Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Enjoy your outing to Churchill Downs Heidi.
Also Bean have fun at the wedding.
Tami, I do not think many men make good patients.
Congratulations on your Diploma Suzy and hope your face is not hurting too much.
Nothing exciting happening here.

15/May/10 8:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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How did it all go on Tuesday, Viv?
15/May/10 9:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off, soon. I'll let you know if "Lookin At Lucky" wins the Preakness Stakes.
15/May/10 11:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope you have a great day at Churchill Downs. for some reason, I had been confused and thought you were going to thr Kentucky Derby, but you did not mention it after that race. Good to know your dentist said you could remove your sutures, and glad the forecast swelling did not occur. Hope the queasy is better today.

Bean, thanks for the link, lovely setting. Hope you have time and energy to visit the gardens there, I know how you enjoy that. wrong way words or not, I understood what you meant.

Julie, how wonderful you found a sale on tickets to visit your daughter. Best reason I know to be late arriving here. Do you save your posts to clipboard? I have started doing that fore every long is sent, then immediately check that entire post went through.

Tami, hope it was a fun thing that required a skirt today. ya know, I do not own a skirt, and only one dress that may be too big now!

Rolanda, mighty short post from you, but it does tell us a lot! You have electricity, so your bills must be paid. You are up and out of bed, and motivating around, so you woke that morning. You put in flowers and smiles, so we can assume you are in good spirits. your short post speaks volumes hehehe.

Time to make coffee, my one cup this morning was not enough. Later friends. Hugs with extras, take all you need.

16/May/10 12:57 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, hope you have a great day.
16/May/10 2:40 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Rolanda!! Have a wongerful day!! Good Maen everyone else, just popping in for a second. Missed 8 pages (AGAIN!!!)
By the way, I found TIM TAMS (at Wal-Mart) by Pepperidge Farms. They say on the pacakage that they are originally from Austrailia. They are YUMMY!!!! Although anything that is chocolate is a hit in my book!!
Hope everyone is well, gnikrow around the house today. Waiting for our new dining room table to be delivered this afternoon. Will take photos.
Take care all,
16/May/10 2:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in - and look whose special day it is!

Which is more important - early to everyone or to the birthday girl?

to you!
to you!
dear Rolanda!
to you!
Hope you get to share a yummy and get lots of flowers from the men in your life! Time to celebrate the start of a !

Hello, Sudoku Friends! Hope you're all having a "mahvelous" day!

Hi to those who have posted so far on this page: Vivacious Viv, Gail, Heidi, MizTricia, Brenda and Suzanne!

We're so glad to see you here V Viv! Hopefully, life is getting back to whatever "normal" is.

Heidi, have fun at Churchill Downs watching the Preakness!

MizT, I love your assessment of Rolanda's post. You really "read between the lines" there and grabbed every bit of information.

Brenda and Suzanne, thanks for alerting us to the specialness of this day!

Suzanne, we're glad to see your post, even if you're going to spend the day gnikrow around the house and doing ffuts! You mentioned a new dining room table - are you also getting chairs?

I think I'm sort-of caught up now. Hope to be back later!
16/May/10 3:22 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone. Just calling in for a quick visit.
I haven't read the last 2-3 pages yet.

Have a fantastic day.

16/May/10 3:26 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, Julie did such a jam up job of sending Rolanda birthday wishes should I just say " what Julie said" hehehe


16/May/10 4:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a few minutes in between using the hot slidy thing. One shirt, play time, next shirt, etc.
I still own a lot of skirts from my years working in retail, I just choose not to wear them too often. Went to temple this morning for the Bar Mitzvah of a friend's son. Must wear skirt/dress to temple. We have the party tonight. I have just attempted to straighten my hair, we will see if it lasts. Dylan has a baseball game at 4:00. Mitchell and I are going to leave early to get ready for the party at 7:00. Game should end around leaving hubby and Dylan just enough time to shower. I hope my hair will survive being outside with only a minor touch up.
16/May/10 4:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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to you
to you
Dearest Rolanda
to you

Hope you have a wonderful day with and lots of presents.
16/May/10 4:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Stopped back in for a minute and nobody has been here. Hair is actually staying straight. Dylan's game was canceled. Other team did not have enough players. Not sure if it will be rescheduled or a forfeit.
16/May/10 7:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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well well, sure hope Heidi had a few dollars on Looking At Lucky, the horse she mentioned before. He just came in first place at the Preakness. How about that??

Was looking for the 5 pm news and found the race instead.
16/May/10 8:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely people.
to Rolanda. Hope you have a wonderful day!
16/May/10 8:59 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Didn't get to visit here yesterday - spent most of the day watching and waiting for Jessica Watson to sail into Sydney Harbour to complete her voyage. She was due in at 11am but it was nearly 2 when she crossed the finish line and even later by the time she came ashore. Great effort for a 16yo.
Then we went to Hayley's 10th birthday party - she's not actually 10 until the 21st but Andrew had to have the party on the weekend he has access to her. He is hoping to see her on her actual birthday. It was a nice happy friendly party!
16/May/10 9:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I won some money on Lookin At Lucky. So did Gil. He was thrilled because it was the only win he had all day. I, on the other hand, had a couple of other winners, including the longest shot of the day. I didn't bet more than $2 on a race, and I came out $76 ahead, after subtracting my bets.
16/May/10 10:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I really enjoy going to Churchill Downs. I need to do it more often, but only on Millionaire's row. The view of the track is unobstructed, and the buffet is outstanding. Today, the desert table was mind numbing. There were so many delights that even if you ate only deserts, you couldn't sample even half of them. Then the luncheon buffet was massive, and out of this world. Outstanding roast beef, roast pork and roast turkey, as well as about 20 other dishes that I can't begin to describe. I am FULL!
16/May/10 10:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By the way, MizT.... wasn't that an exciting race? The final stretch run with 4 horses nearly side by side, all fighting for the lead made for a great race.
16/May/10 11:56 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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It was a fantastic finish...I was sorry to see that the streak of not having a horse really capable of winning all three big races seemed to continue...Super Saver wasn't up to it this year either. I also liked Lucky and First Dude so I might have won some money if I'd been there...but then again, as my Mom use to say, You can't lose when you don't gamble your money... she had a point! Glad you won Heidi..Gil too....That's always fun!
Hi and by to all...going to bed early if I can get there, I'm always sleepy now...can't win...Have a great day/night where ever you are..Peace.
16/May/10 12:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now HERE is a shocker! IH is finally removing the carpet and padding downstairs! And much to his surprise, he's discovered that the padding underneath is very wet. Who'd a thunk it?
16/May/10 1:04 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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WOW, HEIDI, we best circle today's date on the calendar, it is a red letter day! nope not cause of your winnings, but because Gil is taking action in his office. Hope he gets it all cleaned now he has started.

yes, race was exciting, it was so close so long there at the last, TV could not have the names of the first 3 onscreen. I was glued to my seat.

BTW, congrats on your winnings. and on picking more winners than Gil did, too.

In honor of the race today, Al and I watched a fun little movie called RACING STRIPES. Al thought it was an animated movie till it got started. Not exactly animated, but where live, trained animals are given human voices. It was about an orphaned zebra who thought he was a race horse. cute movie, I enjoyed it, one children could enjoy, too. Jeff Foxworthy was one of the voices.
16/May/10 1:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, I am not a gambler either, thinking just like your Mom. Can't loose if you do not bet. Hubby and I did bet on horses the only race we ever saw, many years ago when they had races at Birmingham. But like Heidi, only $2a race, considered it entertainment we were paying for. Actually won just enough to pay for our day, parking, program, racing edition newspaper, eats, beer and hot coffee, it was a COLD, windy spring day/
16/May/10 1:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Congratulations on the win on at the races Heidi. It is still going to take Gil some time to get the basement dry and also get rid of the musty smell!
MizT I think that movie was made for the younger audience, but still enjoyable for all.
Mamacita, I am like you. I will never have any big wins as I seldom invest the money in lotteries etc in the first place.
16/May/10 1:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Hi, Nola, MizTricia, Tami, CynB, Heidi and Mamacita!

Ooh, Tami, you're using the hot slidy thing! Be brave; be very brave! I'm sorry Dylan's game was canceled. I would think rescheduling could get difficult. Hope you have had fun at the Bar Mitzvah party and that your straightened hair stayed that way!

CynB, I hope Hayley enjoyed her early birthday party! (I had heard on our news or possibly read on msn that Jessica Watson sailed into Sydney Harbor several hours later than anticipated. What an accomplishment!

Heidi, congratulations on picking more winners than IH - and CONGRATULATIONS on getting him to finally take some action in his basement office! However did you accomplish that? Guess it doesn't really matter, as long as the work is being done!

Mamacita, I hope you sleep well tonight!

MizT, the movie sounds like a fun one - perhaps one for us to check out here!

It has been a long day, so time to hit the hay here soon! Good afternoon, good evening, and good night to everyone! See you on the flip side!
16/May/10 1:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A late answer to an earlier question from MizT, I think. Yes!
16/May/10 1:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OK, that was silly. Yes, when I have a long post, I usually copy it before posting. Unfortunately, I don't always remember to check that it all fit, though occasionally I remember.

Good Night, Everyone!
16/May/10 1:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I think I might be in the gun when Hubby comes home!
I thought I might paint the woodwork around the front entrance. It has been waiting about 4 years to be done. We have an opaque glass panel beside the front door and the frame between that and the door has been very loose for a long time. I told Hubby that it needed the one nail holding it in place removed and replaced with a long screw. However when removing the nail I cracked the bottom corner of the glass! I have put super glue over the cracks to prevent glass splinters and when I have painted and put the curtain back up it will not be very noticeable.
However I could not get the screw to go in properly and when I got out the drill I was frightened I would brake the drill bit in the hole and then I would have a real problem.
Looks like I have to Fess up and get Hubby to get the screw in a bit further when he comes home.
16/May/10 1:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I would like a whole new door and side panel but as the cat scratches the woodwork around the door and the wire in the screen door that will have to wait until we no longer have our 14 1/2 year old cat.
If Hubby complains about the broken glass, he could have fixed it himself ages ago ( I am not worried as he might grumble but that is about it!)
16/May/10 1:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good night Julie.
Oh and although the eye is still quite red it is otherwise OK.
16/May/10 1:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, think you are right about movie, but about my attention span at the moment.

you are right, if hubby had repaired that problem already, you would not have cracked the glass. shall we, your cyber friends come tell him for you?

16/May/10 2:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, so glad you added the post reminding me what I had asked. I was wondering and thinking of scrolling back to see hehe. Gee, you knew just what you meant didn't you??
16/May/10 2:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I actually picked more winners than anyone else in the club. Easily. One of the other members had never bet on races before, so I helped her. I asked her if she wanted to try for one or two big wins, or if she wanted to win something modest each race. She chose the second option. So I told her who I felt had the best chance of winning or reliably being in the money, and told her to bet it to show. She won money in every single race that she followed my advice. I didn't usually bet on the same horse. I was trying to get a long shot instead, so I'd study the horses with the longest odds, and pick the one I thought was the most underrated. Once I won with a major long shot, I then switched to trying to bet on the winner, no matter the odds.
16/May/10 2:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all! My connection is VERY bad today so I'm going to try to get everything I want to say into one post as I may not get a second chance...

Happy Birthday Rolanda!!!! Big birthday hugs from me.

Heidi, congrats on picking the horses. I have been to the races less than a half a dozen times and pick my horses based on their names! hehe I don't consider it losing money as I bet only about $2 and think of it as entertainment. Just reread and saw MizT's comment about betting - snap! lol

Tami, comiserations on having to use the hot slidy thing, but I'm glad you fitted SA in there somewhere.

June, I'm sorry about your door. I think most of us know exactly what you were thinking when you decided to fix it yourself - been there done that!

MizT, I think we own that movie but I have never watched it. I might give it a shot the next time I have to use the hot slidy thing.

Cyn, what a great idea to have the birthday party early - much better than late. I hope Hayley had a wonderful time!

Well this is getting very long so I'm going to have to gamble on it going through. If I don't make it back, I thought of everyone I haven't said hi to!!!
16/May/10 4:29 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon my friends.
It is one of those cold snuggly stay indoors days today. Everyone in this household is either asleep or sleepy.
16/May/10 4:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Still here.. holding my breath..

June, I'm glad your eye is feeling better. I hope the redness goes too soon.

Julie, I was surprised that you heard about Jessica Watson so far away, but when I thought about it, that makes sense. Even our Prime Minister greeted her! I loved her comments!! To paraphrase: I have to disagree with our Prime Minister. You don't have to be anyone special to achieve something big. You just have to want it, have a great team behind you, and put a lot of effort in.

Speaking of lotteries - I am actually in a few this week. A good friend of mine surprised me with a $10 gift pack to congratulate me on my results. She is always thoughtful like that.

I would have bet on Looking at Lucky because of Heidi's dog Lucky! I would have won! lol

Tami, Ebob got a new hair straightener for her birthday and one of the things she said was that her hair is staying straighter for longer. It was much faster too - down from 40 minutes to less than 10. We got her one of the more expensive of the cheaper ones (if you know what I mean, they seem to go as high as you want to pay here).
16/May/10 4:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Woo hoo! Going to be brave and try to go back a page.

Hi Broni! I love those kinds of days every now and then.

Tami, when Ebob was playing in Juniors there were days where players from the other team would play for each other so there were enough players for a game. I can't remember whether the final score counted, but the kids got to play. I also wonder if the skirt rule applies here. I went to synagogue once over 20 years ago and I doubt I would have had a skirt with me to wear...

HI BOBBI! So good to see you here. I think we need to get a message to your hubby that he needs to be more cooperative so that we get to see more of you...

16/May/10 5:02 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Zusy, your internet connection still seems to be holding (shhhhh touch wood)
16/May/10 5:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Howdy everyone.

Well done Heidi, on both counts!

Hubby and I have had a very productive day today. We are planting out one of the beds with callistemons (bottle brushes) and finished getting them in, 8 today, 15 in total. Usually we do a few and call it a day, so today was extraordinary! Our ground is solid yellow clay, so we have to dig a large hole and backfill the new plant with a potting soil/cow manure mix. This is a new combination for us, so fingers crossed.
16/May/10 6:03 PM
   Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hi everyone, just a drop by to say hello, hope everyone is well, Happy birthday to Rolanda,
sounds like blisters for the hands Gail, with all that digging, wow if they all take off the bird life will be amazing, but probably already is.........

16/May/10 8:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Liz, have not seen you about for ages. How are things going with you?
16/May/10 9:03 PM
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