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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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You wouldn't believe what the nurse who did the ECG said: You get hit in the in-field, short stop gets hit, the pitcher gets hit, you shouldn't get hit by a fly ball - you should catch it!
Rolanda, hope S is not in too much pain.
Hey Broni! Life is still super busy I see..
Gail, I love your tradition. I might copy it one day.
Cyn, now they've fired that guy I hope fewer people have problems like yours.
26/Jul/10 8:04 PM
Perth W Aust
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No pain as yet for the boy.
About to have dinner - Mashed Veg for the boy with Googy Egg.
26/Jul/10 8:21 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hey - I had googy egg with my dinner tonight, too, Rolanda!
(Haven't heard that term since I was a kid!! Talk about nostalgia!)
26/Jul/10 9:23 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Rolanda or Cyn, what is googy egg??
Tricia, I am on summer vacation. I don't care about my spelling.
Julie, the lower attendance was definitely due to the weather. A lot of the kids have other places to go instead of camp, grandparents or parents don't work. It was raining hard in the morning and I knew it would keep some of the kids at home. A few are also out of town on vacation.
26/Jul/10 10:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, glad to hear the good news, so far, about Ebob. Hope the xray shows nothing and all she needs is some rest.
26/Jul/10 10:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, good news about Ebob. She may have bruised ribs, which hurt like fury, but heal a lot faster. Been there, done that.
26/Jul/10 11:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... There IS a picture of the carved Emu egg on my page. Which is why I didn't feel the need to describe it.
26/Jul/10 11:08 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I need to get dressed and head off. I have to stop and get some more cat litter before dropping off the eggs at the Fair. Hollie seems to think that my new sunroom is her indoor potty. I left the concrete floor as-is, so cat litter absorbs her messes quickly. I suspect that she's getting senile and she's remembering back to her years in a puppy mill where she had to relieve herself in her small concrete floored pen.
26/Jul/10 11:13 PM
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Good Maen everyone! Nice day here (so far). Supposed to be cooling off this week. YAY!!
My neighbors came back from San Diego safe & sound. They had a WONDERFUL time and told me to thank everyone for their prayers.
Heidi: You made me laugh about the hog poop!! Too funny!! What a great way to start a Monday morning, with a smile!
Suzy: I hope everything is ok with Ebob.
Had more to say, CRAFTS is here again. (Or as TTT would say, it never left--ha ha!)
27/Jul/10 12:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the fair grounds. The employees there seemed to be impressed with my eggs... everybody there wanted a look at them. As I pulled in my driveway, the delivery man arrived with my new bistro table and chairs for the sunroom! Some assembly required, of course, but I do love jigsaw puzzles. I'll put a pic on my page of the set.
27/Jul/10 12:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What IS Googy Egg?????
27/Jul/10 12:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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greetings friends, one handed typing now, my recovering hand is encased in warm paraffin and I am multitasking. I had a good night's sleep thanks to modern chemistry, busy morning so far, I hit the ground running. sloshy thing working on second load. My bed has been changed and mattress turned, thanks to hubby's help.
If you dislike mice, skip this paragraph. I thought I was hearing a mouse under my bed. Scooter had taken up sentry duty beside it for a few days, even sleeping under the bed, something she has never done before. meant i could not put out mouse poison. well, today in turning the mattress, I spied something red under head of the bed. Ahhh, that is where my red rice sock, the one I had sewed from fabric, had gone. been missing since before surgery. I managed to wiggle my arm between headboard and mattress and caught a corner of it, but moving it just a tad, I heard rice spilling. yep, i had been feeding a mouse. dratted thing had eaten/stored about half a pound of rice!!
timer dinging, my hand is warm and ready for exercise. catch you on my next break, still lots to do. hugs to all.
27/Jul/10 1:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope Scooter catches the little troublemaker, MizT.
27/Jul/10 1:46 AM
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Morning all!
A googy egg is just an egg made more exciting for a toddler by giving it a funny name...
27/Jul/10 1:52 AM
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I needed to sit up for a while. So I came here!
Had a lovely fun lunch. We had about 50 people in our group and for the 'older' Aussies the singer/entertainer was Maria Venuti (with the big boobs).
Then last night I started to run a temperature and did not feel well at all. Ken was out with the car and when he got back the local medical centre was closed! I felt the the infection I had may have gone to my kidneys so spent the next 3 1/2 hours in the local hospital emergency room. it was suggested I stay overnight with a drip for antibiotics or tablets that would take a bit longer to work. I opted for the tablets as My friend has Chemo today and I will have a girl tonight and all tomorrow. I feel OK except I was taking something for the 'ouch' and at the moment it has gone through my system and I am waiting for some I took a while ago to work.
27/Jul/10 3:34 AM
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I am also due to play in the semi final of the women's triple championship today. It will depend how I feel or if we can find a substitute. Otherwise I let down the other players in the team. I know, I know, I will not do anything silly.
As I did not have anything to eat last night I might just go and make myself some toast and then go back to bed.
27/Jul/10 3:38 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I have not heard it lately, that little trouble maker mouse, perhaps she scared it away. With her on patrol and the food source removed, perhaps it will go elsewhere. We have flied mice, cause we have fields all around us. Getting them indoors is inevitable, keeping them is not, not with a good mouser like Scooter.
Suzy, thanks for the explanation about googy egg. I am happy Ebob got checked. Getting hit on the breastbone could have been serious, I have read of players who had their heart stop instantly cause of it!! It was good doc did an ECG.
Heidi, I almost made a comment about your putting together all that furniture, but thought better of it. It has to do with a verb that describes putting nuts on bolts, but with it's naughty slang connotation, I would be banned for life. BAD TRICIA!!
Suzanne, hope it does cool down for you some. Our temps have dropped about 3 or 4 degrees, helps a lot with the heat index. Humidity is still high, dew point above 75, means the air is really wet and ripe for T storms to pop up afternoons. Probably more than you wanted to know about Alabama weather
Time to get third load in the sloshy thing, my sheets are dry, folded and in the closet already and most of the hanging clothes are dry and inside, I have room to hang out towels too now.
Later hugs
27/Jul/10 4:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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JUNE, so sorry your infection has spread! Drink lots of water taking those antibiotics for kidney infection, cause the ones I always took gave me a bad headache if I did not! Cranberry juice is also good, it changes the pH balance of the urinary tract making it uninhabitable for most of the germs that cause the infection. Get well soon dear!
27/Jul/10 4:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... You have me worried. This infection does not sound friendly.
27/Jul/10 5:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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ALL the furniture has been assembled. It really looks good, too. Both book cases still need to be repainted, but that's for another day. I made the right choice as to bistro table and chairs. They look great in the sunroom.
27/Jul/10 5:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Now I'm gonna crash for a few hours. The Lion's Club meeting starts in 3 hours. IH won't be able to make it, so I invited Robert to come along. I think he knows everybody there.
27/Jul/10 5:06 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
Suzy,I'm glad you had Ebob checked out with the Doc and all seems fine.No use taking chances.Poor Hubby who also must need some TLC,keeping you busy.
Heidi,I checked out your bistro table and chairs and they look nice and summery for your sunroom.
June,take care and get well soon.As Tricia said.DRINK HEAPS OF WATER.
I hope you feel well enough to go to the womens championships.
Healing vibes being sent to your friend.
Tricia,you have lots of energy lately.You MUST be getting better.We used to get lots of mice when we lived in Wagga Wagga.They made an awful mess ripping out the insulation in the stove for their nest.
I was wondering where the term "Googy Egg"came from and why we have so many slang words.
Our usual Thursday night dinner at brothers will be cancelled this week as SIL has got herself a job which I am pleased about.Will go up tonight instead but only for a drink and chat.
Renae and family got back from the eye specialist in Brisbane yesterday where the girls were given the news of no effects to their eyes from being premmie and all that entailed.Great news.
Tami,had to laugh at being on holidays so you don't have to spell correctly.hehe
Rolanda,hope the no pain continues for your son.
27/Jul/10 6:37 AM
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Morning all!
Got to say that twice today. I didn't sleep well because my muscles were all tight and achey. I might be a little stressed. Have no idea why...
June, I hope the antibiotics work quickly enough for you to have some relief today. Between bowls and the little girl you will be kept too busy to spend any time recovering!
MizT, I love your multi-tasking! We have the same problem with mice. We live too close to bush/forest and farm land so sometimes get them. I hope Nomnom grows up to be a mouser! She sounds like a mouse when she wants something with her little squeaky complaint, I wonder if that's a good start?
27/Jul/10 6:42 AM
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Morning Nola!
Great news about the twins. Every little step must be wonderful. They had to travel a long way for the exam!!! Does that happen a lot? Good/bad news about your Thursday night dinners. I know you enjoyed not cooking, but a job for SIL sounds good too.
Hubby thinks Australians are allergic to using the correct word for anything, including names... half the time he has no idea what people are saying.
27/Jul/10 6:48 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning Suzy.Yes, the girls have had to have eye tests right from babies very often, and this was the last one.They don't mind traveling to Brizzy as their other Grandmother lives there so they get to visit her.The other Granny spoils them with love as since moving up here,she doesn't get to see them as often as she would like.
27/Jul/10 7:39 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Enjoy your day everyone.
27/Jul/10 8:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the short but fun Lion's Club meeting. Robert enjoyed himself a lot. He got to talk tattoos and motorcycles with several people, as well as getting a steak dinner.
27/Jul/10 9:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, in case anybody has been wondering... Stumpy, the Lady Gouldian Finch missing 3 toes on one foot, turned out to be an orange/yellow headed female.
27/Jul/10 10:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
June, please take care of yourself. That infection sounds nasty.
Heidi, glad all the furniture is working out well. Can't wait to see the final pictures.
Tricia, good thing Scooter is good at chasing mice. Read all the posts but don't remember what I have read. I did not have a good day at camp and my head is in a fog.
27/Jul/10 10:51 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
June - please get well soon, drink lots of water etc etc. This is all you need! Thinking of you!
Nola - pleased the twins eyesight is OK.
Heidi - thanks for the info on Stumpy. I still visit the Gouldians at the pet shop. My grandies love them too.
Googy egg to me is a boiled egg, in an egg cup with the top chopped off, ready to be scooped out with a teaspoon and dipped in salt and pepper - yum! Childhood favourite and the term must be old - my childhood was the 50's!
27/Jul/10 11:07 AM
Perth W Aust
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Googy Egg is a soft boiled egg, in an egg cup with the top chopped off, ready to be scooped out with a teaspoon or soldiers ( toast cut into long rectangles)....
Morning everyone.
The boy is still painfree. His mother feels like 'death warmed up'.
27/Jul/10 11:34 AM
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Afternoon all!
Nola, I wouldn't mind the trip either if I was your grandies then!
Hmm, when I was a widdle one, a googy egg was any kind of egg - boiled, scrambled, fried... How would you like your googy egg? was the question. Perhaps my family were unusual?
27/Jul/10 12:32 PM
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Hello, Sudoku Friends!
Hi, Rolanda, Gail, Broni, Suzy, CynB, Tami, Heidi, Suzanne, MizT, June, Nola, and anyone I've missed!
Theresa, I hope all is well in small-town Canada!
Rolanda, I'm so glad to hear that the wisdom tooth removal went well!
Broni, we're just glad to have you visit - whether it's dinner time or any other time! I hope all is well and has calmed down now that you don't need to deal with that other job!
Suzy, I'm glad the diagnosis so far for Ebob is good! Hope the xray is also negative and that she soon has far less pain! How's your hubby's injury? I hope the nurse's comment didn't bother Ebob too much!
Tami, thanks for asking about "gooey egg," as I was wondering also! I see Heidi is also wondering, so I hope there will be an explanation! Tami, I didn't know correct spelling took a vacation!
Heidi, I will look at the carved emu egg on your page. I didn't realize you already had a picture there. I suspect your analysis of Hollie using the concrete floor is probably quite accurate! Poor thing doesn't know she's doing something she shouldn't do, as it was what was expected of her when she was younger! Doesn't it just make your heart ache?
Suzanne, it's good to hear that temperatures in Utah will be dropping. That suggests there's hope that the cooler air will work its way east. Good news that your neighbors arrived home safely from San Diego and had a good time while they were away!
MizT, I'm glad you found the sock with rice! I'm sorry a mouse also found it! Go, Scooter, find that ungrateful mouse and send him packing (or worse).
June, I hope the antibiotics are able to quickly attack the infection and you are soon on the way to feeling MUCH better! I'm sure you're drinking lots of water - and maybe even some cranberry juice! Waiting to hear if you participated in the semi final of the women's triple championship today. If you did, I hope all went well! Sending positive vibes for a quick recovery for you and thinking of your friend and sending positive vibes for her, as well!
Suzy, thanks for the explanation of gooey egg! CynB and Rolanda, thanks for elaborating on the gooey egg description. Gooey Egg and Soldiers sounds yummy!
Heidi, great news that the chairs and bistro table arrived and you have assembled them! (No wonder you have your own tools!) Are they already finished, or do you need to paint them when you paint your bookshelves?
Nola, that's good news that the girls didn't have any vision complications due to their being born prematurely! Congrats to your SIL for finding a job! Too bad it will interfere with regular Thursday night dinner get-togethers!
Heidi, has Robert's pain subsided somewhat? When will he see the doctor again? Is surgery scheduled? Thanks for the good news about Stumpy, the Gouldian finch! It sounds like she may be thriving!
Rolanda, so pleased that S is still pain-free. Sending positive vibes for you, though! Sounds like you could use a vacation
27/Jul/10 12:56 PM
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Suzy, perhaps "gooey egg" in your family was just the term used for eggs in general, like we say "kleenex" for any paper tissue, BandAid for any bandage, and Xerox for any copier.
27/Jul/10 12:58 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around lately. Things are finally slowing down at work and I am finally starting to get over this blasted cold - just dealing with a lingering cough.
Suzy, I hope Ebob is ok. It sounds very painful.
CynB, I'm glad Vi's funeral went off well. I thought of you about 3-4 on Friday and then thought that it would be all over when it was just about to start.
Nola, great news on the twin's eyes.
Heidi, Yay, the sunroom is completed.
Rolanda, Hugs to you and Stephen. #1 had his wisdom teeth removed and was up and at-em later that afternoon. #2 has to have his removed at some later date (hopefully he will be paying the bill and not me!)
MizT, Way to go with the zip lock bags. I never thought of that as being difficult. You've opened my eyes to those sort of problems. Do you have trouble with buttons and zips or can you manage those now?
Julie,thinking about you and hubby. Any news on a possible trip to hospital.
June, I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you are feeling better.
Gail, Yummy! Christmas in July. I'm glad things are working out at home for Scott's dialysis. Sending positive vibes for a solution.
Hi to Theresa, Tami, Suzanne, Viv, Mama, Brenda and Broni.
27/Jul/10 1:37 PM
Alabama, USA
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Victoria, zips had been a problem till this week, I had a terrible time getting into my own purse! None of my clothes have zips, elastic waist pull on pants, slip over knit shirts. buttons are still a problem, painful and slow. I have not even tried hooks and eyes, yet, wearing and washing the one bra that has an easier fastener.
OOOPS, thunder boomers getting closer, I best close down for tonight. LOTS of lightning with this line of storms. I just got online to check the weather anyway, but had to drop in to say good night.
27/Jul/10 2:08 PM
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Victoria, it's good to hear that things are finally slowing down a bit for you! Hoping your cold and cough are soon a part of the past!
MizT, I hope you are able to get a good night's sleep! I sometimes find it restful to sleep during a storm, though I'm quite sure that's not the case with Heidi! Sleep well, MizT!
I'm going to try to get to bed a bit earlier tonight! Sending positive vibes and hugs to all! Hoping all is well with those who haven't visited in a while! Have a wonderful afternoon/evening/night! Good Night and God bless!
27/Jul/10 2:22 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Wow, quiet here tonight - where is everybody? Over 6 hours since last post! Oh well, back to FB.
27/Jul/10 8:35 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Just as well I am not on FB.
I can barely get time to come and post in here. lol
Just home from collecting son from fish and chip shop and we did a bit of night driving for his L plates.
Long way to go yet, he has done 53 hours and 13 hours of night driving.
He will not make it for his birthday on the 11th August but then I have been too busy to take him often enough to get the time up.
27/Jul/10 9:45 PM
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Evening all!
I don't know what everybody else had as an excuse for not dropping in this afternoon/evening, but mine was a stolen computer! Well, not really. Ally and Three's younger brother were using it to learn new songs. I'm not sure the cause was good enough!!
27/Jul/10 10:19 PM
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