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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Had a chat with Brenda again and then with Hubby in Singapore. So glad he did not have to go to Bangkok this time!
Did not do any painting but did get most of the preparation done so that I might get some done tomorrow before Laura turns up in the afternoon.
16/May/10 9:06 PM
Perth W Aust
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Hi, thanks for the Birthday Wishes.
Had a nice day today. Hubby and I went out to a local Restaurant for Lunch, vewy noice it was too!!
16/May/10 9:17 PM
Perth W Aust
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At the moment keeping an eye on the departing flight details leaving from Glasgow Airport.
MIL is due to fly out in 2 hours.
Some airports in the UK have been closed today because of the Volcano Ash.
I have my researchers (Thanks Brenda and Richard) keeping me up to date!!!
16/May/10 9:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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So much for having had a great day yesterday.
I should have known that I'd be paying for that. One of my older dogs, born here 11 years ago, passed away in his sleep last night. In the kitchen. Totally unexpected. JoJo had never been sick a day in his life, and had eagerly eaten his supper last night. All signs look like heart failure.
16/May/10 9:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Among the pictures on my page is a photo of a group of collies lounging in the garage. All but one in the picture are/were rescues. The only one in the picture who was not is JoJo (also called Joey).
He was Dennis's brother.
16/May/10 9:52 PM
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Sorry about JoJo Heidi, but what a nice peaceful way to go.
Things do not look the best for your MIL's flight Rolanda. Ken is also watching the flight situation as his flight from Singapore starts in Franfurt on Tuesday.
16/May/10 9:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Heide, I hope he didn't suffer long. No pain now, and a great life to the end.
16/May/10 9:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sorry, Heidi, typing left-handed again, Nibbles is asleep on my mouse arm!
16/May/10 9:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't think he suffered at all. It looks like his heart just slowly quit. Quite peaceful an end. I'm just going to miss him. He was a lover.
16/May/10 10:00 PM
Qld, Australia
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Not a fighter eh?
16/May/10 11:37 PM
Perth W Aust
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MIL's plane has taken off from Glasgow Airport.
Goodnight everyone..
17/May/10 12:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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JoJo would come up to people, wrap his foreleg around theirs, and give them a big hug, while gazing up adoringly. And he loved everyone. Unlike his brother Dennis who is my protector. It's strange having the big marshmallow gone.
17/May/10 2:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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GREAT NEWS, Rolanda.
Sleep well.
17/May/10 2:28 AM
Small Town Canada
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17/May/10 2:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have to leave for a District Lion's Club board meeting in an hour.
I'll bury the old gentleman when I get back. That'll give me time to think of a good spot that he'd like.
17/May/10 3:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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(The reason for this avatar.... this way everybody can be "Lookin At Lucky".
17/May/10 3:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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(The reason for this avatar.... this way everybody can be "Lookin At Lucky".)
.......Fixed it.....
17/May/10 3:10 AM
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Morning all!
RIP JoJo. I'm glad he went peacefully.
Rolanda, great news that the plane took off.
17/May/10 5:21 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. I read earlier but lost my post and don't have the energy to reread.
Heidi, sorry to hear about Jojo. He crossed the rainbow bridge to be with Lucky.
Had a lot of fun last night but came home late and had to get up early. I am tired and will probably go to bed early. Dylan came over last night to borrow my camera. He wanted to take a picture of Mitchell slow dancing with a girl. I am proud of my son for having the guts to ask a girl to dance and as much as I wanted to see it, I stayed away not to embarrass him. He did ask me for the mother/son dance.
17/May/10 7:16 AM
Small Town Canada
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Beautiful day here ... gotta love the sun.
Got a lot of ffuts done this weekend so far. Hubby took me for an ice cream cone last night and then we went for a bit of a drive. Nice and relaxing. Today he is helping his parents out as usual on a Sunday.
On Tuesday I am spending the day with my two sisters. My sister from near Toronto comes down for a week every spring and spends it with my sister in Ottawa. They are both retired. We have a day out at a small town not too far from me that was voted one of the best small towns in Canada a few years ago. It has lots of nice restaurants, a park near the water and locks, and lots of artsie type stores. Should be fun.
Have read and thought of everyone. Hope everyone has a great week!
17/May/10 8:05 AM
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Tami that is absolutely gorgeous! At least you will get to see the pictures.
17/May/10 8:32 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sounds idyllic Theresa...take me?
17/May/10 8:34 AM
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Theresa, your post wasn't there when I posted to Tami, haven't refreshed in too long! Your upcoming day out sounds like it will be a lot of fun!!
17/May/10 8:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, remember that a 9 year old took the picture. I haven't checked yet but the odds are against them coming out good. :)
17/May/10 9:17 AM
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Tami, Laura 'borrows' my camera and gets some quite good photos. The digital cameras make it so much easier!
Theresa, enjoy your day with your sisters.
17/May/10 9:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... any pictures that Dylan takes have to be better than any IH takes. IH always has his fat finger partially across the camera lens. Every photo he takes is ruined. Yet, he never learns.
17/May/10 10:44 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone
MizT : Loved your summerising yesterday, on the Good Morning of Saturday. ♥
17/May/10 11:05 AM
Perth W Aust
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Have a million things to do today.. Before heading to the airport in about 8 hours to pick up MIL.
17/May/10 11:06 AM
Perth W Aust
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busy busy busy
Later Aligaters
17/May/10 11:07 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon lovely people!
RIP JoJo - I'm upset for you Heidi because this must be the 4th dog you've lost this year - at least it was peaceful.
Theresa - what a lovely day planned with your sisters - enjoy!
Wow - Lizzie was here!! Wish she;d come back more often!
Heidi - every time you tell us something IH has done, it reminds me of a former boss I had. He was a scientist and should never have been put in the position of being in charge, albeit only temporarily. He had incredibly poor people skills and despite being a leader in his scientific field in Australia and beyond, he was hopeless at anything else. It was a relief when he was replaced.
17/May/10 12:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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It's cool up here again today - Broni was right about yesterday - the kind of day to just rug up with a good book or catch up on a movie or TV. It's unusual winter weather for us. We usually have those cool crisp clear winter days but now we've got overcast skies which are depressing.
Since it got cooler, I've managed to develop a not-so-nice head cold and am hoping it doesn't develop into anything else.
17/May/10 12:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I wish someone would replace IH.
Yes, JoJo is the 4th dog I've lost in the last 5 1/2 months. I'm feeling shell shocked. The hardest one was Lucky, because he was so young, and his passing was so horrific. JoJo went so peacefully at least.
17/May/10 12:41 PM
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Good Evening
to Everyone!
Hello, June, MizTricia, Heidi, Suzy, Broni, Gail, "Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy," Rolanda, Theresa, Tami the T, CynB and anyone I may have missed!
Just to be different today, I'll start with news from here. We went to several nurseries/plant stores today looking for some replacement items for things not growing well (or already dead) and to fill in some empty spaces. We looked at some butterfly bushes, various coral bells, some ornamental grasses, some barberries, a burning bush, a couple of weigela and assorted others. We also like forsythia and Russian sage. We didn't buy anything. We're trying to get a variety of color in foliage and bloom. We don't want to get just one of each thing we like, as it will look like a mish-mosh. We need about 5 or 6 items for the front of the house and about the same number for the back. We're also thinking of moving some things that aren't doing well, particularly in the front of the house. We took a lot of pictures and I have been working on a list. We need to get going on this before what we want is sold out.
June, I'm glad your eye is feeling much better, even though it's still red! I am so impressed at the many sboj around the house that you undertake. I'm so sorry the glass panel cracked, but, as you said, it's been waiting for quite a while to be done. Hopefully the screw can be easily screwed in without further damage. BTW, I have recently learned that cats can live into their 20's. (Ours are almost 15 and almost 13 and are totally indoor cats, so I guess we'll have a long wait.)
Heidi, you did very well with your bets at the races. It was great you could help the member who didn't know how and get her some winnings, as well! (Having never been to the races, even though we once lived about one-half mile from a track, I would be clueless.)
Suzy, you have had some good posts in spite of a bad connection!
Broni, there are days like that when you just want to snuggle into a warm blanket and sleep the afternoon away!
Gail, is there any chance we could convince you and your hubby to drop by for a gardening consult? Sounds like you got a LOT accomplished!
Hurray! Liz dropped by today! We have missed you! Take care of yourself, dear, and pop in more often, if you can!
Rolanda, I hope your MIL's flight goes well and she has a safe trip home!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about JoJo! Thankfully he went peacefully at the end of a very good and healthy life!
Tami, was last night at the party the first time that Mitchell asked a girl to dance with him? Your young man is growing up!
Theresa, have fun with your sisters on Tuesday! It sounds like a perfect "girls day out."
17/May/10 1:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What color scheme are you looking for in the plants in your landscaping? I have a weakness for blues, purples and lavenders. I like Lilacs for larger plants, as well as purple smoke trees. I do find that barberries are easily killed (by me).
17/May/10 1:20 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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We did some more today, Julie. It was a big bed that needed cleaning out of weeds etc (is that a rude word in rtelation to gardening?), but we only managed to plant three fuschias today. We have about another dozen to plant, and now all the cuttings I took need to be potted...then we will have dozens more!
With our beds, we tend to eventually come up with a planting theme, but our method is very hit and miss.
Because our 'soil' is clay, we had very little success in the early days, and we are taking out as many things as we are planting at the moment. Anything that looks like it may still have some life in it is being repotted and going into the rejuvenation area! I think I previously mentioned we now dig a larger hole and fill with a 50/50 mix of potting soil and manure.
17/May/10 2:12 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone.
Great news for Suzy and Brenda's daughters. Congratulations and well done ladies!
Heidi I'm sorry to hear about JoJo. 4 dogs is a lot to lose in such a short time.
Wow, you gardeners are all very busy. I hosed the pot plants that sit on a small retaining wall because I had the hose out to get rid of the bird poo on my car. Our front garden has gone to rack and ruin since Kevin had his shoulder op. It's full of weeds - mostly caused by those bl00dy bush turkeys scratching through it.
I've just heard from my boss. He's not coming back today as our computer guy is going to take over the server this afternoon about 3pm. Thanks for the notice boss! Grrrr!!!
We had a quiet weekend (no mothers) and enjoyed spending time together - so peaceful. I was supposed to go to a party on Saturday night but cried off as I just didn't really want to go out. My eye is playing up. I'm fighting off an ulcer in it but it's a bit watery, red and my cheekbone is sore and puffy. I know I should be using my antibiotic drops but it isn't bad enought to warrant it yet. If I keep my eye moist it will recover (all the problems are caused by dry eyes and winter makes them much worse).
17/May/10 2:41 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I was down stairs last night using the computer and getting frustrated as every time I changed a page I kept having to log back in. It's bad enough having to do that at anytime but nearly impossible sitting in the half dark with the only light coming from a lamp on the other side of the room.
The dog took himself off to his couch and then started to snuffle around lifting up the fur blanket on his bed. I pulled it away thinking he didn't want to lie on it but I very quickly got the hint that he wanted it to cover him. I put it over him leaving his head out and he fell asleep straight away. Poor baby must have been cold!
That dog of mine is so spoilt! He makes me laugh though.
17/May/10 2:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Wouldn't you be spoiled if you had the chance, Vicki? I think I'd like your dog.
17/May/10 3:00 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Heidi, he is Mr personality plus! Yes, I'd love to have someone put blankets on me at night. Come to think of it, I fell asleep on the couch on Thursday and woke up after midnight with a blanket on me. The boys gave up trying to wake me up and just covered me up. They got in early on Saturday night and as I started to doze off I got woken up and sent to bed.
17/May/10 3:09 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I've just heard that the computer guy isn't coming until 4pm. I hope he's quick because I don't want to hang around. I've got to go out tonight. Bl00dy unreliable men!
17/May/10 3:11 PM
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