Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how inconsiderate, or perhaps even malicious, exposing you to a known allergen. on the local news, I heard part of a story. [police are looking for the person who smeared playground equipment with peanut butter, with just the possibility of exposing an allergic child. I do hope you do not suffer any ill effects fron your exposure.
29/Jul/10 10:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I have read the posts but don't remember most of what I have read.
Tricia, I agree that what the guy did to Heidi was rude and inconsiderate. The peanut butter is even worse.

29/Jul/10 11:32 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to go to sleep early. I will be back tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to remember what I have read.
29/Jul/10 11:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all - back again.

Heidi, I loved your 'not swearing'! I didn't love the thoughtlessness of the person in charge at the grill.

MizT, would you like us to nag your hubby? Seems like a deal like that would be a no-miss! He gets steak and 2 deserts!

29/Jul/10 11:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, yummy dinner out for the 2 of you. The place Three is staying is wonderful. Ebob is invited next Monday night to help Three cook 'so he doesn't burn down the kitchen'. He has to cook every Monday night. His mother seems to be wavering about him coming home again. His theory is that she has lost her housekeeper (him). As I don't understand her at all I won't even try to guess.
29/Jul/10 11:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, the primary school the girls used to go to allows peanut butter, but not kiwi fruit.
29/Jul/10 11:50 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I know that peanuts are highly allergic to some, I didn't realize that Kiwi was also or was there another reason?
29/Jul/10 11:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Feeling a bit depressed, so not chatty. I'll be feeding dogs soon, then going to bed. Robert and I will work on fence tomorrow. We didn't get started today. Too much rain.
29/Jul/10 1:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody!

Hello, Heidi, Suzy, June, Theresa, MizTricia, Gail, Brenda, CynB, Suzanne, and Tami! I hope I haven't missed anyone!

Heidi, I'm glad you were able to pick up your prescription so quickly and easily!

Suzy, thanks for explaining the process Ally and Mohawk were using to learn songs. It is truly amazing what can be found on the internet! How did we get along without it? I went to the site about the injured man. I'm SO glad you received notice to drive a different way and avoid your passengers (and you) seeing the mayhem!

June, I'm sorry to hear about your difficulty sleeping! I hope you are feeling better now and the infection is improving! The carnival at bowls sounds fun! I think you may have told us last year about making enough salad for a small army.

Heidi, I'm glad you may have found a shop where you can see some of your Gouldian finches! (Is that why you stopped in?)

Theresa, it's amazing how long your D will need to wait for her surgery! Maybe it's just as well, in case when they get inside they decide the metal cap approach won't work. Sending positive thoughts and vibes for her! I heard an ad on the radio today for a hospital in Chicago who treated a 44-year-old woman. She had very advanced arthritis and couldn't stand or walk - was in a wheel chair. Even though that is early for replacement surgery, they evaluated the situation. She had both hips replaced, then 3 months later both knees replaced! (I can't imagine going through that.)

Theresa, I also hope the phone call has nothing to do with losing your job - just concern for your daughter! I'm thinking positively for you, as working at home is really ideal for you! If the call was to terminate you, I hope you are able to quickly find something even better!

MizT, I'm glad today was a calmer, less busy day for you - and that you didn't need to fling food tonight, just use prepared ahead "planned overs." (I love that description!)

Heidi, I'm truly puzzled by the actions of the person who put pepper all over the food at the Cattlemen's Grill at the fair. Does the person realize how dangerous that is for you - and possibly others?! I've been led to believe that criminal charges could be filed for such behavior.

Cyn, isn't it nice to have a boring day?

Brenda, that sounds like a great deal for your dinner tonight!

Suzanne, your dinner sounded yummy! Are there any left-overs?

MizT, I'm also amazed at the person who spread peanut butter on playground equipment!

Sleep well, Tami!

Suzy, I agree with Tami - have not heard of anyone around here with an allergy to kiwi.

Heidi, I hope you and Robert are able to work on the fence tomorrow! Please don't let the insensitivity of someone at the fair get to you!

I need to check on my cat scratch and get ready for bed. When I checked earlier this morning, it appeared that it bled for a while after I covered it last night. It looks clean, but is a bit sensitive to touch. I put Neospo
29/Jul/10 2:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And now, here's the rest of that post.

I put Neosporin (antibiotic ointment) on it and covered it. As I think about it, maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow morning to check on it. It's just after 11 p.m., and I think I'll call it a night. Good Night, Everyone! Enjoy what's left of your day!

Positive vibes and thoughts and hugs for everyone!
29/Jul/10 2:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, Julie... That was the main reason I stopped at that pet shop. I thought that there was a good chance that they'd buy some of my babies. I was also able to pick up some food for my Lovebirds. They have expressed interest in buying any future Lovebird babies I have.
29/Jul/10 2:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
I miss Neosporin! Antibiotic ointments are only available on prescription here. We have to make do with antiseptic creams. My cat scratches aren't getting infected though so all is good.

Theresa, we have private insurance on top of our public health for exactly the reason your daughter is experiencing. It's getting more and more expensive though and I dropped a few options (like maternity and psychiatric, hehe) so we could keep it. When I had my op, I think it was a couple of years ago now, I travelled to my doc because the local guy was/is a butcher. I could only do that because I had private insurance. The doc told me that he was seeing several women from my area and it looked like the haves and have nots got different levels of care. I nearly laughed at being included with the haves but managed to hold it in...
29/Jul/10 2:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, neosporin is what I use for kitty scratches. so far, it has works for me. I hope your scratch/wound heals quickly.

found that the peanut butter incident was in northern Virginia. i am wondering about the clean up method. it seems the home owners association members had come in before first responders got there(county sheriff) with power washer and cleaned the slides, swings etc. my question, where did the peanut butter tainted water go? onto the grass, gravel, mulch or dirt under the play equipment? is it now dilute enough to cause no harm? Calling hazmat for peanut butter might be overkill, but did anyone think this through before pressure washing?
29/Jul/10 2:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami and Julie, apparently a child at the school has a severe allergy to kiwi fruit, which I hadn't heard of either.

Tami, you sound like you need a break. I hope you get one before school goes back.

Julie, glad to hear your scratches are healing okay. They are painful aren't they?!

June, I hope you are catching up on your sleep too. Hugs, vibes and warm thoughts to you and your family.

Come to think of it, hugs, vibes and warm thoughts to all of you!
29/Jul/10 2:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I didn't think of that but you're right. They may have to replace everything under the play equipment before it is safe again.
29/Jul/10 2:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all.
Glad you had a nice dinner, Brenda - all the better with the voucher!
Suzanne - if you need PV neighbours send a friend request to Jewel (um, my dog) - I play her Petville but don't do much on mine. I will however accept neighbours on either. Neither of us do Frontierville though.
MizT - what sort of mind would willingly put a child at risk by smearing the peanut butter? How appalling!
Suzy - I have never heard of allergy to Kiwi fruit but I did know someone who nearly died as a child from eating strawberries. He got over it as he got older. I was always worried when each of my grandchildren got introduced to peanuts, strawberries etc. None were allergic luckily.
29/Jul/10 3:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Well, I have my car back and she looks pretty! Just has to go back in 6 weeks for the paint protection (which was put on when purchased) to be replaced. Can't be done until new paintwork is 6 weeks old. Then the claim will be finalised, at last.
29/Jul/10 3:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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As a child I had no allergies. They didn't start appearing until I hit 30, then they started getting bad. I still occasionally have a new one pop up. Pepper is bad. So are nuts (especially walnuts), mesquite, sage, sulphur and Sulfa drugs. Peanuts are getting better, at least.
29/Jul/10 4:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news, CynB.
29/Jul/10 4:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now off to bed.
Nighty night, all.
29/Jul/10 4:02 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, starting next week I will be looking for a part-time job. I do not blame the people I work for at all ... they need the work done and I wasn't pulling my load. There is only so much of me to go around and my work was towards the bottom of the pile. Family comes first.

Heidi, I can't believe someone would put pepper on food at the grill. How inconsiderate. MizT, the peanut butter incident does leave you wondering about the environment below the play structure. My daughter is allergic to peanut butter. My grandies have not had it as yet, just in case. They will be tested for it at some point in the future.

Well, off to start the day.
29/Jul/10 8:48 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good evening all.I posted this morning but lost it when it said "Server not found". How annoying.
Now I cannot remember what I said.
I will go back and read.
29/Jul/10 8:56 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Theresa, so sorry that you have to look for another job,and the wait for surgery for your daughter is so long.It never rains but pours.Good luck getting an even better job.
Heidi, was the pepper put on deliberately knowing you were allergic to it? If so, that is disgusting and dangerous.
Having a pet store that you can sell your birds to is a bonus if you don't have to organise transport and much safer for them.
Julie,hope your scratched leg heals quickly.Some of the smaller wounds can be so painful.
Rolanda,hope your cold/flu is improving and June,that you managed to get a bit more sleep.
29/Jul/10 9:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, sorry about your job. Sending good vibes that something better turns up. Lets hope things improve for you and your family. We all' at times' have felt 'what more can happen'. Stick with and know that one day it will all be in the past!
29/Jul/10 9:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I'm so sorry. Family does come first, but that doesn't make it any easier. Sending really really big HUGS your way.

Nola, very annoying!
29/Jul/10 9:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I did manage to get back to sleep this morning. I need to go to bed earlier again tonight so you will probably see me here in the small hours, then more sleep before I have to have an early start tomorrow.
An awful worry for people with allergies. I hope they have put up a big sign at the playground as children with a peanut allergy should not go near it for ages, no matter how it was cleaned.
29/Jul/10 9:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdotes to cheer you up:
Ebob was at TAFE tonight wearing a puffy jacket with a hood. The hood was up. A girl comes up behind her, swings her around and punches her in the shoulder - you stop sleeping with my boyfriend Brian!! Ebob whips the hood back, wo, step back she says, I don't know you and I don't know anyone named Brian. Guess what? She got a hot chocolate bought for her and a new friend... and I realised how tough my d is...
29/Jul/10 9:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ally was leaving her music class when her teacher stopped her. Are you going to the music camp? Um, what camp? Here are the forms, you could get in with your singing or your guitar playing...(Ally has been teaching herself guitar for about 13 or 14 weeks total). All we have to do is come up with $300 between now and the 18th of August - no problem!... (grimace) Mum I will do anything to earn this money, I really really want to do this! No problem honey, all will be fine. So it's time I got a job too.
29/Jul/10 9:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, glad you got some sleep and hope you get a really long sleep tonight! I'm having side effects from a medication so will go to bed early, sleep badly, wake up exhausted, BUT go back to bed once everyone leaves tomorrow.. all is good.
29/Jul/10 10:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Problem with having tallented daughters Suzy. It costs!
Congratulations to both of them. How are the sore ribs going? Hope you get some good rest.
29/Jul/10 10:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Ally's teacher must really think she is talented if she has sort her out to make sure she is going to Music camp. We parents always seem to manage to find the money for these things for our kids.
29/Jul/10 11:36 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I've just got back from town after picking up my new specs. I can now see the computer screen without having to get too close to it
Got new distance specs too.
29/Jul/10 11:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Ebob is amazing! She always has the presence of mind to calm down any situation.
Music camp? What is that exactly? And yes, I know what the 2 words mean.
30/Jul/10 1:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm sorry to hear about the job, Theresa. My suggestion is to try to figure out what you enjoy doing the most, then try to figure out a way to make money doing that.

Good news on the new specs, Brenda.
30/Jul/10 1:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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here I am multitasking again. another busy morning. I had to cook and/or freeze a lot of fresh veg that was getting= close to mother natures expiration date. took a while, I had to wear my splint doing it.

did u tell you'll that bone doc thinks I might be doing too much with my hand, reason it hurts as the day goes on?? well, does he want to send someone over to help?

teresa, so sorry about the job. no wonder you were up all night at times to finish in a timely manner. I do hope you find something soon, and even better than what you were doing.

my niece does computer work from home. required to do 20 hours a week. if urgent family
needs cause her to be short near deadline, her hubby will log on as her and catch her up. it is very similar work to his full time job. Co. does not mind, they just want that 20 hours.

Nola, don't you hate that "server not found " message??

Heidi, congrats on finding a shop to take your excess birds. can you get a good price? i imagine it is easier on you and the birds than selling online and shipping them

gee, ditto what Nola said about birds.

June, you sure are getting the hang of having an intermission nightly

timer, must go exercise gently, hugs
30/Jul/10 3:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, Loved your advice to Theresa. that is just what you did with your finches, right??
30/Jul/10 3:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, good news for both your girls.

Brenda, congrats on the new specs.

Heidi, I would love to follow your suggestion, but unfortunately in our small town there is no job available working with animals. I am only going to look locally for employment. My previous job was in Ottawa and with the travelling time I was gone 12 hours a day. I don't think I can do that again. What I am looking for is basically a mindless job where I put in my time and go home without worry. In other jobs I've come home and thought, "Did I remember that? Did I finish this?" I have another 6+ years to work before official retirement, so I would like to coast until then.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts everyone. Things will be tight financially for a while, but we'll just have to tighten our belts. We've been through this before and survived, so we know we can do it. I'm so glad you people are here to listen to my problems. I guess you must be thinking that lately that's all I'm doing, whining and complaining.

My sister and BIL are coming for a visit tomorrow afternoon. They live near Toronto and are spending a long weekend in Ottawa, so they will drop in on their way through. Should be fun.

MizT, remember the old Bewitched show? I sometimes wish I could twitch my nose to get things done magically.

Well, I shall be off and get some stuff done. TTFN.
30/Jul/10 3:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, you are not shinning or complaining. You are venting. Women must vent, or they will explode into a screaming memie fit, or some nagging or b*tching aimed at innocent bystanders. Come vent all you want, we all can tolerate it. Then you tolerate it when another one of us vents. it is good therapy.

yes, wish I could twitch my nose and things get done. OR find my hubbies round-to-it!!

later, hugs
30/Jul/10 4:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What a day! Extremely hot ... in the mid 90's, with intermittent downpours. Robert has been trying to dig post holes, but it's slow going. I went to the farm store to get some posts and concrete (my truck has a topper so the concrete stays dry) and the trailer started handling funny about 2 miles from home. I got home to find out that I have a flat tire. Fortunately the tire wasn't damaged because that trailer has dual axles. I'll change it once we've unloaded all the heavy wooden posts from the trailer. I sent Robert home early because he was overheating, and he has to work security at the wrestling match at the Fair tonight.
30/Jul/10 4:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... I will be lucky if the sale of those baby Finches covers the cost of all the birdseed I buy. It looks like I'll get a reasonable price that I can live with and the Pet Shop can make money with, too. I told them to look at the prices these finches go for on the internet and they'd see that I was asking a more than fair price.
30/Jul/10 4:56 AM
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