Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's not that hard to make potato chips, Suzy, but without preservatives, they have to be eaten quickly. But that happens anyway.
16/Aug/10 8:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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hehe Theresa! Hubby was complaining last night because one of the girls asked if we had any chocolate in the house. I said 'you've just had your monthly, it's 3 weeks until you need any more chocolate'. He said Wo, I didn't need to know that!!!

Heidi, I shouldn't ask because I'm just like Theresa, do you have a recipe???
16/Aug/10 8:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, your husband does realize that he has two girls???
16/Aug/10 9:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Head in the sand Tami - it means they're not little girls anymore...
16/Aug/10 9:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I know that Suzy. He better get used to the idea of his little girls growing up.
16/Aug/10 9:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Especially with one not far off 18 and the other mistaken for 2 to 4 years older than she is all of the time....
16/Aug/10 9:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Who needs a recipe? Slice the potato into very thin slices and drop into boiling oil until cooked, then drain on paper towels. You can use whatever oil you want to. I do NOT recommend motor oil.
16/Aug/10 9:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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16/Aug/10 9:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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If it wasn't raining out, I would walk the five blocks to the nearest convenience store. I want chips, chips, chips, chips followed by dessert (chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate).

My deep fryer broke or died from old age about 10 years ago and I've never replaced it. So no home made french fries or chips for me. If anyone makes extra, please send them to me.
16/Aug/10 9:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sending thoughts, wishes, hugs and vibes to N TD W RM JD GH TP CG T TG CS H C T R RD J S SF and everyone else too...
16/Aug/10 9:50 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, we've never had a deep fryer. Hubby uses a frying pan. It works for french fries, not sure about chips..
16/Aug/10 9:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Aren't you glad it's raining?
16/Aug/10 9:59 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, have you fed the lawnmowers yet?
16/Aug/10 10:22 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have never owned a deep fryer but have thought of buying one.

Heidi, motor oil gives a distinctive taste to potato chips. How can you not recommend using it???
16/Aug/10 10:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't use a deep frier. I just put a couple of inches of oil in a saucepan.
16/Aug/10 10:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - well, I've now decided that my antibiotics, despite following instructions on both packets, are making me sick, nauseous and worse (won't elaborate - TMI). Not happy Jan, now that means another trip to the docs - ugghhh!
Suzy - looked at the video, song sounded good when it could be heard. Would love to see a better quality video.
Brenda - that's my type of festival with the Quo and Rick Wakeman. Am I showing my age or what?
16/Aug/10 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, I hope you are feeling better soon.
16/Aug/10 10:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Still waiting for someone to send me chips ...
16/Aug/10 11:34 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Dont look at me Theresa, No chips here.. or Chocolate..

Looks like I have an extra person for dinner this eve.. Boy #1.
His car is in for service, Boy #2 picked him up from Mechanics on his way to Uni this morning.
Boy #2 will bring Boy #1 back to Mechanics to pick up #1's Car, and drop off #2's car ( his car is in tomorrow for service), and then #1 will bring home #2. ( #2 tomorrow will catch Bus to and from Uni)
Boy #1 (not sure if Boy #2 is going)has a FloorBall game (at Uni) this eve. To avoid the yoyo of going up and down to here, there and everywhere, he just rung to say I have an extra person to feed this eve.
16/Aug/10 11:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Excerpts from a Dog's Diary**
8:00 am - Dog food! My favourite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favourite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favourite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favourite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favourite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favourite thing!
6:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favourite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favourite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!

**Excerpts from a Cat's Diary**
Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although
I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit
on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its
headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of.
However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bas*ards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe
him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him
in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now...
16/Aug/10 12:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... That's one of the funniest things I've ever read, tho' I've read it before!!! Whoever wrote that sure knows cats.
16/Aug/10 12:34 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I love it too - I agree with Heidi, whoever wrote it sure knows cats! And dogs!
Ever since the first time we ever heard that, we often watch our dog doing simple things and say to ourselves - ooh, my favourite!
16/Aug/10 1:10 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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So have you been back to the doc's Cyn, hope you are feeling better.
16/Aug/10 1:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
Broni, the lawn mowers were fed not much after I posted about them. See what I do for the animals?? Freeze my tush off!

Rolanda, that is complicated! Thank goodness they are grown now and you aren't trying to coordinate all of that!

Cyn, if I post a video I am in trouble, only peers are allowed to post videos... sorry the antibiotics are making you sick!!

Theresa, there should be something in there about controlling us with meowing, irritating us into doing what they want!
16/Aug/10 1:29 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi all!! I am alive but live in a boring world and have nothing new to impart.
I did go to a baby shower on Saturday afternoon. The future mum and her friend had gone to so much effort. They made 200 train biscuits which they iced and wrapped in pairs in celophane with a Thank You tag. They also made a train cake to cut on the day (the baby will be a boy). There were games and delicious food.
Damn! I missed going to visit my SIL and her new boyfriend yesterday! This is the SIL who has accused me of all sorts of nasty behaviour because she is upset about not inheriting her mother's ring. What a shame Hubby and I were out and missed the phone call Hubby is not impressed with his sister's behaviour and was glad we weren't available. All I have to do is figure out how I can be unavailable to her at all times.
Work is very frustrating at the moment. We had our new server installed and everything is slow. It lags and you have to repeat instructions. You can't find files or it falls over. We had no internet or email access this morning.
Well, I've had my b1tch now, I feel much better.
The Apprentice (#2 son) is turning 21 this coming Friday. He doesn't want a party and I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His reply "A new pair of boardshorts". I said we could do better than that and will be updating his King single bed to a Queen size. I've managed to buy a mattress (saved myself $500) but now we need a bed to put it on.
The student (#1 son) is looking longingly at the new mattress and whining for one as well. His birthday is coming up so we'll see.
The student's girl is doing her teaching internship (final prac.)at a school near work. I offered to drop her off in the mornings. That means leaving home at 7am to get her to school on time. Today is her first day and she was very nervous when I left her. I don't have to take her home today but will for the rest of the week. She'll have to make her own arrangements next week and the one after as hubby and I are away.
Sending hugs and best wishes to all who are sick or recovering and positive vibes to those in need.
Back to work now.
16/Aug/10 1:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Hi, Heidi, Suzy, CynB, Rolanda, June, Tami, MizTricia, Theresa,

Suzy, thanks for asking about my hubby. We have a follow-up appointment with the doctor on Wednesday. We are assuming all is well and have put surgery out of our minds. We'll see if the doctor concurs.

Heidi and CynB, I hope you are both feeling better as the antibiotics do their work! Remember to continue taking them for the full course of the prescription!

Suzy, poor Nomnom! Who eventually found her? Was she hoarse (horse) from all of her screeching? (We need to be very careful about closing doors, as one of our cats is essentially mute and would be unable to notify us if left on the wrong side of a closed door.) Can't wait to take a minute to check out Ally's (Alie's) new video!

Rolanda, I'm certainly glad you and hubby were able to survive Pompeii's volcano eruption and weren't buried by the ash! Gotta go check that out, too!

June, I'm so glad Laura's party was a success and she was able to survive someone else blowing out her candles!

Oh, my, Theresa! You had some excitement today! (In addition to being awakened by a hungry cat, that is! I guess he knows the schedule and wanted to remind you.
16/Aug/10 1:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Reading page 309 now . . .

Hi, Tami, Heidi, Brenda, Nola, Broni, Suzy and Theresa!

Heidi, I agree that Alie's video was difficult to listen to and watch.

Suzy, does Ally/Alie realize that with only one L, phonetically the A would be a long a and her name would be pronounced Ail-ie. (Not that it matters to a teen.) We were lucky that our Ds didn't change the spelling of their names - although the older one temporarily changed her name while in kindergarten. She started bringing home papers with a different name. We told her she should take them back to school the next day and make sure to give them to the person they belonged to. She was indignant and told us she had changed her name and they were hers. (I don't remember now what name she chose.)

Welcome back, Brenda! It sounds like the music festival was great, if wet. The important thing is that you enjoyed the bands and the music! Hpw nice that your D prepared dinner for you - and it was delicious!

Tami, if it takes giving orders to get your parents to come for dinner and some quality time with the Beasties, then you did the right thing! Good for you! Please tell Bobbi and Bernie that we're thinking of them and hope they're doing well!

Nola, I hope your coursework is going well! You don't need to worry that any comments here might be misconstrued, as they surely will be. The good thing is that we're all friends and someone can always work it out correctly, so it's never a problem! We're just glad to have you visit when you can!

Broni, I'm glad your health is improving. Having to make most/all of your own food makes things more difficult and time consuming, but it's worth it for improved health! The good news is that it's working!

Sending positive vibes to Heidi and CynB that their antibiotics are working and they're beginning to feel better!

Suzy, I hope it's not too windy, though I guess it is, if you're hesitant to go out and feed the lawnmowers! Please give Ebob and Ally/Alie hugs and hope they both are better tomorrow!

Yumm, Theresa! Soup sounds good! Of course, the chips and chocolate Suzy mentioned sound good, too!
16/Aug/10 2:35 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Julie, sounds like the news is good for hubby, woo hoo!
Actually I enjoy cooking most of my own food, JD turned into a real foodie and did most of the cooking so I learnt a lot along the way and can whip up restaurant style meals quite easily, tonight is butterfly crumbed prawns (my friend over on the island got me a 5kg box of green prawn tails snap frozen on the trawler) with homemade sweet and sour sauce and special friend rice.
16/Aug/10 3:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ah, finally reading page 310 . . .

Hi, Heidi, Suzy, Tami, Theresa, Broni, CynB, Rolanda, and Victoria!

Home-made potato chips sound yummy, but mighty tempting! I'll try to put them out of mind with the excuse that I also don't have a deep fryer. That's my excuse, and if it keeps chips out of the house, it works for me!

Suzy, thanks for keeping the coded well-wishes in our minds! It's nice to have an occasional reminder! That reminds me that I need to find the comment with the links to vote for the dogs (MizT's request) and "Every Child Cans."

Cyn, too bad the antibiotic is doing more than you bargained for. Our acupuncturist is also a naturopath. After hubby had his recent IV antibiotic followed by a full course of antibiotic at home, both she (and the surgeon) suggested he eat yogurt daily to get the good bacteria re-established.

Rolanda, I'm so glad your S's got that schedule worked out and you didn't need to get involved!

Theresa, the dog & cat "blogs" are certainly clever and worth re-reading! Thanks for sharing!

Victoria, the baby shower train theme was quite clever! So sorry that there are continued problems with the server at work! What a "shame" that you missed getting together with your SIL and her boyfriend! What a great idea to get S#2 a new mattress/bed for his birthday! (Sure beats a new pair of board shorts!) Happy Birthday, S#2! Hope you have a great day! (If you decide to make a similar purchase for S#1's birthday, I hope you find a great sale!)

It's past midnight, so I'm going to head off to bed. Good Night to each of you, and many {{{{{hugs}}}}}, prayers and positive vibes to everyone, whether or not you are in need!
16/Aug/10 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ooh, Broni, I just read your menu! Do you have room for 1 more for dinner? Sounds delicious!
16/Aug/10 3:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just voted again at the Pepsi grant site. Here are the links: /everychildcan

Thanks to everyone who is voting!
16/Aug/10 3:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Now I am really heading to bed. Good Night!
16/Aug/10 3:15 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi all, too tired, just getting a handle on it all, great time, post later...
16/Aug/10 6:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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There is a connection issue with the Pepsi site.
I went to the pictures today with a friend. Saw 'South Solitary'. An Australian film about a girl on an Island with a light house. A bit slow but interesting. It was good to get out and away from everything though.
I have not even looked at the puzzles yet. A bit of a change for me.
16/Aug/10 6:42 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I just signed on to the pepsi site, 3 times, without problem. Hopefully that means any problem has been resolved.


I have a question for those who say they are voting more than one time on the Pepsi site. I am unable to vote more than once with same address.

ARE you sure your votes are going through? I have to click on the VOTE button up top, then sign in, then scroll down to just below the test staring how they will use the money ( 3 vans, One trainer, 10 vests and leashes) and click Vote again. AFTER I vote, I get a thank you for my vote. Then the number of votes available changes from 10 to 9. If I try to vote again from that address, I see the thank you for your vote instead of the vote box down bottom of the page.

I know, clear as mudd!!

NOW, if you do all that and still can vote twice a day please let me know how you do it/ so I can stuff the ballot box also hehehe
16/Aug/10 11:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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FIVE HOURS and no posts?? Wake up topsiders
16/Aug/10 11:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I only use the vote and sign in at the top of the page, MizT. I get the creative "Thank You" after each vote. BUT, if you try to vote again too soon, you have to sign out, then sign in again. With voting twice a day, I haven't had to sign out and the vote does count. I'm not sure about it counting if I vote more often.
17/Aug/10 12:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Couldn't sleep well last night. I was having a lot of leg aches and pains. So I did some reading... A couple of Rafael Sabatini books. I finished one and started another. I'm reading "The Black Swan" now. Much better, and very different from the movie starring Tyrone Power.
17/Aug/10 1:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I am voting twice with my own account, but I have to wait, I think about 12 hours, before I can vote again. I've been voting around 6:00 AM and then again before I go to bed. If I try to vote too soon after the first time it won't allow it. I don't know if this makes sense or not. I need another coffee and then off to watch the grandies while their mom has a nap. TTFN.
17/Aug/10 1:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I did get back in to vote later. I have often voted twice in a day but at quite different times. I vote the same as you Tricia, although I not sure if I went to that lower box the first time I voted.
Cannot sleep, a lot on my mind tonight.
17/Aug/10 2:11 AM
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