Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Aggggg, lost a post when I went to PM Cyn B, hope I C can remember.

CynB, yes, it is good you put on your facebook. I have sent you the letter I posted some days back, you can put that on your page also if it might help explain the cause. Thank you for doing this.

Anyone else with facebook, feel free to put this up to involve others. AND please know you can cast multiple votes a day, if you like Tami, registrar in your child or husband's name, if you also have free text messaging on your phone and your husband's phone. It is only one vote per method, not household. I have 2 screen names (one just to store favorite websites, I had too many) and can vote from each by signing in with my name slightly different.

12/Aug/10 1:58 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, enjoy your field trip today. this week ends camp for you? Boy summer has gone quickly.

SUZY, yeah for Ally and the fund raiser. You have raised children who are very aware of needs of others, you done good !!

HI vdV, bye vdV.

Rolanda, goodonya, you got those groceries bought and visited Mum. Now time for a cuppa and feet up a bit. OK, after you put away the cold stuff, the rest can wait a bit.

Broni, thanks for voting and suzy and Cyn and anyone else who I failed to mention.

Julie, glad you did not try to catch up, as much as i always enjoy your comments. You do need to catch up on your sleep. It was good enough just to see your smiling face pop in to say HI and Bye.

Huge Hugs with extras as needed. And Suzy, you are right, can't give a hug without getting one, lovely thought.
12/Aug/10 2:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can cast multiple votes each day??? Why didn't you say so before?
12/Aug/10 2:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I did not tell you before cause I just figured it out myself
12/Aug/10 4:05 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.Once again I cannot stay but am thinking of you all.Very busy with work and an assignment. Boy, is it hard.
Hope everyone is well.Big hugs to you all.
Tricia I have voted a couple of times now.Will try to keep it up.
Gotta go!
12/Aug/10 4:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi Nola, bye Nola. Your fly-bys are getting to be like vdV's.

We're having a small thunderstorm. The usual suspects are upset, but Lady is not among the scaredy cats.
At least it's cooled off outside. Before the storm hit, it was 97℉ / 36.1℃. I've been standing out in the cool rain feeling wonderful. I got the last of the hay under cover right before the rain started. This crop is nice quality alfalfa.
12/Aug/10 4:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK, it hasn't cooled off THAT much... it's down to 90℉... but it feels a lot cooler when standing in the rain.
12/Aug/10 5:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Great to see you Nola! I hope you make a breakthrough with your assignment soon. I remember those days and you have all of my thoughts, empathy and hugs!

Heidi, I guess 90 feels better than 97, especially when you're wet from standing in the rain...

Julie, what MizT said.... it's good to have you back though.

Rolanda, brain rest is what you probably need as much as physical rest. Got an old favourite book or movie that you can sit with for a while??

If the voting is taking the cause up 2 places a day, it could make it to the top! A challenge!!
12/Aug/10 8:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have voted today. Read a book till 2.30 this morning so got a good sleep after that. Probably some swearing and shopping today. I have not thought much about it yet.
12/Aug/10 8:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've voted for the second time today. We're still at #7.
12/Aug/10 8:45 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Going away first thing in the morning until Sunday.
Hope everyone stays well or gets better from what ails them.
12/Aug/10 8:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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What are you reading June? I picked up 3 books from the 'removed' books table at the library. They are large print so I can read them without my glasses on. I think I will leave them in the car for those days when I am stuck somewhere waiting for the younguns.
12/Aug/10 8:48 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, your hubby posted where you are going on fb, and I still can't work it out! It looks like it has a fb page so I'll have to look at that...
12/Aug/10 8:50 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all - finally starting to shift this asthma/bronchitis thing and feeling a bit more normal for the first time in days.
Thanks for the explanation MizT - my hubby has already joined and will vote as often as he can and my dog Jewel has her own FB page (for games) so I can vote from her page as well.
12/Aug/10 9:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Warning: Venting

One of Ebob's teachers doesn't like her. Yesterday the class was discussing a poem and the issue of being uneducated came up. The teacher looked directly at Ebob when she said 'uneducated'. It was so obvious others in the class turned to look at Ebob too. This teacher is also head teacher WELFARE! When Ebob was in Year 7 this teacher wouldn't let one of Ebob's friends leave her office until she had confessed to something she didn't do. This girl was so quiet she could hardly speak to teachers. Her parents produced documentation proving that she hadn't sent the offending text message. The next time the teacher saw Ebob's friend she threatened to put her on a Stage (behaviour management program). 5 years later and she still sucks!!
12/Aug/10 9:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning Cyn, glad you are feeling a little better.
12/Aug/10 9:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzy! Can't that teacher be reported? I guess I can answer that myself with - yes, but who will take the word of a kid over a teacher.
Oh, the difference between a good teacher and a bad teacher!
12/Aug/10 10:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, I don't know about Australia, but up here it is getting to the point that the kid is always right and the teacher is always wrong. I have to be very careful what I say or do. I have seen teachers lose their jobs because of one stupid mistake.
12/Aug/10 11:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, sent you a personal message. It sounds like Ebob is being bullyied and that needs to be addressed. I hope you can speak to the principal. If you have to, take it to the district or area office. Let me know what happens.
12/Aug/10 11:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi to everyone else. Today was actually a good day. Sat down with director and counselor and we had a discussion over what he did. Only 2 more days. We went to a local amusement park today. I went on the wooden roller coaster and on the go-karts. Had a great time and so did the kids. It is getting late so I am going to say good night. I will be back tomorrow.
12/Aug/10 11:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed in a few. I have to leave here at 9 am for the dentist appointment. IH has figured out the cheapest way to get home. He's renting a car from the airport to the closest drop off point to our place. That's 1/2 hour from home, and on my route home from my appointment. He wants me to stop at the rental place and pick him up. He may have a longish wait, if the appointment takes a long time.
12/Aug/10 1:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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DID YOU VOTE? Just your friendly reminder.

Heidi, what time is your dentist appointment in the morning? I hope it gives you instant relief. Do let us know how it goes.

Suzy, you can come vent here any time! so sorry E-bob is having trouble with teacher. hope it can be resolved.

Tami, things have sure changed since my girls were in school. Teachers could do no wrong, especially if they were a of a minority race. One of my daughter's teacher was teaching about World War One and World War Eleven. My daughter asked her what happened to World Wars 2 through 10 They were going to suspend daughter till Al went to the school! Nothing was ever done to correct teacher, as far as I know she taught about World War Eleven (World War II ) until she retired.
Brenda, have a fun and safe trip.

June, glad you got a good sleep after being up so long reading. At least you had a book to keep you company during the wee hours. Hope you get to sleep earlier tonight.

Heidi, I would have shared your t shower today. We had sunshine, and more sunshine and more sunshine and temps of 99*F. The dew point and there fore humidity was a bit better, but that sun just was scorching. Uncomfortable through the window of the car when we were out on errands today.

Suzy, it would be wonderful if the voting did take up up 2 places every day!

Is anyone watching America's got talent? Jackie Evancho . 10 year old with with the amazing voice, unbelievable! She was voted through to the semifinals tonight.

12/Aug/10 1:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Looks like Heidi posted while I read and wrote, so now I know when you go for appointment. Why am I not surprised Gil figured out the cheapest way to get from Airport?? Would it be mean of me to hope he does have a long wait? Maybe he can at least drive you the last 30 minuets home from your appointment.

I think it is time for bedtime meds , and hope they work as they should tonight. thumb is hurty tonight, but what is new??
12/Aug/10 1:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My appointment is at 10 am, MizT. I am mourning the end of my very enjoyable vacation. This is my last night alone for a while.
12/Aug/10 1:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't let him drive my truck. I still haven't forgiven him for totaling my van the first time I let him drive it. He actually told the police officer..."I fall asleep behind the wheel all the time. What's wrong with that?" The police officer had to pull me off his throat, I was so mad.
12/Aug/10 1:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends! Woo Hoo! Not quite 11 p.m. so hopefully I can read at least a couple of pages!

Hi, Tami, MizTricia, Heidi, Broni, Suzy, June, and Theresa (page 301)!

Tami, I hope you and Shelley enjoyed your day together - and hope the shoes will work out!

MizT, I saw your request to vote at Pepsi for autism dogs and have been voting every day. I would also like to request that people vote for "every child can" which is an educational program based on the Suzuki method - that ALL children can learn, though maybe not all in the same way. Our Ds and many of their friends started their music education with the Suzuki method. You can vote for up to 10 ideas per day. Thank you for considering this!

Here's the "address."

Here's the address for autism dogs

Heidi, how is Lady, the new rescue collie, adjusting?

Broni, it's so nice to see you here more frequently! I hope you're doing well!

Suzy, loved your story about the circular saw! What a great idea - and how lucky the timing was perfect!

June, I hope you're feeling better! Lucky Laura seems to have the best of both worlds. I guess she won't be able to do as much visiting once she is in full-time school classes.

Theresa, I hope all is well and being busy is good!

Heading over to page 302. We'll see how long I last. In the meantime, hugs for all!
12/Aug/10 2:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Currently reading page 302.

Hi, V Viv, Rolanda, Gail, Tami, Heidi, MizTricia, Suzy, Theresa, and Vicki!

Viv, the time at the beach sound enjoyable, but maybe a bit chilly?

Roland, so glad you and P enjoyed your weekend!

Gail, love the idea of the fortnightly family dinner! The lamb sounds tasty! May I join your family?

I also wear flat shoes unless I ABSOLUTELY MUST have a bit of a heel for a very dressy occasion. (And hubby is 12 inches taller than I am!)

MizT, I remember Tandy leather kits! I made several purses!

For those of you who like REAL moccasins, there is a new shoe with toes that is supposed to be like walking barefoot. Here's the website

Suzy, I am so glad you are in Three's life! I hope he is all right since the mugging! The picture of the pens (I know, WAY too large, but I couldn't get it shrunk) is just on "my page" and in the gallery.

Theresa, sending positive vibes for your D that the pain and arthritis aren't constant companions for her! In a way, it's almost a blessing that your job ended, as it gives you more time for now to help out with your D and her Ds! Knitting or crocheting while watching them play outdoors sounds restful and rejuvenating!

Heidi, good luck with the oral surgery and recovery! Good for you for telling IH he must rent a car to return home from the airport and until his car is repaired!

Vicki, I hope you were able to get the phone situation all straightened out! Visiting your parents certainly takes a chunk out of your weekend, but a wonderful thing to be able to do regularly! Good luck finding time to shop with the 21-year-old!

Have finished reading page 302. Three more to go, but I must get off the computer, as hubby needs to get some sleep.

Hugs to everyone and positive vibes and pleasant thoughts to all! Good Night!
12/Aug/10 2:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all.
Tami - you are right that maybe too often the kids are considered right when they're not.
I think there's a culture about these days where people, kids included, are taught their rights which of course they should know - but are not taught how to use them fairly and justly.
I'll just say hello to Julie now - I've been missing through the pages she's reading, when she gets to this page, I'll have said hello!
12/Aug/10 4:02 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Very windy outside today - Brisbane August Westerlies - who mentioned climate change? bah humbug - you can still set your watch by the westerlies here - always coincide with the Ekka!
Now tomorrow, I'm off to have lunch with Karin and my former mother-in-law Eva, Karin and Andrew's Nanna for Eva's 89th birthday. She will be told in no uncertain terms that I expect that she and my Mum will hold on for years yet - I do not want to go through this all again yet - losing Vi and MIL Jeanie within 2.5 weeks was just too much.
12/Aug/10 4:08 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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And who would ever believe that a person could get 2 wonderful mother-in-laws!? No stereotypes here.
12/Aug/10 4:10 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Afternoon everyone. It has been/still a wet miserable Winter's day here in Perth.
This morn went and visited with Mum. Took her some clothes home for washing. The hospital are keeping her a few more days. More Xrays are to be taken.
She has been doing some exercises.. Walking from A to B and back again Twice round the circuit. Walked me to the exit when I left to come home.
This afternoon, she was off to Bingo. One of the 'inmates' mentioned that there was a game of Bingo happening.
They dress for the day there, eat their meals in the Dinning Room, there are chairs to sit at, books to read, telly to watch.
umm Julie.. when you read this.. my name is spelt with an 'a' at the end of Roland.
12/Aug/10 6:21 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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CynB I have a wonderful MIL. ♥
12/Aug/10 6:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Rolanda you are lucky this place isn't full of teenagers or your name would be spelled all different ways except the correct one! That's one of the things they taught me in teacher school - never ever ever give them ammunition.

My MIL died before I had been married a year and was unwell that whole year. I never really got to know her. From the stories I have heard I think I would have liked her a lot.

Ally has been to Taekwondo, she has grading in a week or so. We have tormented Nomnom with a laser light. Dinner has been had. Time to relax.... sending relaxing thoughts and hugs to everyone.
12/Aug/10 8:12 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi my friends.
Heidi, love standing in the rain, would have jumped in the puddles if I wasn't at work and would have been wet all day!
Tami and Cyn, I think kids have too many choices when they do not have the knowledge or experience to make those decisions.
12/Aug/10 8:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had a lovely chat to Cyn on Skype and then had a Skype call from Wagdy.
Talked to my son in Melbourne as well so an interesting evening.
I was too upset to say much yesterday but my friend's treatment is not working and a scan shows more spots. We just have to try and stay positive but it is getting harder. Thanks for all those hugs. I could definitely feel them. i return them with great appreciation.
12/Aug/10 9:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, last night I was readings a James Paterson gruesome murder mystery. Better than lying in bed thinking.
I will get the temp. filling out of my tooth tomorrow and the porcelain one put in. Then it will hit a hole in the bank balance. I would like to get all that amalgam taken out and new nicer looking fillings put in........except for the cost!!!!
12/Aug/10 9:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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12/Aug/10 10:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to the Dentist's now.
Wish me luck.
12/Aug/10 10:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura, who is 5 today.
I have 13 1/2 hours till my appointment Heidi. I hope your visit gets everything fixed.
13/Aug/10 12:06 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Now back to bed. Clean sheets that have ben blowing in the wind today. A lovely feeling.
13/Aug/10 12:08 AM
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