Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This heat is really getting to me. There's so much I need to do outside, and so little that I can do in this heat.
25/Jul/10 3:43 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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You can take it easy for a change Heidi....Its much too hot to do anything other then feed and water the animals. This is about the only way to slow you down girl!!!@!
Hello all! Yes I'm back and bossy as ever....Finally broke throught the additive hold of the other site and hope to get here more often...No sense not being able to get here at least more often than I have....but then you all know how addtive stuff can be.
All is well with me, the doctors even took me off the oxygen and I'm doing well. Hope all is okay with all of you. Belated birthday, anniversary or any other achievemnt celebration that I missed, and get well wishes to any and all who are needing them, with hugs to go around.
I can't believe that we're still on least I didn't miss another move. Have a great day/night where ever you may be. Love you all! Peace.
25/Jul/10 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT seeing you here, Mamacita!
25/Jul/10 4:09 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Just what you didn't need in the heat Heidi.
I must get going...enjoy your day all.
25/Jul/10 4:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I feel for you. I know you have a lot to do and the heat does make things unbearable. Try to stay cool.
Julie, sorry about you loss. It is a blessing for him. Just try to remember the good times.
25/Jul/10 4:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Forgot what else I have read. I will be back later.
25/Jul/10 4:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The new bookshelves arrived today. Now all I need to do is assemble them and paint them to match the walls in the sunroom. I'm too bloody hot to do it, tho'. I'll take a break after I finish all the feeding and watering, then drag the boxes into the sunroom to assemble them there. That's at least in the central air.
25/Jul/10 6:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I know what you mean about it being too hot to do something. My brother and I are supposed to clean out my parents garage and it has been to hot to even think about. I would offer to help build the bookcases but it is too far of a drive
25/Jul/10 9:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good EARLY evening to all!

We headed home a bit earlier than we expected. Overnight last night our area received about 7 inches of rain. Further west of us (where we had to go today), it was closer to 12 inches. In a couple of places we had to take a detour due to water covering roads. While we were at the luncheon following the service, my brother received word that an area of the town was being evacuated due to high water and that a recreation area about 15 miles away was being evacuated, as a dam that had created a man-made lake had burst. As we left town, we saw people filling sand bags to try to shore up the water and a neighboring town's truck towing a rescue boat approaching (lights and sirens on, so we knew it wasn't just a friendly visit). At any rate, the rain stopped for a while and the sun came out for the graveside services for my uncle.
25/Jul/10 9:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Ahhh, it has cooled down! We had a big noisy thunder storm with a LOT of rain, and the temp dropped 20 degrees in less than an hour. Temp was 98, with heat index of 110, came down to 74 with a heat index of 80, so it felt like it dropped 30 degrees. I thought I would need a jacket hehehe. Late enough it should not climb back much tonight. Hope this has broken the back of the heat wave.

Good to see Mamacieta, glad you made it back and looking forward to seeing you more and more often.

Rolanda, have I just missed your posts? Or are you AWOL? OH, you had a birthday dinner last night? Come tell us how that went.

Heidi, thanks for the info on the fawn, I was not sure when it should have been born. Figured you would know. Be careful in the heat.

Nola, that state park is right in the metropolitan area of Birmingham. Al and I have camped there overnight several times, just took his full sized work van, put in the bed he made for it, packed in a few necessities, and could be there and be camping in 30 minutes. There are several lakes, and this is the last foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, way down about the toe of the foot even. Those cabins are sooo popular, one must make reservations a year in advance.

Time to fling food, hugs.
25/Jul/10 9:57 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
A very cool chilly day up in sunny Brissy today.
Cyn, Julie and Theresa my thoughts are with you.
Great to see Mama drop in.
Luv and Hugs to you all.
25/Jul/10 10:01 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, I got dragged away and never got to reading page 285 or 286. I hope to get back in a while! Hugs to all!
25/Jul/10 10:56 AM
   RolandA  From Perth W Aust
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Sorry Trisha, I have the dreaded cold, and have not been here.
The birthday dinner on Friday Night went well. We all had a nice evening. I made Sticky Date Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce for sweets.
25/Jul/10 11:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
One thing about these purple avatars - it makes it hard to see at a glance who has been visiting! I know we have permission to change them and I will change mine eventually. It has just been so nice seeing how supportive the people in here are.

Great to see you Mamacita. As you can see, I am maintaining both addictions, sigh. Maybe Dino’s book will help me, when I can eventually get a copy…

Cyn, lots of relatives with dementia is a bit of a worry. Only one of mine seemed to have dementia, and she was always a little weird so it was actually difficult to tell!

Tami, one thing about my lousy connection. I’m behind on the news. If it wasn’t for SA I wouldn’t even have known you had a major nasty headed your way. I’m glad it seems to have shrunk down to something a lot less nasty…
25/Jul/10 11:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I’ve noticed in my local library that a lot of the books have initials written in the inside back cover. People put their initials there and know they’ve read that book. The library doesn’t seem to mind.

June, that was a bargain! All the quality and service of a $36 dish for $20! It sounds like a wonderful day.

Theresa, I hope the reunion turns out to be fun for you too.. I agree about the phones. Mine drives me crazy! I got one when I had to travel to Bathurst on my own - about 6 or 7 hours from here. I kept it when Ebob was left on the side of the road by the school bus. (Long story, and a few years old now). Now I have to have it because I have a ‘free hour’ every day and use it to keep in contact with my mother who moved a long way from here. I told hubby about Taz licking your face and the other 2 cats and he was amazed! Animals are incredible beings!
25/Jul/10 11:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Viv, you were very spoilt! You must be working hard for your friend to earn a thank you like that - and why am I not surprised…

Yikes Julie! That sounds a bit frightening! I was sorry to hear about your uncle and am glad there was a little sunshine for the service. Hugs!

Heidi, herding cows in that heat must have been exhausting! I hope you are in the central air now.
25/Jul/10 11:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning Broni and Rolanda, I'm glad the birthday dinner went well Rolanda. Next time you make sticky date pudding I'm there!
25/Jul/10 11:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I AM in the central air now, and I don't plan on going outside again until tomorrow. I need to figure out how to keep constantly hydrated while outside. I can drink a quart of kool-ade, go outside for 15 minutes, and I feel like I'm dying of thirst.
25/Jul/10 11:24 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, the reunion went better than expected. It was almost enjoyable. Roast pig and roast turkey with all the trimmings for supper ... I'm still full. Hubby's mom seemed to enjoy herself, but she was very tired. I too am tired from sitting around all day doing nothing but talking. It was very hot, but the yard had many large trees to sit under and then about mid afternoon we got a nice breeze.

Heidi, what a chore rounding up the cattle in that heat. I don't blame you for staying in now.
25/Jul/10 11:55 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie, that's a lot of rainfall for an area to receive. I imagine you must have been glad to be home.

Rolanda, hope your cold is better soon.

MizT, glad it has cooled somewhat for you. Heat waves are totally exhausting.

Well, I think I shall toddle off to bed shortly. Stay safe everyone.
25/Jul/10 12:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all!
Theresa - glad the reunion went well.
Julie's dealing with lots of rain, Heidi and other with hot weather.
Rolanda's got the flu - hope you feel better soon.
Mamacita called in - Wow! Hello Broni!
25/Jul/10 1:05 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone. Nearly 9 pm here, finally cooled off enough to open the windows.
Didn't read this page yet, too tired. Allergies were acting up today & yesterday. Darrell & I went to Home Depot yesterday & bought 14 bags of cow manure for the lawn. It helped to use it when we lived in California. Can only hope it helps this yard.
25/Jul/10 1:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Went out for dinner last night (to the Norman, Broni and Vicki will know where I mean) for my son-in-law's birthday dinner. His actual day was 22/7 but easier to organise on the weekend. Glad I went, we had a great night and I came home feeling much more cheerful.
Today is filled with boring things like paying bills, buying groceries but looking up this evening - going to my sister's for dinner and to watch Masterchef final (Go Callum).
25/Jul/10 1:09 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne - you popped in while I was typing!
25/Jul/10 1:10 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Mamacita: I sent you a PM tonite. Hope you are doing well. I've been spending some time on "that other site" (fb). I see you've been there too.
25/Jul/10 1:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne.... I have all the cow manure you could possibly want. FREE.
25/Jul/10 1:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Suzy, Suzanne, MizTricia, Heidi, Tami, June, Theresa, Gail, CynB, V Viv, Nola, Mamacita, Broni, Rolanda and any others!

MizT, I like your idea of the library reminding you if you have already checked out a book! You might suggest it, as I'm guessing their computer system could do something like that. Maybe no one has ever thought of it. BTW, you really got a lot done - yesterday, I guess! Way too much cussing, but a feeling of accomplishment!

Heidi and MizT, thanks for the suggestions for jigsaw sites! I haven't had much time for them recently, but do enjoy a good jigsaw, so may try them out!

Tami, I'm glad Bonnie didn't live up to the weather forecasters' predictions! Did the campers accept bowling as a good compromise after missing out on swimming?

June, lunch with your MIL sounded perfect! A great meal at a less than expected price with a good view!

Theresa, I understand how you feel about phones, as I used to avoid using our cell phone. Maybe the difference now is that our children both live in different states and my siblings are quite spread out. We have truly found at times that they have been very helpful to have, so I'm a convert. It makes it easier for our children to reach us - and us to reach them! Thank you for sharing the story of the other two cats who have taken up "grooming" you! That's really quite amazing!

MizT, that's a very descriptive phrase - to brush up enough cat hair to knit a kitten! Yep, know the feeling!

CynB, I think Aunty Vi would be pleased with all of the purple - and the chocolates! What a terrific idea! (I've never seen a lavendar casket; I imagine it was quite striking!) So sorry that your Aunty Sybil is also showing signs of Alzheimers! In my cousin's eulogy today for his father, he mentioned that it's called "the slow death." Hopefully they will one day find a way to slow the process, or, better yet, reverse it! Your sadness after the celebration of life is understandable, though it seems like it was well-planned and quite reflective of your Aunty Vi!

CynB and Tami, thank you for sharing the humorous stories!

Theresa, I hope the family reunion was enjoyable! Hopefully the drive went quickly and the weather cooperated!

MizT, what fun to see a doe and her fawn! A number of years ago a neighbor saw a doe giving birth to a fawn beside our house. We weren't home at the time. It hasn't happened again, as far as we know.

Heidi, I hope the barrier through the culvert holds so that the cows don't "eat out" again! Has the weather improved at all today? So glad that your new bookshelves have arrived, Heidi, but you can take your time putting them together and painting them, can't you?

Woo Hoo! I just turned to page 286 and see that Mamacita has been here - and hopes to get here more frequently! We have missed you, Ouima! I'm so glad to hear that you don't need to use the oxygen now, even in this hot weather!

Broni, it's good to see you on a chilly
25/Jul/10 1:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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So sorry, but my comment ran over again. Here's what got cut off:

Broni, it's good to see you on a chilly (but hopefully not TOO chilly) morning! Hope you're having a great day!

Rolanda, I'm glad the birthday dinner went well, and dessert sounds yummy! I hope your cold is soon better!

CynB, I'm glad you were able to enjoy the birthday dinner for your son-in-law!

Suzy, is there hope for your internet connection to get better? I know you have often commented about how slow and unreliable it is! Quite frustrating for you, I imagine! It seems that the patrons of your library have solved the problem of accidentally re-reading a book. Placing your initial inside the back cover would do the trick, as long as the librarians don't mind!

Suzanne, I'm glad you at least get cooler temperatures at night and can open the windows! (I don't remember the last time we could do that - seems like our temperatures are staying in the mid-80's F - even overnight. I don't remember it being that way some years ago. BTW, I hope the cow manure helps your lawn! (Too bad Heidi didn't offer before you bought some.)
25/Jul/10 1:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm having elderly dog incontinence problems again. This time it's Hollie. She seems to be either unable to hold it, or prefers going inside. Hollie has recently had a series of small strokes and her personality has changed a little, as well as her balance. She's 13 - 14 years old, and spent all of her life (before coming here) in a puppy mill. The Collie Rescue group I belong to, along with the ASPCA, successfully shut them down nearly 2 years ago.
25/Jul/10 2:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're gonna have thunder boomers hitting in 3 to 4 hours, it looks like. The forecast is for thunderstorms for the next 7 days at least. They do say that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger..... but I don't like having to deal with so many days of freaked out dogs.
25/Jul/10 3:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, hope the storm is not too bad and not too much trouble with the dogs.
juli, sorry about your Uncle and all the problems driving home after the storm.
Rolanda, get well quick! Colds and flu are no fun.
Pleased your reunion went well Theresa.
Lovely to see you back Mamacita. To look at my FB page no one would believe I do not play the games. actually it means I do not go there very much as I hate getting through all the games on my page.I guess it keeps my daughter occupied!
25/Jul/10 5:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bowled today with Hubby in the mixed pairs and we had a great game and won. Despite the fact I have a slight inconvenient infection. No more details needed.
Tomorrow we have a "Christmas in July" lunch with the Probus Club.
25/Jul/10 5:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
June, if you go onto facebook go to 'friends' on the left hand side and then click on status updates. You'll still see some game related posts where people have used their status to ask for things, but most of it is gone. I hide all of the games I don't play so I don't see their posts, but you can't do that because d1 and d2 want to see them!
25/Jul/10 7:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, sorry about the incontinence and the boomers. I hope you get some rest eventually.

June, congratulations on your bowls win, and ouch!

Cyn, your SIL shares a birthday with my mother!!

Theresa, I'm glad the reunion was nice, if hot. I hope you have caught up on your sleep and are feeling refreshed and revived!
25/Jul/10 7:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Two injured people after baseball yesterday. Hubby has done his calf in again and Ebob might have cracked ribs! I just thought she was winded and bruised, didn't think that her ribs might be cracked!!!
25/Jul/10 7:54 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Initials in a Library book when read? Who suggested that? (thank you Julie, I now know it was Suzy) I might try, but our library has multiples of some books, if they are vastly popular when they are purchased. I know my family did that when we passed books around. Sister who traveled bought all the best sellers for airport and hotel entertainment, sent to Mom, and on through the family. When all our initials were on the page, last one knew they could donate.

I might ask the library about adding that feature. Our library has self check out. Scan your card, then scan the books, so it is into the computer each time and you are at the terminal yourself to see if it popped up, "do you really want to check out this book? You last checked it out ___" hehehe

Julie, the " knit a kitten" comment was not originally mine, forget who said it when, but I loved it and remembered. You know, Julie, it has been months since I could open windows also, even though it does get to mid 70's nights, just too too humid.

Heidi, sorry to hear about Hollie's health problems. Perhaps the doc can give meds that will help the incontinence for a bit. Are collies more prone than other breeds to having strokes?

June, Suzy said it best, OUCH, and get well soon!

Suzy, I do hope that Ebob does not have cracked ribs. Is a trip to have them X-rayed in her future? Do let us know how she is doing and tell her that her cyber auntie is sending get well wishes.

Heidi's offer of cow manure was very generous, but I think the shipping might be a little excessive.

Now, this may sound silly, but I am so thrilled! I can close a zip lock bag! That pinch and slide has been beyond my abilities for over 3 months, and just so very inconvenient. So many things either come in a re-closeable zip lock packaging ( lunch meat, shredded cheese, cat treats, etc.) and I struggled with inventive ways to get them closed. Major personal milestone for me, YEAH TRICIA. Heidi, I can credit success to the orthopedic putty you sent, and the exercises of make a snake and then pinch repeatedly along the length for helping me. Thank you!!

June, tell us about the Christmas In July luncheon. Did you have traditional English Christmas Dinner menu? Your weather might be a bit more like our Christmas weather than it is in December.

25/Jul/10 9:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia we will be going to a theatre restaurant. A lot of of places here have "Christmas in July" meals where they dish up all the "traditional" Christmas fare that is considered too hot for us to eat in December. It started many years ago in the Blue Mountains just west of Sydney where the temperature are much cooler and they actually get a few snow falls in winter.
25/Jul/10 10:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Interesting site I happened upon. A leggo artist, makes all kind of things from leggo blocks.
25/Jul/10 10:09 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I hope Ebob's ribs are OK. Will that be the end of D's baseball for the moment?
I did not get a lot of sleep last night so I might see if I can catch up a bit more tonight.
25/Jul/10 10:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - good thoughts to Ebob, hope those ribs heal quickly!
June - I love Christmas in July parties - haven't been to one in a couple of years.
Just thinking that if the topsiders had Christmas in July, they could eat our Christmas fare of fresh seafood, cold meats and salads followed by pavlovas and trifles. Either way - yummm!
25/Jul/10 10:54 PM
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