and 50% above! yeah, I know that's an oversimplification, but it never does seem to be the average temp...

Theresa, sometimes yard word is easier just after rain - weed pulling for example, so I hope you get some clear weather in between the rain.
13/May/11 8:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I don't put bras in the washing machine without putting them in a bag because I have had something similar happen to me - stockings either..

13/May/11 8:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I have been putting off responding to your news hoping that something inspirational would come to mind. I can't come up with anything. Nothing makes this okay, there might be something out there that will make it possible to cope, but I can't think of it right now. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
13/May/11 8:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, your "oversimplification" said just what I was struggling to say, Thank you! Suzy, what was that strange word you mentioned, stockings?? NOT in my vocabulary these days.
13/May/11 8:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, strawberries? How wonderful you are still getting berries from those plants. They really must like the location you chose for them. think of me when you eat that first dozen berries.
13/May/11 8:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I don't wear stockings and rarely have.. I think I wore some on my wedding day. Alie, on the other hand wears them at least 3 times a week - black ones.

Heidi, I tried to grow strawberries once and all I got was mush. Do you water them? What's your secret?
13/May/11 8:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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After the tornadoes 2 weeks ago, a large coliseum in Birmingham became a shelter for those who lost their homes. Today the last 30 families who had yet to obtain permanent housing were moved to a smaller facility, and the shelter was closed. Progress is being made. The families that were moved went back closer to their own community and into a gymnasium at a large church there. I will be happy when there are no more shelters necessary. NOW, this is just for Birmingham and surrounding communities, have not heard about shelters in other hard hit counties.

The Salvation Army, a disaster relief not for profit, is no longer taking donated clothing, they have more than they can use or warehouse. Only thing they ask for now is new underwear. Just shows how much has been donated for relief for this disaster.

I still remember someone saying after the Black Saturday fires, a quote, "I could handle things much better in my own underwear" or similar.
13/May/11 8:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I cannot remember the last time I wore pantyhose, and stockings? I wore those as a teen and young married.

About stockings, I remember my Aunt Emily Gave me and my sisters each a pair of nice stockings on Christmas. One Sunday just fore Christmas, I went to Mom, saying, I have no good stockings for today. she did not have extras either, so I begged can I please open Aunt Emily's gift today??

One nice thing about stockings and having 4 stocking wearers in the family, if you had a run in one, there was a good chance there was a matching one somewhere, since Mom bought a dozen pair all the same at a time.
13/May/11 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Secret? I have a raised bed... 3 ft high, 4 ft wide and 12 ft long... filled with alternating layers of soil (from when I dug out the pond) and composted horse manure. I planted those 8 plants in there and only water occasionally if needed. They have spread to fill the whole garden and produce huge numbers of fat, flavorful berries. I'm actually thinking of fertilizing them with Miracle Grow this summer, to get even bigger berries. As it is, these taste so much better than store bought strawberries!
13/May/11 9:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Stockings? With my dogs? I cannot make it out the door with a new pair on without getting several runs in them. I can think of many better ways to waste money than throwing it away on stockings.
13/May/11 9:06 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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June ♥ ((Hugs))
13/May/11 9:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH walked in the door and immediately dove into the strawberries.
13/May/11 9:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie actually wears pantyhose MizT, though we Aussies incorrectly tend to call them stockings...

I love that you asked to open your present early. I bet your mother said no!

Boof keeps poking me on facebook. I said to Alie last night - Boof is poking me again. Hubby about had a heart attack! Guess it means something else to him...
13/May/11 9:11 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good Morning all!

June, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Remember that we are here as a sounding board.

I only wear pantyhose in winter and even then not too often. I much prefer wearing trousers.
13/May/11 9:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, actually she let me open my gift early, once I convinced her i knew what it wa by the shape of the box and the fact we had got stockings for the last 3 years. I mean, not much you can do to camouflage a hosiery box.

Do any of you remember when there were stores that sold only hosiery? And one had to know what size they wore also. they had an economy brand for $1 a pair, and that was more than the ten sent stores sold them, on up to luxury silk stockings. I never had a pair of those. But on occasion I was asked to go get Mom a couple pair of a brand she liked for really dress up, Walk to town from school about 8 or 10 blocks walk, and catch the bus home from there. We took public transportation to and from high school with discounted "bus tickets" we bought at school.

13/May/11 9:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Once I wore the knee high stockings under pants (trousers) but now, if I must wear anything, I wear trouser socks. thicker, hides the ugly varicose veins, and they do not run!
13/May/11 9:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, when you have a chance google "islands of adventure orlando" I will be having a good time tomorrow. Islands of Adventure is the home of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I plan on trying butter beer and maybe buying a wand at Ollivander's
13/May/11 10:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, keeping you in my thoughts. We are always here for you.
13/May/11 10:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite Nite all. See you all in a day or so. Don't think I will get here tomorrow. I will be having a busy day.
13/May/11 10:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm just trying to imagine what butter beer tastes like....
13/May/11 11:10 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Tami, that sounds great, have wonderful time.
Butter Beer?
13/May/11 11:25 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I wear the Knee High Stockings when wearing good pants for a special going out occasion.
13/May/11 11:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Butter Beer is what everybody drinks in the Harry Potter books.
13/May/11 11:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everybody try to have a happy and healthy
13/May/11 11:31 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone...
Will be away on a mini holiday this weekend in the Van, leaving this afternoon back on Sunday.
13/May/11 11:34 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Thanks Heidi.. did not know that, should have asked the boy,he would have told me, as he is a great HP fan.
13/May/11 11:35 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, have a wonderful "pre-birthday" weekend away. Make P do all the work!
13/May/11 11:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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13/May/11 11:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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May they be the most beautiful months possible ♥

13/May/11 12:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Amen, Gail
13/May/11 12:42 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maeN everyone!!
Gail: Thanks for the thoughts for my mom, Marcia. She has arthroscopic surgery tomorrow on her shoulder. My dad will call me when she's done...I'm sort of worried, neither of my parents have had major surgery.
June: I am sending you (((HUGS))) and LOTS of LOVE at this sad time. As you know, I haven't been here for a couple of pages, so I am SO sorry, but I am not sure what happened...Just know we are ALL here when you need to vent!! No judgment EVER here...If you care to, you can send a PM to me and let go!! If you need to talk person-to-person, let me know, I will give you my #!
13/May/11 1:42 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Heidi: Re: Real estate licenses (page 74, I think??) Don't know HOW he got his RE license, but I should have talked to my neighbor first, he said he was a "Weasel" How TRUE!!!
Will see everyone here soon (maybe tomorrow)
Love & Hugs to all with extras!!
TTFN and nite nite!!
13/May/11 1:52 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good night friends. I am headed for bed. Hope I sleep as well tonight as last night. We will not talk about the night before.

What Gail Said!

Rolanda, enjoy your weekend, wish I could hitch a ride along for this get away.

Don't care who drinks butter beer, not something I want to try hehehe.

TAMI, have fun tomorrow, and hope the students are well behaved on the buses going down.

Till tomorrow, hugs to each of you, with extras going to June.
13/May/11 2:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends! It's nearly midnight, but I'm getting here "today." I'm starting mid-way through page 75 tonight.

Gail and Suzy, I had pleasant dreams once I got to bed last night/ this morning. I didn't even hear the storms!

Brenda, congrats on selling the Caravan! You must have priced it right for it to go so quickly! Good luck selling the cars as well, and getting your bedroom furniture squared away!

Tami, keeping fingers crossed that all goes well and you and the 6th graders have a great day and lots of fun and no shenanigans! You will certainly deserve a good night's sleep Friday night to Saturday morning! Seems like a lot of work went into the planning!

Heidi, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! Did you ever get in to see your GP and take care of the earache?

MizT, your sloshy thing adventure doesn't sound like fun at all! I'm so glad you got it all sorted out and untangled! I've had the same thing happen, even though I fasten the bras before washing. Some just don't stay fastened, even now when I use a lingerie bag. At least they only hook onto the bag and not onto everything else.

June, we are all here for you! This is not the diagnosis we were hoping you would hear! MizT said it SO well! We are here for you, dear, no matter the time of day or whether it has been a good or a bad day. It doesn't matter. We are willing to share the burden, and hope you can let go of a bit of it now and then! Remember, though, that it is only their best guess and sometimes they are wrong! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} , prayers and for you and your friend and all of the family!

Rena, I hope your Mom's CAT scan goes well! So sorry to hear about the accident with your laptop. Hopefully it can be fixed!

MizT, I think you're right about an average. It's only a mathematical idea that flattens out the lows and highs to help make comparisons. (We hit 90 degrees yesterday until the storms arrived in the early evening.)
13/May/11 3:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ooops, still had the avatar I used for Gath's birthday greetings yesterday. Here's a different one that I haven't used in quite a while!
13/May/11 3:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, it must have been fun watching the lovebirds and budgies experiencing the maple branches! Ooh, yummy fresh strawberries from your very own strawberry plants! Isn't this early for them to be ready? No matter, enjoy!

Broni, I hope you're right and the flu has broken! Take it easy and pamper yourself.

Suzy, you also have done a good job of putting words to the difficult situation June and her friend are facing. It doesn't make sense. There is no way of finding any sense in it. I can't begin to find words.

I'm enjoying the discussion about stockings and panty hose. Gosh, I don't think I've worn stockings since I was a new teacher about 40 years ago. I don't remember exactly when panty hose came out. I haven't worn panty hose except for a few weddings in the past 5 or so years. I wear slacks most days and wear black socks with black athletic shoes. (Also haven't worn shoes other than athletic shoes except for those weddings I mentioned.) Now I'm supposed to wear prescription compression "stockings" - just knee highs much like the trouser socks MizT mentioned. When I discussed the "sandals" with orthotics that I'll need to wear for D's wedding, I asked if she preferred that I wear black or "nude" compression stockings and she asked me why I would wear stockings. So now I have another dilemma.
13/May/11 3:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, you will probably have to stand quite a bit so wear the nude compression stockings. Your health and comfort is the most important. I think you have the dress (crafts), if not a long skirt or a fancy slack suit hide lots of things.
We are to go away for 6 days next week. I want to stay home (it is all paid for) but Sharon is begging me to go. I have very mixed feelings about what to do. I do not want my daughter upset because I stayed home, but also want to make the most of my time with her.
13/May/11 3:50 PM
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