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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Have just seen the Masterchel Australia final - won't mention the winner because Rolanda won't have found that out yet unless she's cheated and looked on the website.
Both worthy contestants - both did well. Kudos to them both! I'll leave it at that.
25/Jul/10 10:57 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oooh - a surprise TOPP!! Woo Hoo!
25/Jul/10 10:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The thunderstorms dissipated before they got here last night. I actually got to sleep all night! They're still calling for a high chance of storms all week, tho'.
25/Jul/10 11:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Unfortunately, these storms are not supposed to bring a drop in temperature. Today's heat index is predicted to be 108℉/ 42.2℃. I plan to stay inside as much as possible and work on those book cases. The assembly instructions are very complicated and poorly organized.
25/Jul/10 11:47 PM
Perth W Aust
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Adam won!! Masterchef just finished.
25/Jul/10 11:54 PM
Perth W Aust
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Tomorrow morn, am taking the birthday boy to the hospital to get his Wisdom Teeth out, as long as he is feeling better that is.. like me, he has been suffering from the cold/flu as well.
25/Jul/10 11:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope it goes smoothly for him, RolandA, and not like mine. My roots were like grappling hooks and it took 2 hours to remove EACH wisdom tooth.
25/Jul/10 11:59 PM
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Good Maen everyone. Just poured the first cuppa coffee.
Heidi: We would have LOVED the free manure, BUT how would I get it here to Utah??!??
RolandA: Good thoughts on the wisdom teeth. I had mine taken out when I was in my mid-20's. The surgeon gave me pain meds, which I took for about a day and a half. I have a high pain tolerance.
Have a lovely day/night everyone. TTFN
26/Jul/10 12:29 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning all.
Rolanda,I hope your sons pain is very minimal after the extractions.
Suzy,sorry to hear about Ebobs possible broken ribs,thats going to be sore for awhile.
Heidi..those temps are terrible.Glad that you had a good sleep and didn't get those predicted storms.
It was lovely to see Mama and Broni call in.
June..another nice win at bowls.
MizT,glad that you can now do zip lock bags.You don't realize how much we use our thumbs until you can't.
Cyn..I was pleased with the outcome on Masterchef.
Pity they couldn't both win.
26/Jul/10 12:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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You call THAT a high pain tolerance, Suzanne??? I took NO pain meds when I had mine out.
26/Jul/10 1:29 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all,
The SA fever has returned... I've had fun reading the comments and thank Julie for her help in my being at least somewhat familiar with what has been going on since I was last here.
Healing vibs being sent to all in need, and condolences to those suffering from loss of loved ones... CynB and Julie,and Theresa come quickly to mind. I have been going through some of that too...three fairly close friends have died in the last two weeks, but then again, when I look at the calendar, I am made to realize that its the natural progression of life. My neice, who had such a spectacular wedding last year, is now preparing to give birth to their first we lose our dear ones, remember them with joy, and see the blessings that are yet to be...I am reminded of a poem or two that spoke to those feelings, and one came from Broni, but the words are rattling around my head in a manner that leaves me unable to write them...but its something about the moments that take our breath away...and being thankful that these wonderful treasures were ours even though we can no longer see them.....I think you all know what I mean...MizT's gratitude for being able to close a zip bag also made me think about being thankful for all that we have...will stop rambling and simply say take care...know that I care...Peace!
26/Jul/10 2:48 AM
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Morning all!
Pushes chest out: You call that pain tolerance? I had wires pulled through my gums with no pain relief! (That's how the wired my jaw shut after my car accident).
I couldn't sleep so I've been searching stuff about cracked ribs. I'm wondering if I should take Ebob to the doc, even though they can't do anything. It would be a shame to make her sit out the rest of the season if it turned out to be only bad bruising. Hubby says this will have to be his first and last season playing as he is getting way too many injuries.
26/Jul/10 4:48 AM
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Wondering why on earth the shower would be going at this time of the morning I checked and found Ebob in there trying to relieve her pain. She refused to take pain killers last night, but this morning I told her that the internet says she needs pain relief so she might take some now.
26/Jul/10 5:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Poor Ebob. Except for painkillers, there is nothing that can be done.
, sweetheart.
26/Jul/10 6:28 AM
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Mamacita, we have missed your wonderful words of wisdom.
Suzy, I do think I would get Ebob's ribs checked out.
26/Jul/10 6:40 AM
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Good mAen everyone! Hot here again, 100 degrees!! I'll take some of that down under winter now, thanks!
Mamacita: sent you a pm! Hope all is well.
26/Jul/10 7:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What I wouldn't give to have Spring and Autumn temperatures year around. I know of no place except for the mountains of Costa Rica where those conditions exist. maybe that's why I miss Costa Rica so much.
26/Jul/10 8:26 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, I hope that ebob hasn't broken any ribs as they will take around 6 weeks to mend... Richard did this 2 years ago. Let her know that she needs to try to breath deeply, even though it will hurt. The Dr. at the emergency room told Richard that.
26/Jul/10 8:28 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Mama ♥
I had a lovely evening last night with the kids and hubby. Every second Sunday is a tradition that the kids come home for dinner (the other Sunday being a treatment night), and all were there except Beth, who art in Bali. Last night I made it a bit of a Christmas in July, with Roast turkey roll and baked, glazed ham with all the trimmings. Hannah made a duo of chocolate mice (plural of mousse) and we all imbibed in a couple of cocktails of hubby's devising...mmmmmmmmmmm :)
26/Jul/10 9:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Mamacita, good to see you back here. Even though we chat on the other site, I prefer it here.
Heidi, your post office might be used to getting strange packages but I don't think the one in Utah is. I would love to be there when Suzanne goes to pick up your package and has to explain what is in it.
Suzy, hope Ebob is feeling better.
Julie, the campers took to bowling trip in stride. They new we could not go swimming and at least they got to go someplace. Only had 27 kids show up, about 12 less than usual.
26/Jul/10 9:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, I expect Suzanne's post office would go into shock if the package accidently opened... IF it was fresh. But fresh is no good as fertilizer. It has to be composted first. The only time we ever have a problem is if the package of fresh manure leaks during summer shipping... or if the package is lost by the USPS in the summer. The worst I have ever experienced was when the USPS lost a big box of hog poop for 2 weeks.... in the middle of summer... and the box leaked. I received an obscene phone call from a postal inspector in Tennessee at 2 am on a Sunday, screaming about shipping toxic substances without a permit.
26/Jul/10 10:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The first of the book cases is assembled. It wasn't as complicated as I thought it was gonna be.
26/Jul/10 10:20 AM
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Hi, Heidi, June, Suzy, MizTricia, CynB, and anyone whose name I forgot to mention. You're all being thought about!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about the decline in Hollie's health since her strokes. Hopefully the vet will be able to treat the incontinence with meds. Wish I could sent all those thunderstorms out of your area, especially at night! It's too bad so many dogs are bothered by the thunder and lightning!
June, congrats on the great game and win in mixed doubles bowls! (Congrats, also, to your hubby!) I hope the slight infection clears up quickly!
Suzy, sending healing vibes to your 2 injured baseball players! Hubby's repeat calf injury is troublesome enough, but possible cracked ribs for Ebob doesn't sound like fun! When will you know for sure? Gentle hugs to both of them, please!
MizT, congrats on being able to close a zip-lock type of bag. Yes, that is a MAJOR accomplishment! Good for you! (Finally, there's a bit of progress that you can actually see/feel!)
June, the Christmas in July sounds like fun! It's a very sensible way to be able to eat the traditional holiday foods that you wouldn't want to eat when the weather is so hot! I hope you were able to get a bit more sleep!
CynB, yes, we topsiders could enjoy your Christmas meals now in our heat! Great idea!
Will be back later to read page 287.
26/Jul/10 10:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, is hog poop a toxic substance???
26/Jul/10 10:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Only when it's sat out in the heat for 2 weeks.
26/Jul/10 10:49 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all.
Have just dropped my car back to the panel shop for the shoddy paintwork from the repairs to be re-done. The spray-painter who did it and messed it up as well as numerous other vehicles has been sacked much to his annoyance. Sorry mate, we've all been inconvenienced, the panel shop has had it's good reputation of 25 years tarnished - no sympathy!
26/Jul/10 12:18 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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But I do have much sympathy for Ebob - I hope she has taken the painkillers - that's what they're for!
Mama's been back again!
Gail's had Christmas in July - the 'c' word and you didn't even flinch, Gail.
Heidi's got 1 set of bookshelves up.
It's hot where Suzanne is.
Nola - either of those 2 finalists on Masterchef would have been worthy winners. I was pleased for Adam and Callum is such a nice young lad and so talented for his 20 years, I'm glad George has taken him under his wing.
26/Jul/10 12:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I may put the other bookcase together tonight while the dogs are eating. Otherwise, I'll wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning, I need to drop of a couple of entries at the county fair. A couple of easter eggs in the arts and crafts department. One is a carved Emu egg and the other is a painted goose egg, covered with koi and water lilies.
26/Jul/10 1:17 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck with the entries in the fair. I remember being in awe of the carved emu eggs you showed us before, wonderful, intricate work.
CynB, hope the car is repainted quickly and to your satisfaction.
Heidi, you can make manure tea from fresh, a bit in a bucket of water and use the water sparingly to fertilize plants. But I like composted better, it adds organic matter, something sadly lacking in southern soils, the heat of summer accelerated it's decomposition in the soil. Gardeners must continually add to have ideal soil.
Gail, sounds like your family had a great dinner. I think it is wonderful your children come back to visit so often. Your meals are a good enticement, I do believe.
Tami, good thing none of your students log on here. You would never live down the misspelling (or typo) of new for knew hehehe. Good thing you are the only trouble maker here or teacher could be in trouble.
Rolanda, hope the pulling of teeth and recovery goes well for son #2 . Get well wishes comming his way.
I did some cooking this morning while it was relatively cooler. Made turkey pot pie with some frozen turkey, and made venison tenderloin with onion gravy, We ate the tenderloin tonight,yummy.
Hand is saying enough typing, I shall listen and get ready for bed. hugs to all with extras as needed. The nice thing about a hug is, you cannot give one without getting one back.
26/Jul/10 1:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... The one I showed you is the one I entered. I'd given it to my MIL, but when she passed away, my FIL sent it back to me.
26/Jul/10 2:09 PM
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Afternoon all!
Just dropping in on my way out the door. Ebob has a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I will find out more then. I'm about 80% sure she has at least one cracked rib - baseball off the bat right into the centre of her chest - and 100% sure they can't do anything for her. The problem is convincing her that means she can't play for a while, and google wasn't helpful with information about heavy school bags etc.
26/Jul/10 2:12 PM
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Rolanda, if you are taking the birthday boy to the hospital I hope that means he will be knocked out for the removal. I was because and although I still needed kick-butt pain killers afterwards, I didn't get the swelling like my friends did.
26/Jul/10 2:14 PM
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Finally, I'm back to read page 287 (almost midnight here).
Hi, CynB, Heidi, Rolanda, Suzanne, Nola, Mamacita, Suzy, June, Brenda, Gail, Tami,
Heidi, I wish I could send the predicted thunderstorms packing - or at least promise some cooling after they leave! (We were a bit cooler, but not much after the storms left!) I'm glad the bookcases didn't turn out to be as hard to assemble as the instructions suggested!
Rolanda, I hope all of your family is soon feeling better! I hope all goes well with the wisdom tooth removal! May he feel no pain either during or after and heal quickly! (Mine were done 2 at a time in the dentist's office with only a bit of Novacaine injected in the gum area just prior to the removal.)
As always, it's a pleasure to see Suzanne, Mamacita and Nola pop in.
Mama, I'm so sorry to hear that several of your friends have passed in the last couple of weeks. Wonderful news, though, that your niece and her hubby will soon be welcoming their first child! Sending love and hugs to you!
Suzy, sending pain relieving positive vibes for Ebob (and your hubby)! People don't think of baseball as being so much of a contact sport. I hope they will both be feeling much better SOON! I hope Ebob agrees to take some pain meds to help lessen the discomfort!
Heidi, it's no wonder you are so tired with "feels like" temperatures at 108* F! Suzanne, your actual temperature is at 100* F! YIKES!
Heidi, I agree with your longing for Costa Rica. I have never been there, but year round weather resembling spring or autumn temperatures (at least in the mountains) sounds wonderful!
Gail, I love your tradition of every second Sunday being a special family gathering and meal! Sounds yummy! Another great idea to celebrate Christmas in July! Too bad Beth is in Bali this time and had to miss it! (Hope she's having a good time!)
Tami, I'm glad the campers didn't revolt when bowling was substituted for swimming! Do the numbers of campers dwindle as the summer fades away - or do you think the weather is what caused the reduced attendance?
CynB, I hope the car and its new paint job are sparkling and smooth when you get them back! Yep, it's only right that the worker who did the substandard repairs is no longer employed there! He has only himself to be upset at!
Heidi, I hope your decorated eggs do well at the county fair! Will you post pictures of them, please?
MizT, I hope you didn't do too much typing today! I'm glad you listen to your hand and stop when it starts letting you know it has had enough!
26/Jul/10 3:20 PM
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Suzy, thinking positive, healing thoughts for Ebob! I hope the doctor appointment goes well and she listens to (and follows) his advice!
It's nearing 12:30 a.m. here, and I am fading fast. Good Night, Everyone!
26/Jul/10 3:22 PM
Perth W Aust
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Afternoon, the boy and I just arrived home. The boy is fine, no problems with the removal of all 4 W Teeth.
26/Jul/10 5:06 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks Cyn, now I have the shakes!
26/Jul/10 5:26 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hehe! Dag! Lucky it is over now eh?
26/Jul/10 5:28 PM
Qld, Australia
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Zusy, know you are busy but good call taking Ebob to get x-rays, far better to know what you are dealing with.
Mama came back again, woo hoo!
26/Jul/10 5:32 PM
Qld, Australia
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Gotta stop chatching up around dinner time!
26/Jul/10 5:45 PM
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Evening all!
I have a referral for an xray but the doc expects it to be clear. She looked like she was in agony when he examined her, but apparently the type of pain when he did certain things suggests that the bones are okay. She had an ECG to check for fluid around her heart - clear, and the xray is just a double check. All should be good.
26/Jul/10 7:48 PM
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