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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Alabama, USA
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I got good news today. My niece is available to come help with care of hubby, driving him back and forth, getting meals, organizing my house, whatever, for as long as i need. another family member told me, you might not want to do that, niece has a tendency to take over, be in charge. AND what pray tell is the problem there? After bring in charge since September, nothing would be better than someone take over and just to, you know? Like Tami's friend, she has great origination skils.
18/Jan/11 4:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off to bed now. I have an early (for me) morning. All sorts of errands to run.
BTW... welcome to my world, MizT. I fall asleep like that regularly these days.
18/Jan/11 4:29 PM
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MizT, I hope whatever is not right becomes right very soon! Falling asleep in your food is a scary thing. Big hugs
Good for Al getting his groove back - I hope he is able to keep it up once they finally start the radiation treatment. It might help to think of them as overly cautious?
Theresa, I think Gail and MizT hit the nail on the head with the hubby thing. He would be worried about all of the same things you are.
18/Jan/11 4:40 PM
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MizT, I have no doubt that you would be able to let her know if she crosses a line! How wonderful that your family is coming together for you when you need them most.
18/Jan/11 4:52 PM
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Greetings from cold and snowy Illinois!
Hi, Gail, V Viv, Rolanda, MizTricia, Theresa, Judy, Tami, Suzy, CynB, Heidi, Suzanne, June and eaa!
Gail, you have hungry birds that hang around your growing crops! I had no idea that parrots would eat tomatoes! I'm not surprised about the cherries being attractive though.
We have given up on a garden. However, we have hungry birds. We have 2 cylindrical finch feeders and 1 feeder shaped somewhat like a house hanging from a "shepherd's hook" kind of arrangement. The finch feeders have Nyjer thistle and the "house" has safflower. The last several times it has snowed, including today, there has been a "feeding frenzy" at the feeders. I guess they feel a need to stock up when the snow starts covering everything. We get gold finches and house finches, cardinals, red-headed woodpeckers, downy-headed woodpeckers, nut hatches, chickadees, mourning doves (that I can remember right now) - and squirrels. Last year we even saw a raccoon (and NOT a little one, at that) that had managed getting up on a feeder.
V VIv, so sorry to hear that your car has had transmission problems. That must make it quite difficult to do your Avon! I hope it can be repaired economically and quickly and get you back out on the road again!
Judy, how nice that you could enjoy your first tomatoes of the season! I'm sure WHEN the air conditioner repairman or men arrive they will be thrilled to see the clear path you have provided! You got a lot of work done over the weekend - but well worth it if you have to pay repairmen by the hour!
Theresa, the temperatures sound cold. I hope you have a nice warm coat, hat and gloves and wear lots of layers!
Hooray! Tami had a day off! And Harley didn't get her up at the crack of dawn to go for a walk! Good for you and for him! Of course, by now you will have been in bed for more than an hour. Sleep welll, Tami, and have a great day tomorrow!
MizT, each little step Al takes in regaining some independence is a step in the right direction - away from the CCR monster! Good for him - and good for you and Joy! Keep up the good work. (I sent you a PM.)
Tami, how nice that you friended your Aussie "cousin" on fb! It will make it so much easier to converse, share photos, etc. It will be SO exciting if you find out you're truly related!
Heidi, is the front pasture nearer to the house? That would be another plus when calving starts - better shelter for the cows and closer to the house! I hope you have less snow when the calving starts - or is it helpful to have snow so you can follow tracks?
Suzanne, I hope the photos for the virtual tour are terrific and help entice strong buyers to come and look at the house! Good luck with selling the house!
June, I hope you don't regret "escaping" from the hospital early! Please take very good care of yourself and follow doctor's orders! I'm glad all went well with the birthday celebration and BB
18/Jan/11 5:36 PM
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Here's part 2:
June, I hope you don't regret "escaping" from the hospital early! Please take very good care of yourself and follow doctor's orders! I'm glad all went well with the birthday celebration and BBQ! I hope you are feeling better with each passing day!
Suzy, I hope your Mum remains safe from the flooding! Nomnom is lucky to have a cat door and come and go as he likes! What if the dogs ganged up on him and wouldn't let him back in?
eaa, thank you again for all of your words of wisdom! I think my favorite today is, "Forget yesterday, live today and approach tomorrow with enthusiasm for each day you live is a gift and not a right." At least it seems especially pertinent right now! Thank you for sharing them!
Gail, I hope you, hubby and Hannah enjoyed whatever you decided on. The pictures sound like fun, and the baby hammerhead display at the aquarium would be worth seeing! I hope he sleeps better tonight and feels better tomorrow! I hope you both enjoy the trip to Adelaide next weekend!
Theresa, thank you for sharing the inspirational words from your sister! Because it is so appropriate for my family, I especially like, "WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES; it takes away today’s PEACE."
Suzy, I enjoyed your sayings, as well; many of them received either a chuckle or a nod of the head - or both!
Theresa, I'm so sorry your hubby has been in a grumpy mood. I know exactly what you mean - that it can get you in a grumpy mood too! Here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day for both of you!
Gail has excellent advice: Men are unable to express themselves like we can. SO true! And they tend to let things accumulate and simmer just under the surface.
Suzy, I hope you enjoyed Tangles! I'm thinking I won't see it unless D buys it. Doesn't sound like one hubby would want to see.
It would be fun to see all of the dogs playing with ice cubes. When we had Max the cat, she liked to play "soccer" with an ice cube on the kitchen floor. I wonder what animals find so enticing in an ice cube.
Heidi, I would probably have jumped out of my skin if my hubby had suddenly walked in and I thought he's been gone for 4 hours! He must have become engrossed in something he was doing and lost track of time.
MizT, what words of wisdom! So often we get caught up in the delusion that we have caused our hubby to feel bad, be discouraged, whatever. But not only did we NOT cause his mood, we can not fix it. It's up to him - IF he wants to. We can't change his mood or behavior for him, but we can change how we react to it! SUPER!
I'm sorry the trip for radiation was another wasted one, but SO glad you didn't go along. It is such a relief that Joy is there to help! MizT, PLEASE take care of yourself. I hope your sleep tonight is restful and your day tomorrow is better! The good news is that Al seems to be feeling more "himself" and perhaps less like a patient or invalid. Sending
18/Jan/11 5:38 PM
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And now for Part 3:
MizT, I'm sorry the trip for radiation was another wasted one, but SO glad you didn't go along. It is such a relief that Joy is there to help! MizT, PLEASE take care of yourself. I hope your sleep tonight is restful and your day tomorrow is better! The good news is that Al seems to be feeling more "himself" and perhaps less like a patient or invalid. Sending {{{HUGS}}}! and
for both of you!
It's now past 12:30, so I had best call it a night! Thank you all SO much for the prayers and positive thoughts for my friends Nena and Jan! Please accept some of these positive thoughts, prayers,
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I'm sending your way!
MizT, I hope having your niece there to help out will be a relief and not a hindrance for you and Al. If she's as good as Joy sounds, she will be a great asset to you both!
Heidi, good luck with your errands tomorrow! I hope you sleep well!
And now, Good Night, my friends!
18/Jan/11 5:43 PM
qld, australia
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Have only read Julie's comments but feel this is appropriate.
Opps Gekko my friends.
18/Jan/11 6:21 PM
qld, australia
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Well there is a FFS for 'Hello'
18/Jan/11 6:22 PM
qld, australia
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A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience,
Raised a glass of water and asked, 'How heavy is this glass of water?'
Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g.
The lecturer replied, 'The absolute weight doesn't matter.
It depends on how long you try to hold it.
If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem..
If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.
If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.
In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.'
He continued,
'And that's the way it is with stress management.
If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later,
The burden will become increasingly heavy:
And we won't be able to carry on. '
'As with the glass of water,
You have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again..
When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.
So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down: don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Whatever burdens you're carrying now,
Let them down for a moment if you can.'
So, my friend, Put down anything that may be a burden to you right now. Don't pick it up again until after you've rested a while.
18/Jan/11 6:22 PM
qld, australia
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Still have to wait at least another hour to phone the hospital again, Poss's surgery was delayed so he has not had any food since 7am..not good for a diabetic.
18/Jan/11 6:35 PM
qld, australia
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And one more for a CP. Boat is a write off and no news is good news about my car.
18/Jan/11 6:36 PM
qld, australia
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* Just accept that, some days, you're the pigeon:
And, some days, you're the statue.
* Always keep your words soft and sweet - ,
Just in case you have to eat them.
*Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be
"recalled" by their maker.
* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again,
It was probably worth it.
* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others.
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time,
Because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
* Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
Just get up and dance.
* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird,
Sleep late.
* The second mouse gets the cheese.
* When everything's coming your way,
You're in the wrong lane..
* Birthdays are good for you.
The more you have, the longer you live.
* You may be only one person in the world,
But you may also be the world to one person.
* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
*A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
Have a wonderful day and know that someone has thought about you today...
18/Jan/11 6:39 PM
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Nola, I've been trolling the old pages and realised that I've been completely slack and forgotten to ask how Greg is doing and if you have licked the sciatica and scabies!
18/Jan/11 7:03 PM
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Broni, thinking of you and Poss. I hope he stays well while he is waiting.
18/Jan/11 7:07 PM
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Where is Warracknabeal? I'm learning all new place names because of these floods!
18/Jan/11 7:13 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, my sister has that many feeders plus one for suet and nuts. In our snow, also a feeding frenzy. since she had that crud I have now, her hubby turned sofa towards the slider, and she lay watching her birds. Just enough to keep her mind occupied.
Yes, we are fortunate indeed to have such loving family. This niece is coming from About 4-5 hours away. She asked if she might need to straighten room and set up a bed first thing, and I thought, OH DEAR,this could be the deal breaker but yes, you would. She will go to my other sisters house, spend night and arrive here early morning to get an early start.
This niece is trying to start her business, doing just what she is for me, namely, being a helping hand, a concierge, another Mother. I can be her first reference. I just love symbiotic relationships.
Broni, loved the " it was worth it" one. Have loaned as much as $300 and it was definitely worth it!! I am the last one, ALways love the detrour. Al does not.
Heidi, falling asleep anywhere is not as bad as doing it with food, and nearly aspirating (sucking liquid into windpipe). OK, I give you while driving, while atop some structure, while crossing street in traffic. Mine just was the worstest I ever had.
18/Jan/11 7:36 PM
Alabama, USA
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Broni, hope possum's surgery is soon successfully completed. Prayers and good thoughts.
I do not think I read all the posts, sort of hit and miss, that those I missed had a good meaN.
Intermission over, back to bed I guess.
18/Jan/11 7:50 PM
qld, australia
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Well got a call about an hour ago and after sitting in post op for 6 hours they decided he had a chest infection and would not operate. Just go home with a no so 'happy Jan' hehe!
18/Jan/11 8:17 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Thanks for the reassuring words about hubby's grumpiness. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels/felt guilty even though it's probably not something I did. I thought it was my lack of self-confidence showing through.
MizT, good news about getting more help, not so good news about the radiation being postponed. Wish I could be there to help too. Take care of yourself, please. You are very important to a lot of people!!!
I have three bird feeders (one is also used by squirrels). I have one for the finches filled with nyger seed, but only in the summer. The gold finches seem to be the most frequent visitors, but they don't seem to come around in the winter. In past winters it hasn't been visited, so I took it down this winter. Nyger seed is very expensive, so why waste it? We do have racoons that regularly visit the cat feeding station (we've seen them often), and in the past also skunks.
Time for more coffee and reading. BRB.
18/Jan/11 8:57 PM
Small Town Canada
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Broni, I like your stress story ... so true. Sorry that Possum's surgery has been postponed. I hope the new wait time is not too long.
Today is not supposed to be so brutally cold, thank goodness. Waiting at the bus stop yesterday was NO FUN. Yes Julie, I wear layers, heavy down filled coat, hat, scarf, mitts. I do have to dig out hubby's old long johns though for the next cold spell - my legs were cold yesterday just in the 10 minutes or so at the bus stop each time.
June, hope you are feeling better. Are you taking medication for the diverticulitis? Take care of yourself!!!
18/Jan/11 9:10 PM
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Broni, they waited 6 hours to decide that?! I hope they at least fed him before they sent him home!
18/Jan/11 9:32 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, the coffee is ready!!!
18/Jan/11 9:59 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thanks Theresa, I could use a cup. Black please. I will make my pot shortly.
I may know this week if Aussie cousin is legit. My cousin in Texas has a letter dated 1969 that was written in Hungarian and sent from Melbourne. Aussie cousin's dad is fluent in Hungarian. Texas cuz is going to scan and send by email for the translation. Hopefully we will know soon.
18/Jan/11 10:12 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Sending good thoughts and wishes to all who need. Please know, that even though I may not mention each of you by name, I am thinking of each of you. You have all become an important part of my life and I consider everyone here a friend.
18/Jan/11 10:14 PM
Small Town Canada
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Hubby woke up after an almost 9 hour sleep and he is in a much better mood. I tend to think of him as my rock, so when he doesn't talk to me it brings me down. BTW, my husband is well known for talking, talking, and talking. It's usually hard to get a word in when he's around, so when he doesn't talk I know there's something wrong.
Tami, friends sometimes send brownies to friends.
18/Jan/11 10:23 PM
Small Town Canada
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Thinking of the people in Victoria.
18/Jan/11 10:49 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, If I knew I could pack them well enough and they would get taken at customs, I would send you a batch.
18/Jan/11 11:01 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Time to get ready for school. See you all later.
18/Jan/11 11:02 PM
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Good evening. I will soon be off to bed as I seem to be a bit washed out and catching up on sleep. For those that asked I do not regret getting home a day earlier. It just meant I started on oral antibiotics instead of intravenous. Also they changed my room and there was a disabled woman who SNORED louder than I have ever heard. I actually spent over an hour(4-5 am) the last night sitting on the bath chair in the bathroom just to get away from the noise. One needs sleep to get better. Anyway the infection seems to have cleared although I will still be on antibiotics till next week when I see the specialist again.
18/Jan/11 11:04 PM
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MizT, I do worry about you and Al, I am pleased the chemo has shrunk the cancer and that he is off the pain killers. I do hope they get the radiation schedule going properly. Otherwise it gets too drawn out when you just want to get it over and done with.
Broni, Hope the op is rescheduled real soon for Possum. Was the boat insured?
{{hugs}} for you all. Slowly catching up.
18/Jan/11 11:10 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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{hugs} for Al and yourself, MizT ♥
Haven't read this apge yet, but saw a post about sorting boxes. I forgot to mention hubby and I went through the first of the temporarily dumped boxes from the ex junk room! Does it count if you go through it, and except for a few rubbishy bits and bobs, you repacked it into five smaller boxes?...
They are neatly packed away, and can be added to when more boxes are gone through, that has to count for something...
18/Jan/11 11:32 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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MizT, have just read about your falling asleep eating, I feel for you sweetie, you are exhausted. I think we all know exactly how that feels, we are all going through something pretty major at the mo.
Great news about your niece. Tell her upfront that you are as pleased as punch to have her, but that as soon as you feel the need for her to go, you must have the comfort to feel you can say it without upset for anyone.
18/Jan/11 11:38 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Julie, have I told you lately that I love you?
18/Jan/11 11:40 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Broni, beautiful words ♥ A very good life lesson, and thanks to all the others for those snippets of wisdom. You all know mine, I have bored you ad infinitum with them, but hey, whatever floats your boat :)
I was going to ask when Poss's surgery was, I have not had my wits about me much lately, so the dates went in and out of my head. Please know that I am thinking of you both, and hope he comes out of it with remarkable results. xoxo
18/Jan/11 11:45 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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...when he has it!
18/Jan/11 11:49 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, you did the right thing. Many times I have coerced my way out of hospital, knowing full well I was perfectly capable taking oral antibots at home as in hosp! Take it easy, you know you must.
There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed and being able to go to your own toilet...come on, you all understand what I mean, hospital sicks!
18/Jan/11 11:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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June... I understand fully. You can't get well at the hospital with an awful room mate. When I had my hysterectomy, I was in the hospital for 5 days. The last day and a half were torture. They gave me a new room mate who never stopped talking on her cell phone. And I mean NEVER. All through the night, all day. And when she had visitors they were noisy and rude to me. I ended up with a migraine.
19/Jan/11 12:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Broni... I don't understand why it took them 6 hours in pre-op to determine that Possum had a chest infection. I hope they at least stuffed him full of antibiotics and rescheduled him for a reasonable time.
19/Jan/11 12:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to run errands. I'll comment on other posts when I get back... and am more awake.
(And yes, MizT, I HAVE fallen asleep while eating. Several times. Sleeping disorders are not kind.)
19/Jan/11 12:56 AM
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