Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, times like months and years are scary. I keep hoping his mother realises what a twit she's been! Not that it's a great place for him to live, but it's still home and I think there is a pyschological link to 'home' that 16 is too young to break. Only time will tell. My next goal is to get him enrolled in TAFE to do his senior years of high school. Of course then there's getting him there.... sigh.
13/Jun/10 6:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thoughts and wishes to people in Arkansas. SA vibes to finding the people still missing....
13/Jun/10 7:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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If I remember last year here ( just looked at last year's July August temps and I remembered right) , our hottest weather was in June, then more moderate in July and August. what few days were in the low 90's were not humid, and followed by much lower temps. I can only hope for a repeat.

My AC units are not doing the job, they need attention, cleaning of coils at least, perhaps some coolant. hubby is not concerned. HE is not in here trying to cook when house temp is 84! I shall start cooking early morn, even if that does interfere with his sleeping late! so there hehehe

we just get so much heat gain afternoon.House sits broadside to the afternoon sun.

this probably sounds like such a small thing, but I have really been working on it. I can now touch mt thumb to each finger. out of cast week and a half ago, I had very little movement of that thumb, second joint had zero movement. That moving in very warm water is what I think is doing it.

time to fling food. chops go on the foreman grill, veg in microwave, shouldn't be too bad. more later.
13/Jun/10 8:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, what happened in Arkansas and why do you know about it fore I do?
13/Jun/10 8:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's the Sunday of a long weekend. Normally that would be a relaxing day for us. Traffic is horrendous as we get invaded by tourists so we tend to stay home and have a lazy day. Not going to happen this weekend! Ebob is doing a St John's duty so I've already been out to deliver her, and Ally has a sleepover birthday party starting just after lunch. That one is via the holiday traffic! Sigh...
13/Jun/10 8:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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camp ground flash flood story.
13/Jun/10 8:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Flash floods MizT. According to the news I read there are 16 confirmed dead and around 30 missing. They're not sure of the exact number missing as one campground didn't require registration and another had their paperwork washed away. The water went from 1 meter to something like 5 or 6 overnight when everyone was sleeping.
13/Jun/10 9:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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13/Jun/10 9:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, your finger movement sounds like a huge thing to me. I remember how little movement Ally had without significant pain when she first had her cast removed. Before I saw that I wouldn't have had a clue about that kind of thing. I think it is the immobolisation as much as the surgery that has to be therapied away.
13/Jun/10 9:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Miz Tricia, I had the same when I broke a finger. It took about a month to get full use of it after the splint came off. It sounds like you are really doing well with the PT especially as I was 14 and probably didn't exercise it like I was supposed to.
13/Jun/10 10:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's because you were young, Tami. It usually takes me longer to get my movement back to near normal after a serious injury. I still haven't gotten full movement back on my middle finger after the last time I dislocated it..
13/Jun/10 10:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the link MizT. The death toll keeps rising. What a horror story. They really didn't have a chance. Warnings went out, but the area was so remote that they never heard them.
13/Jun/10 10:59 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone

Thankfully, my house got cleaned yesterday, I have unexpected visitors coming in 1/2 hour.
Currently here in the West, we have Family over from Sydney.
Uncle (mum's middle and older brother, 94), and Aunt (Mum's SIL - she married Mum's youngest Brother, he died 2003).
They are staying with my Aunt (mum's youngest Sister).
Mum, Aunt, Uncle and Aunt are coming for morning coffee.
Mum's SIL's Daughter; my cousin and her friend are holidaying up the North Coast, and will be back in Perth on Thursday.
They will stay with me till Sunday, when all 4 of them fly back to Sydney.

13/Jun/10 11:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
First & foremost - thoughts go to the victims and families involved in the flash floods. How horrific!
Broni - {{{hugs}}}
MizT - glad you're getting good movement in your thumb.
Suzy - hope the boy gets things sorted to his satisfaction whether it's back home or whatever.
13/Jun/10 11:42 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Not much doing here today - which is good. Kids and their families are either away camping (Karin) or off on a picnic to the Koala park (Andrew). I've done most of my ffuts so I intend on having a restful day - might watch Avatar - got the DVD but still haven't seen it yet.
13/Jun/10 11:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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G'Day, Darlin's! Hope you are all well!

Hi, Judy, Broni, Brenda, Theresa, Suzy, Gail, June, MizTricia, Heidi, Tami, Rolanda and anyone I've missed!

I hope your weekend is a good one, Judy! Well, what's left of it!

Broni, I hope you'll have a bit more time to yourself once your commitment to D&D is completely over! Your yearning for a bit more privacy is completely rational and understood! There are times when I feel like I could use a bit more - and I'm just dealing with hubby and the cats here. One sister lived with us for a semester while student teaching. We had an infant at the time. There were days when it drove me crazy! At least in that case, there was a definite end date in sight! It's good to hear that things are starting to go better for Teresa! (I certainly would NOT consider your comment a vent!)

Theresa, why am I not surprised that you also opened your home to those in need? It seems like a common thread running through a number of lives here. How nice that the young man has reconnected with you to express his thanks! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! While you have some things you feel you need to get caught up with, please don't over-do and wear yourself out! Things will get done in the order you do them, so set your priorities and do what you can and rest when you need to! BTW, if riding in the car makes you tired or puts you to sleep, might you have narcolepsy? Or you might be mentally fatigued from trying to reconcile the images of things you drive/ride past, especially when you've been experiencing dizziness. Do you have difficulties sleeping or at least feeling rested after sleeping? That could be an indication of sleep apnea. (Don't you just love all of the amateur diagnosing we do?)

Suzy, that's a good sign that the young man texted you about the party and is trying to learn the house rules! Here's hoping things will start looking up for him and that he can get his laptop back from his sister! Enjoy getting to know your kitten! They can be very playful and energetic - and fun!

Gail, I hope all is going well with your family! Sending prayers for those that need them! I hope you're taking care of yourself!

June, I'm glad you had a good nap - and glad that your computer wasn't affected when Ken's blew up. (I hope all important documents were backed-up!) Aren't you glad that Laura wasn't using it at the time? Will he need to replace it before he leaves for his next trip? What good news to hear that your friend has been more upbeat and positive! Sending positive vibes and prayers for her!

MizT, it's great news that pain is reducing and you're doing well with your exercises! It won't be long and you'll be better than new!

MizT, Heidi, and Tami, our weather iscooler today but still VERY humid! One daughter has already experienced actual temperatures above 100 last week. Yep, this year is looking like a crazy-weather year. Summer doesn't start for another week or so! MizT, that is GREAT
13/Jun/10 11:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, that is GREAT movement of thumb to finger tips! You have obviously been working diligently!

Thank you to Suzy, MizT and Heidi for information about the flooding in Arkansas!

Rolanda, I hope you enjoy your visitors! At least they seem to have indicated an ending date! Relatives are hopefully easier and less judgmental than friends or acquaintances. (Usually!)

I hope to be back later. Hugs, positive vibes and prayers to all in need!
13/Jun/10 11:48 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Cyn! You posted as I typed! Enjoy a hopefully restful day and a movie!
13/Jun/10 11:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Other way around here Julie! Relatives are judgemental, friends love me for who I am...

Cyn, you have earned a nice, quiet day for a change!

Rolanda, yikes! Thank goodness the house was already clean and you don't have to panic. I'd be in a panic right now looking around me...

Broni, by my calendar, depending on which day you go, you have either 2 or 3 days left with D&D... thinking it will be party time then!!!
13/Jun/10 1:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Family anecdote:
When I'm shopping I'm off in fairy land. I'm not looking at the people around me I'm trying to work out how fast I can get out of the mall. Recently 2 people spoke to me at the mall (that I know of) at different times, and I didn't hear or see either one of them. One even tapped me on the shoulder. One was the young man who is staying with us, he laughed at me. The other was my nephew - my brother isn't talking to me over it.
13/Jun/10 1:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to feed dogs and get to bed fairly soon. I have to get up early before it gets too hot, and fix some broken fences.
13/Jun/10 2:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, being in trouble for not seeing someone reminds me of me. I cannot see into a moving car to see who is driving or riding or waving at me. Always been that way. Back in high school, some thought me 'stuck up' cause I did not return a wave.

13/Jun/10 3:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck with fence repairs. Hope you have some clouds to keep it a bit cooler tomorrow. wear a really wide brimmed hat, to make your own shade.

Off to beddy bye. Hope I get to sleep. I did something wrong today, hurting tonight, even after half a pain pill. Think I will have to find the other half. As I once told my patients, no awards for not taking pain med when needed.

Hugs to all. 'Till tomorrow.
13/Jun/10 3:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... I never see who is inside the car, either. Nor do I see scenery. I watch the road and the traffic. That's why I don't have accidents. Drivers who are always looking around terrify me.
13/Jun/10 3:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I can't see who is in a car either. Hubby can and while he's driving as well. I keep telling him to watch the road, I'll watch the scenery!
13/Jun/10 5:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
About to hand the computer over to the younguns but thought I'd drop in to update you first. The young man was allowed home to pick up stuff again today and got to see his father who was down from Sydney. The end result - his mother will try to get his laptop for him and will go guarantor for him if he finds somewhere to live... yep, no invite to go home... I still don't get it. But guess who is cleaning my kitchen right now?! (It's not swearing if you're not doing it yourself)
13/Jun/10 6:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Another development from the young man's house - his younger brother left the house on Friday night and has disappeared. He hasn't taken anything with him - not even his charger (to quote the youngun's priorities...)
13/Jun/10 8:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all,

Suzy, that young man's family sounds like maybe they should be investigated by some sort of child protective service (in Canada it's called the Children's Aid Society). Some families are so messed up.

Did not much other than shopping yesterday and today we will get the groceries. Feeling better each day and most of the dizziness is gone, but for some reason I'm really really tired. Hubby is not going to his parents today (as he almost always does every Sunday), but is going to stay and help me out.

As far as seeing people in cars, I always seem to recognize them after they've gone by and it's too late to wave.

MizT, hope you managed to get good quality sleep.

Julie, I was just tired in the car because I'm tired generally the last week or so. As far as sleep apnea, I know I should be going to a sleep clinic or something to get my snoring checked out. Sometimes I wake myself up with the snoring.

Well, I'm going to sit outside on the lawn swing with my morning coffee. It's almost 6:45 and hubby is still asleep, so I'll grab a few moments for myself (and the 2 stray cats outside, Sweetie and Splotch). BTW I think I have a home for Sweetie, the orange tabby male. A lady who lives down the street a few blocks has an elderly cat with kidney disease. She has been told the cat is not in pain on the medication, but it's only a matter of time. Once her cat has gone to kitty heaven, she would like to take Sweetie. She will let him out during the day and keep him in at night. She has another cat and two dogs. So now I have to try and find a home for the little black dude. TTFN.
13/Jun/10 8:45 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy I hope the young man's brother is ok and that he gets in touch with someone soon.
13/Jun/10 8:51 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Theresa I was thinking the same thing about the young man's family.
Pleased to hear you are feeling a little better.
13/Jun/10 8:54 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi there all.
Hope you are all well,as I haven't read anything yet.
Just dropped in before going to bed, to let you know that I have just finished the last assignment for the semester. Thank goodness.
Very tired, will try to catch up tomorrow night.
13/Jun/10 9:20 PM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Hi all! I'm just catching up on the news.

Theresa, I'm glad you sorted out your problem. Hubby takes thyroid tablets and has to take 2 on the weekend - starting this weekend. He found out this morning that he had forgotten his extra tablet yesterday.

MizT - don't overdo your exercises. Look after yourself.

Cyn - Happy 22nd anniversary to you and Col.

Broni - we all understand your need for privacy and time to yourself. As much as you love your friends, time to yourself is precious.

Suzy, Congratulations to you and the family. Taking on a young man with all the surrounding kerfuffle is pretty amazing. Kudos to you!! It sounds like he is a really nice young man.

Hubby has gone to bed and I'm not really interested in the tv. I'll be heading there myself shortly. I'm very pleased with myself. I actually got out the vacuum cleaner today - sorry about swearing but I'm feeling very happy.
We don't have dust bunnies under the bed anymore. Yahoo!!!
My mother phoned me to tell me her brother had passed away yesterday. He had bowel cancer but had passed away in his sleep from heart failure. It was a true blessing. My mum is quite shocked and kicking herself for not going to see him (he lives in Rockhampton 700ks away). Nobody expected him to go so soon. I have only seen him about 3-4 times in the last 20 years. Even though he is my mothers only sibling they were not really close.

Good night all. I think I'll head off to bed. I must be tired after all this unexpected housework. By the way, hubby did notice and he was most impressed.
13/Jun/10 9:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Late evening all!
Just thought I'd check if anyone had answered my plea on fb - fat chance, although I have some young friends, I doubt any of them know the young man's younger brother. Since he disappeared the day after his brother was kicked out I'm hoping big time that he just took off and wasn't taken off... Don't you just want to yell at some people???? Hubby went with me to pick up the young man this afternoon just in case mother or father decided to have a go at me - I wish they'd cared that much!!
13/Jun/10 9:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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BTW, his parents have reported him missing with the police. Like that will help. Life so sucks for some people. I am sooooooooooo lucky!!!!!!!
13/Jun/10 9:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, I'm so sorry about your uncle. I understand about families not being close though. I hope you are okay with it all.
13/Jun/10 9:41 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, hope there is some news soon about the young man's brother. The young man has been very lucky in finding someone (you and your family) who cares what happens to him. You wonder why some people have children if this is how they treat them.
Well done Nola for finishing your last assignment for this semester. The time seems to be flying by, but you seem to be coping well with the extra work involved.
Vicki, condolences on the passing of your uncle.
13/Jun/10 9:59 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Vicki! We got out that gninaelc thingy today too! Had to be done!
Suzy - I saw that message on FB and wondered if it was anything to do with the boy staying at yours. What a mess!
Somebody asked - how do you get a mother to care? When you find the answer, tell me, I know one mother who can't seem to find that gene.
Pleased, at least, that they have reported the boy missing. Fingers crossed he shows up sooner rather than later.
13/Jun/10 10:21 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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On a bright note - Andrew picked up Emily's puppy today - a 7 week old male Border Collie named 'Turbo' - soooo cute. When I can get a picture, I'll post it here.
Heidi, I'd like your input. Jewel is extremely territorial with other dogs. We want her and Turbo to get along (then we can go away and leave Jewel with Andrew and vice versa). The last time a dog came in here she nearly attacked it. Should we put her on a lead and keep it short until they have sniffed one another out? How should we go about it? Because once Jewel starts, she can't be caught and only I can (partially) control her.
13/Jun/10 10:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good evening. Quiet day here it seams.
Vicki, sorry about your uncle. A nicer way to go than waiting for the cancer.
Tricia, you are doing wonders with your hand. Hope it is not sore tomorrow.
Suzy, hope the boy turns up soon. Some parents are a worry.
They think it is the 'power box' in Ken's computer that blew up. Sharon has taken it away so hopefully it might be back before Ken gets back home (next Saturday) He is in the plane now on his way to Singapore.
Laura told him "you should bring Grandma home a present..... and maybe you could bring two presents and I could have one too" I imagine Pa will be won over.
13/Jun/10 10:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, so pleased you have finished for this semester. Enjoy the break before you have to start again.
Pleased you have found a home for one of the cars Theresa. Hope you soon catch with your sleep. We have a group of men in a local Men's club that have sleep apnea group to support each other. There is a device they wear when sleeping. It has made a big difference to their lives.
13/Jun/10 10:51 PM
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