Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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All in all a good day Heidi :)
20/May/11 8:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yep. No real surprises, no escapes, nobody hurt. And Red Hawk and I had fun. All in all a good day.
20/May/11 8:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow morning at 9:47 am, the newest Lovebirds arrive at Louisville Airport.
The following day (Saturday) I'll be going to Millionaire's Row at Churchill Downs for a day of horse racing. Always a thrill.
Then Sunday afternoon I'll take Yahtzee to the sale barn. Never dull here.
20/May/11 8:58 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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Morning Everyone.

I am expecting Royalty this afternoon, Queen Anne of Albany will be visiting.
Unfortunately silly me gave the maid the day off, so I have to do a quick clean and tidy the Chateau, before She arrives.
20/May/11 9:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I'm listening to Alie's, well Forever Archie's, CD. Three original songs. They're good on the computer, but the guy who recorded them for them has gone too heavy on the base in 2 of the songs so they distort on a CD player. For anyone who is interested, 2 of them are on Forever Archie's page on facebook, though the mix is funny for the one with the glockenspiel.

Heidi, could they have faked the semen test on Yahtzee? Seems unlikely that he would suddenly become infertile. But I don't know much about bulls so might be needlessly skeptical.

Tami, I think our neighbours feel that way about my garden. It's looking good right now, but it's nearly empty...

MizT, I hope you find your camera so I can see your impatiens. Those are wide temperature fluctuations! 43 overnight and 85 during the day??? At least it's not too hot to sleep, but that's the best I can say about that. Enjoy your day!

20/May/11 9:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Have fun with Anne Rolanda..
20/May/11 9:52 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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LOTS of RAIN here, bucketing pouring heavy RAIN. Very dark outside for 8.15am in the morning!
20/May/11 10:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, you can always sing "rain, rain go away" It might work
20/May/11 11:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite nite all. See you in the morning.
20/May/11 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, they could not have faked Yahtzee's test last year. It was done by a licensed Vet and had Yahtzee's unique tattoo numbers and letters. Registered cattle have tattoos in both ears, and those tattoos are part of their identification. A Vet who faked this certificate would lose his license.
20/May/11 11:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Illness or injury could cause infertility in a bull. We saw no sign of any injury. And he has never acted sick. There may be other factors influencing it as well. There's no way to tell.
20/May/11 11:21 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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Tami... NO we desperately need the rain !!
20/May/11 11:32 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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Weather update. apparently a mini tornado in my suburb.. about a mile away from moi's place.
20/May/11 11:43 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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around 8.00am this morning
20/May/11 11:46 AM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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20/May/11 11:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all...its late but I wanted to give everyone a shout out just because I love ya!
Good reading about the farm doings and the flower growing or lack of growth in a couple of cases...
Weather is still stormy...wind, heavy rain showers , etc...temps are creeping up, but I too needed heat for a few hours to remove some of the inside dampness. The lack of sun is depressing many folks..and I look forward to its promised return
this week end.
Will now take my tired self to bed...will be baby sitting with Angelique this weekend. She is now living here...long story that needs to be told on another day...but I'm looking forward to her company...she is one great three year old going on 50...LOL

Hugs and prayers for all. ♥ Peace.
20/May/11 1:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good night friends, Yes, I had a do mothing day today, and I did not hurt! Hope I have kicked this flare, tomorrow will tell.

I read, I enjoyed, I forgot

Hugs to all with extras.
20/May/11 1:58 PM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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my Overseas Niece and her BF are flying out this afternoon, on about 3 hours time. It was nice to catch up with her on Wednesday at the Family Luncheon at the Winery.

Weather report.. Wind is blowy - more so than before, and the sun is trying to peek thru the dark clouds.

Anne, should be here soonish.
20/May/11 2:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Off to the post office to mail something to Mum and pick up Alie from school so she can get ready for her big gig tonight.. Supporting act at a real, pay to enter, night out!!
20/May/11 2:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All! I'm just popping in and it's going on midnight. Have been doing a lot of research. D and her family will be here for about a week this summer and the three little ones will need car seats. I've been researching brands, weight and height capacity, consumer reports and recalls, as well as prices new and on EBay. I also checked Craigslist, but found very few car seats there. (There's a neighborhood garage sale tomorrow and Saturday, and I'm hoping to have some luck.)

No time to read, so will have to start on page 83 tomorrow. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers for everyone! Good Night!
20/May/11 2:55 PM
   Lady Rolanda  From Chateau Perth
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Anne and I had a lovely time catching up. She has just left.
20/May/11 6:07 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Julie, be very careful about buying a used car seat. If a car seat has ever been involved in a car accident, it may not be good in a second accident. It could have stress points that will not hold together if involved a second time. There may not be any way to tell. You might be better off at a consignment shop.
20/May/11 8:43 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Rolanda, wasn't sure if you were complaining about the rain, or not. Glad you are getting it if needed that bad. We can use rain also. There is flooding in some states but my area can use the rain.
Mama, good to see you back on a regular basis.
Hello to everyone else. I don't seem to be able to remember most of what I have read.
20/May/11 8:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Don't know if I will be back tonight. I have school dinner party tonight. It is in the ballroom of a hotel on the beach. It was not cheap but supposedly you get most of your money back in the form of gifts and door prizes. I will let you know tomorrow.
20/May/11 8:47 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Back home from the High Country and the snow fields. Nice to be home. Have picked up Laura and will take her to netball in the morning. It is nice to be back home even though I know we have a couple of hard months ahead. Hugs to you all.
20/May/11 10:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs back at you June I hope you had a good time.

Rave reviews for Forever Archie tonight. Except from Alie who says she made mistakes in every solo... Others said things like they'd just been to folk festivals and they would have held their own against anyone there, better than some. Why didn't they have CDs to sell??

20/May/11 11:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, glad you are getting the rain, but more glad that the tornado missed you.

Tami, hope you get lots of prizes.

Mamacita, hope you get a good nights sleep followed by a wonderful day with Angelique.

MizT, wishing you a pain free day.

love and hugs to all of you
20/May/11 11:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, congrats to Alli and the band, I do hope she continues to be such a success. Such high praise for such a young lady, she is very talented.

Thank you Suzy for the pain free wish. Yesterday was much better, I slept a lot, did nothing, and it seemed to help, Unfortunately cannot continue the "do nothing", ffuts seems to wait for me.

Julie, good luck finding car seats, such an expense for only a week, but necessary. To bad there is no place to rent them for that long or borrow them from a family still growing.

Rolanda, glad your visit was a success and so very glad the tornado missed you. What damage to your neighborhood?? Tornadoes are not common in your area, right? I hope the rain filled the catchment areas.

JUNE, I know you are glad to be home. We will hold you in our hearts as you go through this difficult time. HUGE HUGS to you and to Sharron and Laura.

Tami, what a nice sounding inner party. What will you wear, is it fancy dress, or casual?

HI Mama, good to see you back and posting. We have missed you a LOT.

Heidi, glad you and Red Hawk had fun yesterday. Something I always wanted to do, learn to ride a horse, never did though.
21/May/11 1:24 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Morning, Friends! I have a few minutes so thought I'd try to see how much reading I could do.

Page 83 gave all of us a bit of an education about fertile bulls that became less fertile, cows that appeared pregnant, cows that are still pregnant, etc. Heidi, Buddy sounds like a one-of-a-kind horse, but seems like Red Hawk did well yesterday! I hope you get a good price for Yahtzee, though I'm sure you could get much more if he were fertile!

Haven't read any of page 84 today. I hope Gail, Broni and Tami are all feeling much better!

Thinking of June and Ken and hoping they have/had a safe trip home. Thinking of your friend, June!

Theresa, I hope all is well with your D and grandies!

MizT, your impatiens sound lovely.

Tami, I hope you had a good day at school! Also hoping today is going well! So glad it's Friday and you have the weekend to get caught up on rest and hopefully feeling better!
21/May/11 1:41 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Anyone shocked to see a morning post from me - we were up early to get out to the neighborhood garage sale. We bought one car seat and found another neighbor several streets away who may have a car seat for sale in a couple of months, which would be just about right for when our grandies are here.
21/May/11 1:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie.... good luck with the car seats. How did we ever grow up without spending our childhoods strapped into car seats? I think the laws have gone overboard. You can be too safe, and miss out on so much. The kids nowadays are so over protected that they're little marshmallows.
21/May/11 2:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I forgot to climb up on my soap box.
21/May/11 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have the 8 new lovebirds here. They're little cuties.
21/May/11 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now I need to clean out my truck to go to Churchill Downs tomorrow.
21/May/11 2:27 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all - just a quick pop in. D and her hubby are gone to a movie, I came to let their dog out and there was the notebook on the kitchen table just begging me to use it.

D is doing better all the time. She is up to walking 3 blocks with her cane, and now only has physio once a week. Her exercise routine has been increased.

SonIL is off work this week. I had planned to spend most of the week on the yard and flower beds, but it has rained all week. Best laid plans of mice and men ....

Have only read this page so far. I am sure I have missed a lot.

Julie, in our province we are not allowed to buy or sell used car seats. We can however buy used booster seats, which both of our grandies are using. I found a pair at the Salvation Army last year for our car, so now we don't have to borrow any when we take the girls out.

June - hugs, hugs, and more hugs. Hope Laura is okay.

I miss you guys, but I must pretend to get back to work.
21/May/11 2:44 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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BTW, D's computer is now fixed, and her hubby should be getting his back early next week. He had some sort of problem with the CD thingie. It was still under warranty so away it went. Just didn't realize it would take almost 2 weeks to get fixed.
21/May/11 2:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, so glad the day went well sorting out the cows, bulls, etc. By now, you may have your new lovebirds. Hope you have fun at Churchill Downs and your day of racing tomorrow! Good luck selling Yahtzee! I hope you have a great weekend!

Suzy, seems like Forever Archie are doing really well! Will go to their fb page later. Do we need to Like them in order to listen to their songs?

Rolanda, how fun that Anne from Albany could visit! I'm sure you both had a marvelous time! I'm so glad it was "merely" a mini-tornado, but brought some needed rain! Hopefully some of it was absorbed by the earth and not just run off.

Mamacita, you were up very late! I hope you rested well once in bed! I hope today's weather is better and you have a wonderful time with Angelique this weekend! It's so nice to see you here regularly!

MizT, you have also had a late night to end your nothing day! I hope you're right and you have now kicked the flare and can enjoy today and the weekend! Thinking positive thoughts for no pain all weekend!

Rolanda, I'm so glad the family gathering at the winery was enjoyable and you had the opportunity to catch up with your niece and her BF! Is it likely to be a long time before they return for a visit?

Suzy, I hope the errands went well! Will Alie have a chance to rest before the paid gig tonight? (At least, if the venue is being paid, I hope they plan on paying those who are playing and bringing in the customers!

Tami, thanks for the heads-up about car seats! We are only going to neighbors' homes and asking the important questions. I hope you have fun at the school dinner party! Hoping those door prizes & gifts are as promised and that many of them go home with you.

Welcome back, June! {{{{HUGS}}}} for you and all of your family! I hope you feel rejuvenated and fresh from your time away! Thinking especially of your friend! Enjoy every day and continue to make memories! Is Mary Poppins next week?

Suzy, great reviews for Forever Archie! I hope they continue to do well!

Have ffuts to do, as D and her BF will be here this weekend. See you later!
21/May/11 3:04 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Guess I had too many interruptions before posting.

Heidi, we already had an infant car seat (bought used) and a toddler seat (bought new) from their visit a few years ago. There are now 3 little ones, so not enough car seats. The youngest will be almost 1.5 years old when they come, so the infant seat is probably too small. The seat we bought is the same size/style as the larger one that was brand new a few years ago. We'll need to check with D on our next visit and get measurements of the three.

Heidi, congrats on your new lovebirds! Is that actually a picture of them? It's quite an assortment! I hope the truck cleaning goes well! Have fun at Churchill Downs tomorrow!

It's great to see you, Theresa! There was a reason the notebook was sitting on the table begging to be used! What wonderful news about your D! Wow, 3 blocks with a cane is a huge improvement - and down to once a week for physio! You must all be beside yourselves with joy at her improvement!

And now, I really must get to the ffuts and gninaelc!
21/May/11 3:14 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
June, glad you are home. Hugs to you all.
Mama, we have missed you here.
Zusy, great news about Ali, how is Dimitri going?
Yep, that is as much as I can remember.
Love and Hugs to you all.
21/May/11 8:43 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Julie, I hope you are able to find another low cost seat. Although the law about not buying used makes sense in some cases, in reality, how many of them would actually have been in accidents? Very few I would guess. I don't know if you have to like Forever Archie to hear their songs, but I do know it took me a while to find where they were!

Theresa, so glad you got to drop in! Hope the other computer is home soon so we can see more of you. Your daughter's progress after all this time is wonderful! It feels like it has been forever!

Dimitri is sitting on the window sill in front of me and 2 willy wagtails are just outside chirping at him to go away. It is stressing him out.. He does this thing where the whole lower half of his face shakes. At least he isn't on my keyboard kicking me off the internet! He's done that 3 times so far. Too quick for me...

Heidi, what bugs me is the cost of insurance to play sport. When kids play sport they can get hurt, so why do parents sue? Just crazy! Puts a lot of sports out of the price range of parents..

21/May/11 8:52 AM
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