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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - no, not when they've spent most of their lives on a farm - they don't realise the dangers of outer suburbia!
22/Apr/10 9:22 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I really love lasagna but it doesn't love me, think I am going to have repeat performances all through the night!
You are in my thoughts MizT
Night all xoxo
22/Apr/10 10:00 PM
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Mum lived on a farm for a year when I was about 2. Before that she lived in Sydney and had an almost encounter with the Kingsgrove slasher! What's her excuse???
22/Apr/10 10:02 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Who? My Mother-in-law? Mrs Invincible?
This is a woman who is on 24 hr oxygen, has had 5 heart attacks, a quintuple by-pass that didn't work, only has one kidney left which doesn't work well, very low lung capacity, diabetes, some thyroid problem, almost blind - and has been like this for years and years. Why would she worry about those low-lifes - she'd stand up to them!
Her motto? I will go when I'M ready!!!!
(Unfortunately, in recent months she has indicated to me that she is ready - I do worry about her because she is amazing!)
23/Apr/10 12:00 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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She won't go to the doctor because she feels she's (get this) 'not sick enough and wasting his valuable time'. He gave up and comes to her once a week!
23/Apr/10 12:02 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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She's got teams of doctors wanting to interview her for medical papers - they can't work out why she's still alive.
23/Apr/10 12:02 AM
Stevenage UK
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Stubbornness Cyn.
Sounds a bit like my grandmother. She was at deaths door a few times, causing her son (my uncle) and his wife to come back from foreign holidays, only to get better.
23/Apr/10 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think I would like Col's mother a lot. I like and respect people who are strong minded and stubbornly independent.
23/Apr/10 2:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT should be either in surgery right now, or in the recovery room.
MizT... I hope everything goes smoother than expected.
23/Apr/10 2:13 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there all.
My best wishes MizT that all goes well with your op,and recovery is quick.
The 4-5 pages of catching up was too much to absorb and I should have made notes before starting to post.
Great news that Broni has more work.Good onya Broni.
To everyone else,I hope you are fine.
Well, I am back from Rocky and don't feel confident about passing the exam.I was so nervous that my mind went blank then I started to shake.
Afterwards, I could remember.
We won't know the results until another week or so,but can re-sit at work in another month if need be. I HOPE NOT.
My little dog was so thrilled to see me home,I got a lovely welcome back.
23/Apr/10 3:19 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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How appropriate the gemini horoscope is for me today!!
23/Apr/10 3:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The baby Finch with the missing toes left the nest this morning. It's able to perch just fine! The one foot is normal, and there's just enough of the other foot so it can stand on it.
23/Apr/10 3:45 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Oh...thats lovely Heidi.I hope he lives a long happy life.
23/Apr/10 4:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT hasn't gotten home from the hospital yet. I'll keep checking.
23/Apr/10 6:04 AM
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Morning all!
Nola, thoughts and wishes that you made it through even with a brain fart! The good news is that you have done one now and the next one should be easier...
Heidi, great news about the finch. I have Alabama time up on another screen but think we'll be waiting for a while. Doctors are never on time!
Gail, I hope you got some sleep even with the lasagna performances during the night.
23/Apr/10 6:11 AM
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Cyn, your MIL sounds incredible! She'd probably love to have a go at those burglars! I think she'd win too if it was one on one. I think Mum is convinced that she will know when something is going to happen to her. She has dreams and feelings.
23/Apr/10 6:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This is the earliest time possible to expect her home. I actually hope they keep her there overnight to watch for side effects and complications of the anesthesia and meds. I expect Al to be with her at the hospital.
23/Apr/10 6:26 AM
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Heidi, I was thinking the same thing. With her reactions to medications it makes more sense to keep her in. From what she says though they haven't in the past.
23/Apr/10 6:32 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I also think it would be a good idea to keep her in hospital to watch for any side effects.She doen't have a good track record where drugs are concerned.
Hi Suzy...thanks so much for your encouragement.
23/Apr/10 6:53 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I will be back later.I am going to have a day doing whatever I feel like. As you can see,I'm not feeling sorry for myself. NOT MUCH.
23/Apr/10 6:56 AM
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Save the whales!
23/Apr/10 7:00 AM
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Nola, you deserve it, even if you are only letting yourself do it because you are worried about the exam I'm glad you're doing it.
23/Apr/10 7:03 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hi all. Nola, I've got my fingers crossed for you. I think you more than deserve a time of doing "whatever".
Good news about the baby finch, Heidi.
MizT has been on my mind a lot today. Hope everything goes smoothly and a quicker than expected recovery happens.
My nephew came for a visit and stayed about 3 hours; then I had to babysit for about the same time while my SIL went to the dentist. So as far as getting anything done today, it just didn't happen. My head is splitting ... the girls were just a ball of energy, squeals, screeches. I just took some Tylenol and hope it kicks in quickly. Time to fling food.
23/Apr/10 7:26 AM
Small Town Canada
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Only a high of 6C today and going down to -1 tonight. I want summer!!!!
23/Apr/10 7:31 AM
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We are expecting about 29*c here today. I am off to the city by train and a ferry trip down the Harbour to Watson's Bay for lunch with some friends. It should be a lovely day.
Nola, hope you did better than anticipated and that you do not have to sit again.
When I grew up on a farm we did not even have a lock for the fron door.
Waiting to hear news of MizT.
23/Apr/10 8:37 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Yes, waiting patiently for news of MizT.
Heidi, brill news on the finch. Thanks for the update.
Nola, everything's crossed, but like Suzy said, if you have to resit it'll be a breeze.
Slept well Suzy. Took my normal bedtime meds plus one of hubby's gastro tabs, did my book sudoku and went off to nod. Off for my morning walk...I hurt...that's good isn't it?!
23/Apr/10 8:41 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sounds lovely June, enjoy.
Hubby and I are planning to burn some piles, we'll see when I get back.
23/Apr/10 8:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Still no word. I hope this means that they're keeping her overnight.
23/Apr/10 9:01 AM
NW Brisbane
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Good morning everyone. I've been thinking of MizT and hoping all is going well.
My mother learnt to lock her security doors when her house was broken in to while she was on the phone. They entered through the bedroom window and stole her handbag. She now has bars on all her windows even though she hates them.
We will be off to the vet soon to leave the lorikeet we rescued this morning. I was talking to the dog when I saw the lorikeet walking across the grass on the other side of the fence. By the time I got downstairs it had climbed through the fence. Kevin grabbed a blanket to put it in and as he got near it the dog spotted it. He grabbed the dog to stop his getting a nip from it's beak. So I held the dog while he covered the bird in a blanket. We put the bird in a box but it's still complaining. We think it has a damaged wing.
Lots of things to do today including taking MIL shopping, so we can have tomorrow to do anything that WE want.
Enjoy your day all!
23/Apr/10 9:06 AM
NW Brisbane
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I should add - Kevin is on to HIS third load of washing. Sheets and towels from the visitors. Now you know why we've been married for 27 years! He's a keeper!
23/Apr/10 9:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, he IS a keeper, Vicki. I wish he could train IH, but that's hopeless.
23/Apr/10 9:22 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Ok Vicki, I will keep him
To those who don't read easy very often, please do today. A very dear friend of mine, Huahinian (Ian), has asked for our blessings for his wife who has cancer of the liver. I see many of you have added your prayers, but a few more can't hurt. I have seen the power of SA's healing vibes, please let us all join together and hope for the best for his wife.
23/Apr/10 9:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK.... I just spoke to Al. MizTricia is home and doing well. He said that they were able to fix everything that needed fixing. She has a couple of pins in, and the hand is splinted. In 7 to 10 days, they'll take the pins out then put a cast on for several weeks. He said that she handled the anesthesia well this time. The Doctor gave her some painkillers if she needs them. Right now she's sleeping.
23/Apr/10 10:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just got an e-mail from MizT. I'll let you all see it.
Hi All;
6pm, We just got in from the surgery and it went very well, according to the doctor.
She is in a little pain right now, but has some pain meds to help out.
She has a splint on the hand that will be removed in about ten days...along with a couple of pins that they put in to hold everything steady. They will put a cast on it then that will stay for about 6 weeks. After that, it will be physical therapy for awhile, then she will be good as new.
hi, forgive typos medicated here
woke up to the worst pain in my life, they never got it to go away, it is almost tolerable now. IV morphine and dilaudid did nothing, that is my "little oain" aaaaaaaaahg men, waiting for timr to take pills again,
the splint instead of cast is unexpected as are the pins.
AL is out back in =his office even though he was told he should stay with me
Heidi can you let others know?
more later
23/Apr/10 10:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Isn't it interesting how men understate the pain levels of women? Al says she's in a little pain. MizT says the worst pain of her life has let up and has now become tolerable.
23/Apr/10 10:45 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, thank you for posting. I was thinking of Miz Tricia and am glad to hear surgery went well. Men always underestimate what is going on. Had a laugh when you said you wished you could train IH. I don't think that could happen.
Gail, I will definitely keep Ian's wife in my prayers. I also believe in the power of the Sudoku family.
23/Apr/10 10:58 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for letting us know, Heidi.
Gail, I commented on Ian's page telling him he and his wife are in my thoughts. Thanks for telling us.
23/Apr/10 11:01 AM
Mamacita 2
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Well a very long, detailed post is lost because I forgot how things work here. I've been away far too long!
A quick summary follows: I was concerned about Miz T, and am glad to learn that she is out of surgery and a bit more about what was going on, thanks Heidi...Hands...hummmm...I'll say more about mine later, but I am undergoing testing to find out about what is going on with my hands'''' The next thing I posted was about some childhood experiences revolving around chickens...very vivid memories,not all of them pleasant. Lastly to tell CynB that her MIL is my hero...sorta reminds me of my mom... living life as best they can, their way! Looking at the dificulties as cards they were dealt ... then they played their hands until you die...complaining doesn't help or stop things so keep moving even if its at a snails pace...I like that lady's attitude! I want to be like that...but so far I need to helps!
Love and miss you folks...but you are often in my thoughts so never far away. Peace!
23/Apr/10 1:31 PM
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Afternoon all!
I hope Al is back inside with MizT by now and that the pain killers are working (men!!). Thank you for letting us know Heidi!
Vicki, Kevin is definitely a keeper! I don't know if hubby even knows how to work our machine!!
Mamacita, so glad to hear from you :)
I donated blood this morning and had a sleepy reaction to it and have just woken up. Off to easy (thanks for letting us know Gail) and then I'll try to get some ffuts done..
23/Apr/10 1:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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pain is more tolerable now thankfully. waiting kast 15 min for time to repeat them, hope jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
see you tomorrow,
23/Apr/10 2:22 PM
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