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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, your computer gets stolen by your kids and I steal my kid's computer. Mine is still acting up and haven't been able to replace it yet.
Julie, I am still sticking to my excuse that I am on summer vacation and I don't have to worry about spelling. I go back in three weeks so then my spelling might improve.
Victoria, glad you were able to stop in and feel better.
Viv, Avon must be treating you very well. Glad you were able to stop in.
Got to get ready for camp. Hope everyone has a great day/night and see you all later.
27/Jul/10 10:41 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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A surprise TOPP. The best kind.
27/Jul/10 10:42 PM
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Good morning. I was so tired i went to bed early ,had a couple of hours sleep and now I have been awake for the last two hours
I did play bowls yesterday but we lost. The skip of the other team has a natural ability to bring down the last bowl and get the shot. Although I did feel a bit washed out I still managed to put down a few decent bowls!
28/Jul/10 2:12 AM
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Nola, pleased about the check up for the girls. I remember some years ago twins who were given oxygen and it destroyed their vision.
Nola nice to see you.
Viv,it is hard to get up all the hours driving for your son. It does delay the time when you start worrying because they are out in a car!
Not thinking very clearly at the moment so cannot remember any more comments. Will now try to get some more sleep.
28/Jul/10 2:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Strange night. Lots of thunder and lightning, but no rain at all. Dennis curled up with me on the bed and fell asleep. It was Hollie who kept me up all night, shivering and shaking, I took advantage of it and sat up watching an old movie serial. I've really gotten into them recently, especially the ones with the "King of the Serials", Clayton Moore. Before he portrayed "The Lone Ranger", he was a trapeze artist, stunt man and excellent movie serial actor.
28/Jul/10 2:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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ANOTHER thunderstorm!!!
28/Jul/10 2:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And this time it's raining cats and dogs!
28/Jul/10 2:57 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All...
Weather is beautiful here,hot, but not miserablely so. Humididy is on the way back up, so we may be getting some of those hit/miss storms that are near MizT and Heidi.
After reading the comments I went to your page Heidi to see the looks great, but I really enjoyed your youtube...I was dancing in my seat... now I have a headache for no apparent reason...go figure...having fun then a stupid headache spoils the feeling.....sigh. Healing vibes being sent to Rola , June and anyone else who can use them. Good to see Vi and Nola, and I'm glad the twins did well with their vision checks...nice that some things continue to be good...that's life...balance.
I'm off for now, do the best you can with what you've got to deal with and remember...this too shall pass..Peace.
28/Jul/10 4:05 AM
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Morning all!
Heidi, I love the bistro set. Wish there had been a photo of the birds in the sunroom too!
June, I hope you got some more sleep. It sounds like you had a good game at bowls yesterday.
Tami, Alyssa had her computer doing one thing, they had my computer on the internet looking up youtube whatsits for how to play certains songs, and for a while Mohawk (I've decided that's what I'll call him since he has one) was using his netbook to tune the guitar. He found hubby's tuner and decided that was better after a while. Music seems to be all high tech these days!
28/Jul/10 6:40 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Good Morning all! I figured that since I have to continually log in I may as well be my supporting member.
I probably won't be on today at work. Our server is finally being replaced today and we could be off line for a few hours. I'm taking a book to read and a sudoku puzzle book to fill in some time.
I hope everyone has a great day!
28/Jul/10 6:51 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just stopping in for a quick hello and good bye. I am going to bed early tonight. It has been way too hot but it is better than the rain on Friday. Hope everyone is happy and healthy in Sudokuland.
28/Jul/10 10:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Standard procedure around here is that during thunderstorms, we unplug the well pump to prevent it from being burnt out. Since we had severe storms all afternoon, I unplugged the well, then took a nap. While I was sleeping, IH came home, tried to take a shower and discovered that he didn't have any water. Instead of plugging in the well pump, he went to his cousin's house for a shower.
28/Jul/10 11:15 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Still not feeling well, wretched cold/flu grrr
The boy however is still painfree and is doing great.
Off to to do Grocery Shop, I have asked the 'Trolley Boy' to come with me, I got a 'maybe'!!
Later Aligaters
28/Jul/10 11:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, busy day today, Al and I were out way too long today. He had doc appointment and wanted to look at some tools, and we stopped in Aldi's for some groceries since we were in the neighborhood and about 3 more various erands. Tired tired tonight, but I must rest fast, be up and out tomorrow by 8:30 for therapy bone doc apointments back to back. YIKES, means I gotta change the alarm to ever earlier. Did I say I hate alarm clocks? I did read, but so tired I have forgotten most, so forgive please if I forgot you.
Rolanda, get well soon friend.
Mama, glad to see you.
Heidi, I am not surprised Gill cound not remember that well pump needed plugged in after a T storm.
Victoria, tough job you have today with no computer, but someone has to do it.
June, sorry you lost at bowls.
Tami, back to school in 3 weeks? Seems like your vacation started only 3 weeks ago!
Night all, catch you sometime tomorrow evening I hope. Hugs.
28/Jul/10 1:58 PM
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Good Evening (almost 11 p.m. here) to all!
Hi, CynB, V Viv, Suzy, Tami, June, Heidi, Mamacita, Victoria, Rolanda and MizTricia!
V Viv, I hope your son is understanding and knows how busy you are. Between your schedules, it's a wonder you've been able to fit in that many hours of driving! Maybe August will be better?
Suzy, hoping Ebob is feeling a bit better today (and your hubby, as well)! So sorry your pooter was kidnapped, Suzy! Does Ally just listen to a song over and over to learn it - or find lyrics and sheet music? Is Three's younger brother becoming a part of your family? I hope all is well with Three!
Tami, great TOPP! Hope you had an enjoyable day at camp!
June, don't you hate when you go to bed early and then can't sleep through the night? I hope you're feeling much better and the antibiotics are doing their work! I wish the bowls results were better.
Heidi, it's just not fair that you have to deal with frightened dogs when you have thunder but no rain! Then to have it followed by an actual thunderstorm with rain! How do the dogs react during the day?
Mama, it's good to see you visiting here! I hope your headache is better!
Suzy, Ally and Mohawk (love the name) are both really into music, aren't they? I didn't realize he had a guitar.
Victoria, I hope the replacement of the server goes well today! Great idea to take a sudoku puzzle book with you to help fill in time!
Heidi, maybe you should unplug the well pump more often? Is it so hard to plug in - or just too much work for someone? (It would seem that going somewhere else for a shower is a bit of work.) BTW, love your bistro table and chairs!
Rolanda, I hope you are soon feeling better! I hope the grocery shopping goes well and is uneventful!
MizT, sorry you had such a busy day - and another one tomorrow! Good luck with therapy and bone doc appointments! I'll be thinking of you!
I finally got to a water aerobics class this morning - and have been going like crazy since then. We are trying to make the house look more presentable. Well, I am, as hubby left Sunday and won't be back until Thursday night. He and my youngest brother are in Wisconsin for an experimental aircraft gathering. (Neither of them flies, but both are interested.) D and her boyfriend arrive Friday. YIKES! Lots of sorting, filing, throwing away, recycling, etc. (even many swear words taking place here)! Tomorrow morning is weekly garbage and recycling pick-up, so I'm trying to get as much out of the house as possible! I also have gathered quite a few items that need to be shredded. I hope the house will look presentable by Friday!
One of the cats slipped when she was jumping up to sit next to the computer. I almost never wear shorts, but I am today, and her nails scratched my leg as she fell. I have a gash about 2.5 or 3 inches long. It started bleeding immediately. Based on hubby's experience a few months ago, I welcomed the bleeding and scrubbed at it to get more. Luckily I
28/Jul/10 2:25 PM
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Here's the end of the cat story:
Based on hubby's experience a few months ago, I welcomed the bleeding and scrubbed at it to get more. Luckily I had a large gauze pad and silk tape to cover it. I guess I won't be able to go to water aerobics class tomorrow.
As it's nearly 11:30 p.m., I'm going to sign off and try to get some sleep! Hugs and positive vibes to all! Nighty-Night!
28/Jul/10 2:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm gonna feed dogs, set my alarm clock, and go to bed. I have to drive to pain management in the morning for a meds pick up (methadone 'scrips have to be picked up in person ONLY), work on replacing a fence tomorrow, then go cook at the county fair all evening.
28/Jul/10 3:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Everyone. The radar shows no storms approaching for tonight.
28/Jul/10 3:15 PM
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Afternoon all!
It's raining, I should have gone to pick the girls up from school! They will be cold and wet when they get home...
Julie, you reminded me of a funny/dumb thing I had happen recently. nomnom likes to use my leg as a half way step to the computer too. For a couple of days I was rubbing my leg and cursing her as it was really sore. Then I actually looked down when I was getting dressed and noticed I had a huge bruise!! It wasn't cat scratches at all that were hurting! And I have no idea how I got the bruise...
28/Jul/10 3:50 PM
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Julie, I didn't answer your question. Ally looks up guitar chords and lyrics mostly - there are a number of sites that have those, some better than others. Mohawk was actually looking up youtube videos of how to play some things. It was amazing, some guy taking you step by step through songs. If they practice enough, and that's a very big IF, one of their songs could come out really well. They want to do Tribute by Tenacious D. Ally would sing Jack Black's part. The 'we are but men' lyric especially would be hilarious!
28/Jul/10 4:02 PM
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Back again and nobody has been here!
I drove within 100m of this when I went to pick up Ebob last night. We had a warning call thank goodness so I went left instead of right. I had a younger girl in the car with me too and I didn't want her to see anything. I can't imagine what his family, and the two drivers, are going through today...
28/Jul/10 6:55 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Quiet night/day in Sudokuland. Only Suzy has been here.
I'm heading up to Pain Management in an hour. That'll give me time to wake up and get dressed. I need to do some laundry, BUT the heavy rain we had yesterday muddied up the well and the water is sort of caramel colored. Not the best stuff to clean clothes in.
((( I wasn't swearing because I'm not actually performing the dirty deed. )))
28/Jul/10 11:13 PM
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Two hours sleep, two hours awake. Just having a hot chocolate and then I will have another try to get some sleep.
A big 4/5 days coming up as our Bowling club have their 'carnival'. That means we invite other clubs to come and play and have cash prises. it is our main fund raiser. We do our own catering and as I do not like working in the kitchen at the club I make the pasta salad for Friday and Monday (for about 80 people).
I am feeling OK now but I do need my sleep. If I get another 5 hours that will total seven so that is not too bad.
29/Jul/10 1:31 AM
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Good luck with the pain management Heidi.
Suzy, I did hear about that accident on the news.
Julie, take care of that scratch and do not let it get infected.
29/Jul/10 1:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That was the shortest wait I've ever had at Pain Management. I happened to arrive when the doctor was between procedures, so I got my 'scrip with only a 2 minute wait! I then stopped at the new Pet Shop in that town (Bardstown, home of most of the famous Kentucky Bourbons and location of "My Old Kentucky Home".). They are planning on specializing mainly in birds, and expressed interest in buying my excess Gouldian Finches. That is a species that their bird supplier does not carry. It's been a good day so far.
29/Jul/10 3:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... Hot Chocolate contains caffeine.
Not the best thing to drink if you want to sleep.
29/Jul/10 4:15 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hi all ... have read all the posts. Good vibes and thoughts going out to all who need them.
Update on daughter: She met the surgeon today. The reason they don't want to do a full hip replacement on someone so young is because on average they only last 10 years or so because young people are more active. They are going to try capping the femur with a steel cap, but they won't know for sure if this is the way to go until they get in there and have a look. Get this, there's a long waiting list and the surgery won't be done for SIX TO EIGHT MONTHS!!!! That's next year. Feeling a might discouraged at the moment.
Plus I have a feeling I'm losing my job. The person I work for sent me an email telling me to call him. I have just been too slow and they have warned me about this already, and I don't blame them. My personal problems are not their problem. I guess I'll be looking for a part-time job ASAP.
Wish me luck, I will need it.
29/Jul/10 6:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I lived through my two busy days, but do not want to schedule such again soon. I had a tiny nap, woke realizing I had not eaten. Since I have remedied that oversight, I might go back to sleep.
Hubby did not go with me to my doc, has not since cast has been off and I could drive myself. He is now gone to have a late lunch with a friend he went all the way through school with, from second grade. Friend is in Birmingham ( from a home town about 2 hours north wast of there)So basicly Al is meeting him about half way between where they live. I was not invited, and would hve declined if I had been, enough riding the roads for me at the moment.
Julie, hope the cat stratch heals soon. My kitty did much the same, sub bed for computer and back for your leg and you got it. I do not believe in overuse of antibiotic soap or ointments, but think I would use both on a cat scratch. My cats have each had horrible abscesses from another cat scratch, they do carry some nasty bugs around on their claws.
NO flinging food for me tonight, with hubby eating so late with his friend. There are planned overs in the fridge for me tonight yeah.
It is cool and comfy in my house today, cloudy out and the temps not as high. My belly is full, I am relaxed, and my bed is looking very comfy. Think I will extend my nap a bit, I have not slept long enough in a couple nights. I hope to come back later.
29/Jul/10 6:33 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Theresa. you ask, you get. Best wishes ♥
29/Jul/10 7:39 AM
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Theresa, thoughts going your way. Capping the bone does not sound as good as a hip replacement. Even if it has to be done again in 10 years or so. By then there may be ones that last longer. The wait will be very hard. Same thing here unless you have private insurance.
I do hope you are able to keep your job. Working from home is certainly a plus with your daughter's situation.
Heidi, I have been told before that Hot Chocolate has caffeine, but it seems to work for me and I drink very little tea or coffee (3-4 cups a week), so no caffeine in my system beforehand..
29/Jul/10 8:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, hope the phone call is not a 'pink slip' call, but something else. Do let us know once you know, we care.
that seems an incredible long time for daughter to have to wait for surgery, I am sorry that is the case. How I wish I had a magic wand to find her some cure for her problems. Until I find such, sending best healing thoughts and wishes her way.
29/Jul/10 8:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, I wonder if, for you, the caffeine in hot chocolate is out weighed by the L-tryptophan in the warm milk? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" glad it works for you dear.
29/Jul/10 8:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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So much for the good day. I was forced to leave the Cattlemen's grill at the Fair because the person in charge decided to cover all the food with pepper, knowing I'm highly allergic to it. I am not happy.
29/Jul/10 8:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa.... maybe you'll find something better.
29/Jul/10 8:44 AM
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Theresa, sending all kinds of thoughts, hugs, wishes and vibes your way. I hope you have an understanding boss and your daughter doesn't have to wait until next year for the surgery..
29/Jul/10 9:07 AM
Stevenage UK
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Theresa hoping that the phone call was not what you expected. Hope your daughter manages to get her surgery earlier than the time scale given.
Suzy how is Three getting on in the accommodation he found.
Hope everyone else feels better if ill or stays well.
29/Jul/10 9:19 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all.
Theresa - all good thought to you and your daughter at the moment. I hope your employers have more heart than to put you off due to your personal problems with your daughter's health. How darned insensitive!
June - hope you got caught up on some sleep.
Have a great day everyone! No special news from here - my life is boring!
29/Jul/10 9:20 AM
Stevenage UK
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The kids were all out tonight, either at the cinema or at work, so Richard and I went out for dinner. We had a discount voucher for an Italian place called Prezzo The voucher gave us a starter, main course and a drink for £10.
29/Jul/10 9:25 AM
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Good maEn everyone! Just popping in for a quick hello.
I've been spending WAY too much time on fb!! My brother-in-law Glen got me on Frontierville & my sister-in-law Laura got me on Petville!! Glen & Laura are Darrell's brother & sister. I love them DEARLY, but I find myself spending too much time doing that!! Haven't read anything in 2 pages, sorry. Hope everyone is well/getting better,etc. Steak & baked potato for dinner, yum!
TTFN all!
29/Jul/10 9:37 AM
Alabama, USA
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Brenda, nice to have a coupon ( voucher) for a good meal, I hope you enjoyed. That is a reasonable price. A steak house near here has something similar, an appetizer (starter) to share, steak for 2, and 2 deserts for $20 total. I just have not got hubby interested in a trip out at night. Even with offering him MY desert ( sweet) also.
29/Jul/10 10:00 AM
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