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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh dear, Viv - sometimes passing on is a blessing. I hope your FIL doesn't have too long to wait. As with everyone else, and there are a lot on SA at the moment, you and yours will be in my thoughts. Quietly doing a sudoku is calming in a stressful situation. Give our regards to John when you see him next. We're still hoping to head down to Port soon but not sure when.
Beanie - best wishes to Lachie in his new job. The hours of a pastrycook are the worst. Colin's brother is one but gave it up many years ago because he ended up without a social life (and boy, do we miss the treats he used to bring home after his shifts!!)- I hope Lachie has better luck with his hours.
24/Apr/10 5:05 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh lookie there - I turned the page and had no idea we were there.
24/Apr/10 5:06 PM
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A second day of partying for my friends &0th. birthday. I have eaten too much and had 3 glasses of bubbly wine so do not expect much from me tonight (I seldom drink very much!)
Viv, thinking of you and hopefully we will have coffee together next Sunday morning.
24/Apr/10 7:18 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I remember the week we spent with my Dad (not Bill!) as his life was ending. He had emphysema, and his sleep was very fitful. We often crept in to check on him, sort of hoping he had passed. One time when I slipped into his room, he awoke with a start, as was usual due to lack of oxygen, and his only word was 'Bugger'. I knew what he meant, it meant he was ticked off that he had woken up at all and that this wasn't THE time. Then he realised I was there, so I went to him and said 'Yeah Dad, bugger!' I also told him that if it was too hard to stay, then he should go, we would be ok.
I left a couple of days later to come back home to my hubby and kids as I desperately needed to be with them. Dad passed away two days later, blessedly very peaceful in the end.
Viv, sending you as many hugs as I have to spare. Bless you for being there for your FIL. May his passing be peaceful too. ♥
24/Apr/10 8:00 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, this weekend for you sounds like our weekend last week. Man, if I never see another cake it will be too soon...till the next round of birthdays!
24/Apr/10 8:01 PM
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They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
24/Apr/10 8:39 PM
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Grrrrr Ebob is volunteering for St Johns at a service tomorrow morning, and has arranged for someone else to take her! As if I wouldn't want to go to the service!!
24/Apr/10 10:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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morning from the hunt and peck kid. able to go longer tween pills, 6 and 5 hours in betweeghtn, yeah Tricia!!!
24/Apr/10 10:45 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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25/Apr/10 12:11 AM
Small Town Canada
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Does anyone else have problems with their spouse mowing down flowers? My husband is cutting the grass for the first time and he mowed down one of my cedum plants. It was a plant that I had gotten from my mother before she moved into an apartment. That plant has been there for years now and it is part of a flower bed in front of a fence ... very visibly a flower bed. I just hadn't cleaned it out yet this spring. HELLO!!!!! Don't get me wrong, my hubby is a great guy, but he does something similar every year. This year I feel like digging that plant up and throwing it at him. Okay, rant over for now, but he's still in my bad books. I know Gail, it is what it is.
25/Apr/10 1:20 AM
Mamacita 2
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GOD.... In Your Infinite Mercy....Hear Our Prayer....For all who suffer, sorrow, fear and hunger....May they feel your ever-loving comfort and be sustained. May Your arms hold them close. And May peace replace fear of the unknown as the promise of Your death is placed before them ....Amen
25/Apr/10 2:00 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Lovely prayer Mama.It is great that you are back every now and then.
Theresa..I think it was last year that Greg mowed over a fig tree that was just getting a go on and I was very upset by it.I bought a new one and made sure I showed him where it was so that it wouldn't happen again.Yours probably had sentimental value though.What a shame.
25/Apr/10 3:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Perfect sentiment, Mamacita. You have such a way with words.
I've never had a problem with IH mowing down any of my plants that he shouldn't. In all the 30 years we've been married (sympathy needed here), he has never once mowed the lawn! Even when I've been laid up with a broken leg, he's refused to do it. He just lets the grass get waist deep.
25/Apr/10 4:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We're having a small thunderstorm
right now. Everyone is nervous, and Dennis is tranked as usual. So I get to stay inside for a while. I won't work outside with lightning present.
25/Apr/10 4:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Viv... I hope your FIL's suffering ends soon. You're a wonderful person for spending so much time with him now.
I'm a firm believer that if there's no hope of recovery, and no enjoyment of life left, euthanasia should be allowed to end suffering.
25/Apr/10 4:24 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hi Mamacita, I don't believe I've seen you here very often, but I do believe you might be on Facebook? Thank you for sharing your prayer and thoughts with us.
Heidi, I think the problem with euthanasia is it would be very hard to set a standard ... where do you draw the line? I agree with you, but I don't know if we'll get to see it in our lifetime.
25/Apr/10 4:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't think it would be very hard to draw the line. There should be 3 criteria. No hope of recovery from a terminal illness. No enjoyment of life/ too much pain to bear. And the patient in question should have to request an end to their suffering, with uninvolved witnesses. After that, there should be different standards for long-term coma patients. That's a lot harder, because they can't tell anyone that they are ready to go.
25/Apr/10 5:09 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Agreed Heidi, none of us would let an animal suffer...
Lovely, Mama ♥
Hi all, I am up at 5am and having a (strong) coffee. D#2 and her girlfriend are already awake and we will leave in about quarter of an hour to go to the local service. When I first went, you could probably have counted the people on your fingers and toes a couple of times, now you have to get there early to get a park. Sometimes I love people! At the moment it is not raining, and I hope it stays that way. I better go get my supply of tissues ready, I am such a sook!
25/Apr/10 5:17 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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BTW Theresa, I agree, it is what it is fits a lot of things...BUT NOT HUBBIES MOWING DOWN TREASURES!
25/Apr/10 5:18 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, hope your hubby learns a lesson. I don't have to worry about mine mowing them down, I kill them before he gets the chance to
I do not have a brown thumb.
Viv, I hope your FIL has a peaceful end. It is wonderful of you to be there with him.
Bean, glad to see you posting around here again. Hope you are doing better soon.
Theresa, yes Mamacita goes by her real name on FB. I am not going to tell. Can you guess from the way she writes. Mamacita has a definite flair with words.
25/Apr/10 6:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's still raining. We really needed every drop, too.
25/Apr/10 7:00 AM
Alabama, USA
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some really nasty, dangerous tornado weather west of us today, spent the day in DOME with hubby today. Bad weather did not get to us. thankfully,
nap time
love to all
25/Apr/10 8:44 AM
Small Town Canada
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Glad to hear you avoided the storm MizT. By the way, did they manage to get your rings off without cutting them?
25/Apr/10 10:51 AM
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Morning all!
There is something about the last post that always brings a tear to my eye... the service was packed this morning - not a dawn service, a later one. There were people of all ages there, from infants to the young at heart. Sigh.
A poem was read that was written by Banjo Patterson's nephew. Peter James Patterson served in the Korean war and wrote about his lost friends.
Sigh again.
25/Apr/10 10:54 AM
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Tricia, I'm glad the storm missed you. Why are you trying to space out your meds? Why not give it another couple of days?
Heidi, I'm glad someone got rain! Our promised rain seems to have passed right by.
I haven't had flowers mown over, but young trees have been more than once!
25/Apr/10 10:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... we got too much rain. The power has been out for the last 4 hours, so the sump pumps weren't working. The finished basement is flooded, as well as IH's office. Of course, he always piles his important papers on the floor, tho' he does have sufficient tables, shelves and file cases, and they're all trashed. I have told him REPEATEDLY not to put them on the floor, but he never listens.
25/Apr/10 12:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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And he's furious with me for letting him do all the clean-up.
25/Apr/10 12:34 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No Tami, not my hubby, he wouldn't dare! It was Theresa's.
25/Apr/10 12:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, rings came off without cutting them, but did leave finger very sore, bruised feeling.
Suzy, trying to space out pills cause they make me itch, at that doasage. they do not phone replacement narcotics , more on this when i can type, agggghhh,
bed time now see ya tomorrow.
25/Apr/10 1:20 PM
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That makes a lot of sense Tricia. You do a lot better than I would if I couldn't type and was affected by pain killers!
25/Apr/10 1:43 PM
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A photo was posted on fb which reminded me of an LA anecdote. I had been living there for about 18 months when I said to hubby, you know it's kind of sad to live in LA and never have seen the Hollywood sign. Living there himself he had never bothered to look for it, you know how it is, so we drove around for what seemed like hours to get a good view of it. That weekend it rained! LA had been in drought so the smog had been thick and the rain washed it all away. The very next time I drove to work I burst out laughing and couldn't wait to get into the office to call him - I had a perfect view of the Hollywood sign on the downhill run to the office!!! I had been driving that road for 17 months and never seen the sign because of the smog.
25/Apr/10 2:47 PM
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Heidi, sorry to hear about the flooding..
25/Apr/10 2:48 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hubby and I have just come in from a great day planting seeds in the vegie garden...onions (2 types), leeks, cabbage, spinach, caulis, broccoli, broad beans, snow and sugarsnap peas, plus garlic, thyme and nasturtiums for pest control. Fingers crossed!
Have just had an Anzac Bikkie on Anzac Day, thanks to Hannah.
25/Apr/10 5:58 PM
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Gail, good luck with your garden! I want some of your fresh garlic. The stuff that comes from China seems stale from the day you buy it!
I was going to make damper, but didn't do it. A challenge I'm not ready for - if I can't make damper it is proof that I can't cook anything!
25/Apr/10 7:59 PM
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Ebob had her first 'duty' with St Johns today. She 'tended' to 4 soldiers and an army guy. They apparently watched for swaying, once they started swaying side to side as well as front to back you approached them and took them aside. I thought that was a much better policy than waiting for them to face plant on the bitumen!
25/Apr/10 8:03 PM
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Okay, it tells me that people who aren't on facebook can see the photos through that link. Let me know if they're telling me the truth please!
25/Apr/10 8:04 PM
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And today's stupid people award goes to: =yes
25/Apr/10 8:22 PM
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Wow MizT, you understated the 'nasty' weather by a large bit! I've just read an Australian news article and am having trouble visualising a tornado 1km wide with winds of 240kph. No wonder Heidi got all of the rain too. I'm off to look for a US version of the story...
25/Apr/10 8:37 PM
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All alone. Hubby is at the airport waiting to get on a plane to Bangkok, then Vietnam and Singapore. He will be back Saturday morning and then we drive to Port Macquarie for a surprise party (about 400k I think)that evening.
Even though most of my family were in protected industries and did not go overseas I still find Anzac Day a very emotional day.
25/Apr/10 8:50 PM
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After all the spasmodic preparation I am off to my daughter's place tomorrow to finally paint the kitchen ceiling......I hope!
25/Apr/10 8:52 PM
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