Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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While I am here just realised I can turn the page.
14/Jun/10 5:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Still none.
14/Jun/10 6:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good maEn all

Two pages behind and posting without reading.

Hoping there is news about the missing lad, Suzy.

Vicki, sending hugs to your mother, I'm very sorry to hear about her brother's passing, but I hope that is the way I go. ♥
14/Jun/10 7:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Seems like lately I have very little time nor inclination for the puter, but it is a way of thinking without thinking...if you get my meaning!

Just briefly wanted to let you know the latest I have heard about Aunty June.
The family had the meeting on Friday morning to discuss their feelings about life support, though it wasn't yet needed, always a hard discussion. She had been unconscious for four days so things were not looking great. Saturday, Uncle Keith visited her and her eyes were open but she was unable to respond in any way. Sunday...she was fully awake and conversant, knew who she was talking to but had no idea where she was or why. Her daughter who sat with her that evening rang her father afterward and said 'Mum wouldn't shut up!'
Certainly was not the news I expected to hear when I rang Bill this evening.
They do not hold high hopes for a physical recovery, but I hope she has her mental faculties till the end. Wonderful ♥
14/Jun/10 7:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Great News Gail.

Sorry to hear about your uncle Vicki.
14/Jun/10 7:32 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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A bit of a scare late this afternoon.

Mum, Aunt, Uncle and Aunt all went down the coast today to where my brother works, and had lunch there.
On the way back on the Freeway home, Mum had a turn, an ambulance was called. She was taken to a local hospital. My Aunt just sent message via my sister, that she is ok, should be released later in the evening. Aunt will stay with mum overnight at Mum's place.
14/Jun/10 7:35 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Rola, hope everything is OK.
Good to see you here Dag, not sure what I hope for Aunty June but love and hugs.
Bummer about the sloshy thing June.
Love and hugs that they find little brother.
14/Jun/10 7:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The lady in question just rang me on the mobile phone.
She is waiting for the Dr to come and release her..

She has the 6 month Checkup at the Breast Clinic on Thursday, to which I will be taking her too.
14/Jun/10 8:00 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good news Rolanda, we need some more of that going around.
14/Jun/10 8:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Well, we live in hopes that all is good news on Thursday, but....
14/Jun/10 8:24 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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.....we live in hope and hope that it is good news too.
14/Jun/10 8:33 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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She is staying overnight in the hospital!
14/Jun/10 8:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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oy vey, when does it get better?
14/Jun/10 8:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It seems like everyone needs a hug tonight.
Gail - glad you Auntie is OK for now. Best wishes for the best possible outcome.
Rolanda - your Mum staying in hospital, although she's probably not happy is the best option there. Hope she's much better tomorrow.
Vicki - condolences on the loss of your uncle, and apologies for missing it when you posted.
And hugs to my poor sickly hubby who has been giddy and nauseous all day - feeling a tad better tonight, at least he ate his dinner and (TMI) he kept it down.
14/Jun/10 10:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Still no news from Suzy.
14/Jun/10 10:36 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Cyn hope Col feels better soon.
14/Jun/10 10:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cyn... "They" say that no news is good news. My fingers are crossed that we'll hear something good, for a change.
14/Jun/10 10:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail... that's amazing news about Aunt June.
14/Jun/10 10:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Work has resumed on the sunroom!!!
14/Jun/10 11:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JUNE, sympothies on malfunction of the washer. what a lot of work dealing with wet drippy clothes. That would overwork sore hands.

Cyn, "dead cows" is sooo funny. I giggle every time someone mentions it again.

SUZY, hope your young mam ( we need to give him a fictitious name) had luck with talking with his brother's friends.

Julie, hand is better, thanks for asking. I think I had over used it on Saturday. Ashley said use it, not just carry it around with me, but probably did not mean lift and wash the ice chests (igloos?) hehehe. I did have on the splint, and it did not hurt at the time.

Saturday Al and I had to defrost the upright freezer. something had blocked the door from closing completely, and humid air got in, covered everything, shelves and food packages, with frost. Lovely cold thing to do on a hot day.

Sunday, I rested hand more, did exercises gently twice and slept wonderfully last night. Phone woke me after 10 hours of good sleep.

No luck on moving the AC, and it is one in the shop that is not used, too big an unfinished area to cool with one AC, so it is like a new machine. His office has a much smaller AC.

Time for breakfast, or brunch is more like it. I;ll catch up with page 246 later. Hugs to all, with extras.

15/Jun/10 12:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
MizT...seems the hand has had a few ups and downs, but overall is getting better.B##mer about the A/C.

Suzy...what a lovely idea to get a kitten as therapy for the young man.Any news yet?? You are a very kind sole.

Vicki..sad to hear that your Mum didn't visit her brother, but it is a blessing he went quickly.

Julie..are you entertaining the Grandies while the family move or doing both?

Broni..Not long to go with D&D now.I am sure they will miss you.

Cyn...I also loved the "Dead cow"story.hehe

Theresa..glad that you found the med problem and are now getting better. you still haven't been to the Dr with your cough.Maybe it will eventually right itself,hope so.

June..So glad to hear that your friend is being positive.My best wishes to her always. Hope the washing machine doesn't cost much to fix.
15/Jun/10 1:35 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Didn't know if I would lose stuff so started again.

Gail..Hope Aunty June keeps improving,at least it seems promising now.
Rolanda...your poor Mum is having a rough time lately.Hope the 6mthly checkup goes very well.

Thanks for your congrats messages about finishing the assignments.Have 4 more revision online classes to go and hopefully NO re-submits to do.
Son & DIL have separated which has caused a lot of concern,I just hope it all works out in the end and the 3 boys cope well.The eldest is 8 and not happy which is to be expected.Life sucks sometimes.
15/Jun/10 2:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nola, of course life sucks! If it did not, we would all fall off our planet and float about in space. Eight is a hard age for change for a child. At that age, they are much more apt to believe it is their fault that Dad or Mom has left. Hope all goes well for him. Good luck on your inline classes, fingers crossed on no resubmits for you.

Gail, so happy to hear better news from Aunty June.

Rolanda, know you are worried about your Mum. Hope she is soon out of hospital and that the 6 month checkup goes well.

Heidi, hope a lot is accomplished today on your sun room. Your pots of bougainvillea sound lovely. Hope they do well for you.

sloshy thing finished, time to hang out now. should dry quickly in this heat. Later friends.

15/Jun/10 2:24 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Yes Tricia, it is hard for him.He has become angry which is very out of character for him as he has been a very sensitive loving boy.
15/Jun/10 2:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a Vet appointment in an hour for Molly (one of the new girls). She has caught Tami's cough. In her case, I believe it's Kennel Cough. Hmmmmmm .... Maybe that's what Tami has?
15/Jun/10 3:27 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hope it isn't kennel cough.
Catch you all another day. Hope it is a good one for all.
15/Jun/10 4:35 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Hello everyone,
It's been a while since I was here. I hope everyone is well or if not, on the road to recovery. All is well here.
We finally had some sun this weekend. Good thing as it was our Guide camp. It rained Friday afternoon off and on. In between we set up tents. By bedtime it was clear and the rest of the weekend we had sun. We had 19 girls from three towns. 17 were Guides, 1 Pathfinder(Amber) and 1 Ranger. They had a great time.
Amber finished school last Wednesday. She was eager to get it done. Now she gets an extra long summer vacation. Maybe I can find time to visit here more often.
Amber and I leave Sunday for our trip to Panorama Resort(near Invermere, BC) with our friends from the States. There is a Wolf Centre near there that we are going to check out. Lots of other things to keep us busy also. We come home on Friday.
My niece will be coming to spend the summer again. Amber is looking forward to that. She will have someone around to hang out with.
Well, I guess I better get ready to leave. Amber has a piano lesson and two dogs are going to the vet today.
Take care everyone.
15/Jun/10 5:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Molly does have kennel cough, but it's in the early stage, so is easily treatable. She is not a pleasant companion in the truck, tho'. I think she was afraid that she was going to yet ANOTHER home (4 in 2 weeks) so she clung to me while I drove. She shifted the truck into neutral twice, reverse once, and turned on the emergency flashers. Besides trying to sit on my feet.
15/Jun/10 5:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Wake up little Suzy, wake up ... hopefully there is good news.

Heidi, maybe Molly turned on the four way flashers because she knew she was a bad driver. It will take time for her to realize she is now in her forever home.
15/Jun/10 5:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Rena, wonderful to see you here. Enjoy the summer vacation.
Heidi, it is supposed to be illegal to have a dog in the car unrestrained. You can buy an harness with a short lead that clips into the seat belt. I bought one for about $8 for my daughters dog.(I know you live in the 'outback' where rules like that are ignored, if they exist)
15/Jun/10 6:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I will sit with my 'friend' today when she starts her new treatment. Just hope and prey it works this time.
Rolanda, probably best that your Mother stayed overnight. And prayers for good results on her check up later in the week.
Gail great news about you Auntie June.
Nola, sorry about your family breakdown.I do hope it is not too traumatic for your grandson.
15/Jun/10 6:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... there are no laws like that around here. A lot of dogs in rural areas would be miserable if there were. It's rare to see a pickup truck without a dog riding loose in the back, and at least one in the cab.
15/Jun/10 7:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish your "friend" the best. She's been through a nightmare so far and needs something to work right.
15/Jun/10 7:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
No news about the brother yet. I'm taking the position that no news is good news. He just doesn't want to be found. I hope.

I haven't read yet. My internet connection completely fell apart last night and I couldn't get on at all. I just wanted to let you know the latest in case it kicks me off again...
15/Jun/10 7:30 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Fingers crossed for a good outcome from this treatment June.
We don't have any laws about dogs being restrained either. There are adverts on tv letting us know how dangerous it is to have them free in a vehicle, but no laws to prohibit it.
We do have harnesses with seat belt clips for our two dogs.
15/Jun/10 7:34 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Checking in this afternoon. Hello to all!

Hi, Suzy, June, CynB, Gail, Rolanda, Broni, Brenda, Heidi, MizTricia, Nola, Rena, Theresa,

Suzy, I'm hoping when I turn the page I will see some good news! Wishing the young man all kinds of luck to find his younger brother!

June, you have certainly been busy clearing the area of your laundry room! I hope the repair to your gnihsaw enihcam will be easy, quick, and economical! Don't overdo while you clear the area! Great TOPP! Thinking positive thoughts and sending vibes and prayers for your friend!

I just now (3:50 p.m.) received an automated call from my village requesting information on a missing juvenile (age 12) male last seen around noon. This has never happened before. They must suspect foul play.

Now, back to reading comments.

Cyn, hope your hubby is feeling better now! It's not TMI to let us know he kept his dinner. However, it would be TMI if he hadn't and you had given a graphic description!

Gail, what amazingly wonderful news about your Aunty! She could also make progress physically, now that she is fully awake! Continued positive thoughts and vibes and prayers are headed her way!

Rolanda, I'm so sorry about your Mum's difficulty! Absolutely, staying in the hospital (probably monitored) is the best thing for the rest of the day and probably overnight! All the best for the 6-month check on Thursday! Sending more positive thoughts, vibes and prayers your way for you and your Mum!

Heidi, I hope the work continues to progress smoothly on your sunroom! How are you feeling? Is the epidural this week?

MizT, wonderful news on the terrific sleep and hand feeling better! Keep up the good work! (Do you suppose the cold items in the freezer you had to defrost helped "ice" your hand?)

(Now 4:10 p.m. here and got another call from my "village" saying the missing juvenile has been found. - Now, if only the young man can track down his brother!)

Nola, I hope your 4 more revision online classes go perfectly and you don't need to do any resubmits! So sorry to hear about your son and DIL! Wishing all the best to them and their young boy! Did they try any marriage counseling or family counseling? Sending positive vibes and prayers. Yes, life certainly does $UCK! No wonder the oldest boy is angry; you said he is a very sensitive boy! Hopefully it will be easier for him with time!

MizT, so glad your sloshy thing is working. I hope all the damp things dry quickly in your heat! Hopefully the humidity isn't also high!

Heidi, I hope Molly can get better quickly! You really don't need to have kennel cough going through your collies! (Is there a vaccination for it?) Your description of Molly "helping" you drive the truck to and from the vet was funny, though sad, understanding her past 2 weeks!

Rena, we are so glad you stopped by! We have missed you and hope you will find more time to visit during the summer with school finished and pro
15/Jun/10 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope it's a quick fix for your machine today.

Rolanda, sorry to hear your mother had a turn. I hope they kept her in hospital overnight just as a precaution. I talked to Ebob the other day after listening to all of you talk about your mothers and said 'when I'm older if I need more care than I'm able to give myself, don't feel guilty, no matter what I say, find me a place in a nursing home'. I wonder if that will make any difference for them if they are faced with the same dilemma you have had?
15/Jun/10 7:37 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rena, we are so glad you stopped by! We have missed you and hope you will find more time to visit during the summer with school finished and probably fewer activities for Amber! I hope you, Amber and your friends enjoy your trip to the resort and Wolf Centre!

Nola, we will probably spend more time helping to keeping grandies happy and entertained while D does the packing, etc.! We get the fun part of the job!

Hope to have time to get back later!
15/Jun/10 7:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, there is a vaccination for kennel cough, but no vaccination is 100% effective, especially when an animal is under stress.
15/Jun/10 7:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I see I took forever (too many interruptions) and missed quite a few comments.

Thank you for the update, Suzy! I'm so sorry you have had connection problems! I'll try to take the same attitude that "No news is good news!" He'll be "found" when he is ready to be found.

Suzy, hubby and I should have the same conversation with our children. No matter what we say and how much guilt we try to lay on them. they must do what needs to be done when we are older and need assistance!

I don't think there are dog restraint laws in our state either, though some people do have "seat belts" of sorts. Our "grand dogs" (both large) ride behind the back seat of their SUV with a gate attached at floor and ceiling separating them from the passenger compartment.
15/Jun/10 7:45 AM
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