Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Has anyone heard from Becky at all?
I also often think of Cyndi and Jenni...
And of course Lynda and Ruby ♥
14/May/10 7:39 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry...maudlin post for TOPP!
14/May/10 7:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wish I had spell check in here - suspicions, suspiscious, hmmmmm

Heidi, I just noticed your post about Robert and his daughter. Hearing things like that make me realise how very very lucky I am. Even with teenagers!

Advice from a man who used to design dishwashers - don't waste time with the 50C cycle the energy difference is minimal (I nearly jumped in with 'that's what Cyn said' there); don't buy the balls use the powder - gimmick and waste of money; cool down cycle doesn't work, just open the door and wave all the steam out with a tea towel, close it again and let the heat do it's work.
14/May/10 8:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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14/May/10 8:16 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Good morning all!
I have the day off so I'm sitting here in my nightie drinking a cup of tea (my second for the morning)and I've done today's puzzles. Aah, life's tough!
Kevin went back to bed this morning after complaining about the workmen out the back and then telling me how lovely the prawns were that we had for dinner.
I have an appointment at the dentist this morning for a check up and that's all for today.
Enjoy your day everyone!
14/May/10 8:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Look at this 8.30 in the morning and I can sit in my home and talk to you - Oh it's great to have an internet connection. Good morning lovely SA people.
I have a busy day today. It's mother/daughter daywith Karin, I need to get to see my Mum (maybe we'll go together), then I need to see Vi - so don't be surprised if I don't get back until this evening.
14/May/10 8:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Popping in again before flinging food.

Hi to the following people on page 206: CynB, Suzy, Gail, Rolanda, Brenda, June, Heidi, Stella, MizTricia, and Nola.

Congrats on the TOPP, CynB! Sorry you had to tell your sister the news over the phone. Luckily, the news is better than it originally might have been. I'm glad she'll finish her trip, hopefully without too many worries!

Gail, I agree about CynB's Auntie Vi!

Hopefully Cyn's sister and Rolanda's MIL are staying warm while in Scotland!

Brenda, has this spring been cooler than normal for you?

June, sorry Ken will be off while you're still dealing with your eye. Take it easy & take a rest from the painting and, dare I say, computer. Maybe just a post or 2 per day to let us know how things are going. Prayers and positive vibes for quick healing!

CynB, hugs to your daughter's FIL Gary for finding the poor woman with dementia. Sounds like he was an angel for the woman! I hope all will be well with her! Sending her some of our famous Sudoku positive vibes and prayers!

So nice to see you here, Stella! What a busy person you are! I hope you get the bathroom finished and rest of the house all cleaned by the graduation party. I also hope you got RSVPs from all those invited! Take care of yourself during this busy time!

Heidi, I'd love to join you at Churchill Downs. Unfortunately, I won't be able to, but it sounds like great fun! Good luck getting everything through the sloshy thing and spinny hot thing!

Rolanda, so glad you had a "take-it-easy" kind of day! Thinking positive thoughts for your MIL's flight to leave as scheduled! BTW, hope you have/had a restful night's sleep!

Heidi, thinking positive thoughts for Robert and his daughter! No wonder he's happy to get extra work! I hope he has medical insurance for himself and his family!

MizT, I'm amazed that you drove. Be sure to rest your hand the rest of the day and take pain medications as needed! (I understand the need to avoid late payments!)

Suzy, I will need to turn the page or go to the other site to find out about the grounding.
14/May/10 9:10 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Do you remember that we had solar panels installed in January? We got our first electricity bill since and it was for - drum roll - $111.63 for 3 months. Our previous bill was for $500. Good savings? We had to pay $1500 on top of the government rebate but at this rate will have recovered it within a year.
14/May/10 9:21 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Oh look at the time.. only 7.30am

Good Morning everyone..
Time to add another blanket to the bed, I just about froze overnight!!
is it cold or cold.. currently 1C/33.8F, got down to .4C/32.7F in my neck of the woods..
14/May/10 9:29 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Cyn, by sister had the solar panels installed at her house about a month ago.
14/May/10 9:29 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks...
It is too cold to want to do anything much today!!
All I want to do is go back to bed...
First job for the something about the gray regrowth...LOL
Catch you all later...
14/May/10 10:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bean... grey has character. Don't be ashamed of it.
14/May/10 11:20 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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if it was all grey or even I wouldn't mind but it is really still very random and left side of my head is much worse than my right...periodically I let it grow out to see how it is going but it is so patchy still i can't stand it... the colour I use to touch up the grey is an ash blonde...many, many shades lighter than my original very dark brown almost black hair.. I don't try to recreate my natural colour... just try to blend the grey in until the rest turns grey...
14/May/10 11:58 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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In fact if it was like your smilie I would leave it...I am looking forward to it being an even salt and pepper... Kate's hair looks wonderful if you check out some of the photo's of her at sudoku meets..
14/May/10 12:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've admired her hair in those pictures. She looks wonderful.
14/May/10 12:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn B great on the solar panels! I have a quilting friend in South Australia, they were actually with a negative balance with the power co, they were owed money, during late summer months. Only the 2 of them home, and a huge roof array of panels.

Julie, this was water bill , we must pay monthly, late fee is $20, our bill was only $18 (we use the minimum each month, even with watering my containers), no way I am paying more for late charges than for water. I really did not use the hand in a cast, drove one handed, but that shoulder was what was tired and complaining.

OH OH, tomato report: I have at least one bloom on each of 4 plants today! I have been watching for them. When fully opened, I need to thump them daily, in hopes of helping to pollinate. I see NO bees, and tomatoes are one of the things that benefit from bee pollination. Wind moving blooms does pollinate some, but our agg college sent out information, thumping the bloom would also help. Just call me thumper hehehe

New neighbor cut his lot ( block) today. Most of it is steep and some has not been cut in years, so the weed whacker was needed. It looks sooooo good, not having to look at knee high weeds! I for years have cut the flat part adjoining my lot, about 30 feet of it, till it got too steep, and that part had been cut by Al last week. I have kept the weeds down there and it actually has grass.

neighbors are waiting for the landowner to come back, do some smoothing out of the grade, and plant grass on the raw part up top. Hope it happens soon, cause in our monsoons, I get their mud in my back yard.

well, wrote the above hours ago and was interrupted fore I could correct typos and send, so possibly many posts I have not read.

We had a good dinner, baked spaghetti, very similar to someone's spaghetti lasagna, made with my planned over pasta and sauce, and a goodly portion of cheese. It was yummy. Hubby had garlic toast with his.

I am happy to report, made it till dinnertime tonight before any hand pain. I took my pain meds, perhaps helped a bit, but it has made me sleepy.

I either need to do the sloshy thing, or buy some clothes that fit me now. I have been wearing too large capris and shorts, easier to manipulate one handed. I am getting tired of the baggy look, guess you can say I am improving hehehe . Before I did not care how I looked, comfort first and foremost. Clothes I had in closet last summer that were too small then are about 2 sizes too big this summer.

good night friends, I am going for evening meds and bedtime snack. See you later. hugs to all.
14/May/10 1:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Would love to see some updated photos of the new you, MizT. You are going so well.
14/May/10 2:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. Had an argy-bargy with IH. He's back to complaining about the moldy carpet downstairs, but he now blames the flooding on me! I cannot follow his reasoning here. He hasn't lifted a finger to remove the carpet yet.
14/May/10 2:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Just home, met up with my sister, we did a 'Gail' at her local Shop Centre !!
14/May/10 3:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Quick drop in so you can do a happy dance with me....

Hubby decided to mow the lawn today and found a slip from the post office that had been delivered a couple of days ago saying we had a parcel. We picked up the parcel and guess what?

I graduated with Distinction!!! The only one in my 'class' to do so!!! I'm so happy!!!
14/May/10 3:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Congratulations Suzy. Glad you found the paper before the horse ate it or something. Now you can go around the schools and put your name down for relief teaching. Just think of the extra $$ you can put in your pocket!
14/May/10 3:48 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yep, think that's about it. Went through all my smilies just to say Well done Suzy. So proud of you ♥
14/May/10 3:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Congrats Suzy. ♥
14/May/10 3:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hubby 's plane is about to take off for Singapore. I did think of going to the movies but I was good and used my new nori instead. It even does a better and easier job than the old one.
Bean I gave up a few years ago but luckily it had gone fairly white. The only thing is my passport still has dark coloured hair.
14/May/10 3:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nori? All I can think of is seaweed...
14/May/10 3:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Finally reading on page 207 - Hello to Gail, Suzy, Vicki, CynB, Rolanda, Bean, Heidi, MizTricia, and June.

Gail, I haven't heard from Becky at all since her last post here - ages ago, I think. Perhaps some people have a life that no longer includes time for personal pursuits.

Suzy, thanks for the information about dishwashers! Is it getting any easier to load yours and fit everything in?

Vicki, your day sounds lovely! Relax and enjoy!

CynB, we're thrilled to have you posting from home! I like the sound of your electricity bill now that you have the solar panels!

Rolanda and Bean, your autumn chills are much like the very chilly weather we had been having here for spring. We went from low 40*F yesterday to almost 70*F today. The wind made it feel cooler, but it was surprising, nevertheless!

Bean, I understand not being fond of patchy colored hair. However, I consider myself lucky, as I have less gray than both of my younger sisters (5 and 8 years younger).

MizT, you have obviously done extremely well with your dieting! Sounds like you are a shadow of your former self.

Heidi, the "reasoning" certainly isn't logical. In fact, we might be able to say it isn't even "reasoning." Sure hope he soon figures out that it's up to him to take care of, but hope it's before anyone's health is threatened by mold!

WOO-HOO, Suzy! Thank goodness your hubby found that slip of paper so that you could pick up your VIP (very important parcel)! Congratulations on graduating with Distinction! Come on, Everyone, let's all do the happy dance! (So sorry I don't have a dancing avatar! I hope these heart balloons will do!
14/May/10 4:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's my "Congratulations" avatar, Suzy! This is SOOO exciting - to be able to use it twice in 2 days for our stars! Congratulations!
14/May/10 4:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, June! You're so right - what if one of the living lawnmowers had eaten the paper? I hope your hubby has a safe trip!

Gail, I was also puzzled by nori, but turned it around OK.
14/May/10 4:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's high time that I head to bed. Good Night, Everyone, from here - or Good Late Afternoon or Evening to others!
14/May/10 4:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And before I forget, HUGS to Everyone, and positive vibes!
14/May/10 4:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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lol! Thanks Julie, silly me!!! That would be some heavy sushi!
14/May/10 4:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Suzy - graduating with distinction is indeed a wonderful achievement - not that any of us are surprised, are we? Best of luck for getting your dram job from the ones available to you now. A whole new beginning.
14/May/10 4:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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That should read 'dream' job........ (What the heck is a dram job, anyway?)
14/May/10 4:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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One that involves alcohol!
14/May/10 4:42 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Just stopping by to see how you all are...
Good news, Suzy! Well done, that's a fantastic result! Fancy having to wait for the lawn to be mown! :D

Brenda, your friend was so lucky with the lottery! Wonder how many people try that and lose their last pound ...

Broni, leaving D&D?! How will they survive without you?

CynB, congratulations on having a working computer again!

Heidi, glad you are recovering well - please take it easy, don't overdo things ... :)

Ok, have to trot off to the shop - Rob's coming home early for a change, and I must find him sustenance! Have a great day/night everyone... Bye! ♥
14/May/10 5:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry Gail, I did not want to swear!
If I remember the last time Becky was here she did have a lot going on.
Heidi, that basemant is going to become a real problem soon.
Eye is getting better(still quite sore) but does not like being in from of the pooter for too long.
14/May/10 5:10 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Well done Suzy, hope that you do find a position in a good school. Do you want to go full time or just relief?
D#1 had an interview yesterday to do a Chemistry specialist course at uni. There were 4 applicants for every place on the course... she was lucky and she starts soon. She had to have the backing of the school she teaches in as she will be missing from there every Thursday for a year. Fortunately the government are footing the bill for the course and that includes cover for the days she is at uni. This course will make her a chemistry specialist teacher and she will be able to teach A'level students, at present she can only teach up to the year before A'level.
14/May/10 6:39 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Great news, Suzy!
14/May/10 8:10 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, is the new barn to replace an existing one, or is it in addition to the ones you already have?
14/May/10 9:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I can't really concentrate to read at the moment. I take a med regularly that has nasty side effects if you miss it - no brainitis. I lost my refill prescription!! I have a replacement now, but it's too late - already have no brain! I will try again tomorrow, maybe it will be back by then.

I did want to update you on my specialist appointment. It is not looking good, or it is looking good, however you want to look at it. He doubts that there will be anything that he can do to help me, which is good because it means no surgery. It is also a good psychological thing as knowing that 'it is what it is' means that I can develop a coping mechanism rather than worrying about whether I should be doing something. He's ordered a couple of xrays just in case something shows up, but it looks like it is what it is. (Thank you for that expression Gail). I already feel better knowing that I have done what I can. Getting my final Uni results helped too!! :)
14/May/10 10:19 PM
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