Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Details are not being released about the accident yesterday, but one of Ally's friends on facebook posted that she had seen the accident (hopefully after and not during) from the school bus window and had some info - head on collision with 2 fatalaties and a serious injury. One of my friends knew who had died and it was a 'young' person, so probably a P plater. So very very sad.
07/May/10 8:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have got to watch the numbers better! That's not a post I would choose to have at the top of the page!
07/May/10 8:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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SA Vibes are like love. The more you give, the more you have to give.
Viv, my deepest sympathy for you and your family. RIP Edgar.
Cyn, thoughts to your aunt also. All the good vibes will definitely help.
Heidi, glad that the swelling has gone down. Hope the pain is gone soon also.
Tricia, day by day the hand will be better and you will feel a lot better. Just think you will be back to lamron soon
Suzy, that can be scary not knowing who is in a car. Dylan's baseball coach had that happen this year. He was at practice when he got a call from a friend who had just seen an accident and it looked like his wife's car. It was her car but luckily she was OK. Had to have surgery but luckily it was nothing life-threatening.
07/May/10 9:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Only 23 more school days left until summer vacation.
07/May/10 9:09 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well, after a three and a half hour round trip, Bill has been delivered to the airport, and he has gone back home. It was lovely having him here with us.


Peter Rowsthorn (aka Brett Craig, Kim's hubby on Kath and Kim)!
07/May/10 1:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami!!!! GREAT NEWS!
07/May/10 1:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't get the tree planted. I went to take an hour's rest, and slept for 6 hours. Rounding up the herd exhausted me in my drugged out, debilitated state. I need to feed the dogs, then go to bed to get a full night's sleep for tomorrow.
07/May/10 1:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I do like Peter Rowsthorn !!
07/May/10 1:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, After Al had open heart surgery back in '02, they drained a liter of fluid twice, and this was as an outpatient. They did not seem overly concerned with that amount. Al did say that it hurt like heck when they drew off the fluid, so here is hoping doc continues to improve with no more fluid accumulation.

Good to see you Julie, and gee, missing 20 pages, I would just start from now. Heidi's face was from abscessed tooth, she is getting antibiotics now, and had a drain put in, fore dental surgery can be done later.

Suzy, thanks for the SA vibes, hand has been more ouchie today, perhaps I over did using it yesterday? I did a few things but watched a lot of TV movies too, with hand elevated and a warm ice sock on my fingers. No way I can get the incision warm, but getting fingers warm is a comfort.

bed time soon, need evening meds and a few pages in my book to get me ready for sleep. Hugs to all, with extras for those who need them.
07/May/10 1:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I figure when one sleeps that long at a nap (I did 4 hours one day this week) it was needed. I do hope you feel better and get the cows tended tomorrow.
07/May/10 1:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Viv, I am pleased the waiting for Edgar is over. I know how hard it has been for you. May he now rest in Peace. Our sympathy to you and your family.
CynB, loving vibes for your aunt Vi.
I agree that yesterday was a sad day. In the afternoon I went to my nephews MIL's funeral. I had only met her once(at the wedding) but it did make me feel sad, especially as she was younger than me and her own mother was at the funeral. (Breast Cancer)
I then came home and finally made a contact to find an old family friend had passed away about three weeks ago. I had been trying to contact her for about 6 weeks and as she had not family it as hard to get any information. When my Mum first brought me home from hospital this person was staying at our place (an ex guest house). She picked me up and carried me around every chance she got. She was there two weeks and when she went home I objected and screemed to be picked up. Mum put me in the pram and put the pram outside and let me screem. After that I believe I was a very well behaved baby!
07/May/10 1:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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A very hard day June

07/May/10 3:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What Gail said, June.
07/May/10 3:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've done my postponed chores (I'd forgotten to let the horses out of confinement, where they'd been put when I moved the cows through, into a fresh pasture, and shut the door to the bird barn to keep the newly hatched chicks warm.), fed the dogs, and taken my pills. Now I have to wait for the stragglers to finish eating, and I'm going to bed. Again. I'm reading the perfect book for my present physical and mental condition: Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. Hysterical stuff if you're almost hallucinating (read Easy for my visualization of Keith in hand knit cranberry colored satyr tights).
07/May/10 4:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all - doing a MizT and typing one handed. I cut myself washing a very sharp knife today - a knife I have washed 100 times before! Gail, I definitely came out of that bag of idiots!

June, a very bad day. Hugs! More hugs!

MizT, that was good news about the fluids, thank you for sharing that! I hope your hand feels better tomorrow after a day of rest.

Heidi, hope you feel better tomorrow too

Off to Pride rehearsal tonight.

07/May/10 6:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, MizT... THANK YOU for the fluid info. It relieved me, and when I told IH, he was a lot happier, too.

Off to work the cattle now. I had to eat something to take my pain meds.
07/May/10 11:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good morning from Illinois, USA!

Just picking up reading from where I left off yesterday, so still some 20 or so pages to read when I find time.

Hello to Heidi, Suzy, Tami, Gail, Rolanda, MizTricia, June, and all others I may have missed.

Heidi, I like the good deed Robert did for your neighbors! I wonder if any logging truck drivers will mindlessly cut the corner & hit the huge rock. Seems like that rock will send a message! The pink lady apple tree sounds like a great addition to your farm. I don't remember - do you have any other apple trees? Is this a replacement?

Suzy, no wonder you needed a big breakfast! Let me join you in sending out positive vibes to everyone!

Heidi, so sorry to hear about Doc's setback. Yes, a liter is a lot, but hopefully it won't be a continuing problem.

Tami, I must agree with the renewable aspect of SA good vibes! Woohoo for your 23 more school days! The end of the regular school year is in sight for you. Is there a break between the school year and camp?

Gail, I guess during the time I wasn't posting here you have had a visit from Bill. I'm so glad you were able to have the time together! Wishing him a safe trip home!

MizT, sorry to hear your hand has been sore. It will take time for the healing/rehabilitation process. (I know we tend to become impatient when it is ourselves healing!) Thanks for sharing the information about Al so we understand the lung-draining procedure. Perhaps the fluid accumulation is a reaction to being "man-handled" during the surgery?

June, so sorry to hear about the sadness and loss for you. Sending positive vibes and hugs to you and family!

Gotta run! Hope to be back later!
07/May/10 11:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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good morning sudoku friends. I realized something this morning, I wake with no pain in hand, so I am trying keeping arm in my sling, not using it, to see if this pain free will last into the morning. Now, I must admit, pain is not terrible on the pain scale, but it has been just so constant, unrelenting, while I am awake. If I can extend the benefits of not using it a couple hours into my morning, it would be wonderful. We will see how this goes.

June, hugs and thoughts to you, not an easy day for you, hope you wake to a better day.

Heidi, I 'see' you in the midst of your cattle today, hope the chore goes well. Are you on horseback to move the cattle about?

Suzy, hope your hand is getting better, Do you need to go for stitches? I know how one can handle the same sharp knife often but one moment of inattention and a cut. Hopes and wishes it gets better soonest.

June, your screaming baby story reminds me of the night I put my first to bed and let her cry herself to sleep! She had become a terror to get down for the night. Rock her to sleep with her bedtime feeding, and hope to get her to her crib without waking her, but most nights, it was back to the rocker two or more times every night. So I notified our neighbors (we lived in an apartment) and just put her to bed after her feeding. Took 3 nights, with the crying getting less each night, but by night 4, she just settled down and drifted right off to sleep. I fear if a parent did that today, child services would be called.

So far, my using the sling is working. Now to see how much I can do or not do with one hand in a sling. There is sine ffuts needs doing today.

Hugs to all and extras if you need them.
08/May/10 1:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Done..... sore..... achy..... nap now...... talk later.
08/May/10 4:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Thanks for the hugs. It is just that as each person who was part of my growing up 'departs' it makes me realise that I am becoming a 'senior'. I am the eldest on my side of the family!
I've done the puzzles, fed the cat, so back to bed!
08/May/10 5:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil just decided that I deserve to go out to supper tonight. NOW he's thinking on all cylinders.
08/May/10 6:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If y'all remember, we were waiting on 2 first-time heifers to calve, then calving season would be done. Since neither of them had shown any recent sign of being close, I had the Vet check them today. (In September, he had diagnosed both as 3 months pregnant) Today, they are both open. They must have reabsorbed their fetuses, or aborted them, during the second trimester. So calving has been done for a while.

FYI... to define "heifer" for you non-livestock people: A female bovine (cow) 2 years old or under, that has had not more than one calf. A baby one is a heifer calf.
08/May/10 6:19 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I hope your hand is doing better today! Wishing you quick healing.

MizT, so glad to hear that keeping the arm in a sling extends the pain-free or less-pain time for you.

Heidi, hurray for hubby for thinking you would benefit from dinner out. (If you take a nap, you may want to set an alarm.)
08/May/10 6:55 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Taking a few minutes to read. Now caught up to page 179 . . .

Heidi, Ten Lady Gouldian Finch hatchlings with 2 more nests to go (as of April 21). I haven't read about the last of them hatching yet, but the little guy with the deformed foot is out of the nest and standing OK.

Nola, I SO understand your reaction to the test! I once got physically ill and needed to vomit during a semester final test in college. I kept at it until I was sure it would take all of my energy to get to the washroom, then left. The professor reminded me I could not come back & finish. I indicated that I had no choice. Luckily, things went better than I thought at the time and my good scores until then kept me within the passing range. I hope your worries are for nothing!

So glad to see Mamacita posting here.

Has everyone heard all the news about the lack of privacy and difficulty "opting out" of applications with Facebook? I found some information (sent to family members on FB) in case anyone wants to see it.

On to page 180.
08/May/10 8:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
I hope today is a better day for everyone! My finger is a lot better since I remembered I'm allergic to bandaids. I win the idiot award for yesterday!!!
08/May/10 8:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I have made it to the end of page 181.

Gail, I hope all is going well for your sister Megan! Sending some positive thoughts, vibes, and prayers her way and yours!

It was nice to see some posts from Bean. Yes, I know you're on that other site, dear, but we like to see you here, as well! Hoping for increasing wellness, so sending positive thoughts and vibes!

Some of what I'm reading seems familiar - and I feel as if I have responded to it. Maybe I actually found a few minutes between playing with grandie's at daughter's house to read and post? I can't remember. (I also wasn't sleeping well, so that's my excuse.)
08/May/10 8:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, so glad your finger is better. If you're allergic to bandaids, what do you have it covered with?

That reminds me, MIL always reminded doctors/nurses/hospital personnel that she was allergic to latex. Any reaction happened before hubby was aware. One of the last times she was in the hospital, she was questioned as to her reaction. She couldn't remember what it was or when it happened. Oh, well, they still had to post the signs and keep latex away from her.
08/May/10 9:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Time to fling some food here, so back later, I hope.
08/May/10 9:02 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Just popping in for a minute - heading off to visit Mum and Dad ...
A lot of sad news here today - that reminds me, my daughter's boss, a woman in her 40s, died suddenly the other day, for no apparent reason. Laura and her workmates were flown up to Brisbane for the funeral - they were really upset, she was a great boss. :(
Have to go, Rob just came in to see what I'm doing!
Have a great day everyone! :)
08/May/10 9:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Way too young Judy ♥

Thanks for the reminder Julie, I had forgotten to give the latest news on Megan. I had a message from her yesterday, (her 'procedure' was in the morning, not exactly sure what it is, but she should now results within a week) saying that she was home, in no pain and high on meds...I had the same message from her last night! I sent back saying I want what she's having!
Her response, 'Groundhog Day'! Sounds like she's doing ok.
08/May/10 9:46 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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After our brunch yesterday, I rang Bill straight away and he had literally JUST walked in the door! His lady friend picked him up from the airport and supplied him with milk, bread and a zucchini slice. She sounds like a lovely, thoughtful woman, and I can't wait to meet her.
He said the flight was good, and he was happy to be home. It is always the best part of any vacation, I reckon!
08/May/10 9:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I had the most wonderful surprise on FB this morning. I have made contact with a woman who used to live in the same town as me back in South Australia. We had lost touch for many reasons, the most obvious being we left the state! Guess where she is living now...Cairo, Egypt! She says she has never felt happier or more at home. I wish her all the best. We happened to be on at the same time, so we chatted for ages, and it was just like stepping back into a previous conversation. Today is her birthday, so she called me the best present ever ♥
08/May/10 9:51 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, would love your info re privacy on fb.

And now, on that note, I must move my butt off this chair, and feed the sloshy thing. Things have been on hold while Bill was here, and those baskets are starting to look at me threateningly!

Catch you all later.
Have a great
08/May/10 9:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from supper, and full. It's nice not cooking.
08/May/10 10:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm getting SO excited! George and John start work on my new barn in 2 1/2 days. As soon as that's finished, they'll start on my sunroom. Can't wait.
08/May/10 11:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. I am tired and going to be early. I told my boys that I expect to celebrate mother's day for the weekend. I deserve more than just a day. I usually get away with it, we'll see.
Suzy, I am also allergic to bandaids. It is the adhesive that bothers me. I have found gauze and hypoallergenic tape work well.
Heidi, glad you enjoyed your dinner. I know you deserved it. Hope you will post a picture of your barn when it is done.
Sending positive vibes to all.
08/May/10 11:19 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - coming to you from my local McDonalds free WiFi - thanks (NOT) to Telstra disconnecting us from our previous internet provider without being reday to connect us to theirs! 'Possibly 4 - 16 days' - their words- not mine. Not happy, Jan. Haven't been able to read much and will try to get back tomorrow or Monday! I'll miss you all - I feel like my arm has been cut off.
08/May/10 11:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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No good news on the Aunty Vi front, either. They were unable to remove the tumour as it had attached itself to other organs, including the pancreas. They did a by-pass - of the bowel, I assume. Still waiting for more info from my cousin but I guess it's just a sad waiting game now. Vi is a positive, realistic and strong person - I won't be seeing her until tomorrow or Monday, but I think she will take this in her stride and make the most of what time she has left. She is no quitter. Please keep sending her SA vibes. It will be difficult times ahead.
08/May/10 11:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, no, CynB. Such sad news about Auntie Vi. I wish her, and the whole family, strength in the days to come. I just hope she can be kept comfortable for a good quality of life.
08/May/10 11:50 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Consider them sent Cyn ♥
08/May/10 12:12 PM
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