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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Yep Gail - I have to sign in every time too.
Sudoku vibes to Nena, Wendy and June's 'friend' - (and we sudoku people are a force to be reckoned with).
13/Aug/10 6:35 PM
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I sign in every time Gail. Some of those 'codes' take working out! Seeing we are not going to Sharon's to celebrate Laura's birthday I will now have to raid the cupboard and get inspired!
13/Aug/10 6:35 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh whoopsie - I did it again! June snuck in there. I'd love to look at the night sky but if I went ouside I'd just start coughing. Probably later this evening we'll go down to the 24 hour clinic near the hospital. I think I need better medications than I'm on.
13/Aug/10 6:37 PM
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Evenin' all!
No Pride rehearsal tonight! Yay!
Sending positive and healthy vibes out to Nena, Wendy and all others who are unwell (Cyn, Heidi,...) but especially to those fighting (and going to BEAT!) the big C.
13/Aug/10 6:40 PM
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'Interesting' afternoon here this afternoon. I got a call from the school that Ally was in sick bay after falling down the stairs but they didn't think it was really bad. She's a bit teary though, would I mind coming to get her?
I get there and she has obviously been crying hard - this from the child who didn't cry at all when she had banana arm. It's obviously bad. I get her to the car and decide to drop in to see if the doctor has a space open - fat chance on a Friday afternoon I thought, but we got lucky. She's had xrays and is feeling much better after some pain killers. I find it a bit worrying that she has lost some of the feeling in her foot, but we won't know anything until next Tuesday, R&R until then.
Get this. She was late to history class both because of the fall and because she was helping put stuff away after the fundraiser. The history teacher ripped strips off her. After a while the pain got so bad she decided she really needed to go to sick bay after all. The teacher ripped more strips off her, for apparently a considerable length of time. Guess who is going to get strips ripped off her on Monday - yep - the teacher! What is going on at this school?
13/Aug/10 6:48 PM
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Hubby is not used to country life. He thinks because we know more people with the big C, that more people here have it. He is used to living in big city anonymity and cannot be convinced that the levels of C here are no higher than they are in LA. He grabbed on to a statistic on TV a couple of days ago - one in 2 people. I said to him, you know we count don't you? We have both had little c. (BCCs and SCCs) Oh, he said.
13/Aug/10 6:57 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh dear, Suzy, poor Ally - and what a rotten teacher. You're right about teachers at that school - they must be going for a record of meanness. Big hugs to all - I'm off to the docs - I feel rotten and am finally admitting it. Ciao!
13/Aug/10 9:23 PM
Alabama, USA
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Gail, you, I must sign in and guess at those fractured letters (to prove I am human, as not a bot) each time I vote. AND I vote twice a day, different e-mail addys. Most days I have to click for a new secret code, I just cannot read those things. Anyone else have trouble reading those fractured letters??
Off to the doc, I have an early morning appointment, hopefully less than 3 hour wait today. I will be chatting with my primary care doc today, no new problems, he just keeps a close check on me.
Prayers and good wishes to Julie's 2 friends.
Hug and extras. Everyone have a good day, and remember,
13/Aug/10 10:07 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Ok, that is good to know, I thought I was doing something wrong and my votes weren't counting, but if it is the same for all then that is ok. Voted again.
13/Aug/10 10:57 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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OK back from Docs - on antibiotics - nothing too serious he thinks - I don't have pneumonia or anything bad. Off to bed. Night all.
13/Aug/10 11:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've been voting twice a day, from the same e-mail address. Those fractured words(?) drive me crazy. Half the time I have to redo them 'cause I've guessed incorrectly.
13/Aug/10 11:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm glad you're on antibiotics, Cyn. They may take a couple of days until their effects are felt.
13/Aug/10 11:59 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone. I have been missing for a few days because my monitor quit working. A friend gave us an old monitor, but it seems to work okay. The screen is very small though compared to my flat screen monitor. This will hopefully last until I can find a job (no luck yet). I'm hoping to get luckier once the students are back in school.
Haven't read much because I have like 5 pages to read and just don't have the time. Hugs to all those who need them, and a special hug for June's friend. I have missed this site!!!!
14/Aug/10 1:22 AM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, a big thank you from your sudoku friends to your friend who donated the old monitor. Know what you mean, having to go to something smaller, have done that temp before. Just glad you are able to get back. heck, just start from this page ond go on, if it is important, it will be repeated.
Cyn, hope the antibiotics help and you are soon good as new.
OH, about the fractured words when voting. Anyone tried the " audio" option? Two tries and i went back to the fractures, I would miss at least one word each time. Now, they SAY do not worry, just do your best guess, I imagine I did not guess close enough hehehe. LOTS of numbers you must type in. OH, do they want the word for each number or the numeral? I did the word. Maybe i should try again.
14/Aug/10 4:52 AM
Alabama, USA
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Bless my Doctor's sweet heart. he has managed to reduce the pain level in my hand, injected his cortisone/lidocaine cocktail into the wrist joint, under pinkie finger. Ortho doc kept ignoring me about hand pain, "it is going to hurt for 6 months to a year". My doc says, "lets see if this will help". It did, instantly. One of those things where I did not know just how much it was hurting till it stopped.
I got so tickled at him today. Told him about dizzy I get about 2 hours after taking morning meds, and how it was some better after separating my 2 BP meds. He looks at me and says, I think it is your medicine. See what a good doc I am? You are Ok till you take your meds, then you are not OK, and instantly I can see, it is your meds causing it. We both got a laugh over that.
14/Aug/10 4:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I like your Doctor, MizT. He's both caring and has a sense of humor. I wish more doctors realized that laughter is a great medicine as well.
14/Aug/10 5:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just realized that today is
It usually is my lucky day. So far it's been very quiet.
14/Aug/10 7:07 AM
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Morning all!
MizT, you have a great relationship with your doc! And I love that he took your pain away!!
Theresa, what MizT said! Just start from here.
Cyn, I'm glad the doc says it's nothing too serious. A couple of days on the antibiotics and we might get to see more of you around.
Yikes! Our autism dogs have gone down to 8th! I found another one too. It's in the running for $50K and is to train 2 autism dogs. I voted for that one too, though it is 28th the top 10 in that one get funding.
14/Aug/10 8:28 AM
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Another day, another round of wishes, thoughts, and vibes for Nena, Wendy and our friend.
Although I haven't sent any vibes from here lately, I have been sending them off-line to your daughter Theresa!
14/Aug/10 9:47 AM
Perth W Aust
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Friday the 13th twas very lucky, went to a Quiz Night last night. and Guess who's table got 39 1/2 out of 48 and came in First :)))
14/Aug/10 9:47 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning Everyone.
Sending wishes, hugs, thoughts, vibes to those in need.
Will be visiting Mum this morning at the Hospital. yesterday, she underwent a bone scan.
14/Aug/10 9:52 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Theresa, glad to see you back. I hope you are able to get a better monitor soon.
Cyn, glad you are on antibiotics. They should help you feel better soon.
Miz T, I have a similar relationship with my doctor. She listens and we usually laugh about something. She has one son named Mitchell. We thought that was pretty funny.
Heidi, I also like Friday the 13. The luckiest Friday the 13 I ever had was the day Mitchell was born. He likes Friday the 13 also.
Rolanda, glad you won the quiz. Did you get a prize?
BIG HUGS to all who need them.
14/Aug/10 11:04 AM
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Okay, I'm all rested and caffeined up, so here goes with some concentrated thoughts, wishes and vibes....
I bet you can find yourself, a family member, or a friend in there if you try...
14/Aug/10 12:37 PM
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Friends! Gosh, it's just past 9 p.m. and it seems like I'm here early.
Hi, June, Gail, CynB, Suzy, MizTricia, Heidi, Theresa, Rolanda and Tami!
Thank you to everyone for the prayers for Nena and Wendy! I'm sending out plenty more for June's friend!
June, I understand how a 5-year-old thinks her birthday is the day of her party. They become synonyms in their minds! It's good whenever the celebration happens! I liked your description of the evening sky! I can't go look now, as our sky is full of clouds, which have provided us with some much-needed rain.
Gail, I need to sign in each time I vote for the Pepsi grants. I guess it's one way they have to prevent "ballot-box stuffing"! The codes drive me crazy. I sometimes even get Asian writing. Now, how am I supposed to do that? I just keep clicking until I find something I can decipher!
June, I hope you found something of interest to fix for dinner, since the birthday girl's dinner was postponed!
CynB, I'm so glad you admitted that you needed to see a doctor. I hope you were able to get some medication that makes you feel MUCH better! Hopefully a good sleep will also help!
Suzy, I'm so glad there is no Pride rehearsal, especially considering Ally's painful fall! Wishing her all the best and lots of leg propped up and icing. Here in the states they call it RICE - rest, ice, compression and elevation. WOW, your girls each have a "gem" of a teacher this year! I am SO sorry! I'm almost ashamed to admit that I am a retired teacher. What is with these people? Seems like there needs to be some training of these 2 teachers as to proper ways to relate to students. (I'm not sure what "ripped strips" means, but I assume it involved verbal abuse.)
I was thinking about the prevalence of C as well, Suzy. I think you're right - we just hear about it more because it isn't so "hush-hush" as it once was. People talk about it. Also, it is better diagnosed, and as people live longer, they are more likely to get it, if some other major disease doesn't get to them first.
MizT, I hope you had a good visit (and NOT a long wait) with your primary care physician!
Theresa, so sorry your monitor quit working, but glad a friend was able to provide a back-up, even though small and difficult to read! Yep, I know what you mean about missing this wonderful group. Drives me crazy (well, crazier than usual) when I can't get here for a few days! Sending positive vibes and prayers for your D! I wish MizT's doc could provide her with some pain management!
MizT, I think your primary care physician is a keeper! SO glad he was able to give you an injection which helped with the pain! Sounds like he has a good sense of humor and also LISTENS to patients - a good combination!
Heidi, how very clever of you to be able to vote twice a day! I think I should try!
Congrats, Rolanda, on your VERY intelligent table at Quiz Night! Was there a prize or just a
14/Aug/10 12:39 PM
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Here's "chapter 2":
Congrats, Rolanda, on your VERY intelligent table at Quiz Night! Was there a prize or just a warm feeling for doing well? Sending positive vibes and prayers for your Mum! Hopefully all test results will be good news!
Heidi and Tami (and anyone else who particularly likes the day), Happy Friday the 13th! Tami's last day of camp for the summer! Do you feel relieved or relaxed - or just exhausted?
Suzy, I'll try to decipher your code when I get back.
I'm going to try voting again, but hope to be back again later.
14/Aug/10 12:41 PM
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I'm back, but will soon head to bed. We have an early morning tomorrow, and it's after 11 p.m. Good Night to all topsiders and Good Afternoon and Evening to others!
14/Aug/10 2:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow. If IH lets me. He likes to make noise in the morning so I can't sleep late.
14/Aug/10 4:30 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Howdy all, didn't expect to be here for a couple of days, we are away for the weekend at a family reunion on the outlaw side. The motel has the internet, and hubby brought the netbook, teeny tiny so mistakes aplenty!
Love and hugs to all, and I will pop in again when I have the chance.
14/Aug/10 4:35 PM
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Evening all!
Gail, you sneaky devil - you didn't mention you were going away! I hope you have a ball!!!
I forgot to tell you all a funny family anecdote. I did mention that Ebob struck out a state player in the last play of her last game in juniors. What I didn't mention was that the inning before she had heard that player talking to his team mates saying girls shouldn't play baseball. How's that for payback??!! The especially good part is that Ebob isn't that great a pitcher, she just pitches at a very different speed to the guys so he kept swinging and missing.
14/Aug/10 8:14 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sorry Suzy, I thought I had mentioned something n passing some time ago, but with everything that is going on, it sort of slipped my mind then all of a sudden, the time had arrived!
Today is also hubby's birthday, and he was very pleased to be spending it with all of his siblings.
We have just returned to our motel room after a magnificent curry feast at his sister's house. Tomorrow we are going back there for a turkey lunch. They are a lovely family I married into, and we have had a wonderful time so far
14/Aug/10 11:20 PM
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Belated Happy birthday to Scott.
Off to bed. Just finished getting things ready for Laura's party tomorrow. I will put the last things on the cake tomorrow. I organised all these farm animals and today she asked if she could have strawberries on the cake. I will put a row around the outside!
15/Aug/10 12:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, don't you jut love those last minute requests? So happy for you and Laura that strawberries were doable! You are making such good memories for her, and children do remember some many of the bits and pieces from their early childhood!
Rolanda, I hope you find your Mum doing well on your visit. Seems they re testing a lot, that is good, while they have her there get it done.
Gail, pass on belated birthday greetings to hubby. Do hope you continue to enjoy your visit. Did you have to transport the dialysis paraphernalia for his treatment, or will you be back home for that??
Way to go E-bob, teach that smart mouthed young man a lesson hehehe. Suzy, thanks for sharing.
Heidi, hope you are sleeping in today. I just checked, you are not getting the thunder we have nearby. T storms have surrounded us last evening, during the night and again this morning. We had a light show all around up till just before bedtime, lots of lightning in the near distance and almost continuous thunder. We even got some much needed rain, and some humidity we did not need.
I managed to sleep in till 9:30, after being rudely awakened at 6 am and 6:11 am. Seems I turned off my alarm yesterday morning, but I did NOT turn off my alarm completely, if that makes sense. Then this morning, I just reached and pounded till it stopped, hit the snooze button and it got me again. I HOPE that I have it completely erased from it's memory so it does not wake me tomorrow!! Must check again when I am fully awake. At 6 am, I am techno challenged hehehe.
Tami, enjoy your "summer vacation" this weekend, no camp, no school for a whole 2 days.
Heidi, I saw a Happy Friday 13 card online when I was looking for a birthday card for my sister. I was going to send to you, but dern card would not load!
Yep, sister's birthday was 13th. I sent online card as she is on an extended vacation, I think they today leave Vancouver, Canada and start making their way bake south. Since her hubby took early retirement, they try to take aone ectended vacation a year. He loves to drive, hated flying, so they take their SUV they reserve just for pulling their travel trailer and pull their accommodations with them! He gets a couple or 3 months of entertainment planning their route, their stops, the side trips to points of interest. Sis says the vehicle is comflrtable riding so she does not mind, and he is not one to try to break time/distance records. If they want to stop at a roadside fruit stand, they stop, leisurely travel. Way I would want to do it!!
OK, thunder getting closer and I need to ice my hand. NO exercises today and tomorrow after the injection, and ice several times a day. I do see improvement in pain and perhaps in swelling, we will see.
Hugs to everyone needing them, and if you are listed on Suzy's encrypted Alphabet list, extras for you.
15/Aug/10 1:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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15/Aug/10 1:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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wishes to your hubby from me, too, Gail. You two really deserved a fun time at the family reunion.
I get a kick out of the family reunions around here. There is so much inbreeding that everybody in the area goes to every family reunion. I know of no hillbilly joke that doesn't have some large nugget of truth here.
15/Aug/10 2:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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REMINDER..... If you need the link to vote, it's on MizT's second post on page #304.
15/Aug/10 2:33 AM
Small Town Canada
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Jeff Foxworthy said, You might be a redneck if you go to a family reunion to meet girls.
15/Aug/10 2:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That IS done here, Theresa.
15/Aug/10 2:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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Very cool morning here today with clouds, fog, rain and t storms all around. Temp at 1 pm is 78, (25C) a lovely rare daytime temp for August. I took advantage of the cool to do some baking.
Zucchini muffins and biscuits (quick bread, not cookies) for him. Thought about cornbread for him also, but thumb said not today. I did remember the sweetener (not much, just a tad sweet, these muffins) this time hehehe.
I have bones and scraps from the smoked chickens in the pressure cooker, rendering smoky broth and tiny bits of chicken for making soup. That will be supper today, soup with tomatoes and okra and corn and other garden vegetables. I am drooling just thinking about it ( visualize Heidi's drooling smilie here).
Wish I could share the muffins straight from the oven, I am having a snack now and sooo good. I love fresh baked goods hehehe.
Off to do more icing, the cold cube kind, not the sugary decorative kind.
15/Aug/10 4:11 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, wish I could fly over and land in your kitchen ... I am so hungry now.
15/Aug/10 6:14 AM
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That soup sounds very nice MizT. My pressure cooker is so old I just use it as a regular pot these days.
15/Aug/10 6:22 AM
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