Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I actually checked in to see if you had been here. I hope the funeral was the celebration everyone hoped for. Sending hugs!
23/Jul/10 10:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bugger, wish I'd learned to count.
23/Jul/10 10:53 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!!
Theresa: My condolences on Taz's passing. He was ready to go to pet heaven & the fact that you were there will eventually make it bearable for you. Grieving (even for a pet, which to SOME people seems pointless) IS a very important part of the process.
TTT: Stay safe with Tropical Storm Bonnie headed your way. Was just watching news on the Today Show. She looks like a big one!! Wouldn't they cancel a day of camp if a major storm hits??? Are your folks going to be ok with the storm coming? Or do they have a shelter or something to go to?
Had more to say, read page 284, can't remember what else I read. Have a great day/night everyone. TTFN
23/Jul/10 11:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends. I have been up a bit, "cussing" hehehe. The dishes are being dehsaw clothes are hanging out, food has been flung, hand has been warmed and exercised, and I am clean and fresh smelling. Can you tell? I finished my book last night.

I realized with just pages to go, I had read that before. Bits had seemed familiar earlier, but was one of the last scenes I could remember what would happen next. Well, it was worth a second read.

I do wish the library computer would do a search of all the books you are checking out, against all the books you HAVE previously checked out, and ask if you want to read it again. I would pay a bit for that service. Also, could it suggest new books , based on what you have read in the past? Wonder why no one has thought of that yet, I feel certain computers are capable of at least looking to see if you checked that book out before.
24/Jul/10 1:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everybody. I sat up doing jigsaws on the pooter last night, so even though I slept to 11:30 am, I only got 8 hours sleep. The main reason for sitting up so long was the thunderstorm going on. The dogs wouldn't let me sleep 'til the storm was over, anyways.
24/Jul/10 2:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, what jigsaws do you do? Ever tried the ones on National Geographic site?
24/Jul/10 4:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I have, but I prefer the Jigidi site. A bunch of other members here belong to that site, and it's fun trying to beat their times. Besides, everyone there can make their own puzzles to submit, in whatever size they want.
24/Jul/10 5:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Tropical Storm Bonnie gave us some rain but not too bad, yet. The camp scheduled a bowling day to make up for the missed swim day of today. We came up with some alternate activities so it wasn't too bad.
Suzanne, mom and dad are safe in their house. If the storm were to become a hurricane, my brother would go or get someone to put up their shutters. Theirs are easier than ours to install.
Brenda, enjoy your new iPhone. I hope you have lots of fun on it. One of the teachers at my school has one and I play with it during (boring) faculty meetings.
24/Jul/10 6:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, so sorry to see that you lost Taz. Pets become so much part of the family.
I hope everything went well yesterday, Cyn. It is always hard to say goodbye.
24/Jul/10 7:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We took MIL out for lunch yesterday and had a lovely meal. It was a nice place overlooking the water and the meal and service were top class. I had fillet steak topped with Alaskan crab. There was a special on will mains priced at $20. Normally my dish would have been $36. I like those sort of bargains.
24/Jul/10 7:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thank you everyone for the kind thoughts about Taz.

Cyn, I hope Vi's send-off was a true celebration of the life of a wonderful lady. You will have such good memories of her.

I hope Tropical Storm Bonnie leaves my sudoku friends alone and that she does very little damage anywhere. My thoughts are with you all.

Julie, your breakfast club sounds like an excellent way to keep in touch with old friends. What a nice idea! Hope your hubby's eye exam went well. Good thoughts headed your way.

As for cell phones, I don't have one. I really don't want to stay in touch with everyone all the time. I wouldn't mind getting one at some point to keep in the car in case of emergencies, but that would be it. I think I spent so much of my working life answering phones that I dislike them now.

Now on to read page 285 ...

24/Jul/10 9:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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The heat index ( what it feels like with humidity and wind factored in) is back below 100, whew, happy to see that! In an effort to get more breeze from my box fan that helps move the cooled air about, I took a soft brush to the louvers, brushed up enough cat hair to knit a kitten. Fan is moving more air now. Hubby has not taken fans out to shop to dismantle and clean them for me, they need that at least once a year, if not more. I need to find his round-tuit.

My coleus that get morning sun had to be watered twice today, they were just that heat stressed! Impatiens wilted a bit also. Tomatoes are still producing those smaller than tennis ball sized tomatoes, but they do have a good taste.

Have a venison and rice casserole for diner tonight, cooled when it was cooler this AM.

Bonnie is back to a tropical depression, never was much of a T storm, barely with sustained winds to qualify. Florida took some wind from the storm, but it is suspected to regain strength somewhat before it makes landfall again somewhere on the gulf coast.

24/Jul/10 9:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just wanted to mention one last thing about Taz. As mentioned earlier, he used to lick my face every night when I would lay down. Last night two of my other cats came along and took turns licking my face ... they had never done that before! I think my cats understand more than they let on.

Well, gotta go and do some ffuts because tomorrow will be a busy day with the reunion. The weather forecast still says 60 percent chance of rain. Yikes!
24/Jul/10 9:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, we posted simultaneously. I love that, brushed up enough cat hair to knit a kitten!
24/Jul/10 9:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, that is what we have, a cell phone that goes with us in the car, for emergencies and convenience. We can either one call from the grocery and say, " they are out of your favorite brand of ___, what other kind do you like?"
24/Jul/10 9:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, yes, our cats can pick up on our vibes, our emotions. they probably also miss Tazz. My daughter says that a cat grooming you is claiming you as belonging to them. Now that you no longer belong to Tazz, you are up for grabs hehehe. Hhope the attention of the other cats is comforting to you.
24/Jul/10 9:26 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wow Theresa, that is an incredible story about the other cats. BTW I am so terribly sorry about Taz, and your story of his passing brought tears to my eyes. You definitely did the right thing in taking him, your timing was perfect. I am pleased he got to spend his final moments with you. We should all be so lucky to be held in the arms of one who loves us as we leave this world.
24/Jul/10 9:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning everyone - sorry I didn't get back here last night - I was exhausted and sad and didn't even turn on the pooter.
We said goodbye to dear Violanthe in style yesterday - from the lavendar casket (yes, lavendar!!!), lots of purple flowers, a sea of purple worn by those attending, a fitting eulogy, tributes and memories to make you smile from some of her grandchildren and (another Vi touch that I didn't know about) baskets of chocolates as we left the chapel. That woman loved her choccies.
The wake afterwards in the home she lived in for over 60 years was filled with shared and happy memories of a wonderful woman.
RIP Violanthe - much loved, always remembered.
I'm so sorry that my mother, her sister, was unable to attend. We haven't told her, she probably wouldn't understand and if she did would be totally devastated. They were extremely close always.
24/Jul/10 10:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Another thing to make me sad yesterday. My father's sister, Aunty Sybil, who was born co-incidently the day after Vi was there as well with her husband, who still drives at 91. Vi and Syb always joked that they were twins! Sybil is also succumbing to Alzheimers and didn't know me for quite a while before I convinced her that I was her niece, her brother's daughter!
Honestly, I may come from a family of 'long-livers' but dementia is rife amongst them!
24/Jul/10 10:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, sorry you were feeling sad but I am glad she had a wonderful send off. I am sure you will be able to remember her fondly. You are right that your mom probably wouldn't understand. My grandmother went before her older sister. My Aunt Esther knew at the time but forgot later. We took Mitchell to meet her when Mitchell was 2 and my aunt 103. She commented that she hadn't seen her sister in a while. We told her she died. She just commented "oh, that's why I haven't seen her." We had to not laugh but it was really funny how she came out with it. She may not have had all her memories but she still had a sense of humor. She died at 104.5 while I was pregnant with Dylan.
24/Jul/10 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mitchell wants his computer so I am going to say goodnight. Not sure if I will be back later or not. See you all tomorrow.
24/Jul/10 10:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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One last thing, thank you all for the purple avatars this week. It made my spirits soar every time I saw them. You are a great bunch of people and wonderful, supportive friends. Love you all!!
You now have my permission (and Vi's) to change your avatars.
24/Jul/10 10:40 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - love that story about your grandmother. Reminds me of my Granny (yet another dementia sufferer) at her 90th birthday party. She was just about to cut the cake when she looked and Mum and Vi and said -'you'd think your father would be here'. They explained that he died 3 years earlier and she actually said - 'Well, I suppose, I'll excuse him then!'
24/Jul/10 10:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm going to adopt all of your families. I grew up with relatives that had no sense of humor at all. Some of these elderly relatives I'm hearing about may have dementia, but they're still quick witted!
24/Jul/10 11:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Auntie Vi's sendoff sounds wonderful, CynB.
24/Jul/10 11:34 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - my Dad was always quick-witted, even with the dementia. When visiting him at his care home one day, there were a lot of the women residents milling around, my Dad says - 'Look at this, I could get a sheila (girl) here'. We laughed but he did add that Jeannie (Mum) was his best girl.
24/Jul/10 11:56 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone. I second that Heidi.
Love the lavender casket.
Condolences on the loss of Taz Theresa.

My gf that I had been helping out, the one that has the court case coming up on Aug.12th for an assault charge, took me out to lunch yesterday as a thank you for my help.
They are moving again too on Aug. 2nd.
We went to Sails Resort here in Port and we were disappointed with the meal, considering what she paid for it !!!
Yours sounded lovely June.
She also gave me a beautiful watch and bracelet.
What a spoilt Vivacious I was.
24/Jul/10 11:59 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
TTT: Glad the folks are safe & you had a plan for the campers.
CynB: Knowing that the day you say goodbye can be extremely difficult, my prayers & thoughts are with you.
Theresa: Thinking of you too at this difficult time. Passing of a pet is to be mourned too. Sending you love & hugs.
Hello to Heidi, Gail, MizT, June, Suzy & anyone else I missed. Take care everyone. TTFN
24/Jul/10 12:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Sudoku Friends! Just popping in for a brief visit. ANOTHER early morning tomorrow. We have a 2.5 hour ride (each way) to my home town for a funeral for my uncle. He has had Alzheimers for a number of years, so his passing is a bit of a blessing.

Only looking at page 284 from my last post last night. Hi, Brenda, MizT, Gail and Suzy!

CynB, I have been thinking of you today and Aunty Vi's celebration of life!

Brenda, I quite agree with you about the iPhone! I RARELY used a cell phone before we got this one - and only just to make a necessary phone call. Either the iPhone is easier than my previous phone, or I have become more comfortable with it. I probably have about 25 apps (that my husband added to his phone and I get on mine when we synchronize) and have used quite a number of them. I have taken pictures, used it as an alarm clock and a level - even have looked through all of the settings!

MizT, I'm sure you could figure out how to use the iPhone! What a great idea - to use jam to sweeten the zucchini muffins! Yum!

Gail, good idea to have your date night in! It takes some getting used to - to be able to work around the dialysis schedule, but rather soon becomes much easier! Thinking of your hubby and hoping he will soon be able to sleep better while attached to the machine!

Suzy, it doesn't take pushing many buttons to do things with the iPhone! I truly am amazed how much I use mine! One of the REALLY excellent features is the calendar. Hubby and I can sync each of our phones with the calendar on our Mac! It has been wonderful to have access to our calendar at all times. (Yes, we tend to be busy and have a lot of dates to remember.) Thanks for the stay-awake thoughts and loud singing! They helped tremendously - we even did a couple of errands on the way home from hubby's appointment! I'm so glad you had the opportunity to see the new Pride girl on her "home territory." You probably have now seen the "real" girl. Hopefully she will soon feel more comfortable with the other Pride girls so that she can relax and be herself!

Sorry, I don't have time to read any of page 285. Hopefully I will have time tomorrow night to get caught up!

Hugs to everyone! Good Night!
24/Jul/10 1:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - sorry to hear about your uncle. Probably a blessing for him but still sad for the family. You'll be in my thoughts.
24/Jul/10 2:04 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,

Just putting the final touches on getting things ready for the reunion. It's about an hour and a half trip and there are 11 of us going. Only hubby's mom is looking forward to it and the rest of us are going for her sake. It's supposed to be a high of 31C today ... it's going to be a long and hot day!!!!

Julie, my thoughts are with you on the passing of your uncle. My mom had a form of dementia (vascular dementia) which presented the same symptoms as Alzheimers. In some ways that is truly a cruel disease.

Well, off to jump in the shower. TTFN.
24/Jul/10 11:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Safe driving Theresa. Hope you have despite your feelings about going.
24/Jul/10 11:58 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Julie: prayers for you & your family on your uncle's passing. My mom's cousin Manny has eary stages of Alzheimer's (he's going to be 82 in October). Other than that, he's in realtively good health for his age.
Theresa: Have a safe trip, TRY & enjoy the reunion (even if you are not excited about going).
CynB: A lavender casket?!!? How cool!!
Hello to Julie, TTT, Gail, Vivacious Viv, MizT, and anyone else I missed. Have a great day/night. TTFN
25/Jul/10 12:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you have a great reunion, Theresa, and you stay cooler than expected.
25/Jul/10 2:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, I slept in this morning so I am feeling refreshed and almost energetic. Have a bit of stuff to do today so that works out well.

I was just standing at my kitchen window, looking toward the lane, and saw what I thought was a strange dog in my driveway. Then a really big dog, NO WAIT, a doe and her fawn! Baby is still tiny, isn't this out of season for newborn deer still with their spots? They ambled up to the lane, (my driveway is a bit of a hill there at the road) and Mom stopped to look around, then across and into a vacant property across the road. Baby bounced more like a lamb, trying to keep up with Mom. Our dog population has decreased, neighbors behind us either moved or got rid of about 14+ dogs over there, so nothing for the deer to fear here.

In one of our state parks near,

there is such an over population again that they are opening it for bow hunting to thin the herd. More deer than the area can overwinter. Last time they did that, not enough were harvested by the hunters, so a professional bow hunter was paid to come in and thin the heard. The deer harvested were given to Feed America, and I imagine many sou0 kitchens were serving venison soup instead of beef. I hope this year's hunt is more successful.

The man at the deer processing facility this last year said they processed less than half the number of deer they usually do, so I feel certain our area in general is over populated.
25/Jul/10 2:17 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Cyn,Theresa and Julie have been on my mind at this sad time for you all.

Tami, I hope you all stay safe from the wild weather you are experiencing.I watched a show last night on tornadoes in the US.Such destruction is beyond belief.

25/Jul/10 2:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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That should be " many soup kitchens"
25/Jul/10 2:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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The park looks absolutely stunning Tricia.
25/Jul/10 3:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... The fawn is in season. A lot of fawns aren't born until June, and retain their spots until they grow their winter coats in the Fall.
25/Jul/10 3:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am hot and tired. The heat index outside is 100℉, and sweltering. The cows discovered that the last flood destroyed the barrier across the culvert under the bridge on the road. A large group of them went through the culvert to my unfenced hay field on the other side of the road. There are still a few pools of water in the creek on that side, too. So the cows had to be rounded up and driven back to their pasture. Then we had to put up another barrier to keep them from getting out.
25/Jul/10 3:39 AM
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