Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Great job, Nola!!!
13/May/10 7:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I really appreciate all your support.
13/May/10 7:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Heidi, that's my point - NOT YOUR PROBLEM - close the door!

Nola, congrats!

MizT, that is wonderful! Very well worth the time it took.

Rolanda, I'm really pleased for both you and your mum that she gets to have some time at home. It means she has time to adjust to the idea which is much less emotionally stressful for you. I suspect you'll still get to do the weekly routine even when she does move, I can tell that you are a dedicated daughter like that.
13/May/10 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Now the page has turned and I don't remember what I wanted to say. I want my brain back...

There was one thing - I won $36 on lotto the other day, not bad for a $2 investment. Well, that week, I spend that most weeks. Unfortunately I can't use it toward the cruise because I spent it!!
13/May/10 7:42 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Nola well done on your results, you now know what to expect for future assessments/exams.
I stopped doing the lottery over here, used to spend £2 every week and only ever won £10. Though a friend of mine was having money problem a couple of years ago and she used her last £80 on the Irish lottery and won £260,000.
13/May/10 8:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wow Brenda! The odds against that had to be incredible. I buy a 5 week ticket with the minimum number of games for the Saturday night draw and it costs me about $12. I mostly do it so I can say 'when I win Lotto'. I see people in front of me in line buying tickets in every draw of the week (we have some kind of lottery draw almost every night) and spending easily $100. Imagine how much money they would have if they had saved that $100 a week????!!!! There is something called a 'full card' here. I've never bought one but it seems to be as many games as will fit on the little computer print out thing you get. I have sometimes wondered if there is some kind of bonus to encourage people to buy it so they spend more money.
13/May/10 8:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vent: Hubby is responsible for monitoring water quality in our area. When I say 'our area', it's an area about 100km long. He's the go-to guy if you want to know what is happening in your part of that area. A brand new resident in one little part of that area has written to the local newspaper in their little part of the area about the 'pesticides' in the water. The paper printed it. A simple phone call from either the resident or the newspaper would have found the truth. Instead there are a bunch of panicked people out there ringing hubby's phone of the hook!!!
13/May/10 8:19 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Same thing happens here Suzy. I know my brother used to spend a lot on the lottery, he never won anything worth while. We too have multiple lotteries at least a couple of times a week, then there is the Irish one and the Euro one too.
Then there are the scratch cards, people spend a fortune on those too.
My friend bought herself and kids a house, but she was so bad with money she has now had to sell the house as she couldn't afford the bills, she lost money on the house as prices dropped in the recession.
13/May/10 8:25 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How did they know it was 'Pesticides' in the water without checking with the authorities. Hope your husband can reassure people about the water quality.
13/May/10 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Some people get bizarre ideas in their heads, and nothing anybody can say can convince them otherwise. Why should they actually consult the facts, when they "know the truth"? If you try to do things, like show them the actual water tests, they will consider it part of a phony cover up plot. You can't blame the newspaper. They print Letters To The Editor as is. Most readers can detect the paranoid rantings, but not all.
13/May/10 9:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Only two and a half days to the annual Lion's Club excursion to Churchill Downs! We get to watch the Preakness there, and bet on it!
13/May/10 11:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, glad the hand is feeling a better.
Heidi, glad you are not in severe pain. I can only imagine the feeling of sutures in the mouth. YUCK!!
Theresa, good luck waiting for the reports. That can be the hardest time. I hope everything works out for you and when you are ready to talk, we will be here for you.
Had a 9 year old birthday party tonight and I am wiped out. The boys are sleeping and now it is my turn. I will try to come back tomorrow but it is baseball practice.
13/May/10 11:45 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Have caught up reading and hugs and vibes to those who need them was thinking of each of you at the time.
Congrats to Nola and comiserations to Dag hehe!
Theresa thinking of you, I too belive the tests will come out well.
When Vicki was talking about the rain and thunder on Tuesday we were actually hit by lightening here at work, no damage just a few frayed nerves. Our salesman actually saw sparks.
Well my old bosses have offered me a full time job and am about to let D&D know, won't leave them totally in the lurch until they can find someone else though.
Love and Hugs to all.
13/May/10 11:47 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Tami, sleep well.
13/May/10 11:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT NEWS, Broni. I'm surprised that D & D still have a business left. I suspect that it due to you and the rest of the staff.
13/May/10 11:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have not taken a prescription pain killer all day, and haven't needed it. There's hardly any swelling, either. Quite a change from before the surgery.
13/May/10 11:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon from Golden Arches - again! This has gone too far, I'm getting used to not having internet access and have not thought about or checked Facebook for days - but I do miss SA! Now lets see -
Great news that Nola passed her first subject and, yes, according to my daughter, it does get easier.
More good news that Broni has been offered a good job and can ditch D&D finally!
On the mend are Heidi, MizT (glad you got that thumb business sorted out!) and June. Hope you all continue to improve.
Congrats to Gail's #3d for getting her learner's - does it get easier with each subsequent child, Gail? I imagine not!
Theresa - I do hope those tests will show all is clear. Thinking of you!
Thanks for talking Lotto - must buy a(winning) entry for tonight's.
Love you all, ciao!!
13/May/10 12:19 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi All,
Just dropping in before I go to bed...still have to fed my animals on the other site...but will plan to be in bed by midnight at the late....yes, I'm getting a bit more sleep and all is well.
Its great to hear all of the good news and to have folks returning to good health... Theresa, you will be fine, but I understand your feelings...I've been there as have most of us, and its the uncertainty that gets you...sending good vibes and unasked for advise...don't borrow trouble too much free stuff around to worry you...fingers crossed...peace and good night all.
13/May/10 12:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks...passing through again...
Have a mountain of things to do before my nephews wedding on Saturday... off to the dry cleaners [yesterdays job...] and to try and cross a few more of yesterday's jobs of the list. I am trying to keep a virus at bay...all I want to do is go back to bed... Not to worry...

Went shopping the other day and at the checkout I became flustered & distracted [thought I had lost my Debit card] and brought home stuff I didn't want.. hope I can return a few garments [they were on sale]. Still don't know what I will be wearing...or if I will be wearing footballs now look like skin is losing the battle with all the swelling...I've never had such terrible looking feet...

I am losing the battle with the laundry floor...I doubt I will ever see it again...the W/Machine gave up in disgust and now doesn't dummy spit and it is off to the laundromat for me....NOT what I need this week!! It could have waited until everything was at least clean!!

Next week I am taking some time out to catch up with what you have all been up to.
Catch the odd bit of news on the other site when I drop by to feed my animals and harvest my crops... LOL
13/May/10 1:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
I have had the worst internet connection this morning! Time I got organised and changed over.

It does mean I got some stuff done though. I even took some stuff out to the pantec in the paddock that I was sick of tripping over. It's a bit of an obstacle course with the horses around. They have swapped places now - the young, frisky one is in the house yard and the older lady is in the paddock. NOT her choice - he chased her out! The dogs are hiding from him too. They'll swap back at dinner time tonight.
13/May/10 1:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A funny for you - I got a call from the specialists' office this morning reminding me about my appointment. They asked me the name of my referring doctor - and all I could think of was a$$hole! He was a jerk, but to have renamed him so thoroughly in my head tickled my funny bone. Lucky I had the referral in my purse and was able to look up his legal name!
13/May/10 1:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bean, I have decided to throw away half of our clothes then the laundry floor can never get covered again! Hope your day gets better - hugs!

Mum is coming to visit! Just for a few days, but in a few weeks. The hospital she used to work at is having a big party to celebrate 30 years. (Sorry about the grammar in that sentence!) I will now have to think of something to give her for her birthday so we can give it to her while she is here rather than mailing it to her later. Ally is disappointed because she's worked out Nana will leave before it's her birthday...
13/May/10 1:33 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all!

Nola, congratulations on your results. Fabulous news and well deserved.

Broni, that's great news about the job and that you can give D&D a big miss. Well done!

MizT and Heidi, good news on the health front from both of you.

Suzy, I'm not suprised you couldn't remember Dr A$$hole's name. I'd try to block him out of my memory too!

Bean, I hope you enjoy your nephew's wedding on the weekend. If you have to wear thongs cause your feet have swollen, well, too bad if anyone gets upset. I'm sure your nephew would rather have you there.

Hi Mama, CynB, Tami, Theresa, Brenda, Gail, Julie and everyone else I'v forgotten.

Nothing new with me. I'm at work by myself at the moment. Boss and storeman have gone to lunch and salesman left early for the day. I'll be having tomorrow off as per usual. Kevin has gone over to visit his mum today for her 86th birthday. We bought her some new face washers - 86 year olds don't really need much as they have it all or they've already given it away - and he was going to buy a cake to have with her.
13/May/10 1:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicky, how wonderful that your MIL is having her 86th birthday! The cake and visit from Kevin will be the best part for her.

I must share some depressing (for me) news. Last night hubby and the girls established that I am the shortest person in the family... Ally has outgrown me! Think pictures of her with Pride and how teeny tiny she looks. Sob!! When I looked sad they tried to reassure me by reminding me that I am taller than my mother. Sigh.
13/May/10 1:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, you are so right! When hubby produces the tests you know it will be a 'conspiracy'.

Bean, thongs come fancy these days - pretend that you are making a fashion statement!

Topsiders - have thongs come up in here before? Bean is not talking those skimpy little things that go between your legs!
13/May/10 2:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... I hope you at least called Dr A$$hole that to the Specialists office. They need to know how he treats patients, too.
13/May/10 2:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and Good Evening to All!

Greetings to Suzy, Heidi, Gail, Brenda, Rolanda, Theresa, June, MizTricia, Nola, and anyone I have missed. (I'm still reading page 204.)

Suzy, is this the day when you have less running and delivering of the girls?

Heidi, I'm so glad to hear that the swelling and pain are less than you anticipated. Sending positive vibes your way! Heal quickly so that you can enjoy the new barn, followed by the sun room!

Theresa, continuing to send positive vibes that all further tests find nothing out of the ordinary! I assume you can always get a second opinion from another doctor if necessary.

June, I hope your eye is feeling better today! Hopefully you can rest it some and keep using the drops and cream! Sending positive vibes!

MizTricia, thank you so much for the update on our thumb! It pays to know your own body and listen when it complains! Good for you for getting back to the doctor and getting some relief! Hope these positive vibes speed the healing process!

Gail, congrats to Hannah for getting her learner permit. You will weather this storm as you did your other children going through this faze, and she will be an extremely careful driver! (BTW, so glad your car came back looking terrific after its repairs!)

Rolanda, after two very busy days, I hope you will be able to sit still for a bit and rejuvenate! It's good to know that your Mum will be eligible for some help, both as she stays more independent now and when the time comes that she accepts assisted living!

Nola, congratulations! Good for you for passing the Anatomy and Physiology exam! We knew you could do it! Woo Hoo! (Sorry, Gath didn't provide us with a congratulations smilie, but the confetti seems appropriate!
13/May/10 2:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By "thongs", do you mean the ubiquitous Flip Flops?
13/May/10 2:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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This avatar is for Nola.
13/May/10 2:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think this is as close as Gath got to a smilie.
13/May/10 2:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to feed the dogs, then go to bed. I'm getting sleepy. At least it's quiet here with IH at the apartment/plant.
13/May/10 2:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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One more for Nola!

Now reading on page 205.

Hello to Tami, Broni, CynB, Mamacita, Bean, and Victoria as well!

Brenda, just read of your friend's good fortune with a lottery when it was well and truly needed! How wonderful! I guess when I think about it, I really don't HAVE to meet my SA friends, though it would certainly be nice! Maybe one day . . .

Suzy, so sorry to hear about the new resident/alarmist who has everyone calling your hubby about the non-existent pesticides in the water. I hope he is able to soon reassure everyone!

Heidi, I hope you and the other Lions have a great time at Churchill Downs!

Tami, I'm glad the birthday party went well! Get some rest before tomorrow dawns! Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! (I didn't realize about 4 years separate Mitchell and Dylan.)

Broni, a lightning hit can be frightening. So glad it wasn't severe. How thoughtful you are to let D&D have some time to try to replace you. Will you be working 5 days a week at your old job after they D&D) transition?

CynB, we're glad to see you no matter where you post from, but will be so pleased for you when it can be from home!

Mamacita, good advice as always! So glad you're getting a bit more sleep!

Bean, it sounds like you really need a good solid week of time to take care of yourself. So sorry your feet are giving you fits and the sloshy machine chose such a terrible time to give up! Hope you have fun at your nephew's wedding! (I've warn my "dress" all-black athletic shoes and a black pantsuit to the last couple of occasions needing more formal wear. (At least I can get my feet in those shoes with orthotics and be somewhat comfortable.) Good luck!

Suzy, SO funny that you couldn't remember the referring doctor's name - and lucky that you had his card available for a quick check! Hope you enjoy your Mum's visit. It's too bad that she'll leave before Ally's birthday. Hope you can find a just-right birthday gift for your Mum!

Victoria, I hope you enjoy(?) the rest of your day at work! Happy Birthday to your MIL!

Suzy, I understand your pain that both daughters are now taller than you are! Both of my daughters shot past me in the same summer. They were 12 and 14. At least my grandies are shorter than I am! I'm ashamed to think that we used to tease my Mom because she said she was 5 feet, 2 inches and we were all taller than her when we reached that height. I was once all of 5 feet, 5.5 inches, but have lost a bit of that. (Hubby is 6 feet, 5 inches.)
13/May/10 2:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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just used a conversion chart:
hubby = 77 inches = 1.9558 m
I am 65.5 inches = 1.6637 m

Time for me to head to bed also. Good Night, Heidi, Good Night, Tami (quite a while ago); Good Night, Mama; Good Night, Everyone! Hope to see you tomorrow!
13/May/10 2:52 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I understand your pain as well. Both my boys are much taller than me (actually they are taller than Kevin as well).
I can take pleasure in the fact that I am much taller than my mother and sister. My sister (5ft 2in) wears a size 5 shoe and my nieces had bigger feet than that at about 10 years old.
I actually gave away a pair of shoes yesterday to Shaun's girlfriend. They have always been uncomfortable and cause me pain in my bunion, so after wearing them yesterday I was ready to drop them in the bin. Aki liked them and so I happily gave them to her. I'm glad we have the same size feet.
13/May/10 3:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At least I'm taller than my children (collies).
13/May/10 3:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I’ve decided I need to specialise - starting things. I’m good at starting things, it’s the finishing thing that I just can’t seem to get….

I’ve never seen the helicopters fly as slowly as they have been today. I was wondering if they were P platers, but wouldn’t they be flying faster?

Heidi, good news that your mouth is doing so much better, and that your barn is nearly up. Of course I am looking forward to the news about the sunroom. Hope we get a picture of that one! Does Gil go to Churchill Downs with you? I can’t remember from last year. When the woman who called asked me the doctor’s name I told her what I could remember, she laughed and said ‘does he work in our office’? lol I’ve just noticed your post about being taller than your children - ROFL!!!

Vicki, do you like an empty office or do you prefer company?

No news from June today. I hope it’s just because she is busy and her eye isn’t getting worse. Or did I just miss a post? I wouldn’t be surprised. Don’t tell the kids, but the get their off-with-the-fairiness from me..

Cyn, I hope you have a connection tomorrow!

Tami, was it one of yours who turned 9? I didn’t get to wish them happy birthday if that is true!

Broni, congratulations! No more financial pressures! It’s a catch 22 though isn’t it? You either have money or time, never both at the same time! What will you do with D&D? Go in on a weekend? I hope that doesn’t last long… The lightning strike sounds scary. I’m glad no one was hurt!
13/May/10 4:21 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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We have connection!!
Finally I can come and visit my lovely SA friends whenever I want to. You never realise how much you rely on something until you can't use it.
Yayyyy! Happy dance Sorry I don't have a happy dance smiley!
13/May/10 4:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Doing the happy dance with you!!!!!!
13/May/10 4:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Welcome home Cyn ♥
13/May/10 4:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thank you Suzy and Gail - and thanks to you both for keeping me in the loop with text messages during my enforced absence!
BTW - just spoke to Vi! She's free of tubes and up and about. Still on fluids much to her annoyance, she feels like she wants egg & lettuce sandwiches or a roast dinner and they won't let her have them just soup ('no good without bread') and jelly and ice-cream ('boring')!
13/May/10 5:43 PM
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