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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Could Pauline Hansen be any more bigoted?
14/Nov/10 5:39 AM
Small Town Canada
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I am assuming it is the Australian politician you are talking about, Suzy. What is it she has said now that just isn't right?
14/Nov/10 5:43 AM
Small Town Canada
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I just want to rant for a minute or two here. My daughter's FIL is coming to visit this afternoon. He and his new wife live in the Ottawa area, so less than an hour's drive from here. He hasn't been to visit his grandchildren since May of this year. The last time we saw him he made comments like he didn't think it was his job to raise his grandchildren. And when he found out his ex-wife had bought a Honda Accord he said he thought she would have bought a high-end car. Just a bit arrogant, huh? Anyway, his wife has grandchildren that they babysit all the time. In fact he is on his way this afternoon to pick up his wife's grandies for an overnight visit, and decided to drop in to visit "his" grandies for a wee visit. He doesn't help out at all!!!!! I so badly want to let the air out of his tires when he gets here. Yes, I can be a vengeful person, at least in my dreams. He is also the one who didn't want to buy my oldest grandie a bike for her birthday because it was too expensive, but his wife had no problem buying a LEATHER jacket for her four year old grandson for no reason. But he is the one suffering because his grandies don't really know him, and my SIL and daughter have absolutely no respect for him. Who's the biggest loser here?
Okay, rant over! Thank you for listening.
14/Nov/10 5:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, you are allowed to come in here to vent. He sounds like a shallow person with no regard to anyone's feelings. It may not seem like it but your grandies are probably better off without him.
14/Nov/10 6:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The candy thief came over for her piece of candy. Today she took 2, one for her and one for her mom. She is now sitting on my floor and doing a puzzle.
14/Nov/10 6:03 AM
Small Town Canada
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You're right Tami, but it's still frustrating. This man has a lot of money, but there's never any for his kids, only his new wife's kids and families. What an arrogant, pompous a$$. He said he has tried to come by to visit more often, but my daughter and her husband are never home. My daughter is home almost all the time because she can hardly walk! I have been staying in the house or going in the backyard today because I don't want to see him. I am afraid I might tell the man exactly what I think of him, and I don't want to start something that really doesn't involve me.
14/Nov/10 6:14 AM
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Hi everyone. I woke up this morning and thought it was foggy. Then I put on my glasses. Not fog, snow. Welcome to winter. It might stay, it might melt. I'm hoping for melt.
We ordered a new couch from Sears last month. It got delivered on Wednesday. It is a sectional. Just one tiny problem. One piece they sent is the wrong colour. I couldn't believe it. Called them up and now have to wait for them to make a new one. It should be here by Dec. 10.
Hope you all are well. Everyone here is healthy again.
14/Nov/10 6:15 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I think it's time you went to the doctor.
Suzy, have a good time at the Robin Williams' show, and good luck on Monday. Take care of yourself.
14/Nov/10 6:52 AM
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Theresa, a well deserved rant, and he needs to be told though probably by his son.
Rena, HI! How do you get one piece of a sectional the wrong colour? I bet you had a rant about that...
14/Nov/10 7:52 AM
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Theresa, pauline left Australia because she didn't like the way it was changing and moved to the UK. She has come back because the UK is 'over-run by immigrants'.
14/Nov/10 7:54 AM
qld, australia
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Good Morning my friends, going to be another warm day here.
14/Nov/10 8:02 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I figured it had something to do with immigration because I know she had been unhappy with Australia's policy. We are all immigrants to some degree.
Good morning Broni.
14/Nov/10 8:37 AM
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She was an immigrant to the UK herself when she was complaining. She also doesn't much like indigenous Australians. I think she would have been happy in Naxi Germany
14/Nov/10 8:55 AM
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I couldn't resist reading that one because I thought it must be a misleading headline, but it was exactly what the headline said it was..
14/Nov/10 10:19 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I tried to go to the article but it did not work.
14/Nov/10 10:50 AM
qld, australia
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Hehe Zusy, anyone wanting to find this story take the space from between the e and 6 at the end.
14/Nov/10 10:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks, Broni. I think I've heard it all, now. I really pity the mouse.
14/Nov/10 12:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the chili supper. It was moderately successful. It would have had better attendance, but it rained. We still made around $300.
14/Nov/10 12:45 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I also feel sorry for the mouse.
14/Nov/10 12:51 PM
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I asked Hubby how he was going to explain it to the RSPCA??
14/Nov/10 1:46 PM
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Have you posted your chili recipe Heidi? I'm sure hubby would love it. His parents were from Texas and he grew up on southern food, though in California.
14/Nov/10 1:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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This chili is not made from scratch. We start with many gallons of commercial chili, then add beef, tomatoes, chili beans and onions. A lot of people around here like spaghetti pasta in with their chili, so we have half of it made with that, too. It's served with sandwiches (both cheese and peanut butter), crackers, assorted desserts and drinks. All you can eat for $5.
14/Nov/10 2:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm really tired. Off to feed dogs, then to bed. I want to hit the N.A.I.L.E. tomorrow.
14/Nov/10 2:14 PM
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Catch you all later guys! We're heading off early so we can have something to eat before the show. I don'tknow if I'll get in in the morning or not.
Hugs all round!
14/Nov/10 3:21 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Have fun Suzy family, and best of luck for tomorrow.
14/Nov/10 3:23 PM
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Good Evening, Everybody!
Hi, Gail, Suzy, Tami, Rolanda, Theresa, Suzanne, CynB, Heidi, Broni, Nola, V Viv, June, MizTricia and Rena!
Wonderful news, Gail, about the oven! Sunday chicken dinner sounds good to me! Even better than the chicken, though, is the company of good cyber friends!
Suzy, I hope you had a quiet day so you can enjoy Robin Williams Sunday evening!
Theresa, I'm glad you and your D enjoyed your girls' night! I hope you are feeling better today!
Suzanne, sending prayers and positive vibes for your friend George's mum! Since I'm reading on page 426, I hope you have heard better news since then! Hoping for a speedy recovery for her!
If anyone (with faster internet connection) can forward Suzy's proud mother email, I'd appreciate it. There's no rush, as I seem to have less and less time to visit here. Thanks!
Heidi, so sorry to hear about the inept workers cutting your utilities! I hope the chili supper went well tonight! BTW, we had a large drop in temperatures today. I still can't get warmed up.
Broni, thanks for reminding Gail about the pav! Yum . . . 2 desserts - pav and Tami's brownies!
Viv, great Avon order, but so sorry they can't provide all of the products ordered! Too bad your friend John has returned to smoking, and also that things have remained much the same for you. Perhaps one day things will change . . . ? I hope your back and knees are feeling better!
Theresa, sorry it was another difficult night for sleep! Hoping tonight will be better!
June, so glad Laura's competition went well! It sounds quite impressive! I hope you also get/got a good night's sleep!
Tami, I hope the new grocery store met all expectations and had good products for reasonable/low prices!
Heidi, I hope you're feeling better and less queasy! Good luck getting a good night's sleep tonight!
MizT, I hope Al continues to improve and all will work out for him to come home!
Theresa, so sorry to hear about your D's FIL! It sounds like he is very self-involved. You're right - it's his loss that he is not maintaining a relationship with his own grandies! You have every right to rant! I assume you don't expect him to spend much time visiting.
Rena, it's so good to have you visiting us again! GREAT news that everyone is once again healthy! What must they have been thinking at Sears to send out a sectional sofa with different colors? Maybe someone else ordered it in the other color and they accidentally mislabeled the pieces for shipping? As for the snow - yes, it's pretty, but I'm glad we haven't had any here yet!
Heidi, that's a LOT of supper for $5! I'd just be happy with a bowl of chili and the crackers! Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!
Suzy, I hope you have/had great fun at the Robin Williams concert! Enjoy your day teaching tomorrow! Here's hoping all of the students behave and are respectful!
14/Nov/10 3:29 PM
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Oops, guess I just missed Suzy!
14/Nov/10 3:30 PM
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Heading off to bed soon here. Good night to all! Sending positive vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you! Have a great day at school Monday, Suzy!
14/Nov/10 4:26 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Goodnight Julie, sweet dreams ♥
14/Nov/10 4:31 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning from me. Yes, it's not quite 3:00 AM and I'm up. Can't seem to get comfortable at night when the back and hips are aching. I hope to grab a nap a little later, but we are going to the in-laws today to help out and we are providing supper. It will just be cold cuts on crusty buns and soup, but we still have to pick up some items at the store. Hmmmm, might not get that nap in after all.
I think I'll start the coffee and get some ffuts done. The poor cats are confused by my hours and they are thinking it's breakfast time. Hehehe, keeps them on their toes!
14/Nov/10 6:56 PM
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MizT, tell Al he may not want the taste buds back. My friend was complaining yesterday about putting on weight. She said people on Chemo complain that if they are not nauseous they eat to try ad get the metallic taste out of their mouth.
Comments aside, does he expect the lack of taste to be just temporary? I do hope so.
14/Nov/10 9:06 PM
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Theresa, that man is a real 'pill' when he does have the means of being some help to his family. He is definitely the loser though.
Sorry Heidi that menu does not appeal to me at all.
Julie, lovely to see you having the time for your long post. The other day you asked about my friend. She is doing well on this last Chemo and will be on it till mid January. The answer to many prayers as six months ago she had been told this would probably be her last Christmas. Something I had not really admitted before.
14/Nov/10 9:15 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, that is not a thought one would want to put words to. Everything is crossed for your friend ♥xoxo
14/Nov/10 9:17 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Wishing your friend all the luck in the world June.
My s*** life pales into comparison with what she is going through.
I have had a crap weekend ladies one way or the other as if you can't half tell.
I am going now. Nite.
14/Nov/10 10:11 PM
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I was asleep but a nasty buzzy mossy was flying around my head and woke me up. He is now DEAD!
Sorry I may not have made it clear that the latest chemo has shrunk the tumors. Or we know two have and the oncologist said all the rest should be the same. Next scan will not be till chemo finished but we are all very positive. It has been a very tough year.
15/Nov/10 12:24 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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June, continued good thoughts going out to your friend. I will keep her in my prayers for her recovery.
Suzy, enjoy Robin Williams tonight and best wishes for tomorrow. I can't wait to here about your first day at school.
Supermarket was OK. It carries non-name brands and they are at a good price. I will go back when it is less busy.
15/Nov/10 1:08 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I think I scared all my friends away. That, or they all have more exciting lives than I do. I am supposed to be grading papers but playing on the pooter is much more fun.
15/Nov/10 2:50 AM
Small Town Canada
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June, your friend is in my thoughts. As is Al and MizT.
Just finished a late breakfast and just about ready to go to the "outlaws". I did squeeze in a nap and, thank goodness, my back and hips feel better. Mind you after an hour and a quarter car ride each way, by the time I get home I figure I'll be back to square one. Such is life.
Hope everyone has a good day/evening/night. If it's not too late when we get home I hope to check back in.
15/Nov/10 3:19 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, hope the car ride does not hurt as bad as you expect. Hope the day goes well and that the "outlaws" behave themselves.
15/Nov/10 3:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... All my best wishes for your friend. I am thrilled that she's finally making progress. I truly hope that it continues.
15/Nov/10 4:39 AM
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