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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - why on earth did the Council stop them putting up lights??
There's something about driving around in the evening looking at Xmas lights that is therapeutic to me, I love them and will miss ours this year.
28/Nov/10 11:34 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh, oops - forgot to check numbers!
28/Nov/10 11:35 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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In my cleaning spree the last few days, I even cleaned this laptop. I didn't realise what a messy slob I was until I looked closely. One would think that I spat food and drink all over it. Disgusting, it was!! Now it's nice and clean and I'll try to be more careful.
28/Nov/10 11:38 AM
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Cyn, they didn't only do lights. They also had a night where they had kids singing Carols, Santa came on a fire engine and every other year they had fireworks. It was fantastic and raised a lot of money, but typical Council have killed it. They almost did the same thing to Carols in the Park this year...
28/Nov/10 11:47 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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It's the Nanna state gone mad again!
28/Nov/10 11:52 AM
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Never been an accident or an issue and no complaints, but lets stop it 'just in case' someone trips over their shoe lace... craziness! This Justin bloke needs to be shot!
28/Nov/10 11:58 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all..
Glad things went OK and no buttons were pushed Suzy.. yes, better she is at home and school, be thankful she is not on the streets..
Totally agree with what June and Gail, and the others have said..
28/Nov/10 1:17 PM
Perth W Aust
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We have a Family C Gathering this afternoon, at MIL's. This is with MIL's side of the family.
I am bringing Mini Quiches, and a Tuna Roll.
28/Nov/10 1:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed early, again.
28/Nov/10 2:30 PM
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Off to see if we can hear Ally sing with a different group of kids. It's raining so I'm not sure if it will be on, though the kids seemed to think it would be..
28/Nov/10 2:43 PM
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I've changed my avatar to a turkey ready for the dinner table. Since we didn't do anything special for Thanksgiving, I've missed my turkey "fix."
Here is yesterday's (the most recent) update about my nephew:
R spent about 5 hours yesterday with relatives on his Dad's side of the family and enjoyed it a lot. It was good for him to break out and do something "normal". He likes the interaction with friends and family. We appreciate the continued positive thoughts and prayers as he deals with the various kinds of therapy he needs!
Have a great day everyone, and thanks again for everything!
Hi, Rolanda, Broni, CynB, Suzy, Theresa, Tami, MizTricia, Heidi, Brenda, Suzy, eaa, Gail, vdV, and June (through page 443).
MizT, what a wonderful neighbor to bring you and Al Thanksgiving dinner!
Tami, looking forward to see the centerpiece you created!
Heidi, I hope you're feeling better! Yikes! Snow! SO glad it didn't make an appearance here yet!
Theresa, I'm SO glad you're feeling better and getting more sleep, even if your nap lasted until 3 a.m.! You need the sleep!
Suzy, I hope Ally won a place in the competition! I will try to find Ebob through your link!
I have to run, as hubby needs this computer! Hope to be back later! {{{{HUGS}}}} to all!
28/Nov/10 2:52 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi again.
Suzy..most often,children don't realize how they may worry parents and they don't always appreciate
small things that are done for them by people who REALLY CARE. Sometimes,it takes having your own children to realize what sacrifices have been made for them and then the healing begins. I hope your daughter can begin to see this before she feels she had burned her bridges or pride gets in her way of coming home.
At least she came for dinner which is a good start.Think positive and look after yourself.
Julie...nice to hear R caught up with rellies,and had a "normal"day. Good on him.
Heidi...glad you had IH home for sounded just scrumptious.You all have more energy than me.
I visited Renae this morning and helped her clean the house so she could have a nap with the girls later.Twin 1 was up with a cold during the night..consequently little sleep.
Inside my house is all neat but outside needs a bit of attention.The veranda has leaves everywhere from the wind & rain. Greg should be
home tonight sometime.They still have to drive from Brisbane airport back to Bundy approx 5 hrs.
Catch you later.
28/Nov/10 3:32 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Justin Case is a walking disaster area!
Not long home from lunch out with three of my sisters, spouses (except mine!) and various offspring of varying ages. We had Yum Cha (or Yuck Cha as Beth called it before she got there), very nice and a lot of fun catching up with them again. We got together because my oldest sister and her hubby were down from Sydney for their granddaughter's 2nd birthday (sister to my goddaughter).
28/Nov/10 4:43 PM
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Hubby has finished his project, so it's my turn again - now on page 444.
Hi, Heidi, Gail, Theresa, CynB, Tami, Suzy, Brenda, MizTricia, June, Gail,
I'd like to thank all of my wonderful friends who have remembered my birthday, even though I have done my best to forget it! Well, we have had our minds elsewhere today. Thank you, Theresa, Heidi, Rolanda, Brenda, Tami, June, MizT, Suzy and Gail, who wished me a Happy Birthday on page 444.
Brenda, wonderful news about your hubby!
Heidi, amazing news about your hubby!
I'm sorry, but I need to get off the computer. Even if I haven't responded to each of you, I thought of you as I read! We have a sick kitty and need to tend to her.
Love, hugs, positive thoughts, and prayers to all of you! Good Night!
28/Nov/10 6:06 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hugs and love to you Julie. Thinking of kitty :(
28/Nov/10 7:01 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Just back from our Community Christmas Party held in the local park. No grandies were available to take today but we did the community thing and went anyway. Had steakburgers and sausages in bread - why is it that I could never eat that at home but when cooked on a open grill, I love them! Had a coffee each from a mobile wagon and then an ice-cream (that's dinner sorted). Chatted to neighbours and friends. Even the local Council had representatives there doing a survey - so we all told them we need better public transport (not hard, we have nil at present, except school buses), more tables/seating in the park, and how long is our new shopping centre going to take? Now to see if they listen to us. There was a huge turnout due to new estates bringing in new residents.
28/Nov/10 7:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hope kitty is OK, Julie!
28/Nov/10 7:33 PM
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{{{HUGS}}} to you all. I am off to lunch at Darling Harbour with some other Sudoku members. (Margo + husband from Adelaide, Ian and Anne Sharon, Ken and myself)
I wrote this , this morning and 11 hours later I find I had not hit Submit!!!
28/Nov/10 9:47 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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lol, hope lunch was fun June. Hubby and I are hoping to get up there some time next year.
28/Nov/10 9:54 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all,
Sitting here sipping my second cup of coffee with a cat on my lap. Julie, hope your kitty is OK.
Off to get some ffuts done. Hubby will be going to his parents later, so I have the house to myself for the afternoon. TTFN.
28/Nov/10 10:02 PM
Small Town Canada
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29/Nov/10 12:47 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Theresa broke it!
29/Nov/10 12:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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You want to hear some REALLY amazing news about IH???? After Robert and I moved a broken fence (took it down and put up a new one nearby), there was a post hole left that needed to be filled in. No animals had access to that area, so filling it became a lower priority job. I was walking past the area a few days ago, and noticed that the hole had been filled with rock, so I asked Robert if he filled it. He said no, he hadn't , but reminded me that George had been here around that time. Yesterday, I asked George if he filled the hole for me, and he said that he didn't. That only left IH, and he's never done a thing here without being told to do it. At that point, IH drove up, so I asked him if he filled that hole without being asked. Yes, he did!!!!! Of course, his reasoning made no sense. He was convinced that a cow was going to step in it and break a leg. The only way a cow could do that was if he left a gate open AGAIN.
29/Nov/10 2:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie's kitty.
29/Nov/10 2:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie, hope your kitty is feeling better.
Heidi, maybe IH is changing. Either that or it is his alien twin who is ready to invade the earth.
Don't remember most of what I have read. Have papers to grade and don't want to do that.
29/Nov/10 4:00 AM
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Heidi, I understand Gil's reasoning. When he next forgets to shut the gate at least the cow will not also break it's leg.
Hope Julie's kitty is soon better.
Gail, Ian was asking after you and Broni. I have put up a photo on my page.
Theresa, I hope you enjoyed your afternoon. How nice to have some time for yourself.
29/Nov/10 6:57 AM
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Morning all,
Julie, I hope kitty is better today.
We have just realised that our tree might bite the dust this year now that we have Nomnom. Should have thought of that before!
Heidi, at least it is done, whatever his motivation.
Theresa, did you break the page? You'll have to stop that, it's Gail's job.
If it wasn't for my empty bank account I would have been at that lunch....
I didn't get to hear Ally sing yesterday but they have plans for January - and it is a paid gig. She could earn her first money for singing.... It's an amazing place, it's basically a shed in a field, mostly open on the sides, local performers register with the owners and do their 'set'. Every one who comes to watch pays $5 at the end the money is split between the performers, though I'm sure the owners take their cut first. On a sunny day they can get 300 people. It's a wonderful way for locals to gain experience and exposure.
Cyn, I have told hubby that the best part of having a stroke was never having to eat sausage sangas again!
29/Nov/10 6:58 AM
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I had a dinner last night that I never ever thought I would enjoy - a bean burrito. We had a can of mexican beans and Ally was telling us stories about her friends' vegan meals, we also had a bag of avocadoes, salsa and light sour cream. Why not thought hubby. I can think of lots of reasons I thought, but went along, and surprised myself by really enjoying it!! And I'm not even doing the smelly thing like you usually do after beans...
29/Nov/10 8:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... I REALLY hope it's his alien twin! He can ONLY be an improvement. He actually did something without being told to!!!! I think this was the first time in his life!
29/Nov/10 8:14 AM
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It's afternoon, Friends! Hubby and I should both be napping (about 3 - 3.5 hours of sleep overnight), but we just can't.
The night before last we noticed that our younger cat (age 13) had lost weight, seemed very lethargic (up until recently she acted more kitten than cat), and seemed to be having some difficulty breathing. Our vet doesn't have hours on Saturday, but I kept trying to page her - with no luck. By last night we were getting frantic, as her breathing seemed more labored and she couldn't get comfortable - alternating between sitting and lying down. I decided to sit up with Max (Maxine, really) for as long as I could, then lay down on the couch next to her. Hubby and I agreed that hubby should try to get some sleep in bed, though neither of us slept much. We finally were able to successfully page the vet this morning, and she said to bring Max right in. Max fought a little as I put her in her carrier (her usual behavior). I put the carrier in my lap as usual for a car trip, rather than on the floor. As we drove to the vet, there was a sudden flurry of movement, then she was still. By the time we got to the vet (about 10 or 15 minutes), she was gone. She was a very special kitty who often watched out the window when we left the house and usually came to meet us at the door when we got home. She "pranced" more than walked, was basically mute (though opened her mouth and a small sound came out, as if she were saying, "Hi!"), jumped up and sat beside us at the computer, came running if I took a can of tuna and the can opener out, liked fresh spinach, and hung on so she didn't die on my birthday. She will be greatly missed by us, though maybe not so much by the 15-year-old cat, who merely seemed to tolerate having another cat in the house. D#1 had rescued her when she was a kitten the day before the shelter was going to put her to sleep, so she at least had a bit more than 13 years longer than if D had never seen her.
My apologies if my post is too morbid. It's just difficult, as other pets had been our daughters and were short-lived (hamsters). Max had been exclusively with us for over 10 years. Maybe the time around the holidays is as difficult for animals as it is for humans (thinking of KitKat and Rachel).
29/Nov/10 8:47 AM
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Hoping to start a new page on a happier note! I am blessed with some of the "bestest" friends a person could ask for! Thank you all so much for the multiple birthday greetings!
29/Nov/10 8:49 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
Good on IH - whatever the motivation for it! Probably for some obscure reason the defies logic - however he did it.
Suzy - I love bean burritos!
June - that was a nice photo on your page of yesterday's gathering.
29/Nov/10 8:51 AM
Small Town Canada
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Gail ... tattle tale!!!
June, what a lovely picture of your get together.
My afternoon consisted of a three hour nap.
Suzy, we have to tie our Christmas tree to the wall. Otherwise it comes crashing down. It will be interesting to see what the two new cats think of it this year. We don't put our tree up until the middle of December.
Heidi, maybe Gil is coming down with something???
I'm off to decide what I want for supper. We got the big haul of groceries this morning, so hopefully I can find something to my liking. I got the makings for a caesar salad, hmmmm.
29/Nov/10 8:51 AM
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I guess I don't count very well!
29/Nov/10 8:53 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie - so sorry about Max - not the news we (or you) were hoping for. {{{hugs}}}
29/Nov/10 8:54 AM
Small Town Canada
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Oh no Julie, I am so sorry about Maxine. She had a wonderful life with you and loved you as much as you did her. You will see her again. Do you know what was wrong with her? We have had a lot of cats over the years, and we still have a lot, but it never gets any easier ... our hearts still break.
29/Nov/10 8:55 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Check this out - another one from 'Britian's Got Talent' - she's well worth a look!!
29/Nov/10 9:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie.... I am very sorry to hear about Max. She sounds like a special member of the family.
29/Nov/10 9:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB.... What a set of lungs on that 80 year old lady! As the one guy said..."What is it with Glasgow?" Susan Boyle, now Janey Cutler!
29/Nov/10 9:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie..... I'm setting up the actual TOPP for you.
I was out feeding hay to the cows, and get back in to find that IH has left for a day or two. He just better be back by Wednesday morning. That's when my next epidural is scheduled.
29/Nov/10 9:38 AM
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